Talk Magazine September 13

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9 Opinion: The JZ Festival Is Great For Jazz In Shanghai, But What About Dance Music? 12 JZ’s Festival Of Jazz Begins… 16 Style Talk: Trim Up For Autumn 18 Travel Talk: Navigating The Golden Triangle 23 Talk’s Top Hotel Awards: The Contenders Supplement September13  TalkMagazine LIFE, STYLE, COMMUNITY, HEALTH, FAMILY, EDUCATION, ENTERTAINMENT, THE ABSOLUTE ESSENTIALS



September13  TalkMagazine



September13  TalkMagazine





The weird and wonderful happenings around Shanghai over the last month

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M1NT’s resident DJ, Spencer Tarring, talks about the dance music scene in China





Shanghai’s Jazzy Roots Sprout A Growing Scene JZ’s Festival of Jazz Begins…




Health & BEAUTY


What’s Hot What’s Cool


Style Talk


Travel Talk






Tech Talk




Take a tour of the new Eco Village on Fenglin Lu Jon Robinson’s top weight loss tip This month’s must-buys Trim Up For Autumn


Navigating The Golden Triangle Mifan Mama’s Shining Star Foster Home I’ll Be Your Mirror at OV Gallery and Art News The latest gadgets and gizmos


Purring along with the Jaguar XF








News, reviews and more

EDITOR’S LETTER This month at Talk we have been busy relaunching our website. It has taken a few months to come to fruition, but I hope you will agree that it has been worth the wait. Make sure you head to to take a look. As well as our normal monthly content, which will also be available online, we can now keep you up to date with the latest news, deals, events and listings online. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for regular updates. We have a rundown of Talk’s Top Hotel Awards contenders in this issue’s supplement so you can read up about the best hotels in town before booking in for a staycation or a visit to their facilities (pages 23 to 28). The winners of the awards will be announced at our very own awards party and released to our dear readers shortly after that. The issue this month is very heavily influenced by music. We have Spencer Tarring, you might know him better as that “loveable rogue” and M1NT’s resident DJ, DJ Spenny, talking about dance music in China. As we have said before, love him or hate him, he has an opinion (page 9). We also have an insightful look at the past, present and future of jazz music in Shanghai (pages 10 and 11) before taking a closer look ahead to this month’s JZ festival (pages 12 and 13). Our style feature this month will hopefully give you some inspiration to funk (the music theme is ongoing) up your outfit for A/W13, by taking note of international designers

Publisher: Ismay Publications Ltd. VOL.20 NO.9 ISSN 1026-9088

Chief Executive Officer: Minnie Yeung Director: Kwok Fa Managing Editor: Nyima Pratten Contributors: Casey Hall, Mark Andrews, Jamie Barys, Berken Byme, Linda Joyce, Jon Robinson, Dawa Tshering, Carl Robinson, Charli Lees, Hailey Howlett Photographer: Emanuel Slavescu Executive Publishing Director: Judy Liu Production Director: Joey Wan Senior Designer: Sylvie Xu Process Manager: Amy Zhou Financial Controller: Lisa Ji

When your magazines finally come to the end of their useful life, please recycle.


Dining Out


and catwalks the world over, but sourcing the items from markets in our very own little town (page 17). It’s September, and as everybody slowly waltzes back from their summer jaunts, I am sure that many a dinner plan will be made in celebration. If you are struggling to decide where to get your fill, we have you covered – from new opening reviews, to inside industry gossip and our Alternative Eats (pages 30 to 33). Or, if you’ve already had enough of rocking out… why not curl up with a good book, settle in with a movie or listen to some new music? We have a great round up of the latest records, movies and books you will be bombarded with this month (page 36). As always, we have all the important hotel news, deals and essential listings (pages 40 to 42), which are now also available online. But I think that is enough crooning from me, so… Let’s Talk!

TOPS Rooftop Bar at Banyan Tree On The Bund, the new Tiki Bar at Bund Beach and Guinness MORE Music See who went where and who wore what





What’s On


Hotel Talk






Reviews: Records, Movies, Books Trivia and Horoscopes Your essential monthly calendar guide to Shanghai Hotel news and great accommodation deals for all Check out all the food and drink deals on offer in Shanghai this month The absolute essentials

Nyima Pratten


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September13  TalkMagazine

Around Town

Curbing Policies

Heat Wave

With the rise in pollution and traffic congestion, eight cities are announcing policies to curb the purchase of vehicles for private use. These restrictions may cut 400,000 units, 2% of total domestic sales, having an impact on China’s economic growth.

The extreme heat wave may be becoming a cause for concern. With record-breaking temperatures, the issue of water shortages, power supply worries and concerns for the fall harvest have arisen. Long-term climate predictions are being made to assist the country in dealing with extreme weather conditions in the future.

Securing a Taxi

I Love Panda

Passengers can now secure a taxi faster by using Taximobil’s, Didi Dache app. The app allows people to bid for their taxi fair and how long they are willing to wait. Passengers can bid in increments of RMB 5, RMB 10 and RMB 20 as well as go back to adjust their offer. The app is available to drivers and passengers on iOS and android devices. has launched a 24-hour HD view of pandas’ lives at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. This webcast will be the world’s first HD telecast with more than 30 cameras! The website also includes the social networking platform Panda Town where fans can discuss telecasts.

Your news round-up for the month of September


Shanghai’s favourite lifestyle community event is returning 20 – 21 September. DAFF is making a comeback for its 5th edition at a beautiful venue on the Bund Waterfront. Assisting China’s creative, leaders and rising talent interact with the public to share and promote ideas. DAFF presents pop-up shops, live art, fashion shows, workshops and music. With over 90 brands, 30 media channels and 9,000 creative industry leaders, trendsetters and style influencers, the goal of DAFF is to inspire the audience. The organization is constantly working to ensure participants and attendees have the best results. With two full days of events, food and drink, DAFF 2013 is going to be a memorable experience.





The JZ Festival Is Great For Jazz In Shanghai, But What About Dance? Spencer Tarring


he subject of dance music in Shanghai is one that is near and dear to me. I have benefited from years of experience in the industry, since my early days as a UK Garage MC until now where I am the resident DJ at M1NT. Currently networking in LA and setting up management deals with my Vous Records label, I’m becoming increasingly well connected to have influence on the direction of music in China. The truth is, that China’s music scene is heavily undeveloped, maybe ten to fifteen years behind the US scene. With no access (for the majority of Chinese) to western influences, dance and house music is just non-existent here. However, there are a billion people, there must be some talent surely? Well there is. It just hasn’t surfaced yet. Over the coming years, I’m sure the government will relax its social media regulations and more western music will begin to influence young talented individuals, at which point I think China will explode with creativity. Globally, the electronic music scene is incredibly diverse, with genres and subgenres of house, dance, trap, dubstep and tech filling the charts; none more prominent than the current Electronic Dance Music, or EDM, which has become synonymous for hard hitting 4x4 bass drum and heavily reverbed snare on the 4th beat. Hugely popular at festivals all over America, these producers/DJs

are commanding hundreds of thousands of dollars for live performances, but effectively everyone is playing the same music as the next. Of course there are exceptions, for the most part, Shanghai hasn’t quite learned to embrace the good stuff just yet as people focus more on the location of their table, who will be in attendance, the exclusivity of the club, and how drunk they can get on dice games. This is proven territory in Shanghai, renowned for its dance floors that are the size of a postage stamp. Through the creation of my new record label “Vous Records”, I have already started making

inroads with the DJ community of Shanghai. Future stars like Noel Sanger, DJ Dirty Draws, Ad Brown, and DJ@War have signed on to the label and I look forward to working with many others in a collaborative effort. The question is, “How can I get the public to modify its ways and rediscover music not based on the scene but on the quality of the music?” The scene in Shanghai is one where dance music dominates as opposed to bands. This can be attested to by all of the big name DJs playing gigs here with a Top 100 DJ number attached to their name. Names such as Deadmau5 (no pun intended), David Guetta,

Armin Van Buuren, Steve Aoki, and Skrillex have all graced the clubs of Shanghai at one time or another. The reality is, that like most aspiring DJ’s, they cut their teeth at clubs where people strictly went for the music, and not for the scene where Shanghai seems to drink the Kool-Aid of the latter, hopefully without the result of Jonestown. As a DJ in Shanghai, the sound of dice clanking around in a cup is a sign that you have made it into the world of the pretty people where music takes a backseat to how cool one looks. DJs are not supposed to have their beats nestled alongside the sound of shaken dice and it should most certainly not be viewed as an additional form of percussion, but that is how it goes here. Unfortunately without the dice, what excuse do the girls have to get drunk and perform a walk of shame the following morning…? Shanghai’s time in the dance music spotlight is definitely coming, but it’s a while off yet. Just be ready when it does finally arrive, I’m sure it’s going to be spectacular. I’m Spencer Tarring, formerly and maybe more notoriously known as DJ Spenny. As M1NT’s Music Director & Resident DJ, I’m currently setting up my record label Vous Records, working with some big LA based artists and introducing them to China in new and inventive ways. Web: www.spencertarring. com,

September13  TalkMagazine




Jazzy Roots Sprout A Growing Scene Casey Hall

Shanghai might proclaim to be a “jazz capital” in its tourism marketing materials, but is it really? Though undoubtedly the Asian center of the genre in its jazz age heyday, where is Shanghai’s re-emergent modern scene at in 2013? Talk sat down with many of the folks who have been following, and in many ways forming, the reawakening of jazz in the city to find out.


uring Shanghai’s jazz age, from the 1920s until the formation of the People’s Republic in 1949, musicians were streaming into the city from around the world, and especially around Asia, to play the jazzy swing tunes popular at the time in Shanghai’s numerous dancehalls. Andrew Field first came to Shanghai in the mid-90s to study the city’s jazz age and has since written a book, Shanghai’s Dancing World: Cabaret Culture and Urban Politics, 1919-1954, about those aforementioned dancehalls. According to Field, it was Shanghai’s elite, particularly Westerners, who encouraged the introduction of jazz in the city, as they wanted to get their groove on to the same kind of tunes that were being played in clubs across the Western world, from New York, to London and Paris. “That’s how the Jazz Age started, but I think what also happened was that Chinese society took up the rhythms of jazz and made it their own, created their own modern style of pop music in the 20s and 30s,” he said. Li Jinhui [see boxed text] and his band of merry (for a little while anyway) orphans and other assorted outcasts started a musical movement fusing Western and Chinese styles. Surpassing everyone’s expectations, including Li’s, their fresh, jazz and swing-inspired tunes caught the public’s imagination and became known as China’s original pop music. Before long however, the boom in jazz music became bourgeois and local musicians either stopped playing

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altogether, or took their craft underground, playing at small, private parties risking serious repercussions, to play the old standards loved by many Shanghainese. Chen Xianguo was just a boy when the Communists came to power, but he had already acquired a taste for jazz, having followed his older brothers and sisters to clubs to hear the foreign musical stylings of American and Filipino bands (the latter were numerous at the time because they were both technically capable and cheaper to hire than Western musicians; not dissimilar to Shanghai’s cover band situation of today). “Jazz has actually always been able to represent how I am feeling, it makes me really happy. If you are feeling annoyed, if things are bothering you, you can just listen to some music and give yourself a good feeling,” Chen told Talk in the lobby lounge of the Peace Hotel as a young lady in a qipao played gu zheng (a traditional Chinese string instrument) in the background. We are at the Peace Hotel, because that is where Chen works. Not that he calls it work. As a trumpeter in the hotel’s world famous Old Jazz Band, Chen is now making up for many years without his instrument and he has no plans to quit anytime soon, pointing out that their band’s oldest member is about to turn 90 (almost 20 years the sprightly 72 year old’s senior) and still going strong. “For a long time we kept our love of jazz music a secret because it was thought of as unhealthy music. Listening to any kind of music, maybe especially jazz, was not okay. We normally didn’t get to listen to jazz at

all. Sometimes we would quietly listen and play at a friend’s house, but it wasn’t so simple, we couldn’t let anyone see us or hear us,” Chen explained. But come 1980, virtually as soon as Deng Xiaoping reopened China to the world, Chen and his fellow Old Jazz Band members were back in business, playing long lost – though never forgotten – jazz standards to appreciative audiences. Thirty years since jazz has been back on Shanghai’s radar, the genre is again developing quickly, being embraced by more and more people who encountered the return of the old Shanghai standards at five-star hotels in the 1980s, then more modern representations of the genre with the opening of Cotton Club and House of Blues and Jazz in the 1990s.

By 2000, Ren Yuqing, a rock’n’roll musician best known for playing bass guitar in Cui Jian’s band, decided to come to Shanghai, even as his friends in Beijing pronounced the city a cultural wasteland. Ren’s Shanghainese grandfather had told him tales of this city’s great jazz age and the musician, who was getting into jazz in a big way, decided it was time to really get the party started again. He opened JZ Club in 2003 and in the past decade has seen the scene grow exponentially. “Shanghai has always had this international feel and people are really open to picking up new things, like

Shanghai’s Jazz History: Who’s Who Li Jinhui

international music,” Ren explained over a late-night latte at the club. “I think [jazz in Shanghai] is booming. I think back to 2003 when we opened JZ, there would only have been 1,000 people who liked jazz in the whole city, but now I think there are hundreds of thousands of people who like jazz,” he said. “At that time only one or two foreign bands would come to Shanghai per year, but now we have top bands coming every month. The world also sees this thing is happening, because all the stars are contacting with me and saying, ‘Hey man, I want to come to Shanghai.’” As well as a growing roster of impressive international acts gracing Shanghai stages, the last decade has also seen the rise of a new generation of homegrown Chinese jazz musicians. Many of these artists initially trained as classical musicians before being exposed to jazz and, in many cases, were mentored by the foreign musicians taking up residence in Shanghai jazz clubs.

Coco Zhao is perhaps the most famous local jazz vocalist in Shanghai, and is no exception to the classically trained rule, having attended Shanghai’s Music Conservatory as a promising oboe player before stumbling upon the road to jazz. He sees jazz as a perfect musical fit for his adopted city, with both exuding internationalism and a fusion of influences. “Shanghai has always been a good fit for jazz. Both the city and the musical genre have a lot of space for improvisation, and Shanghai is a city where different cultures and different people live together. Jazz is also a music form which can mix and accommodate all kinds of music styles and elements as well,” Zhao said. Musically, Zhao and his contemporaries, including

Peng Fei, Huang Jianyi and Li Xiaochuan, are also working to infuse their own cultural identity, as well as Shanghai’s jazz legacy, into their music. Though intrinsically an American art form, Zhao points out that regionally specific jazz styles have already emerged in other parts of the world and been accepted into the canon – he sites Africa and South America as two such examples – and one day, he hopes to see a distinctive “Chinese jazz” emerge. “We are all expanding jazz as a musical form with personal touches from a Chinese musician's point of view,” he said. “I am sure there will be more and more Chinese musicians who will add more flavors on this never ending road of music and creation.” Though all those Talk interviewed for this feature are excited about the evolution of Shanghai’s jazz scene, they are, on the whole, still a little hesitant to proclaim the city a jazz capital of the world. For now, that is. “I would definitely say that jazz is a big part of the musical identity of this city, both in terms of the imaginary identity of the city and in terms of the historical legacy,” Andrew Field said. “I certainly feel as though jazz in this city is very well nurtured, and it will continue to be more and more important. So I think the city is living up to its imagined legacy and I think, given the current trends, we will see more and more growth in the jazz scene, and more and more Chinese people will be introduced to jazz in one way or another.” Ren Yuqing is also, unsurprisingly, a believer in the future of Shanghai’s jazz scene. According to the rocker-cum-impresario, as young people get more and more exposure to jazz, the momentum of the movement will only get stronger. “I think everything will continue and we will get more and more good young musicians in China coming up and more international artists will come to Shanghai, which will help China’s music scene,” he said. “Jazz is like a key, when you use this key to open the door, you also see on the other side of the door reggae and hip-hop, flamenco and a lot of different kinds of things. It’s the key to a lot of different and interesting music and I hope for the future, more and more young people can have the chance to get in touch with good music. Music is really the language of the world.”

The father of Shanghai’s initial homegrown popular music movement, Li Jinhui was the first to mix the jazz standards being played by Western musicians in Shanghai with traditional Chinese folk music, with a traditionally Chinese (read: high pitched and somewhat nasal) singing style. Though his original intention was to spread a standardized form of the Mandarin language throughout China by teaching these simple songs to children, the tunes caught the public’s imagination and soon became ubiquitous. Li’s brand of music was known as “yellow music” because many believed it to be pornographic and salacious, but before long, it was not only the sound emanating from risqué dancehalls, but was also the soundtrack to Shanghai’s burgeoning film scene. As a young man, Li was known as a nationalist and patriot, but his success put him offside with both serious Nationalists and Communists. He was eventually persecuted to death during the Cultural Revolution in 1967.

