More than a Dynasty

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it, but we actually live by it. We believe that what’s

and everyone who lives and believes in me shall

in the Bible is the truth. We live our lives trusting

never die” (John 11:25–26).

that God’s promises are real.” *

The love and mercy of God overwhelmed Phil

Are You "Happy, Happy, Happy"?

that day. He made a decision that would change everything. He placed his complete trust in Jesus. He believed that Jesus had died for him so he

What about you? Have you trusted in Jesus and put your faith in him?

could be eternally forgiven and be changed

Do you want to? You can start by praying something

from the inside out.

like this:

But Phil’s decision didn’t just transform his own

“Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner in need of a

life, it transformed his entire family. One by one,

Savior. I do believe that you died on the cross for

each of Phil and Kay’s sons made the same choice,

my sins. Thank you for forgiving my sins and

to put their faith in Jesus. And they have never been the same since. Reflecting on all that’s happened since, Phil's son Willie shares: “It’s not about our beards, our

for giving me eternal life. Help me to live my life in a way that honors you. Amen.”

*Excerpt from The Duck Commander Family by Willie and Korie Robertson, Howard Books, ©2012.

success, or our hunting skills. It’s the Lord. He keeps us in line...we don’t fight and bicker much, like a lot of families do. And when we do, we forgive one another because the Lord forgave us. That’s why we don’t let our own selfish desires pull us apart. We not only read the Bible and study

Good News Tracts 1300 Crescent Street Wheaton, IL 60187 Free Bible Club To learn more about the truth of the Bible enroll in the Truth Chasers Club®. (A ministry of CEF®). Sign up at or mail your name, age, and address to PO Box 190 Warrenton MO 63383 to get started.

©2013 Good News Tracts. Printed in U.S.A. Cover image: © AP Images. Cover design: Dual Identity. Bible References: ESV. Written by Christin Ditchfield.

believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live,


very week, millions of viewers tune in to the record-breaking reality

show Duck Dynasty, to watch the hilarious antics of three generations of the Robertson family:

Phil and Miss Kay, their sons Al,

Over thirty years ago, long before the duck hunting

And God already knew all about Phil’s behavior!

business was even a dream, the family almost fell

The Bible says, “All have sinned and fall short

apart. Phil was running wild—managing a bar and

of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). And the

spending all of his free time living for “sex, drugs,

consequence of our sins is death—not just an

and rock and roll”—leaving his wife and young chil-

end to this life, but eternal separation from God

dren struggling at home alone. This was no happy

(Romans 6:23).

Jase, Willie, and Jep, their wives

family. In fact, Phil and Miss Kay separated and it

Phil discovered that God says he longs to be

and kids—and of course, everyone’s

looked like they might not be a family for much

reconciled to us. He wants to save us from our sin

favorite crazy uncle, Si!


and set us free so that we can be with him forever:

Their story sounds like an Ameri-

In desperation, Miss Kay cried out to God and put

can fairy-tale. Talk about rags-

her faith in him—praying and praying that Phil

to-riches! This family started

would do the same.

with nothing—not even indoor

“God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). That’s why he sent Jesus. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever

plumbing—living in the back-

Then the day came when Phil realized his life was

believes in him should not perish but have eternal

woods of Louisiana. Today they

spiraling out of control. And he had a choice to make.

life” (John 3:16). Jesus died on the cross

have a multi-million-dollar empire,

He called up a preacher he had run out of his bar the

to pay the penalty for our sins, to

manufacturing duck calls and

year before, and they had a conversation about faith.

take the punishment for them

Phil says the way he figured it, he had two problems:

Then three days

hunting gear. The Robertsons are a family that works together, plays together, and prays together. Their motto is “Faith, Family, Ducks.” In that order. But it wasn’t always that way...

in our place. his lifestyle—which he knew was wrong, and his

later, he rose from the

destiny—death, which awaits us all. But he was

dead in power and glory.

amazed to learn that God already had an answer

Jesus said, “I am the resur-

for both—Jesus!

rection and the life. Whoever

it, but we actually live by it. We believe that what’s in the Bible is the truth. We live our lives trusting that God’s promises are real.” *

Are You "Happy, Happy, Happy"? What about you? Have you trusted in Jesus and put your faith in him? Do you want to? You can start by praying something like this: “Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I do believe that you died on the cross for my sins. Thank you for forgiving my sins and for giving me eternal life. Help me to live my life in a way that honors you. Amen.”

*Excerpt from The Duck Commander Family by Willie and Korie Robertson, Howard Books, ©2012.

More Than a Dynasty

Good News Tracts

Based on the popular TV series, this tract explains why the family of "Duck Dynasty" is held together by something greater than the family business. Bible references: ESV. Package contains 25 tracts.


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