The Theology of B. B. Warfield

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A Systematic Summary “Zaspel has culled from the great mass of Warfield’s writings the actual text of his statements in one book of Reformed theology. In this form Warfield may enjoy a renewed effectiveness for our age. With great enthusiasm I highly recommend this volume and “[Warfield’s] writings are widely diverse,

hope it will receive a wide reception.”

ROGER NICOLE, Professor of Theolog y Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, FL “B. B. Warfield’s distinguished achievements as a systematic theologian have been obscured by the episodic, ad hoc publication of his major theological statements. But

filling many thousands of pages spread

A Systematic Summary

even if Warfield did not think it was necessary that he write a single connected system-

attempted to bring his work together in such an order. . . .

full and coherent account of his theology in toto.”

MARK NOLL, Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History, University of Notre Dame; author,

“It is ironic that B. B. Warfield is both appreciated and neglected. He is appreci-

America’s God: From Jonathan Edwards to Abraham Lincoln

ated in that he still speaks with command-

in Franconia, Pennsylvania. He is coauthor of New Covenant Theology and

ing authority, and scholars today continue

“Serious Christians who have dipped into Warfield find his writings to be a wholly admi-

has published numerous booklets,

rable mix of rigorous exegesis, mature theological synthesis, and frank devotion to

articles, and book reviews.

Christ. Much of his work is known only to specialists, not least because when Warfield

theology. Since his own day many have atic theology of his own. Yet no one has

result is a very useful compendium that gives both admirers and detractors of Warfield a

is a pastor at Reformed Baptist Church

pamphlets, and book reviews, and covering virtually the entire spectrum of Christian wished that he had produced a system-

atic theology, it is nonetheless most welcome that Zaspel has done the job for him! The

(PhD, Free University of Amsterdam)

over many hundreds of articles, books,

to reference him accordingly. But he is neglected in that he is seldom read fully. Of course there have been a few who

first published it, it was scattered over many journals and books. Zaspel remedies the

have sought to provide holistic analysis

problem admirably; one hopes and prays that it will entice a new generation of readers to

of his doctrine of inspiration, and there

delve deeply into Warfield’s contributions.”

has been some interest in his apologetic


understanding and method. And here

Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

and there an article or essay has appeared touching this or that aspect of his theol-

“Zaspel has produced a work of historical and theological synthesis which sets Warfield’s

ogy. But to view Warfield’s theology from

thought in context and also offers a comprehensive account of his thought on the major

a global perspective, students heretofore

loci of theology and the controversial points of his day. In this, Fred has left us all—the

could only set themselves to the daunt-

veteran Warfield fan and the neophyte—deeply in his debt.”

ing task of reading many thousands of


Warfield pages. It is to assist in that task

Academic Dean and Vice President, Westminster Theological Seminary

that this book has been written.” —From the Preface

Foreword by Sinclair B. Ferguson

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