Zhou Xuan Zhou Xuan was the most famous singer of Shanghai’s jazz era and was known as “Golden Voice”. An orphan, Zhou was passed from home to home until Li Junhui adopted her and made her the star of his (soonto-be infamous) singing troupe at the age of 13. Her career really took off with the launch of Shanghai’s film industry and she would often be the star of the show both on the screen and on the soundtrack of the era’s bestknown films. They say that success doesn’t equal happiness, and this was especially true for Zhou Xuan following the ascension of the Communist Party in 1949. She would spend the next decade in and out of mental institutions and her tumultuous life was marked by failed marriages, illegitimate children and suicide attempts before she finally succumbed to encephalitis in 1957 at the age of 39.

Nie Er When Nie Er was just a young musician fresh off the train from Yunnan, Li Junhui discovered him and trained him alongside his stable of starlets. Though he was something of a musical prodigy, Nie found it hard to concentrate on his music at first, and was living the good life in decadent 1930’s Shanghai. That all changed when the Japanese attacked the city in 1931, Nie was caught up in the nationalist fervor, joined the Communist Party and denounced his mentor, Li, and his bourgeois musical ways. Unfortunately for Nie, he would not live to see his beloved Communist Party take power. He drowned at the tender age of 23, but managed to leave a pretty major musical legacy before his death. His song, “March of the Volunteers”, is now better known as China’s national anthem. September13  TalkMagazine




JZ’s Festival of

Jazz Begins… Casey Hall

And just keeps going and going! Starting this month, Shanghai punters get the opportunity to soak up a whole month of jazz-related shows, from the two-day Sennheiser Green Note event, to the BMW Master Hall performances, plus a smattering of live shows in between.


ow in its ninth year, the JZ Festival has grown so big, they’ve had to split the event into three parts. The two-day outdoor festival is still there, now known as Sennheiser Green Note. It’s running from 20th to 21st September in Expo Park with more than 40 acts playing over

eight stages. Following on from this weekend extravaganza will be Jazz Around Town, from 22th September to 14th October, which features jazz performances around Shanghai’s parks, streets, hotels and clubs by local and international performers for free (yes, you read that correctly, free). Finally, this feast of a jazz festival concludes with part three, the BMW Master Hall performances from 15th to 19th October, where some of the world’s most sought after jazz musicians will strut their stuff for Shanghai audiences. If you are interested in getting your jazz on at JZ Festival, but don’t know where to start, never fear, Talk Magazine is here with our pick of who to see and where to be throughout Shanghai’s season of jazz. More information about JZ Festival acts and scheduling can be found at

Lisa Ono No stranger to Chinese audiences, Lisa Ono is known as the queen of Bossa Nova with good reason (mainly because she absolutely is the queen of Bossa Nova). Born in Brazil, to Japanese parents, Ono’s appealing voice and rhythmic guitar skills have broken down barriers between musical genres and continents, opening up many parts of Asia to the previously unfamiliar sounds of Bossa Nova. If you happen upon this set, don’t be surprised if the urge to tap your feet and swing your hips gets out of control.

Robert Glasper Experiment + Yasiin Bey f.k.a. Mos Def Bringing New York roots music to Shanghai with a bang will be jazz pianist Robert Glasper and his partner in crime – well, music actually – Yasiin Bey (formerly and probably still better known as Mos Def) who has been a regular on best MC and lyricist lists all over the music press since he started his hip hop career in the late 90s. Seeing the truly talented Bey/Def rapping over the top of Glasper’s array of arrangements, is sure to be a treat – expect these guys to bring a serving of Soul and RnB alongside their rootsy feel. Sennheiser Green Note, 20 September, 8pm. Web: www.

12 TalkMagazine


Sennheiser Green Note, 20 September, 5pm. Web: www.

Coco Zhao Speaking of being no stranger to Shanghai audiences, it’s actually hard to imagine a JZ Festival without the inimitable Coco Zhao. Originally accepted into the Shanghai Conservatory of Music as an oboe player, Zhao discovered jazz in the early 90s and has been one of Shanghai’s most sought after jazz vocalists ever since. Much of Zhao’s career has been spent acting as something of a bridge between Chinese musical heritage and the growing influence of modern Western musical genres in the country. Sennheiser Green Note, 20 September, 5:30pm. Web: www.

Yoga Lin

The Brand New Heavies This UK group has been at the forefront of the acid jazz and funk movements for almost 30 years, occasionally incorporating more RnB and hip hop into their sound on some albums. Over the years, the group has had a revolving list of female vocalists, with that mantle currently being shared by N’Dea Davenport, who had her first stint fronting the Heavies in the early 90s, and Dawn Joseph. This prolific, hard-working band is equal parts funky and good fun – be sure to bring your dancing shoes.

Taiwanese Mandopop star, Yoga Lin, may have shot to fame after winning the debut season of television singing contest, “One Million Star”, but since then he has become equally wellknown for his impressive vocal range and decidedly mixed-genre song choices. Continuing this history of unpredictable choices, Lin released a jazz album this year and will almost certainly be singing some standards from it at this year’s JZ Festival. Sennheiser Green Note, 21 September, 8pm. Web: www.

Sennheiser Green Note, 21 September, 6pm. Web: www.

Helen Sung Quartet

Ibrahim Maalouf

Jack DeJohnette A Grammy-winning jazz drummer, pianist and composer, Jack DeJohnette is probably best known as being a key figure in the fusion era of jazz. A career spanning five decades and collaborations with greats such as Freddie Hubbard, Keith Jarrett, Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Joe Henderson, and John Scofield has cemented DeJohnette’s position as one of the most influential drummers of the 20th century. From DeJohnette’s Shanghai show, you can expect a number of stylistic influences, from hard bop, to RnB, avant-garde and everything in between. BMW Master Hall, 17 October, 8pm. Web: www. jackdejohnette. com

A pioneering figure in the world of contemporary jazz thanks to his fusion of pop, soul, electro, hip-hop, and French chansons with the music of his Lebanese roots, trumpeter Ibrahim Maalouf is the highest selling jazz act in France. Prior to his work in jazz music, Maalouf pursued a classical career – which gives you an idea of his technical abilities – while his current brand of music is strongly influenced by Arabic culture. For his Shanghai show, Maalouf is planning a mix of contemporary rock, electro and jazz funk flavor. Look out for his signature mystical musical interlude – which he calls a “collective universal prayer” – it’s a feature of all his live shows. BMW Master Hall, 15 October, 8pm. Web: www.

John Scofield and the Überjam Band How any musical group that combines the words “über” and “jam” in their name can possibly not be amazing is beyond us, and thankfully, this reunited group lives up to the hype. John Schofield is known for pioneering the fusion of jazz, funk and electric music and is currently known as one of the world’s “big three” guitarists (along with Pat Metheny and Bill Frisell). Expect to hear Schofield’s distinctive rock-oriented sound, and masterful jazz improvisations, with the musical spectrum covered from post-bop to jazz soul. BMW Master Hall, 18 October, 8pm. Web:

Though her family name betrays some Chinese ancestry, Helen Sung is actually a native of Houston, Texas, and was a prize-winning classical pianist until jazz intervened and stole her heart. Since graduating from the prestigious Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz Performance, Sung has won the Kennedy Center’s Mary Lou Williams Jazz Piano Competition and has cultivated a reputation for captivating listeners with her soulful and smart musical performances, punctuated by irresistible grooves. At her Shanghai show, Sung will play many of her own original compositions, as well as works by Monk and other jazz greats. BMW Master Hall, 16 October, 8pm. Web:

Patti Austin JZ Festival’s number one diva (and we mean that with the upmost respect) Ms Austin has made 17 solo albums, performed her award-nominated hits songs at the Grammy and Oscar awards and, all the while, has crossed a variety of musical genres wining legions of fans with her musicality. Austin’s performing career started at the age of four and the 63-year-old is now one of the most beloved jazz vocalists, with her albums a virtual constant on the Billboard Jazz Albums charts. At her Shanghai show, Austin plans to showcase her jazz pop stylistic works; a sure crowd-pleaser. BMW Master Hall, 19 October, 8pm. Web:

Get Your Tickets

Sennheiser Green Note tickets are RMB 200 (presale) and RMB 250 (on door) per day, and there are no two-day packages available for this year’s festival. BMW Master Hall shows have tickets available from RMB 280 to RMB 1,280. Tel: 962388. Web:

September13  TalkMagazine




Local Talk: Eco Village, Fenglin Lu

Charli Lees

Relatively new to Shanghai, the Eco Village complex at 485 Fenglin Lu, near Zhongshan Nan Er Lu is home to an array of shops and cafes, all of which promote sustainability and environmentally friendly principles. The converted textile warehouse has been taken over and completely renovated by the natural and personal care company, Eco & More, which has a branch on site. Although the area is still not completely finished it

is a diamond in the rough, with new businesses frequently moving into the complex. These include a gym, the Eco & More store and an organic fruit and produce market, opening between September and October. However, you can still find brilliant sustainable produce right now so it is definitely worth a visit. Make sure you check out the hidden gem of a roof terrace, in which a sustainable garden is currently being cultivated.

Sprout Lifestyle

Growing from the popularity of their health hub in Surpass Court, Sprout Lifestyle has launched a café in the Eco Village, to continue their quest to promote a green lifestyle and healthy habits. Not only are there tasty snacks stocked with superfoods to savor at the café, such as the bestselling refreshing watermelon mint smoothie (perfect on a hot day), but also readymade meals to take home, so that eating healthily becomes convenient as well as tasty. The café has a friendly vibe and members of staff are more than happy to advise and recommend dishes and drinks to suit you and your health goals. The sprouts served are freshly grown in the Eco Village’s sustainable garden, so the menu is always changing with the seasons and new produce. is a cute boutique, specializing in beautiful clothing items and promoting local designers. Quality is definitely valued over quantity, as each design is only produced a couple of times, which makes each piece unique and noteworthy. The store is attempting to change the typical model of clothes being mass-produced in poor working conditions and instead has the motto, ‘Responsibly Made In China’, making it the perfect clothing store for the Eco Village.

Sprout Lifestyle. Building 13, Eco Village, 485 Fenglin Lu. Tel: 3137 3869. Web: www. Building 12, Eco Village, 485 Fenglin Lu. Tel: 6384 1597. Web:

Eco & More

Created by Shanghai resident Jeni Saeyang, after feeling there was a lack of products committed to environmentally friendly practices, Eco & More has expanded as a business for developing green but affordable products. From home necessities such as cleaning products, to little luxuries such as candles and lotions, Eco & More provides products safe from unnecessary chemicals and toxins, but without the expensive price tag usually associated with ‘being green’. The company has recently won an excellence award for sustainable development and Saeyang is the brains behind the Eco Village. The candles, made in store and enriched with imported essential oils and plant extracts, are a must have. Our favourite is the new 100% Soy Wax Candles (RMB 220)

Corazon Cupcakes

For a sweet snack, Corazon Cupcakes has the answer. Not only does the store have a range of cupcake flavors and frostings, ranging from classic lemon and vanilla to sweet potato and Baileys; there are also cakepops, treat lollipops and cookies. The company also makes cakes to order, so for a special occasion, this is a great personal gift. With MidAutumn Festival this month, Corazon is also making a special mooncake themed cupcake and has a range of back to school cupcakes for September. Corazon Cupcakes. Building 11, Eco Village, 485 Fenglin Lu. Tel: 6433 1228. Web:

Eco & More. Building 9, Eco Village, 485 Fenglin Lu. Tel: 3137 3820. Web:

ReVita Life


Squirrelz is a quirky design store, focused on promoting local designers and brands, while leaving a minimal carbon footprint. Not only can you buy unique designs, such as Eden Jewelry, a brand committed to raising profits for victims of human trafficking, but there is also a t-shirt printing workshop on site, Wasavy’s, where you can design your own T-shirt and have it delivered to your home. The store also holds interactive workshops with local designers, where you can learn how to make a variety of items. Squirrelz. Building 10, Eco Village, 485 Fenglin Lu. Tel: 137 6409 1047. Web:

ReVital Life not only serves healthy smoothies, but is home to Shanghai’s first oxygen bar and provides oxygen therapy sessions. They claim a recommended 20 minutes in the oxygen bar can help assist with relief from migraines, stress, heat exhaustion and even hangovers! Along with oxygen therapy, the drinks served are also beneficial for your health. There are specific drinks for immunity boosting, slimming and increasing low blood sugars all in tasty flavors such as vanilla strawberry, cherry and coconut. ReVita Life. Building 9, Eco Village, 485 Fenglin Lu. Tel:40 0668 2886 Web:

V Cleanse

After their success in Surpass Court, V Cleanse is opening a raw, vegan, juice bar in the Eco Village complex. V Cleanse is the first company to introduce cold pressed juices to China and these juices are used for the company’s specialized cleansing and detox program. These programs can be done for just a couple of days or planned for a month, but each program is designed to suit different lifestyles and health goals, whether it be detoxing after the weekend, or as part of a weight loss target. The bestselling detox program consists of 6 drinks per day; most containing 1kg of vegetables and fruit, with others containing raw nut milk to provide protein and fiber for your diet. V Cleanse not only encourages healthy eating but a continued healthy diet and lifestyle; a friendly alternative to standard weight loss programs. V Cleanse. Building 13, Eco Village, 485 Fenglin Lu. Tel: 4001-8-42779 (4001-V-HAPPY). Web:

14 TalkMagazine



Join a SouperGroup! Jon Robinson


relationship or life advice from a celibate religious leader who hasn’t lived a life remotely like yours; or fitness advice from a steroid-user who would have a harder time trying to get fat than thin isn’t going to cut it…but that IS what fitness advice is. Especially in the online world, most of what you read is BS.

ou may occasionally watch a film and are utterly willing to immerse yourself and ride along with the stereotypical, typecast performance. You know its utter garbage when James Bond comes out with his ridiculous one-liners; or you may have seen the joke coming a mile off in an old ‘Friends’ re-run, but you go with it anyway. It’s all-good, 100% corny and is meant to be that way. However, it’s different when it comes to things that affect your life directly. I am inquisitive by nature and always want to know facts. Thus, societal oxymoronic norms such as

Like many of you out there who have a constant battle with hunger, the advice from the chemically enhanced gurus isn’t going to work. The issue is this: leptin controls how full you feel, and those with chunkier body types have a certain degree

of resistance to this hormone. That means if there is resistance, there will be a greater portion of the day and night where you will be susceptible to physical and mental stress associated with hunger. It’s the cards you were dealt, but you can affect it to a certain degree. The way to combat this is to eat of course, but we want to be as smart as we can so we don’t gain weight; use the science and face it head on. Now, I’m well aware that I could get a name for myself here as ‘That Soup Guy’, but this is the simplest way to beat hunger for the least amount of calories. Most importantly, this is proven by scientific research. Imagine, you take a meal, the control group eats with a chopstick/knife and fork and the study group blends the same food with water into a thick soup. The result is this: The study group feels full sooner, and for longer.


Therefore the souper group eats less and needs to eat less again that day. It’s as simple as that. The soup must be thick though, which means the obvious choices are vegetable, pumpkin, pea, lentil… that type of thing. The hardest part of any change in eating habits is the first 2-3 days. After this time, the body becomes able to use leptin better. Many attribute this to a shrinking of the stomach (it isn’t but the result is the same)… you need to eat less than you did before without the feelings of hunger. Make a big pan, put it in individual portion containers and throw them in the freezer. A regular sized pumpkin is around 300 calories and it makes a whole lot of soup! Jon Robinson is an Exercise Physiologist (not Personal Trainer) and co-owner of Spinback Fitness.

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September13  TalkMagazine




what’sHOTwhat’sCOOL Charli Lees

The Butterfly Effect

Militant Chic

Camouflage was seen all over the catwalks for Autumn/ Winter 2013, so stay on trend with this unisex army backpack. Not only is it useful, but a makes a strong statement for your wardrobe. RMB 249.63. ASOS. Web:

James Banks, the new jewellery line at The Villa, specialises in handmade jewellery based on romanticism, with intricate designs and the use of precious metals and gems. These necklaces are perfect for daily wear and if you don’t wear much jewellery but want somewhere to start, James Banks is the line for you. RMB 2,500. James Banks, available at The Villa. 1 Taojiang Lu, near Yueyang Lu. Tel: 6466 9322. Web: www.

Classically Cool

This men’s bomber jacket not only has a hint of All American varsity style, but crossed with black leather sleeves, is slightly rough around the edges. Wearable smart or casual, it’s a musthave for the winter months. RMB 549.19. ASOS. Web:

Fit Fashion

Nike’s latest lauded creation is the flyknit Lunar running shoe, which is a trainer designed to feel like the fit of a sock. Not only are they brilliant for running, they look super stylish too and with NikeID online, you can personalise your flyknit lunar with colour choice and add your ID to the tongue tops. RMB 1,299. Nike, Raffles City, 268 Xizang Zhong Lu, near Fuzhou Lu. Tel: 6352 6616. Web:

Shine On Enjoy the last of the summer sun and be seen in these gorgeous Thierry Lasry sunglasses. Inspired by vintage styles, mixed with modern avant garde looks, stand out from the standard wayfarers and aviators in these shades this September. Completely handmade in Paris, the quality and quirkiness of these sunglasses make them a great investment for now and next summer. Price on request. Thierry Lasry, available at Alter Xintiandi Style Store. L112, 245 Madang Lu, near Zizhong Lu. Tel: 6302 9889. Web:

The Statement Bag

A twist on the traditional satchel, this oversized envelope bag is gorgeous and completely on trend for autumn. Not only is it roomy and practical, but it looks great too. RMB 1,699. Jie, available at Xinlelu, 87 Wuyuan Lu, near Wulumuqi Lu. Tel: 5213 3301. Web:

Suit Up

Add a stylish dash of colour and class to your suit with a pocket square this September. Straight from the renowned tailoring district, Savile Row, this pocket square is perfect for the upcoming autumn months and is an investment for any man’s wardrobe. RMB 575. Richard James. Web:

16 TalkMagazine


J’adore Dior

Pay tribute to the legacy of Dior during their special exhibition this month at the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art. Wear this elegant bustier dress, with printed Warhol design ‘Female Head 1958’, from the era in which Dior refined fashion with the ‘New Look’. Price on request. Christian Dior. 101-101A, G/F, Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing Xi Lu. Tel: 6288 0212. Web:

Pretty in Pink

A brilliant combination of two of the new season’s most coveted trends, the roomy overcoat and the colour of the moment, pale pink. This Zara coat is bound to be a bestseller and an instant classic. RMB 1,999. Zara. 688 Huaihai Zhong Lu, near Sinan Lu. Tel: 6387 2660. Web:



Trim Up For Autumn Charli Lees

With summer slipping away, fashion can seem to stagnate in the autumn as more layers are put on and darker colors take precedence. As it gets colder, our clothes begin to match the dull weather as warm jumpers and trousers become the outfits of choice. However, this does not need to be the case, as the Autumn/Winter catwalks showed; costume jewelry and simple embellishment can breathe new life into a dull ensemble.


f you are looking to revamp your winter wardrobe, and add color or a new design to your clothes, Shanghai markets might just have the solution you are looking for. The Yu Gardens Trim and Fabric Market is a fashion lover’s paradise, filled to the brim with little stores containing hoards of material, buttons, fur and feathers. For a couple of RMB, you can transform your outfit by adding a string of pearls to a headband, lace to a skirt or even rhinestones on your shoes. We went with the mission of finding items to recreate catwalk trends for everyday wear. There is a lot to see and choose between in the market, so we would recommend spending at least a whole afternoon to really look properly at the stalls and find little treasures to add to your wardrobe.

The Classic Bangle, in the style of Alexander McQueen’s Virgin Queen Couture look at Paris Fashion Week.

The Simple Shirt

The Simple Shirt’s collar tip detailing is shown in Valentino’s striking Ready to Wear Collection for this upcoming season.

Customizing clothes can be tricky, especially if you are not a sewing expert. However, for beginners, we found that adding to a plain shirt is definitely the easiest option. While always a staple in your wardrobe, especially for the office, your shirt does not have to remain plain to emulate simple style. We took inspiration from Valentino’s Ready to Wear collection, with their bold shirt collars and detailed cuffs. We added simple pearl style buttons, white lace flower detailing to the cuffs and striking collar tips to our oversized sheer shirt. With a bit of simple sewing, your old shirt is reborn yet is still appropriate for both smart and casual wear. Collar tips are our top recommendation, but other designs and stones are available at all good fabric markets if you are feeling confident.

The Classic Bracelet

Pearls are always an elegant addition to any outfit and were seen frequently in extreme necklaces and headwear on the catwalks this season, particularly Alexander McQueen, in both rebellious and regal looks. To achieve this look, but without spending the big bucks, simulated pearl strings can be bought at the

market for under RMB 10. Pearls attached to bangles were particularly eye catching on the catwalks and stood out as a must have statement piece. We were able to achieve this look at the market for only RMB 30, some glue and patience.

The Embellished Headband Taking inspiration from Givenchy’s floral headwear, we decided to keep summer alive in Shanghai and made a floral headband, a great way to bring some colour to the autumn months. This look can be difficult to make, especially finding the right flowers, but we used a bouquet of fake flowers that we then sewed onto lace, before attaching to a plain headband.

The Embellished Headband inspired by Givenchy’s Ready to Wear Collection floral headwear


South Bund Fabric Market

Yu Gardens Trimming Market

The South Bund Fabric Market is jam packed with tailors and fabric shops. If you aren’t confident enough with your own customization or want a particular outfit made, this is the place to go. Many of the stalls and shops have their own tailors on site, so we recommend going with a picture of what you want, to make the process a little easier.

Renmin Lu, near Henan Lu. Open daily 10am to 6pm

399 Lujiabang Lu, near Zhongshan Nan Lu. Open daily 10am to 7pm

Hong Qiao New World Pearl Market

Qipu Lu Clothing Market

This market has more than just pearls, and is spread out over three floors with a variety of items. The freshwater and cultured pearls in the market are supposedly priced at a sixth of the price you would pay in the US or UK, so you are certain to find some brilliant bargains (especially with some bartering).

Qipu Lu Clothing Market is the largest wholesale and retail clothing market in Shanghai. There is a lot of choice, with items catered for local consumers as well as the expat market. For emerging trends at low prices, Qipu Lu is the place to go, but we suggest making an early morning weekday trip, to avoid the crowds.

3,721 Hongmei Lu, near Ya’nan Xi Lu. Open daily 10am to 10pm

168 & 183 Qipu Lu, near Henan Bei Lu. Open daily 6:30am to 6pm

If you are feeling inventive, customizing with charms from the trimming market is definitely the way forward. This market is a brilliant find if you have a spare weekend and it really puts the fun back into winter fashion, with the individuality you can bring to your old clothes.

September13  TalkMagazine




Navigating the Golden Triangle Ting Ting Lin and Eric Sweigard


itting just 50 kilometers south of the notorious Golden Triangle convergence of Thailand, Myanmar, and Laos, Chiang Rai is Thailand's northernmost major city. A jumble of night markets, ornate dedications to the King, and food stalls offering delicious Northern Thai curries, the city is rapidly gaining the attention of tourists. While one could spend days wandering the hectic streets of Chiang Rai, during our visit, we used the city as a jumping off point to explore the beautiful scenery in and around Northern Thailand. Our stay began at Bamboo Nest de Chiang Rai, a collection of thatched roof bungalows 40 minutes west of town.

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On a hillside overlooking terraced rice paddies, we were surrounded by the serenity of complete isolation. Our hut offered no modern amenities, but the stunning views, delicious homemade meals, and hospitality one could only find in the 'Land of Smiles' were more than enough to compensate. We scheduled a 2-day trek exploring the area around Bamboo Nest. Noi, our guide, led us through the jungle, hacking a path with his machete as we went. He had amazing English, loved sharing information about the plants, animals, and people we encountered along the way, and filled the silence with a series of noises and songs. His incredibly obedient dog, Khaw, accompanied us the whole way.

After hours of arduous hiking, we reached a village so remote it’s rarely visited by foreigners. The village was home to the Lahu ethnic minority, a group that originally descended from Tibet. An old friend of Noi’s took us in. His wife and daughter had left him a few months earlier and Noi worried about his crippling opium addiction. We explored the village and met some of the local children who were fascinated by our camera equipment. As night fell, Noi prepared a dinner consisting of the bamboo, vegetables, mushrooms, and herbs he had foraged along our hike. Exhausted, we enjoyed our meal by candlelight before dozing off. The second day of the trek was much less strenuous. We made our way

through a few more Lahu villages until we reached a boat that took us downriver to a traditional Ahka village. The Ahka people are a nomadic tribe, also originally from Tibet. Some of the Akha women maintain their traditional way of dress and almost all maintain the practice of chewing betel nut and limestone paste wrapped in clove leaves. What little of their teeth isn’t ground away after years of chewing this combination is stained a deep blackish red by the betel nut. Once back in Chiang Rai, we rented a motorbike with plans to take a few day trips to sights near Chiang Rai. The first day of our rental we drove about 65km north to the border town


of Tachileik, Myanmar. Once across the border, we hired a tuk tuk driver to take us around to a few local attractions: a Shan meditation temple, Shwedagon pagoda where we were led in a prayer ceremony, and a “gem” market. We were dropped off back at the border crossing and had about an hour to explore a nearby market. Though our visit was very brief, the people of Myanmar left an impression as incredibly friendly and gracious hosts. The next day we rode our bike to Mae Salong, a village high in the mountainous region northwest of Chiang Rai. The village is home to a Chinese Kuomintang refugee community, originally settled by the

troops of the Republic of China Army’s 93rd Division who refused to surrender after the Communist victory in 1949. Instead, they fought their way out of China and into Burma where they hid in the jungles until granted asylum in Thailand. Once the epicenter of the opium trade, the poppy fields have since been replaced by fields of tea. The village felt like a return to China. Most of the residents spoke Chinese and all of the street signs and business names were written in Chinese characters. We spent the day eating delicious Yunnanese noodles, visiting a chedi dedicated to the king’s mother, and zipping around the beautiful scenery as we got more confident taking hairpin turns on the motorbike.

Daily flights on Thai Airways and China Eastern connect Shanghai and Chiang Rai, with stopovers in Bangkok and Kunming respectively. Book a bungalow at Bamboo Nest well in advance by emailing If instead you choose to stay closer to the heart of the city, Baan Malai Guesthouse is an great affordable and centrally located option. While in town, head to Barrab Restaurant near the clock tower


to try Khao Soi, a classic Northern Thai combination of crispy egg noodles and boiled rice noodles served with a curry sauce. To reach Mae Salong and Myanmar, rent a motorbike from ST Motorcycle on Jetyod Road. However you choose to fill your time in Chiang Rai, you're certain to be blown away by the beautiful scenery and incredibly hospitable people.

September13  TalkMagazine




Mifan Mama’s Shining Star Foster Home Charli Lees


ifan Mama, or rice mother, was founded in Shanghai in 2009, with the aim to better the lives of Chinese orphans, through providing basic necessities such as clothing, medical care, food and education. Since then, Mifan Mama has grown as an organization and now has specialized projects, such as helping orphaned children through school and even to college level education. Talk went to find out about one of the largest projects Mifan Mama is currently working on, Shining Star Foster Home in Minhang district. Shining Star specialised in care for children who are blind or partially sighted and therefore need additional help with their learning and personal development, something the orphanages may not always be able to provide. We went to visit the home and met with Julie Garrett, Operations Manager and founder of Shining Star, to find out more about the organization. Presently there are six children in the home, aged from one and a half to eight year olds. Eight is the age when the children are encouraged to move back into an orphanage; going into mainstream fostering or orphanage. Shining Star focuses on getting the children ready for school and gives them the skills to be able to lead a normal life with their disability. At Shining Star we also met with local

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volunteers. Mifan Mama always encourage people to get involved whether it is directly engaging with the children, or working on the fundraising and local awareness of the project. All children have their own individual lessons and schedules, in order to get their education to a level at which they could join a school and thus encouraging their independence. Not only do the children receive this personal attention for

their own development, but they are also frequently taken on day trips to the city or even just the local mall or supermarket to gain exposure to everyday life. This practical learning is highly beneficial. As within ordinary orphanages, this level of individual care is more difficult to cater for due to the large numbers of children living there. These day trips, for example to a soft play center, also provide opportunites for interaction

with local children and discussions about their differences, which is something those who work at Shining Star encourage for the children’s learning and understanding. Another learning curve the children encounter is the large volume of volunteers who come and go frequently. This is also encouraged by Garrett, who explained that this teaches the children to understand that in life, people are not always going to be around and that things move on, as they will, eventually, from Shining Star. It is inspiring to see such young children dealing with adversity. They appreciate how far their learning and social abilities have developed since being introduced to Shining Star. We also discovered at the end of our visit that two of the children will have their congenital cataracts removed, which means they can gain partial sight. Without the help of Shining Star and their donors helping with medical care, this could never have occurred. It was an educational and humbling visit and we would encourage anyone based in Shanghai to get involved with the organization. Shining Star Foster Home. 28 Long Beach Garden Villa, 1,533 Huqingping Lu, near Zhuguang Lu. Tel: 13918719179. Web: www.

city living

Reflections On Identity And Self-Perception


Cheng Chen - ink on paper

Casey Hall


hough OV Gallery takes the name of its current exhibition, “I’ll Be Your Mirror” from the Velvet Underground song of the same title, the true inspiration for the exhibition came from an artwork by Jiangsu-born artist Wu Gaozhong. His “Mirror Frame” series of sculptures takes mirrors as a starting point, before their surface is painted and covered in animal fur, removing their original ability to reflect. OV Gallery curator, Rebecca Catching, saw the pieces at a studio in Beijing and was instantly inspired. “They’re interesting because they are mirrors but not reflective at all. It made be think about how we see ourselves and how we understand who we really are. We think we see ourselves really well, but actually we don’t,” she said. The encounter was enough to spur Catching to search out other works looking at a similar theme and eventually bringing them together for a group show featuring the work of eight artists, all of whom approach their subject matter using a variety of methodologies and materials. Alongside Wu Gaozhong’s mirrors are drawings on joss paper documenting the personal principles of Ailadi Cortelletti, who set Catching’s pulse racing when she ceremonially burned some of them at the opening as a way of freeing herself from the burden of personal expectation.

“I’ll be your mirror Reflect what you are, in case you don’t know I’ll be the wind, the rain and the sunset The light on your door to show that you’re home” – Velvet Underground Wu Gaozhong

Zheng Wenxin

Zheng Wenxin’s seven-meter painting is difficult to sum up in only a few words, but is centered around a glass box containing a strange home environment complete with sparse furnishings and a striped wall, lit like an operating theatre, and surrounded by children’s toys, a ship and a number of doors and stairways leading from the main area, perhaps leading to the more hidden parts of the psyche or subconscious mind. “In this piece she’s looking at how we compartmentalize ourselves, so we think we are a certain entity or kind of person, but actually, we are much more than that, more than we imagine ourselves to be,” Catching explains. Portraits in varying forms also make an appearance, including Wang Taocheng’s unique “silk wrapped” series which

are preoccupied not only with the human subjects, in this case five contemporary artists living and working in Europe, but also with dimension as they are built on layers of materials. Meanwhile, Yunnan-born, Beijing-based artist, Shi Jing, also plays with the dimensions of portraiture by painting a series of portraits, each of which reveals two different sides of the subject depending upon the angle and light. Hong Kong-based artists David Boyce and Adrian Wong have also contributed portraits to the show, “Affective Portraits” is a collaborative work that takes old-style family portraits as a starting point. But rather than the forced emotion and fake smiles which are traditionally part and parcel of the medium, Wong and

David Boyce

Yang Liwei - oil on canvas

Boyce worked at bringing out real emotion in the subjects – by recounting a sad memory, watching a disturbing video, chopping onion or smelling seafood that had been sitting in the sun for the day. In the process, Boyce explains, they subvert the “rules” of traditional portraiture, which carries with it the idea of “unvarnished truth” – they are meant to be accurate reflections of their subjects, though in truth they are often anything but, with the artificial portraiture environment leading to subjects masking any sense of their real persona or emotional state with what Boyce calls a “cookie-cutter smile”. “These portraits give a different reading on the idea of what people are,” he said. “It’s looking at conveying things that people wouldn’t normally convey, emotions of fear, joy, ecstasy, anger – the things that we usually keep inside us.” The portraits are displayed on the walls of a manufactured home environment within the gallery, with painted walls, as well as furniture and potted plants imported from Catching’s own home now part of the installation, which Boyce believes is an important part of inviting the audience in to experience the portraits. “I’m a big believer in the audience being a part of the work, so the audience will have their own reaction to the work,” he said. “I’d like to think some people will find them uplifting. I’m sure other people will find them depressing, some people will not find them anything at all.” “I’ll Be Your Mirror” runs until 11 September (closed Mondays) at OV Gallery, Room 207, Building 4A, 50 Moganshan Lu. Tel: 139 1637 3474. Web:

ART NEWS Li Xinhui Solo Exhibition @ FQ Projects

“Galaxy “ is an exhibition celebrating Li Xinhui’s 20 years of painting the stars. Born into a family of literati, Li has loved painting stars since childhood. “I still believed the answers to every single question reside in each flickering star. Every time I took a stick or a rock and drew stars on the red mud, or white sand, on purple cliffs or on cement floors, the mysterious and serene stars would give me a feeling of peace and security. Placing myself within them, it seems I also became serene and transparent,” Li said. This exhibition presents two series of Li Xinhui’s early works, one of which happened to coincide with the turning period in China’s art scene when high art met rebellion, while the other discusses the relationship between individuals and the collective. “Galaxy” is showing until 12 September at FQ Projects, No. 76, Lane 927 Huaihai Zhong Lu, near Nanchang Lu. Tel: 64662940. Web:

“The World's Longing for Lushan” @ Vanguard Gallery

Terracotta Daughters @ Galerie Magda Danysz

This exhibition from multi-disciplinary artist, Zhang Lehua, is based on the famous movie from the 1980s, “Romance on Lushan Mountain”. Having scaled the famed peak twice, Zhang has developed something of an obsession with the mountain and has created a number of paintings, photographs and videos based on its scenery and feeling. Being Zhang Lehua, there is a mischievous element to the work, with traditional forms and established rules inverted and ignored much of the time. One video work recreates scenes from the movie with a comedic bent, while scenery is etched into a steel ball, which is then heated and applied to surfaces to recreate the original image.

Prune Nourry is a multidisciplinary artist from France who has been preoccupied throughout her career with biotech and genetic evolution, particularly from a female perspective. Nourry’s most recent series, “Terracotta Daughters”, is composed by 108 life size sculptures that bear a striking resemblance to Xi’an’s famous Terracotta Soldiers, which are referenced not only in form, but also in a technical sense, with all sculptures made in collaboration with Chinese craftsmen who practice ancient molding technologies and make their living crafting reproductions of the soldiers. These figures, however, are not soldiers; they are actually 108 young girls who had their facial features artificially cross-paired from eight Chinese girls the artist found in local orphanages. Through the depictions of these manufactured girl figures, Nourry aims to provoke a discussion about woman’s social status.

“The World’s Longing for Lushan” is showing from 7 September to 20 October at Vanguard Gallery, Room 204, Building 4A, 50 Moganshan Lu. Tel: 6299 3523. Web: www.

“Terracotta Daughters” is showing from 14 September to 26 October at Galerie Magda Danysz, 188 Linqing Lu, near Yangshupu Lu. Tel: 186 1615 1670. Web: September13  TalkMagazine




GADGETS& Carl Robinson

Scale Back

You may balk at spending over RMB 1,000 for an item that does the job of your bathroom scales, but the Withings Smart Body Analyzer measures more than just weight. By downloading the specially designed application on your android or iPhone, the body analyzer measures heart rate and body fat, allowing the user to get a real insight as to how well their training is going. This product is also available in the Apple store and through Amazon.

Never Get Wet Again

Price: RMB 998. Web:

By understanding the laws of aerodynamics, this futuristic looking Senz umbrella will protect you against all weather conditions. Senz believes that this product will eliminate all known umbrella struggles and, although a bold claim, the extensive amount of design awards from around the world proves that they may have stumbled onto something revolutionary. With its ‘stealth bomber looking’ design, the Senz will withstand wind speeds of 100km/h (70mph), meaning strong winds will no longer be a problem! Price: RMB 250 upwards (plus postage and packaging). Web:

Up Your Game

With a name that includes ‘hypervenom’ and ‘phantom’, the Nike Hypervenom Phantom needs to be something special. However, the fact that the £48 million priced players Neymar and Wayne Rooney will be sporting these fancy numbers next season proves that maybe the name is acceptable. Nike has gone through some extensive testing and innovation to create boots that boost agility, traction and allow for quicker release. The price may be a bit offputting, but the results in your game may be worth it, plus they do make you look flash! Price: RMB 1,689. Web:

Watch The Phone

Make It Snappy

The Canon EOS 700D is the 'flagship' device in the company's entry-level consumer DSLR range. Canon has included some creative features as well as a very responsive and user-friendly touchscreen to make sure this camera appeals to first time users as well as those looking for an upgrade. The Canon EOS 700D is one of the lightest DSLR cameras, so its size is not a problem for its users. Price: RMB 4,669. Web:

Are smart watches the next big thing? Sony seem to think so with their upgraded SmartWatch 2. This sleek piece of waterproof and dustproof engineering boasts a four day battery life where, via Bluetooth, the user can read messages, control music, answer calls… and of course, tell the time. The device is compatible with most Android handsets, but it’s definitely worth checking your compatibility beforehand. Price: TBC. Web:

Perfect PC

This all-in-one Acer PC wants to become your family’s new multimedia hub. With Intel Pentium or Celeron processors, integrated graphics and up to 16GB RAM, it may not exactly challenge Deep Blue, but it does have mum-like multitasking powers, with Windows 8 home screens for everyone, a 19.5-inch, 1600x900 LCD screen and Dolby Home Theatre surround sound. You will be very satisfied with this piece of kit in your house. Price: RMB 5,772 Web:

App Of The Month: Adidas snapshot

Adidas has launched a new Snapshot app that aims to bring information from your kick straight to your smartphone. It can track things like speed and flight, time of a single kick, as well as playback on your shot in slow motion. Footballer Gareth Bale has posted his own 78mph sample shot with the app to help get users started. The app simply requires you to record your kicks with the built-in technology. You can upload kicks straight to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as well as compete against others who have posted their own. Price: Free.

22 TalkMagazine



The Awards part will be held in October!


September13  TalkMagazine



Talk’s many hotel judges have been rushed off their feet over this past month trying to decide which hotels will make it onto our Top List and win a prized award. Although the results of Talk’s Top Hotel Awards 2013 won’t be announced until our first ever Talk’s Top Hotel Awards Party in October, in this supplement is a rundown of the many strong competitors that took part.

The Contenders Supplement Andaz Shanghai

Andaz Shanghai is the first of the Hyatt’s Andaz brand to be introduced in Asia. The Andaz name was taken from the Urdu meaning of ‘personal style’ and therefore it is not surprising that there is a keen attention to detail and focus on style throughout the hotel. Famed design brand, Super Potato, also recently revamped the main eatery Hai Pai and the new Garden Studio. The hotel boasts 307 beautiful rooms and a standout feature for us is the delightful Optime Spa. Andaz Shanghai. 88 Songshan Lu, near Taicang Lu. Tel: 2310 1234. Web:

Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund

This urban resort is situated in the Northern Bund area of the city and, due to this location, offers spectacular and distinctive views of not only the Luijiazui financial district but also sweeping, unobstructed views of the Huangpu River and historic Bund. TOPS, the terrace bar perched above the hotel, is a must visit for all Shanghai residents and naturally, the famous Banyan Tree Spa brand is also present at the Shanghai On The Bund hotel. We suggest booking in for a treatment ASAP. Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund. 19 Haiping Lu, near Gongping Lu. Tel: 2509 1188. Web:

24 TalkMagazine


Grand Hyatt Shanghai

Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao

InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin

Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel

The hotel once held the title of “highest hotel in the world” before the Park Hyatt came and stole their mantle. However, the glory days are not over for the Grand Hyatt just yet. The Jin Mao Tower, in which the hotel takes up floors 53 to 87, still offers great views of the Luijiazui district as well as the Bund and the distant Puxi area in the background. Go here for a casual dining experience in one of their many food and beverage outlets. Grand Hyatt Shanghai. Jin Mao Tower, 53-87/F, 88 Century Avenue, near Dongtai Lu. Tel: 5049 1234. Web: www.shanghai.grand.

This hotel is, once again, conveniently located in Minghang district, very close to shopping malls, entertainment facilities and business facilities, including the Shanghai World Trade Center. You can also take a stroll to the Jade Buddha Temple or along the Bund waterfront in your downtime. The entrance to the hotel is extremely grand and this atmosphere is continued throughout the modern hotel. Enjoy brunch at Essence, an all-day dining restaurant, or sample authentic Cantonese food at Yue Xuan Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao. 1,116 Hongsong Dong Lu, near Hongxu Lu. Tel: 3323 6666. Web: www.

The InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin is a newcomer to the city this year however the iconic and historic grounds that the hotel is set hold a wealth of history. Take a relaxing tour of their gardens during your stay and visit significant historical sites such as an ancient well which used to service the majority of Shanghai and the building in which Chiang Kai-shek proposed to his wife. This hotel will let you escape the hustle and bustle of modern day Shanghai. InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin. 118 Ruijin Er Lu, near Fuxing Zhong Lu. Tel: 6472 5222. Web: intercontinental

Designed by Arata Isozaki, this beautiful looking hotel shines like a beacon in the Jinqiao area and was inspired by a piece of Jade. The stylish Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel takes up a wing of the Himalayas Center and offers easy access to shopping malls and Huamu metro line. The hotel offers guests five bars and restaurants. Expect excellent and attentive service.

Hyatt On The Bund

Jing An Shangri-La

Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao

This hotel is conveniently located in the center of Hongqiao district close to many restaurants, bars, shopping and local offices. The Grand Mercure Shanghai is also only a ten-minute drive from Hongqiao airport making it the perfect location for business travellers. The hotel comprises of 442 spacious suites with panoramic skyline views, making it ideal for long stays or family getaways. Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao. 369 Xianxia Lu, near Furongjiang Lu. Tel: 5153 3300. Web: www.

Hyatt On The Bund is renowned amongst most expats as hosting “the bar with a great view and the hot tub”, however the hotel has many more strings to its bow than just VUE Bar. This luxury destination, located in the Northern Bund area on the banks of the Huangpu River, also hosts a fabulous Sunday brunch at VUE Restaurant, with breathtaking views of the Bund, as well as an excellent Chinese restaurant, Xindalu complete with oven specifically for roasting some of the Best Beijing Roast Duck in the city. Hyatt On The Bund. 199 Huangpu Lu, near Wuchang Lu. Tel: Phone 6393 1234. Web: www.shanghai.bund.

Another new entrant to the Shanghai hotel scene, Jing An Shangri-La, is situated in the center of the city next to the 450,000 square-meter Jing An Kerry Center. The space integrates a luxurious hotel with retail and office space right next to one of the city’s main veins, Yanan Lu. The new hotel has a full complement of food and beverage outlets along with an exclusive Horizon Club Lounge and Clubrooms Jing An Shangri-La. 1218 Yan'an Zhong Lu, near Tongren Lu. Tel: 2203 8889. Web: www.jinganshangdining. com

Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel. Himalayas Center, 1,108 Meihua Lu, near Fangdian Lu. Tel: 3858 0888. Web:

JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai

Located at Tomorrow square and seconds away from People’s Square, this luxury hotel is situated in one of Shanghai’s most iconic landmarks. Perfect for business or pleasure, the JW Marriott rises 60 stories above downtown Puxi within easy reach of the city’s tourist attractions as well as the main business center. Make sure you take a dip in the jaw dropping outdoor pool for fantastic views and a comfortable reclining area. JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai. 399 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Huangpi Bei Lu. Tel: 5359 4969. Web: www.

Kerry Hotel Pudong

This family friendly hotel has built up a strong following from the local community in Pudong. Located by the Kerry Parkside shopping mall and office tower, next door to the New International Expo Center and minutes away from Huamu metro station and the maglev station, Kerry Hotel sits apart from its competitors. With great facilities, including a large sports and recreational area as well as stellar food and beverage options and an in-house microbrewery, it is easy to see why they say, “At Kerry life is fun!” Kerry Hotel Pudong. 1,388 Huamu Lu, near Fangdian Lu. Tel: 6169 8888. Web:

Le Royal Méridien Shanghai

Located in the heart of Shanghai at Nanjing Road on the 44th floor and above, this landmark hotel offers great views of the city as well as being only a stone’s throw away from People’s Square and the Bund. Ideal for business travellers and tourists alike, come here for first class service in the center of town. There is a choice of four restaurants and two bars so make sure you have the time to while away some enjoyable hours over food and drink. Le Royal Méridien Shanghai. 789 Nanjing Dong Lu, near Xizang Zhong Lu. Tel: 3318 9999. Web: www.

Mandarin Oriental Pudong, Shanghai

This ultra modern and chic new hotel in the Luijiazui area feels miles away from the fast pace of the financial center despite being conveniently located next to the epicenter. This urban resort allows its guests to escape and relax after a busy day and offers a fantastic array of restaurants, a bar and a coffee shop. The Spa and Wellness facilities are also a showstopper and offers guests more than possibly imaginable. Forget you are in a booming metropolis in this tranquil retreat. Mandarin Oriental Pudong, Shanghai. 111 Pudong Nan Lu, near Yincheng Lu. Tel: 2082 9888. Web: www.

New World Shanghai Hotel

The New World Shanghai Hotel is an unpretentious and convenient hotel located next to Zhongshan Park with a recently revamped Club Lounge. Boasting an outdoor pool and enjoyable food and beverage facilities, guests are able to come for Sunday brunch and stay for the pool; perfect for the summer months. Make sure to also pop in during the winter to You Bar for single malt whiskey, cigars and an open fire. Perfect! New World Shanghai Hotel. 1,555 Dingxi Lu, near Changning Lu. Tel: 6240 8888. Web: www.

Le Méridien Sheshan

Another hotspot for families with young children, this hotel is located right next door to Maya Water Park and Happy Valley. Or if you are looking for something a bit more relaxed, you could rent a bicycle and take a tour of the Shanghai Sculpture Park. The hotel is situated on an expansive green lawn and boasts its own wedding chapel in

the grounds. Indoor and outdoor pools are available as well as many kidfriendly activities. Go here for Sunday brunch and stay behind afterwards for the pool. Le Meridien Sheshan. 1288 Linyin Xin Lu, near Shenzhuanjiasong Lu. Tel: 5779 9999. Web: www.lemeridien. com September13  TalkMagazine


26 TalkMagazine 


September13  TalkMagazine


TALK’S TOP HOTEL AWARDS 2013: The Contenders Supplement Park Hyatt Shanghai

Regal International East Asia

Commanding the 79th to 93rd floors of the Shanghai World Financial Center, it is easy to see the appeal of the luxuriousness of this hotel. Chic sophistication exudes upon entrance and the ultra modern design theme is carried on throughout the hotel. Swim in the highest pool in Mainland China or have dinner and drinks at one of the restaurants or bars during your stay. Being one of the highest hotels in the world, whatever you decided to do, the view and service will be breathtaking. Park Hyatt Shanghai. Shanghai World Financial Center, 79-93/F, 100 Century. Tel: 6888 1234. Web: www.

Pudong Shangri-La

This luxury hotel will leave you not wanting to face the outdoor world after an indulgent stay. The hotel offers its guests everything they could possible desire from French food to Chinese or Japanese as well as an expansive drink selection and beautiful spa. The hotel is filled with eclectic art pieces and also boasts its own in-house gallery. The recent opening of the Grand Tower, the exclusive hotel-within-ahotel, gives you the perfect excuse to book a stay. Pudong Shangri-La. 33 Fucheng Lu, near Yincheng Dong Lu. Tel: 6882 8888. Web:

28 TalkMagazine


This classic hotel on Hengshan Road is set beside the Shanghai International Tennis Center; David Beckham even ducked in recently to check the place out. Set in the popular area of Xuihui with an eclectic mix of cafes, restaurants and shops nearby, it is a popular spot for tourists trying to get a real feel for the city. The hotel offers great sports facilities including squash courts, indoor swimming pool and virtual golf. Put some time aside to explore this gem in the Puxi area. Regal International East Asia. 516 Hengshan Lu, near Wuxing Lu. Tel: 6415 5588. Web: www.Regal-EastAsia. com

Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong

Swissotel Grand Shanghai

The Peninsula Shanghai

This hotel is conveniently tucked away behind Jing An temple and right next door to City Plaza. Swissotel has a modern, contemporary and spacious feel with a large atrium upon entrance. With large conference and meeting rooms, it is perfect for business travellers. The Executive Club also provides business travellers and the likes with added exclusivity whilst conducting their stay in Shanghai.

This art deco hotel, located on the Bund, naturally boasts all the same facilities, services and views as most other hotels or food and beverage outlets along the strip. However, what sets the Peninsula apart is the understated elegance and lavishness of its environment and the service provided. Take afternoon tea in the Lobby, tantalizing Chinese fare at Yi Long Court or brunch and drinks at Sir Elly’s Terrace to find out for yourself. The exclusive Peninsula Spa should also be on your list.

Shanghai Marriott Pudong East

The Shanghai Marriott Pudong East is ideally located in the Jinqiao area of Pudong and within a 15 minute drive off Luijiazui. The hotel boasts a full complement of food beverage outlets including a fantastic Italian restaurant, Casalingo and a top brunch at Pudong City Bistro along with Man Ho Chinese restaurant. The hotel also contains a 655 sqm Grand Ballroom and state of the art event space.

Swissotel Grand Shanghai. 1 Yuyuan Lu, near Changde Lu. Tel: 5355 9898. Web: www.

The Langham Xintiandi

The Peninsula Shanghai. 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Beijing Dong Lu. Tel: 2327 2888. Web: www.peninsula. com

Waldorf Astoria Shanghai On The Bund

Shanghai Marriott Pudong East. 15 Xinjinqiao Lu, near Hongfeng Lu. Tel: 6036 8888. Web:

Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental

The Ritz-Carlton oozes class and sophistication and owns a great view of the Bund and dizzying towers of Pudong. Make sure you book a seat or a room with a view, as it will knock your socks off. Go for afternoon tea, dinner or drinks at one of the many food and beverage outlets including the lovingly regenerated Italian restaurant Scena or the extravagant outdoor Flair Bar located on the 58th floor. Just don’t look down!

During the summer months, this is the perfect place to stay to soak up the summer rays and chill out in the pool. Classic Mediterranean styles fuse with Chinese Feng Shui throughout the hotel but the pièce de résistance of this French hospitality hotspot is the 440 sqm outdoor, and beautifully sculpted, swimming pool complete with plunge pools, slides, water pistols and a manmade beach.

Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong. 8 Shiji Da Dao, near Lujiazui Huan Lu. Tel: 2020 1888. Web: www.ritzcarlton. com

Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental. 3,388 Sichen Lu, Sijing Town, Songjiang District. Tel: 3761 8888. Web:

This interestingly designed hotel hosts one of Shanghai’s most sought after afternoon teas. Looking down towards Xintiandi, afternoon tea here offers the opportunity to see and be seen, whilst sampling the London inspired treats. The painstaking attention to the detailed design of the hotel is noticeable in everything from the grand doors and entranceway to the intricate pink detailing on name cards and stationary. The Langham’s Chuan Spa is also a very worthy destination for those looking for high-class indulging. The Langham. 99 Madang Lu, near Taicang Lu. Tel: 2330 2288. Web: www.

This heritage hotel, synonymous with class and high-end luxury, brims with history; some memories not as glamorous as others. The Long Bar, situated on the Bund side of the hotel, once held the title of the longest bar top in the Far East, however it later became home to the first KFC in China. This bar has now been lovingly regenerated thanks to archive photos. The Waldorf Astoria Spa is another highlight of the hotel and offers luxurious pampering in plush treatment rooms and oxygen facials administered by highly trained skin therapists. Waldorf Astoria Shanghai On The Bund. Heritage Buliding, 2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Guangdong Lu. Tel: 6322 9988. Web: www.



Purring Along Mark Andrews


or a long time, Jaguar produced saloons that, while very British, were, to put it bluntly, boring – the type that might appeal to your aging uncle. However, the Jaguar XF, in a make or break moment, threw caution to the wind and produced a car that was cutting edge with those classic British characteristics. Despite its sports saloon looks, in China the Jaguar XF does not sell as well as the more staid German competition. Partly, this is due to it being import only and also, until recently, the lack of a small petrol engine hindered sales. In recent years, the Chinese luxury market has moved away from the large V6 and V8 engines that powered the Jaguar, and started to favor smaller turbo charged petrol engines. This all changed last year however with the introduction of a 2.0 liter turbo unit.

the locally made German competition. There is, in our top of the range Portfolio model, a choice of ten combinations of leather and headlining along with seven veneers, which match knurled aluminum with various woods or carbon fiber trims.

And it was this engine we were expecting in our test car, but it seems that this version is so popular, Jaguar was unable to supply us with one. Our car, resplendent in red, was supplied with the now top of the range 3.0l V6 unit. With its leaping Jaguar motif, this big cat cuts an entrance.

Equipment levels are comprehensive. Although the touch screen infotainment system can be switched to English, the GPS remains in Chinese. The driver and front passenger sit low with the dashboard and instrumentation wrapping around them. The level of luxury is impressive with the top of the dash swathed in leather and, in our version at least, the roof lined with suede like cloth.

Jaguar offers a level of interior customization unrivalled by any of

The Jaguar is leveled squarely as a driver’s car. In the rear seats, thanks to the

sloping roofline, taller passengers will have problems. While legroom is adequate, it is considerably less than with stretched cars for China such as the Audi A6L and BMW 5 series. Further limiting its appeal to Chinese consumers is the lack of cosseting for rear passengers who only get rear air vents and a power supply. Starting the car is sheer theatre, air vents rotate open and the gear selector dial rises out of the central console. Under normal driving conditions the V6 engine proves remarkably restrained despite all the power on tap. Even slipping the gear selector to S and using the paddle shifts does little to excite. It seems the key lies in the chequered flag symbol button located on the central console. Press that and the 8-speed gearbox holds down, shifts and the accelerator

responses stiffen giving rise to a throaty six-cylinder roar. On the road this cat lands on all fours and holds its poise. There is nothing artificial feeling about the steering here – turn the wheel and the car obliges by going exactly where you expect it too. Despite the sports bias of this car, it does a remarkably good job of soaking up the bumps of Chinese road surfaces. Jaguar Land Rover should start producing cars in China next year. As yet, there is no word as to whether the XF will be one of the models. Currently, due to it being imported, the Jaguar XF is more expensive than the competition and with no stretched version, shorter too. Prices start at RMB 550,000 for the Luxury 2.0T and rise to RMB 768,000 for the Portfolio trim 3.0l V6.


Coyote Ugly Night C

entro is bringing all the fun of Coyote Ugly to the CBD. Get ready to walk on the wild side and shake things up with bartop dancers, singing, hot beats and shots. 28th September 2013 from 9pm. RMB 180 for 1/2 dozen shooters. For information and reservations please contact Centro at (+86 10) 8565 2398.

Hagaki – EAST, Beijing



agaki, meaning ‘postcard’ in Japanese, is EAST, Beijing’s Californian-inspired Japanese restaurant. Hagaki’s signature Maki Rolls are worth the trip to EAST, Beijing alone. There’s much more to try on the Hagaki menu too, including classics like tonkatsu, tempura and sashimi and mains such as Grilled Wagyu Beef Tenderloin with Teriyaki Mustard Sauce and Slow-cooked Crispy Suckling Pig on Pickled Cucumber and Nashi Pear. Take a seat at the lively sushi and noodle bars or, if you’re noshing on the run, bento boxes are available to takeaway. Don’t miss desserts like Soy Ice cream with Honeycomb and Chocolate, or Green Tea Panna Cotta and Raspberries. Hagaki. EAST, Beijing. Ground Floor, No. 22 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Tel: (+8610) 8426 0888. Web:

September13  TalkMagazine




New & Noted Jamie Barys

Ochobo What: 23 bite-sized tastes of Japan Where: 2/F, 20 Donghu Lu, near Huaihai Zhong Lu. Tel: 5404 7866 Why: You love Sushi Oyama & Kappo Yu


s soon as you walk into Ochobo, it’s obvious that the restaurant is cut from the same cloth as Sushi Oyama and Kappo Yu. Blond wood accents surround a central open kitchen, where the head chef and his team prep, cook and serve diners seated at the bar. All three are owned by Naoya Hirano, who prefers to play the silent partner to his limelighted chefs, and serve a kaiseki menu that evolves with the seasons and suppliers. Despite the similarities, Ochobo seems slightly more casual than its sister restaurants, with a noticeable drop in the attention to detail, but instead, a sheer celebration of the raw ingredients that makes eating at a Hirano restaurant such a rewarding experience. Where Sushi Oyama focuses on raw fish, Ochobo’s menu runs the gamut of Japanese cuisine, serving up a sprawling 23 course menu (RMB 580) of small bites - from sashimi to tempura to yakimono (grilled and pan-fried dishes). Chef Sun Jianguo shines brightest when serving raw fish, which shouldn’t come as a surprise. The Chinese chef has spent a decade working in

Japanese restaurants, and almost half of that time was under Takeo Oyam and Yohei Terada (of Kappo Yu), with whom he shares an enviable supplier list. The sashimi dishes come at the start of the meal and set a standard that the remainder of the menu can’t quite live up to. The first dish wows with its delicate presentation of bright orange uni sashimi balanced atop a silken slice of white tofu swimming in a pool of sweet cabbage soup. Creamy wild shrimp sashimi is like eating dense clouds, and the bite of fatty chutoro is so good it will send tingles down your spine.

But the menu started to take a turn with a salad of baby arugula and mullet roe cooked into dense salty slabs. Flavors became less nuanced with bolder strokes, like funky fermented shark’s cartilage. Plums dropped in a red wine sauce were unexpectedly over salted. Tempura dishes were hit (a nearly translucent scallop that received the briefest of baptisms in the hot oil bath) and miss (ebi deep-fried then doused in a seaweed powder that overwhelmed its sweet sea flavors). Grilled dishes were mostly forgettable, except for a duo of conger eel, which came served sizzling on a scorched-to-order iron plate. Ochobo’s menu will change monthly, and we’d be interested to see how they improve upon their first attempt. A seat at the bar earns you dinner and a show, as you watch rare steak being torched to order, tempura plunged into a wok of rumbling oil and sashimi elegantly sliced, but there is still room for improvement to turn all 23 courses into a meal worthy of the Naoya Hirano mantle.

attentive service when the waiters have nothing else to do, but if it’s crowded, you’ll come to acutely understand why it takes the Spanish several hours to finish a meal of small plates. First up on the menu are pintxos, or small Spanish snacks designed for bar eating. A simple Spanish Omelette (RMB 30) packed several inches high with cubed potatoes and fluffy eggs served with creamy warm aioli, started things off on the right track. Eggs don’t fare repetition in the tapas section. Broken eggs mixed with raw foie gras and salty Iberian ham clock in at a cool RMB 120, but the cubed fried potatoes that were unmentioned on the menu were the real meat of this dish. We get that starchy spuds provide a great foundation for sopping up all that gin, but the excessive use of potatoes across the menu feels lazy and cheap. Boiled Tender

Octopus Rubbed With Smoky Paprika (RMB 95) comes on a bed of thick-cut sautéed waxy Chinese potatoes with lingering oil residue. Deep-fried cubed potatoes returned in the “Chef ’s Special” (RMB 135), mingling with mushy prawns and gamey diced pig trotters. The only dishes we sampled that weren’t overwhelmingly potato-based were the Argentinian Beef Carpaccio (RMB 95) and Goat Cheese Salad (RMB 85). The former serves raw, metallic-tasting meat drizzled with a syrupy balsamic reduction and topped with a dusting of grated manchego and pungent arugula. The salad was in its own right delicious with its leafy lettuce, deep-fried croutons, toasted pinenuts and a slab of salty goat cheese. But the menu promised that the goat cheese would be stuffed with Iberico ham, and despite the fact we ordered it at both sit-downs, we didn’t see or taste a speck of jamon. Better value are the gin cocktails. Served in glasses that could double as fish bowls, the drinks, featuring 40 varietals of the juniper-flavored liquor with creative mixers such as coconut water and cucumber spice a la The Botanist Unusual (RMB 80), spiced up the typical G&T. Occasionally, when they can source it, that T will even stand for real tonic with actual quinine in it, a rarity in China. Just around the corner from Lola, Loco will undoubtedly serve as a public pregame space for the club scene. And who knows? Maybe all those potatoes will go a long way to soaking up the booze that fuels the late night dance parties.


What: Spanish gastropub from Lola Where: Unit 1F-02 Muqi Court, 205 Wulumuqi Nan Lu, near Zhaojiabang Lu. Tel: 150 0063 6841 Why: You’re crazy for gin


he owners of Lola have yet to slap up a sign announcing the arrival of Loco, their new tapas restaurant cum gin bar, but that hasn’t stopped the club’s regulars, who like to see and be seen, from propping up the bar in front of the street window at Muqi Court. We headed down to sample the back dining room’s Spanish fare twice - once on a slammed weekend night and another midweek dinner where we had the restaurant to ourselves. If our experience is anything to go by, expect over-the-top

30 TalkMagazine



Food For Thought Jamie Barys

Each month, our dining columnist gives you all the news that’s fit to dish. Find out the newest hotspots and the latest closings, as well as the tastiest events in town for September.


f you - like most of us - spent the mercury-shattering month of August in front of your aircon, slurping on straight ice and only letting the cool air escape when the sweaty Sherpa’s deliveryman arrived, you might have missed out on all the summer restaurant openings. Never fear - we’ve got the round-up here! South Jing’an exploded with new restaurants in August. Cheap lunch deals are all the rage at Pascasa (5F, 818 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Shimen Yi Lu. Tel: 6052 1980), a new Italian eatery that makes its own pasta and pizza dough in-house daily. Head west, and you’ll come across The Cove (118 Xikang Lu, near Nanyang Lu. Tel: Oyster House

6215 5534), a molecular kitchen wielding its sous vide machine proudly and Bonne (74 Nanyang Lu, near Xikang Lu. Tel: 6224 1255), a café serving pastas and pizzas for the lunch crowd. The Sushi’O guys are expanding their seafood empire, with a new yakitori joint (tentatively titled O’Yakitori) in early September just next door from their recentlyopened second location (155 Yanping Lu, near Wuding Lu). Yummy salad and sandwich joint Wattz (989 Wuding Lu, near Jiaozhou Lu) has soft-opened across the street from Munchie’s. The menu with its three bean salad may look familiar - that’s because it’s owned by the same healthy owners of Origin. Oyster House (441 Yuyuan Lu, near Wulumuqi Lu. Tel: 6233 9651) is already packed to the gills after opening midAugust. They’re serving up half a dozen or so oyster varieties on the half shell, as well as an extensive menu of Spanish-influenced tapas and mains, like garlic shrimp and whole baby snapper. There are all sorts of goings-on at the new

Jing’an Kerry Center (1515 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Tongren Lu). In addition to ShangriLa’s new restaurants, the mall’s food court is proving to be a sweet second home for some of Shanghai’s favorite restaurateurs. Spicy Sichuan joint Maurya opened their second shop, Element Fresh has another branch there and Pier 39 is bringing their California cooking to the mall soon. And that mall on Huaihai that’s taken six years to build? IAPM (999 Huaihai Zhong Lu, near Shanxi Lu) was worth the wait because its dining options are going to make the schlep to Pudong for dinner moot. Legendary tonkatsu sandwiches from Ginza Bairin, roasted goose from Lei Garden and umamilaced bowls of ramen from Ippudo (also opening spots in the new Kerry Center and Wujiang Lu) are all set to open in the next few weeks, alongside Morton’s Grill & Oyster Bar, which will hopefully pair that famous Mortini happy hour with their bivalves. Hong Kong grocer city’super is also opening shop in the basement for all your to-go gourmet needs. IAPM also has some fresh new faces in the crowd to get excited about, including Greyhound Café’s fusion Thai dishes, Jumbo’s Singaporean chili crab and Dressed’s fresh salads. Up the block, restaurateur Kelley Lee has a new concept that’s under construction at Huaihai & Donghu Lu, but the details are hush-hush. It’s not another Boxing Cat Brewery but she let us know that it will be beer-driven. And if that wasn’t enough to make gluttons of us all, we’ve saved the best for last. Franck Pecol is continuing his domination of Ferguson Lane with a rooftop taqueria. Franckito will be serving al fresco tacos with homemade corn tortillas. His namesake bistro also underwent a facelift last month, so expect some refreshed decor alongside a redesigned



menu from the impressive new head chef Yann Meinsel. But all these exciting new entrants to the dining scene means we have to say good-bye to the fallen. Unfortunately, Michelin-starred tempura joint Ippoh moved its operations to Hong Kong at the end of August. And South Bund took a beating this month, losing Jack London, Horizen and Zeal in one fell swoop. We also want to send a very fond farewell to Chef Vinh Nguyen from The Grumpy Pig (65-4 Maoming Bei Lu, near Yan’an Lu. Tel: 6217 3355). His departure means that Chef Austin Hu of Madison is the only remaining member of the original Banh Mi Brothaz. Let’s hope he keeps the annual pop-up tradition alive for all of us still here and craving good Vietnamese sandwiches. Nguyen was replaced by Chef Willet Feng, who is carrying on the porcine mantle with a new menu just perfect for pigging out.

September13  TalkMagazine




Alternative Eats: Bad Boy Bangers Carl Robinson

We delve deep into Shanghai’s food underbelly to give you an alternative view of the city’s dining scene.


ver the last year, Deji Odunlami, a maths teacher from East London, has been bringing his ‘Bad Boy Bangers’ sausages to an ever-increasing group of Shanghai residents. Odunlami first came to Shanghai around three years ago and, like many British expats, it didn’t take him long to become frustrated at the lack of good, old-fashioned English fry-ups. His inability to find this traditional English dish, and its crowning glory, the sausage, gave Odunlami an idea – to produce and sell quality sausages to the masses. This idea quickly became a reality when he began to stage successful sausage selling events, under the catchy name ‘Bad Boy Bangers’. You may be asking: Why this name? Well, so did we! Talk went down to meet Odunlami at one of his events, at which he informed us, the bad boy part comes from being back in London, the kids say ‘bad boy’ meaning something is good and the name bangers, well, that just means sausages.

Odunlami’s sausages were certainly more than just good when we tasted them at one of his popup events on the quieter side of Yongkang Lu at Magpie Cocktail Bar (189 Yongkang Lu, near Taiyuan Lu). There, he allowed us to sink our teeth into his traditional sausage and his most popular sausage, Sundried Tomato And Cheese. We could have easily eaten his four other mouth-watering flavours, Cumberland, Lincolnshire, Apple And Cider and Sichuan Pepper (one for the locals) as well. Those before us have dubbed him the ‘Sausage King’ and we would have to agree. There is also a vegan option available, but he assures us that the meat sausages have already turned a vegetarian into a carnivore once before!

Second Helpings: New Heights

Nyima Pratten

Odunlami understands that in Shanghai, you have to be extremely careful when purchasing meat. His solution to this problem ultimately became the reason as to why his sausages are so tasty. He purchases his ingredients from Star Farms, which means that the meat is traceable; it is also the trusted label of major supermarkets all over Shanghai. Unfortunately, Odunlami’s pop-up events only happen once or twice a month. However, when he does, it is definitely one to attend. If you can’t make it to one of his events, or simply can’t wait to try some of his sensational sausages, he’ll be more than

happy to deliver in the Puxi area. Bad Boy Bangers also offers a catering service for large parties or events. So far, the Bad Boy Bangers brand has been spread around Shanghai through word of mouth and, although this has brought some success, Odunlamis is not willing to rest on his laurels. In mid-September his sausages will be stocked in a new expat food shop in the Xuhai district, (2/F, store 86-89, 1239 Fuxing Zhong Lu). Furthermore, Odunlami also smokes his own bacon and, although we were not around to try any, if the flavor is anything like his ‘banging’ sausages, then we are in for a treat! RMB 25 per hotdog, RMB 52 to RMB 56 for a pack of 6 plain sausages. Web: www.

Five Minutes With… Debra, Master of Wine Casey Hall

Debra Meiburg is best known in Shanghai as the blonde American beaming out at us from taxi television screens, giving us hints and tips about wine tasting, in order to save the un (or under) educated from committing serious wine-related faux pas. Recently in Shanghai for a wine tasting sponsored by Lucaris glassware, Meiburg, who has lived in Hong Kong for the past 25 years, took some time out from her busy schedule to tell Talk about being one of only three “Masters of Wine” in Asia.

What: A modern brasserie suitable for casual all-day dining Why: To sample the new, beautifully plated menu at 3 On The Bund Where: 7/F, Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Guangdong Lu. Tel: 6321 0909.


erched at the top of the 3 On The Bund empire sits New Heights. This light and airy restaurant is decked out with blond-wood floors, cool chrome seating and floor to ceiling windows. New Heights also boasts an outdoor terrace, perfect for enjoying the famed Luijiazui view. Although we have been to New Heights many times, we were intrigued to try the new menu, which we had been hearing so much about. To start our lunchtime feast, we tucked into the Salmon Carpaccio, Seaweed And Sesame

32 TalkMagazine


Rice Chips (RMB 90). The salmon was deliciously fresh and beautifully seasoned, the perfect light beginning to our lunchtime treat. Next up we chose the Pan Fried Scallop Served With Homardine Sauce And Quinoa (RMB 178). The sweat and tender scallop was naturally the crowning glory of this dish and deliciously meaty. To end our glutinous lunch, we picked two of the most exquisitely sounding dessert dishes, White Wine Peach With Lemon Chiffon & Peach Sorbet (RMB 75) and Chocolate Moelleux With Apricot Confit (RMB 75). The sorbet was tangy and perfectly offset by the sweet fruit and the chocolaty offering delighted us with a soft and oozing center of heavenly goodness. The relaxed atmosphere and delightful dishes will keep us coming back for third, fourth and fifth helpings, that’s for sure.

What’s the most common question you get asked by Chinese wine consumers? I think people are very fearful about wine etiquette and I don’t know what I’m most commonly asked, but I’ll tell you what’s most commonly said to me: “I like wine, but I don’t know anything about it.” Although I fully support and promote wine education – it’s what I adore – I also fear that people feel they must be educated to taste wine and that’s not the case, it’s just that, the more you know the more interesting it is and more pleasurable it is. But surely you cringe when people mix red wine and coke? I actually try to talk down this preconception. I think that it’s something people used to like to say about China, but I also think when it was common practice to mix red wine and coke, people were drinking very simple wines and the coke may even have improved them! I think the market’s become so sophisticated now, and so quickly, I think the last thing that needs to be eradicated is the ganbei. So is the key to incorporate wine into the existing Chinese food culture? Most of us are very interested in getting people comfortable with wine at the dinner table, because it is a food drink. Of course sometimes we drink it in

bars, but in the long run, it should be drunk with food, and if we continue to promote it with western food, that makes it quite limited, as the market is only going to eat western food so many times a month. Matching wine to Chinese food is notoriously challenging, is this a factor in the future of wine as an established part of dining here? I think the food matching is not a big deal. I would say putting wine on a Chinese dinner table is important, matching dish to dish is just not. Pick one dish or one ingredient in a dish to match the wine with and make it work. Web:


爱的酸甜苦辣 (巧克力)


Chef Talk: Kanjiro Mochizuki For Ichido And Le Diamant

Nyima Pratten


hef Kanjiro Mochizuki is a world famous, Japanese Executive Pastry Chef and also teaches pastry techniques at noted culinary schools in Japan. Chef Mochizuki started his career in Japan after finishing high school and has spent stints in the US. At the World Pastry Team Championships in 2002, Chef Mochizuki won the award for Best Sugar Showpiece before serving as the Japanese team manager at the same competition in 2010; tough credentials for any Asian pastry chef to beat. Chef Mochizuki told Talk that after competing in so many international competitions, he began to socialize with many other Asian chefs and restaurateurs. That is how his friendship with Mr. Tsai started. Taiwanese Mr. Tsai came to Shanghai in 1992 and has been working in the industry for 30 years. Due to the decades long friendship Chef Mochizuki shares with Ichido and Le Diamant’s founder Mr. Tsai, Chef Mochizuki was happy to come to Shanghai to create

a new summer pastry menu for the Chinese stores. Although in Japan Chef Mochizuki specializes in French style cuisine, his preference is for American style pastry. “The characteristics of the French pastry are very complicated – more so than people are used to. But I think now, everywhere in Japan uses French style pastry. I believe that it is now the time to eat simple and tasty pastry, so I decided to create Lemon Meringue Pie, Blueberry Pie or something very simple but tasty.” Chef Mochizuki insists that so long as quality ingredients are used, the taste of American pastry is second to none as it is simple and easy to understand compared to a more complicated French version. When quizzed by Talk about the palate of Chinese consumers and whether they would warm to these unaccustomed sweet treats that they are unaccustomed to, Chef Mochizuki explained, “It took about ten years for tastes to change towards pastry in Japan but I think it will take only three years in China due to the rapid pace of development.”

宜芝多先生朋友——知名甜点主厨 望月先生

Look out for Chef Mochizuki’s new summer desserts in Ichido and Le Diamant stores now and check out his very precise Lemon Meringue Pie recipe on the right.

Puff pastry base Ingredients 90g cake flour 175g butter 3g salt

100g bread flour 82g cold water

Method Sift the cake flour and bread flour together into a bowl and cut the refrigerated butter into 5mm cubes. Using your fingers, rub the butter and flour together then add the cold water and salt. Mix the ingredients into a dough and cover in plastic wrap before refrigerating for 30 minutes. After the dough has cooled, flatten the dough into 3 layers and then rest for 30 minutes. After waiting, roll out the puff pastry dough into a circle with a diameter of 24cm and a thickness of 2mm and place onto a tart pan. Make small holes across the dough using a fork and cover with parchment paper using weights to hold it in place. Bake the puff pastry at 180°C for 30 minutes. Lemon filling (for 2 tarts) Ingredients 1 liter water 6 egg yolks

240g sugar 150 milliliters

85g cornstarch 1 sliced sponge cake

Method Boil the water and add in the sugar, cornstarch and yolks. Cook for 5 minutes before adding in the lemon juice. Place sliced sponge cake on the bottom of the baked puff pastry base then pour over the lemon mixture. Place the rest of the sliced sponge cake on top. Lemon flavored meringue Ingredients 160g egg whites 176g sugar ¼ lemon peel (grated) Method Beat the egg whites with a small amount of sugar. When the meringue has foamed well, gradually add the rest of the sugar. Fold in the grated lemon peel and spread the mixture onto the lemon cream filling. Sprinkle powdered sugar over the tart and then bake in the oven at 220°C until light brown.

堤雅梦马卡龙 堤雅梦下午茶 (Le Diamant Afternoon Tea)

Lemon Meringue Pie

(Le Diamant Macaron)



anyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund continues its trendsetting, luxuriant offerings with Riviera, a riverside dining experience that’s unmatched in Shanghai. Riviera delivers a dining encounter that places guests up-close alongside the majestic Huangpu River. There they will enjoy fine dining with a dazzling view of Pudong’s futuristic skyline. Riviera offers a delectable, riverside, weekend

BBQ buffet. Diners will enjoy an amazing selection of offerings featuring delectable salads, flavorful Chef Pots and incredibly appetizing meat and seafood entrees fresh off the grill. Available weekends (Fri and Sat) from 6pm to 10pm (requires advanced booking). For information and reservation please call (+8621) 2509 1188 Ext.7205 (From 9am to 4:30pm).

September13  TalkMagazine




Tiki Bar At Bund Beach

Carl Robinson

TOPS @ Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund Nyima Pratten

What: Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund’s classy new bar

What: Exotic-themed beach bar with refreshing cocktails and stunning views of the Bund Why: To enjoy a beach-like environment in the heart of the city Where: Bund Beach. Warf 1,846, 421 Waima Lu, near Maojiayuan Lu How much: Entrance fee is RMB 50 from 12pm to 6pm, after 6pm entrance fee includes two selected drinks. RMB 50 for 2 selected drinks during happy hour: 6pm to 10pm (Monday to Friday) Situated slap bang in the middle of Bund Beach, the Tiki Bar gives its guests the feeling of being far away from the vibrant city… nearly. Surrounded by sand and with an authentic thatched beach bar, you wouldn’t be alone in forgetting that you were in one of the largest cities in the world. The only thing that gives the location away is also one of the bars most inviting features, the stunning views across the river of the financial district.

To cool off on a hot day, bar manager Nacho Del Toro (of Dean’s Bottle Shop fame) recommended their refreshing Tequila Sunrise, a mixture of tequila, orange juice and grenadine syrup (RMB 40). Their superbly made Mojitos (RMB 40) are also highly recommended to help you unwind after a long day. You don’t have to enjoy these drinks at the bar, there are plenty of tables where you can sit and unwind under parasols whilst taking in the view. An added benefit of this venue is the inviting swimming pool a mere stone’s throw away from the bar and, if you want to catch the Shanghai rays, the sand either side of the bar offers an abundance of large sunbeds. This area also offers the potential for beach football and beach volleyball, if you are able to organize yourself into a team after a few cocktails. The bar is open every day until October, when it will then close until March of next year, so enjoy this opportunity to lay back and enjoy the view while it lasts. We suggest that you come after 6pm because although you will pay the standard RMB 50 Bund Beach charge at the entrance, it will be refundable for drink tickets at Tiki Bar.

Why: To appreciate one of the most stunning views of the historic Bund, Huangpu River and Luijiazui financial district in town Where: 19 Gongping Lu, near Haiping Lu. Tel: 2509 1188 How Much: Entrance fee RMB 150 on Tuesdays and Sundays including 2 drinks, RMB 150 on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays including 1 drink and RMB 150 on Wednesdays Ladies’ Nights, when ladies can enjoy free flow beverages from 7pm to 9pm. This cool terrace, atop Banyan Tree On The Bund, is a destination bar. Set apart from other popular city nightspots, guests will have to plan an excursion to this northerly section of the Bund, rather than stumbling upon it. However, once you arrive, you are in for a treat. Although some may think that the RMB 150 cover charge on the door is pretty steep, it does include drink(s), the quantity of which depending on what day you go and what sex you are (that night at least). On Talk’s visit to TOPS, the Bar Manager told us that this was to discourage all those pesky backpackers

from trekking up to the venue only to slowly sip a water and hog the best stools, chairs, sofas and loungers. It is clear that this bar is marketing itself at more exclusive clientele; it certainly has the credentials to. Although our trip to TOPS was rescheduled numerous times due to adverse weather conditions, when we did finally make it to the top, we were blown away by the view (not literally, it was a pleasant and balmy Shanghai evening). TOPS promises a 180 degree panorama of the Bund, across the Huangpu River and over to the skyscrapers of Luijiazui but we think it is worth mentioning that this figure is actually a lot higher, if you are interested in seeing the more industrialized area further north up the Huangpu River. The bar is very chic and modern, with a white color theme throughout and cool blue, UV lighting as the sun sets, adding to the contemporary style. There are a variety of areas to relax on the large terrace, including private sections and tables that can be booked out for groups of friends. There is also a DJ spinning the latest tunes every night. Head to TOPS, order a cocktail and some tapas, specially created by the Banyan Tree chefs, and enjoy this new, unique and unobstructed view of our beloved city.

GUINNESS MORE Music: Liu Dong Ming

Hailey Howlett

What: Liu Dong Ming performs Why: To support local, contemporary folk music in Shanghai Where: Yuyintang. 851 Kaixuan Lu, near Yan’an Xi Lu. Tel: 5237 8662 How Much: RMB 50 Guinness is promising to uphold its tradition of joining with the music industry to support rising artists and celebrate popular musicians. The company has partnered with independent Chinese music promoters, Split Works, to offer something different to local music fans in an industry heavily influenced by Korean and Japanese mainstream pop. The MORE Music series aims to create music collaborations in a ‘non-stream’ way and

34 TalkMagazine


showcase that contemporary music can include a variety of styles. As we know, contemporary folk music is not limited to a particular sound, and therefore Guinness is featuring many unique and experimental sounds with deeper lyrical content and advanced musicianship. This is the first time that Guinness will introduce its MORE Music program to China and the series will run through

until February with a range of gigs featuring independent musicians. More Music will kick off in Shanghai on 6 September at Yuyintang with folk singer Liu Dongming. Liu, originally from Tengzhou in Shanxi province, started his musical career singing outside subway stations for passers-by before moving onto Beijing’s small bars and livehouses. His natural

talent and heartfelt lyrics soon led him to release two demos which eventually resulted in him winning Best New Male Artist in 2010 at the China Music Media Awards. Liu will start the series with his unique, poetic and empathetic style. Keep your eyes peeled for more information about Guinness MORE Music’s weekend music festival from 1 to 3 November 2013.




Internations @ The Flamingo

Ladies Night @ Geisha

Bar Crawl @ Dragon Events

Sunglasses At Night @ Bar Rouge

1st International OKTOBERFEST Yixin @ Kempinski Hotel Yixin

September13  TalkMagazine


in the know IN REVIEW Pacific Rim


White House Down

Following the 2011 release of the hugely successful Drive, director Nicolas Winding Refn has once more teamed up with Ryan Gosling to produce another dark, stylized and hyper violent creation. Set in the seedy, neon underworld of Bangkok, Only God Forgives tells a story of revenge, spiraling out of control. After horrifically raping and murdering an underage prostitute, Billy (Tom Burke) is caught by Thai police. Lieutenant Chang (Vithaya Pansringarm) allows the father of the prostitute to beat Billy to death before cutting the father’s arms off for making his daughter work in the brothel. After the news of her first born son’s death, Crystal (Scott Thomas) arrives in Bangkok to demand that her second son Julian (Gosling) seeks revenge upon the men who killed his brother, setting in motion a wave of brutal violence that spreads across the city. No one does violence as well as Nicolas Winding Refn and the levels of violence in this film are astounding. The whole movie is shot beautifully but is so heavily stylized that it is bordering on becoming a parody of itself. It will divide audiences with fans of the director’s work salivating at the exquisitely constructed shots and those less familiar cringing at the slow and pretentious characters. Enjoyment of the film will be based solely on how far you are willing to follow the director down his rabbit hole. Dawa Tshering

The premise of Pacific Rim is drawn from the Kaiju genre of Japanese Manga, which gave the world the likes of Godzilla. That being said, the monsters in Pacific Rim dwarf nearly everything seen on screen before them. Expect carnage on a global scale and some of the finest action and combat scenes of the summer. Helming the project is director, Guillermo del Toro, who has given us such masterpieces as Pan’s Labyrinth. He’s known for creating films with infinitely detailed worlds that combine a unique mix of spectacle and beauty and Pacific Rim is no different. The robots are sensational. The near apocalyptic world is realized in a dark and expansive fashion. The film is a visual feast. However, being that it was not natively shot in 3-D but converted in post, the added dimension leaves a lot to be desired. Also lacking from the film is a storyline of decent narrative depth. The plot seemed somewhat an excuse for the action, and, at points, the suspension of disbelief viewers require to stay engrossed, is at an inexcusable level. Certain characters seem almost like caricatures in nature, however, one could argue that a lot of the film’s inspiration relies heavily on cartoons so in some ways, this feature is only a reflection of the film’s origins. If the idea of giant robot/monster fights has you rubbing sand in your eyes, then this film is not for you, but anyone who grew up watching these sorts of cartoons, or wishes to experience action on a whole new scale, will be thrilled; just don’t expect much depth from Pacific Rim. Andy Harrop

Framed by big skies and vast open waterways, Mud transports you to the damp, humid world of the Arkansas Delta for a gripping and heartfelt American coming of age tale. Mud finds our protagonist, Ellis (Tye Sheridan), at a painfully transitional period in his life. At age fourteen, he is experiencing his first love, the failure of his parents’ marriage and the resultant loss of the houseboat he calls home and the way of life that goes with it. When Ellis and best friend Neckbone (Jacob Lofland) discover a boat stranded in a tree by a passing storm on a small island in the delta, they aim to create a secret tree house and world of their own, but soon discover they are not alone. Already living in the boat is the eponymous and mysterious Mud, played by McConaughey, who continues the rehabilitation of a career once plagued by rom-com typecasting. What follows is an uneasy deal where, in exchange for the boat, the boys will help Mud locate and contact his lover, Juniper (Witherspoon), for whom he is waiting. The steamy atmosphere of the waterways drips off the screen in an intoxicating fashion with the charming, soft southern light captured beautifully. The stunning cinematography is coupled by stellar performances from the cast with standouts from its young leads. Running in the same vein as classics such as Stand By Me or Huckleberry Finn, it’s a beautifully told tale of boyhood adventure, though female audiences may find it to be deeply one sided. Ewan Colledge

‘Tis the summer of box office busts. Most of the major production companies have had at least one big failure and it seems that White House Down may be next on the list. The story sees U.S. Capitol Cop and wannabe Secret Service Agent, John Cale (Channing Tatum), don a white vest in a sort of Die Hard like fashion, and run around the corridors and secret passageways of the White House protecting President James Sawyer (Jamie Foxx) from a shady terrorist organization. The emotional arcs of the story focus on the relationship between perceived failure, Cale, and his despondent daughter whose only interest in life is U.S. politics, and President Sawyer’s lauded yet controversial efforts to remove U.S. troops from the Middle East. What follows is several hours chock-full of patriotic hyperbole and chaotic action punctuated by formulaic comedic interludes. However, some of the quiet moments fall short with one particular scene involving a black President and his Air Jordan shoes bordering on bad taste. The film culminates into a cringe worthy final act, which would grate on all but the staunchest red-blooded American Patriot. The predictable plot and relatively average action amount to a forgettable movie. To make any impression on a summer saturated by some of the most explosive action films of recent years, you really have to be packing heat and White House Down falls short of the mark. With no great story to counter this deficiency, it fails to stand out in a crowded bracket. Dawa Tshering

Cat Country

On The Noodle Road

Big TV

White Lies

David Lynch

Considered by many to be China’s first literary work of science fiction, the story starts with a Chinese astronaut crashed and stranded on Mars. He discovers a planet inhabited by Cat People with their own society that, under closer inspection, is found to be fraught with decline and despair, mirroring the author’s opinions and experiences of an early 20th century China. A savage critique of a culture in turmoil, Cat Country used dark humor and cutting satire with deadly effect. Lao She considered Cat Country a failure. “What I thought was what most ordinary people were thinking… I simply gave a straight-forward presentation of what was common knowledge at the time and then dignified the whole thing by calling it ‘satire’.” However in doing this, he has managed to allegorically create a true record of social conditions in the 1930s whose value is now more pronounced than ever in a post cultural revolution China. Whilst often considered to be one of Lao She’s weaker novels, Cat Country is still in its own rights a modern classic. Deeply comedic, and like last month, Mr Ma and Son, painfully relevant. The world envisaged jumps out of the pages in a fascinating and surreal manor; essential reading for anyone interested in Chinese history. Dawa Tshering

In the early stages of her marriage, Jen Lin-Liu embarks on a journey to discover where the first noodle was invented and ends up discovering herself. On The Noodle Road guides readers through LinLiu’s journey on the Silk Road; a historical network of interlinking routes. From China to Rome, Lin-Liu makes stops in Central Asia, Iran and Turkey to eat traditional meals and learn more about the history of the noodle. Lin-Liu creates a beautiful picture of the foods she eats, incorporating a personal touch with the people she encounters. With every stop, Lin-Liu encounters vastly different cultures and fully engrosses herself in them. On The Noodle Road helps to understand the connection between cultures and the way everyone prepares dishes. Along the Silk Road, Lin-Liu learns that food isn’t just sustenance; the people she encounters treat their food with respect. Food is the focal point of some cultures and their passion for preparation is shown in the way Lin-Liu describes every taste. Lin-Liu’s dedication to her dream never falters; down to the last moment of her journey she is still discovering what it means to be a chef, business owner, journalist and a wife. Having everything is not easy; it’s all about balance and remembering which personal values are the most important. Hailey Howlett

Post-Punk Indie Rock act, White Lies, are back with their follow-up third album Big TV, continuing their successful run of synthy 80’s style, deep voiced, sulking ballads. Fans of bands such as Joy Division and Dépêche Mode will find a lot to like here. This album displays the band’s solid development from their initial two releases. Where the previous albums tended towards potentially whiny lyrics, Big TV follows a loose concept of an Eastern European woman moving to a western city and focuses on the strained relationships that this causes. While not all-consuming, this general trajectory helps prevent the songs from falling into a monotonous repetition of theme, and on the whole, the album tends toward being a much more uplifting affair. The melodic riffs and moody anthems that are the hallmark of the band are well suited to playing arenas, yet they seem to dwell more on experimental work that falls loosely on slightly bored ears. Whilst not as repetitive as some of their earlier work, Big TV can still suffer occasionally from being too generic. When they do hit their stride however, White Lies prove that they are worth following. They are reaching for something, but they’re not quite there; almost tangible, there are flashes of greatness. Hopefully, when they come to make their next album they stick to the anthems, avoid being too morose and repetitive and leave the experimentation to those who are better suited to it. Andy Harrop

2013 sees the release of filmmaker, artist, musician, sometimes actor and all-around creative powerhouse David Lynch’s second album The Big Dream. Lynch’s musical output has, until recent years, mainly focused around his film work. Originally training as a painter, he moved into the film medium in the 70’s, creating cult classics such as Eraserhead, before moving more to the mainstream with huge critical successes such as Blue Velvet and Mullholand Drive. Throughout this time, musically, he worked on his films and a series of collaborations with successful acts. It wasn’t until 2011, after a multitude of other projects, that he released his first album, Crazy Clown Time. Lynch’s style is one of bluesy rock with an electronic overcoat. However, one of the music’s great strengths is also its weakness. Much of the pleasure for the listener is derived from the fact that you are listening to David Lynch. Non-fans of the icon may struggle to find as much to enjoy, with the obvious highlight of the album being the song he didn’t sing, I’m Waiting Here, featuring the vocal talents of the always-brilliant Likkie Li. It must be said though that The Big Dream doesn’t feel like an extension of some conceptual art project and functions as an album in its own rights. Lynch’s music possesses a deeply filmic quality; the sound is heavily atmospheric and he can set a scene within the first few notes of a song. His roots are plain to see. Dark and foreboding, the album poses a heavy sound worthy of merit. Ewan Colledge




Only God Forgives

Lao She Penguin

36 TalkMagazine

Jen Lin-Liu Penguin Books


The Big Dream

in the know INTERACTIVE


September Trivia Quiz

On the twenty-third, Pluto goes direct. Put it on your calendar and make sure you avoid important decisions or any over-scheduling. Things could get turned around, changed or just go into crisis – you want to be ready to handle whatever comes your way.

If you think you’ve got what it takes to beat our monthly brain buster, take our quiz and prove your intellectual talents!

Linda Joyce

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct.23): This is the right environment to ask for a raise, change jobs or just move up the ladder in regards to your goals. With Jupiter in your tenth house of career, opportunity will find its way to your door. Whatever you do, don’t play hard to get. Stand behind your ideas and talent and others will see your worth.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19): You are stronger than you have been in a long time. Yes, change continues to happen around you and that’s a good thing. Chances are you’re already in a new place. Instead of wasting time longing for what you let go of, focus your attention on the next step. Life is all about embracing change.

SCORPIO (Oct 24 – Nov 21): Don’t be surprised if your goals have opposition. A little resistance never stopped you and it won’t now. You don’t like to listen to others and their ideas, but there is a lot to learn either through their wins or losses that could save you time. Put your pride away and pay attention.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20): You’re nervous and excited, and you love the intensity of the moment. There is nothing wrong with having some fun, but you tend to take everything to an extreme. Your mission will always be about balance – how can you keep both excitement and stability in your life. Commit to the struggle.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 21): You’ve shifted your position and what you need now is support, either financial or spiritual. It’s too easy for you to do everything on your own. Your lesson for the moment is to let others help you. Break your old pattern of isolation and take a chance by opening yourself up.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21): Your financial luck is good. You’ve got Jupiter, the planet of abundance, in your second house. So take a proper risk and go for what speaks to your gut and your common sense. New ideas surround you and the simplest ones can have big rewards. All you have to do is accept success.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19): You may feel pulled apart – everyone wants something from you and there is no place to hide. The key is not to try and fulfill each little thing, but rather rise above all the expectations and see what’s really important. It’s up to you to determine what you are willing to give.

CANCER (June 22 – July 22): With Jupiter in Cancer you are ready to push the boundaries of your life. The strength you feel will make you appear stubborn to others, but the truth is you just want to do things your way and you usually only listen to yourself. That’s not a bad thing, but getting advice is also acceptable.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18): With Saturn in your tenth house of career, it’s time to reap the rewards of your past efforts. Once you receive this satisfaction, you’ll surprise yourself by shifting your goals. It’s time to cast your vision in a new direction. You love change so this should excite you, not fill you with fear.

LEO (July 23 – August 22): With Jupiter in your 12th house of the unconscious, you have a guardian angel working for you overtime. The good you have done in the past is waiting to come back to you. So know you are protected by the universe. This is the time to take a risk for your dreams. Don’t hold back; make them happen.


Who is the only footballer to have played for Liverpool, Everton, Manchester United and Manchester City?

1 2

What is the largest fish in the ocean?

According to Forbes rich list, who is the richest man in the world as of 2013?



Which famous book begins with the line: “Call me Ishmael”?


What is the longest word that can be spelt using only one line of your keyboard?


James Earl Jones famously voiced Darth Vader from Star Wars, but what Disney cartoon character is he also famous for voicing?


Aerosmith cancelled their performance in Shanghai last month, but who is their lead singer?

13 14 15

In 2002, Forbes made a ‘fictional character rich list’, which included characters like Scrooge McDuck. Who did Forbes place at number 1? What happens once a minute, twice a week and once a year? Who invented the telephone?

Which animal is well known for its male species to give birth?

6 7

What is the common name given to a female Donkey?

In 2001, which country declared that homosexuality was in fact not a mental illness?


Which WWII military operation was codenamed ‘Dynamo’ by the British?


‘Lovely Jubbly’ was a phrase made famous by which British sitcom?

16 17 18 19 20

What is the official language of Brazil? In what year was Martin Luther King assassinated? What is the name of the American national anthem? What was Tom Jones’ first UK number 1 single?

In 1960, which country was the first to have a female Prime Minister?


PISCES (Feb 19 – March 20): Whatever you have experienced, turn it into knowledge and share it with others. Knowledge should be used, wisdom should be passed on, and experience is life’s greatest teacher. Don’t keep your life lessons to yourself. Open up your world and others will open up theirs too.

1. Whale shark 2. Carlos Slim 3. Typewriter 4. Mufasa 5. Steven Tyler 6. Jenny 7. China 8. Evacuation of Dunkirk 9. Only Fools and Horses 10. Peter Beardsley 11. Moby Dick 12. Santa Claus 13. The letter E 14. Alexander Graham Bell 15. The Seahorse 16. Portuguese 17. 1968 18. Star-Spangled Banner 19. It’s Not Unusual 20. Sri Lanka

VIRGO (August 23 – Sept. 22): Friends may oppose you. Either you are trying to avoid their demands or you’re the one with the requests. It’s not the time to pressure others; if you can be patient, you’ll get what you want. Sit down and discuss what you need and don’t be manipulative or mask the truth.

September13  TalkMagazine




what'sON 2 September

Russian At Heart Olga and John Hawkes, the authors of Russian At Heart, will hold a special RAS Book Club event. The book tells the story of Olga’s mother, Sonechka, and her escape to China following the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. RMB 70 (members). RMB 100 (non-members). The Apartment. No. 47 Yongfu Lu, near Wuyuan Lu. Web: www.theapartment-shanghai. com. Tel: 6437 9478

2 September

On the Noodle Road Author Jen Lin Liu discusses her new book, On The Noodle Road, and talks about her travels along the Silk Road. Lunch and tea will begin at 12:30pm. RMB 188. M on the Bund. 7/F 5 The Bund. 20 Guangdong Lu, near Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu. Tel: 6350 9988


6-8 September

Expat Show The Expat Show is the biggest event for the expatriate community in China. Expats will enjoy the cuisine festival, wine discovery and national village at one venue, two events and three days. Shanghai Exhibition Centre. 1,000 Yan’an Lu, near Tongren Lu. Tel: 6418 5550. Web:

6-12 September

George Benson Ten-time Grammy Award-winning artist George Benson makes his return to the Mixing Room & MUSE. A vocal sensation, instrumental innovator and singer, he performs all genres from pop to jazz. RMB 990 – 1,280. The Mixing Room and Muse. 1,200 Shibo Da Dao, near Shangnan Lu. Web:

4 September

Cinemashup! It's a night of experimental cinema, found footage, and off the wall weird movies, all set to a musical journey provided live, and in the flesh, by hunky heroes Acid Pony. Films by Super Potato. Dada. 115 Xingfu Lu, near Fahuazhen Lu. Tel: 0018 2212

11-15 September

Funk Party China’s only underground Latin/Caribbean/Afro Funk party is back, with DJ Skinny Brown at the helm. Dada. 115 Xingfu Lu, near Fahuazhen Lu. Tel: 0018 2212

Flea Market An eclectic mix of designers with a theme of back to work/school, 11am till 5pm. Free to attend. 294 Xinhua Lu, near Dingxi Lu

7 September

10 September

Literary Death Match Four authors read their most electric writing for seven minutes or less before a panel of 3 judges who add commentary and judge who is best. M on the Bund. 7/F, 5 The Bund. 20 Guangdong Lu, near Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu. Tel: 6350 9988. Web:

10 September

Zombie Discosquad The return of Nat Self, aka the one man Zombie Disco Squad. Zombie walk your way down Arkham’s spattered staircase for a tough mix of classic house, ghetto tech, disco and hip hop starting at 10pm. Arkham. 1 Wulumuqi Lu, near Hengshan Lu. Web: www.

38 TalkMagazine


Home Furnishing Exhibition One of the top 3 furnishing exhibitions in the world, or so we hear... Stay up to date on the latest trends in home decor. Shanghai New International Expo Centre. 2,345 Longyang Lu, near Fangian Lu. Tel: 2282 76211

7 September

Health Coach Nine Shanghai-based health coaches are available to talk while Sprout introduces new healthy treats. Sprout Café. 570 Yongjia Lu, near Yueyang Lu. Tel: 135 6472 1917. Web:

6 September

Andy Lau Andy Lau is kicking off his Mainland China concert tour. This Hong Kongese Cantopop singer is one of the most commercially successful singers/actors from Hong Kong. Performance will begin at 7:30pm. RMB 280 – 1,680. Mercedes-Benz Arena. 1,200 Shibo Da Dao, near Shangnan Lu. Tel: 400 610 372

Five Regions of Brazil A photography exhibit that portrays the richness and diversity of contemporary Brazil. Free to attend. Oriental Pearl TV Tower. 1 Shiji Da Dao, near Lujiazui Huan Lu. Tel: 5879 1888

7 September

3 September

11-14 September

Captives of Empire Dr. Greg Leck will be discussing his novel Captives of Empire: The Internment of Allied Civilians in Shanghai, 1941-1945. RMB 30 (members). RMB 80 (non-members includes one beverage) RAS Library. 1,195 Fuxing Zhong Lu, near Shaanxi Nan Lu. Web: Email: bookings@

11 September

Fall Fashion Series New vendors are joining the Night Market to launch the beginning of the Fall Fashion series. Dada. 115 Xingfu Lu, near Fahuazhen Lu. Tel: 0018 2212.

13 September

Trio Lenitas These three young musicians are considered to be one of the best chamber music groups of the new generation. Trio Lenitas interpret music of all eras, adapting their instruments to various techniques. RMB 50 – 300. Shanghai Oriental Art Center. 425 Dingxiang Lu, near Century Blvd. Tel: 5109 5091. Web:

13 September

Dior The Museum of Contemporary Art will pay tribute to the French couturier’s creativity. The exhibition event will revisit the most iconic Dior pieces from their collections. Divided into several different themes, displaying inspiration from their most memorable pieces, discover the spirit of Dior couture in all its glory. MOCA. 231 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Huangpi Bei Lu. Tel: 6327 1282 Web:

SEPTEMBER 13 September

24 September

GET ME! West London’s illustrious club night comes to China for the first time, presenting Showcase ft. Dam Mantle, Pále & Lixo. GETME! emerged to introduce up and coming DJs to the public. GETME! has become the go-to night for old-school fun. RMB 60. The Shelter. No. 5 Yongu Lu, near Fuxing Xi Lu. Tel: 6437 0400

Dr. You Dr. Beau Diskin speaks about wellness and the significance of your nervous system as well as holistic and natural medicine. Learn about the controls of the nervous system over the entire body 10:30am – 12pm. RMB 50. Sprout Lifestyle. 570 Yongjia Lu, near Yueyang Lu. Tel: 135 6472 1917 Web:

28 September

20-21 September

14 September

DAFF DAFF is one of the biggest bi-annual lifestyle community events in Shanghai aimed at giving China’s creative leaders and rising talent a platform to interact. 2pm till 10pm on Friday and Saturday. The Bund Waterfront. 600 Waima Lu, near Maojiayuan Lu. Web:

Huangpu River Walk Explore the Huangpu’s contrasts between past and future with masterpieces of high-rise engineering. The river walk goes through the historical Bund-track starting at the Waterhouse Hotel, to the latest developments of Lujiazui. The walk goes from 10am until 1pm. Web: Email: publicwalks@

Tour de Bund The Peninsula Shanghai invites local bicycle club members, leisure cyclists and families to join 2013 Tour de Bund Charity Cycle Ride. Professional and club members will commence first with their 50 km tour followed by leisure riders and media who will undertake a 30 km trip. After the race, join the Peninsula Shanghai for an award ceremony and refreshments. The Peninsula Shanghai. 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, near Beijing Dong Lu. Tel: 2888 86605

15 September

28 September

Adoption Day SCAA Adoption Days are exclusively for foster animals surrendered to care. This opportunity allows the public and families to meet the animals and learn more about adoption. SCAA. Location to be announced. Web:

AFL Grand Final The Tigers are holding an AFL Grand Final Function together with the Australian Chamber of Commerce. Camel. 1 Yueyang Lu, near Dongping Lu. Web: www.,

15 September

Documentary Screening Winner of the 1993 Taipei Film Festival, Voices of Orchid Island, gives a snapshot in time of the small islands around Taiwan that have had little exposure to the outside world. Voices of Orchid Islands is a documentary that shows a key moment in time when progress caused problems for a local community. Screening of the documentary will begin 4:30pm till 7pm. RSVP for event. The Apartment. No. 47 Yongfu Lu, near Wuyuan Lu. Tel: 6437 9478. Web:

20 September

Magic of Yoga Yoga has been used as a story telling tool, for centuries. Prepare for an extensive session of Yoga Nidra, a conscious deep sleep, after a short asana practice. RMB 300. 758 Xizang Nan Lu, near Fuxing Zhong Lu. Tel: 5321 0688. Web:

30 September – 6 October

Shanghai International Music Fireworks Festival Combines colors, pictures, rhythm and music with melody and artistic conception, making both visual and audio art. RMB 260 (with a seat). RMB 70 (without a seat). Century Park. Huamu Lu, near Fangdian Lu

21 September

Re-visiting Shanghai Architect and historian, Anne Warr, lived in Shanghai from 2003-2009 and is visiting to lead a walk along the Bund, from the former International Settlement, through the French Concession and finally to Old Town, uncovering historical layers. Discover the areas where Shanghai reinvented itself. The walk starts at 2pm until 5:30pm. RMB 300. RMB 180 (student pricing). Web: publicwalks@

21 September

18 September

Hockey Night in Shanghai Experience a Canadian hockey game in Shanghai. Enjoy a night with family and friends to watch the hockey players in Shanghai face off in a live game between Canada and The World. RMB 100 (at the door). RMB 50 (presale). Web: events@

Maple Leaf Ball The 6th Annual Maple Leaf Ball will kick off with a champagne reception, including silent and live auctions. Dress for the red carpet treatment, starting at 6pm, and mingle with respected members of the Canadian and Chinese business community. Join for a Canadian tradition in Shanghai. RMB 1,000(members). RMB 1,200 (non-members). Grand Hyatt. Jin Mao Tower. 88 Century Avenue, near Dongtai Lu. Tel: 6075 8797.

22 September

Orchestra Conductor Myung-Whun Chung, Music Director of Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, is preforming classical and contemporary music with his orchestra. RMB 80 – 880. Shanghai Oriental Art Center. 425 Dingxiang Lu, near Century Blvd. Tel: 5109 5091. Web:

30 September 5:30pm – 8pm

Mid-Autumn Festival Event Learn how to make traditional Chinese mooncakes. RMB 20 (for ingredients). Le Comptoir Restaurant. 301 Guangyuan Xi Lu, near Yishan Bei Lu. Tel: 5406 5891. Web:

September13  TalkMagazine




Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo Carl Robinson


n celebration of the forthcoming National Day holiday, Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo is offering a special package for a journey with family and friends. Guests who book a minimum of three rooms for a one-night stay in a Deluxe Room, will get one room upgraded to an exquisitely designed Executive Suite for only RMB 998 net per room. The package has a lot more to offer, with a host of exclusive privileges, including a delicious daily breakfast for two people at one of the Shangri-La’s top restaurants and a late check-out until 4pm, as well as free access to the fully equipped gymnasium and if you need to cool off, access to the indoor swimming pool, which happens to be the largest of its kind in Ningbo. Furthermore, members of ‘Golden Circle’, Shangri-La’s guest loyalty programme, will earn double Golden Circle Award points and all guests can enjoy a complimentary shuttle bus from Shanghai with advanced booking to encourage guests to bring their whole family, children below 6 years old will enjoy complimentary meals when accompanied by adults, as well as unlimited access to the kids clubs. In addition to this first deal, guests may also choose a suite package at the rate of RMB 2,038 net for a one night stay in a luxurious suite with Horizon Club privileges and benefits,

combined with 30% discount at CHI, The Spa. The third meal will be free at Yi Café for every two paid buffet lunch or dinner, late checkout is available until 4pm and members of Golden Circle will earn triple Golden Circle Award Points. These fantastic deals are based in a luxury brand hotel located at the confluence of three rivers. The 563 worldclass rooms are the definition comfort with signature

Shangri-La service and incredible views of where the three Ningbo rivers converge. This prominent Ningbo hotel offers superior recreational choices, including largest hotel indoor swimming pool in Ningbo and a fully equipped gymnasium. “National Day Holiday is just the time to reunion with your family and friends. With these special packages, you can find tranquillity, history and great seafood in Ningbo by visiting the oldest existing private library – Tianyige Pavilion, the largest wooden structure in Jiangnan region – Baogou Temple, the home to the late Kuomintang leader, Chiang Kai-shek – Xikou, or just stay in the hotel enjoying the view of the confluence of three rivers. There is always more for you to discover in this city, which is only 100 minutes away from Shanghai by speed train,” said Gregor Wateler, general manager of Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo. These excellent promotional rates at this particularly lavish hotel are available from 27th September to 13th October 2013. For reservations or enquiries, call the Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo at (86 574) 8799 8808 or e-mail reservations.slnb@ Guests can also visit ningbo to book online.

Shanghai News

The Shangri-La Pudong, Shanghai would like to invite guests to its re-launch of the Grand Tower. Eminent guests who have stayed in the Grand Tower include heads of state, royalty, international and local celebrities, and high-end business and leisure travellers. From 1st of September and for RMB 1,788 all rooms will be granted Horizon Club benefits, which entitles guests privilege to Horizon Club check-in, use of meeting rooms, 24-hour room service and exclusive breakfast and happy hour drinks and more. For further details or to make a reservation, telephone the reservations office at (86 21) 6882 6888

Has the sizzling summer heat burned you up and dried your energy out? Need something to fulfill your appetite? Let the Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel Seafood Hot Pot satisfy your taste buds at a family friendly environment. All the seafood is elaborately selected by YUE’s Restaurant Chinese Executive and is impeccably infused with mixed vegetables. The restaurant serves a variety of fresh seafood and meats, such as baby lobster, red crab, lamb, abalone, AAA beef, fish filet, Thai whelk, scallops, fresh squid and more. Located on the second floor of the hotel, the restaurant is surrounded by a modern art deco design, which creates a warm and unique dining experience for your family or friends. The 3 course set menu starts at RMB 1,280 and serves 4 to 12 people. For more information, or to make a reservation call +86 21 3121 9999

Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival this September with beautiful gifts of traditional moon cakes from the Mandarin Oriental Cake Shop. This month, this prestigious cake shop is running complimentary delivery service to downtown Shanghai for orders of 30 boxes and above, as well as some other cracking special offers. These include a 20% discount for 11 – 50 boxes, 30% for 51 – 200 boxes, 35% for 201 – 300 boxes, 40% for 301 – 500 boxes, 45% for 501 – 1000 boxes and a 50% discount for 1001 boxes and above. Moon cake gift vouchers can be purchased at The Mandarin Cake Shop and can then be collected from the cake shop from September 1, between 10am and 7pm daily. For further details and orders, contact 20829988

During this Mid-Autumn Festival, the Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan offers two exquisite mooncake selections. Inherited from classic ingredients and fused with traditional flavor, this mooncake gift box with Chinese red elements will bring happiness to you and your family during this festive season. For more information call +86 21 5318 888

You can get twice the pleasure at the Waldorf Hotel’s ‘Waldorf Astoria Spa and Afternoon package. Book and indulge in any 80 minute spa treatment at Waldorf Astoria Spa between 10am to 3pm every Monday to Friday and you will be treated to a complimentary Red Velvet afternoon Tea Set which includes mouth watering pastries and savory delights at Salon De Ville. For bookings, call +86 21 2329 0459 or email

Start your culinary journey to Europe every Friday evening at The Grand Mercure. Here, you will enjoy the traditional French dish “Chicken coq au vin”, Italian flavored “Baked sea bass fillet with seasonal vegetable”, and much more. In addition, French hand-made ice cream “Cornucopia” can make you happy with their selection of mouth watering flavors. Price is RMB 228 per person + 15% service charge. To make a reservation call +86 21 5153 3300 ext. 3708 or visit the website

40 TalkMagazine


HOTELTALK South China News

The 100th floor ‘Catch’ seafood speciality restaurant at the Four Seasons Hotel, Guangzhou launches a new menu. From fresh-shucked Australian oysters to Boston lobster, Atlantic halibut to Norwegian salmon, the Hotel’s highest Catch restaurant is the best place in town to enjoy a wealth of jet-fresh seafood from around the world. This new menu is available now including four set-menu dinners with choices of pairing wine. Master Chef Paddy Chan’s recommendations include Sesame Crusted Tuna With Ginger Tomato Candy, Butter Poached Atlantic Halibut And Asian Braised Short Rib. This exquisite meal starts at RMB 588 for the set menu and RMB 78 per portion for the a la carte menu (15%). For reservations call +86 (20) 8883-3300

The Sofitel Guangzhou invites guests for their

The Pullman Guangzhou presents

China Hotel, Guangzhou, (a Marriott

Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou

The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou presents

The Langham, Shenzhen welcomes

InterContinental Huizhou Resort invites

W Hotels Worldwide debuts in Mainland

the city. Ranging from wonderful to extremely ‘WOW’, W Guangzhou offers seven different categories of guestrooms perfectly suited for the global jet setter. The hotel also features two dynamic nightlife venues in the Woobar and Fei, which both serve a fantastic array of cocktails and introduce experienced DJ’s that will set the mood throughout the night. Quality food is not difficult to come by at the W Guangzhou as it presents three signature restaurants that can cater to anyone’s needs. Finally the hotel offers China’s first AWAY Spa, which invites W guests to visit the 24/7 retreat and savvy city locals to detox and refuel. From the contemporary design to the indulgent menu of signature services, AWAY Spa captures the glamorous and playful W experience, infusing Western and Eastern elements to create an exclusive experience. W Guangzhou also offers ‘a state-of-the-art fitness center at ‘SWEAT’, a heated indoor pool at ‘WET’, a 24-hour business center at ‘WIRED’, and the W brand’s ‘Whatever/ Whenever’ service philosophy, offering guests whatever they want, whenever they want it. For more information or to book an introductory package at W Guangzhou, visit

Moon Cakes: Once again, this hotel has launched its highly regarded Mid-Autumn Moon Cake gift boxes in celebration of the upcoming festival. Available until 19 September, the sophisticated gift boxes start from RMB 208 and feature four 150-gram moon cakes or six 80-gram miniature moon cakes with a variety of luxurious fillings. Guests purchasing gift boxes in bulk will enjoy exclusive savings. For more information call (86 20) 3813 6827. Or email

brand new promotions for September. It’s all about tea in the 988 Café, where only premium infused teas are served, creating a culinary adventure for all comers. Costing from RMB 368 (+15%), 50% off the full price (+15%) for 6-12 year olds and under 5s eat free. At Le Chinois, celebrate this Mid-Autumn Festival with traditional Chinese cuisine to share which has been exclusively prepared by their Chinese Master Chef, John, for this very special occasion. The set menu is from RMB 3,888 and will be held between the 29th and 30th September. The Mar-Tea-Ni lounge is serving premium French oysters from Brittany, combined with a glass of the most famous champagne in the world from Reims; prices start at RMB 248 (15%), which includes a glass of champagne and 3 oysters. Not yet satisfied? Le Grill is inviting guests to celebrate high quality lobster from 3 unique countries during this festive season. Explore Chef Nicolas’s signature lobster recipe or some of his other incredible dishes. The set menu for 2 costs RMB 888 (15%) and includes 5 courses. For more information on yet more offers or to make a reservation visit

the Vichey experience at its beautiful spa. Before the end of the month, treat yourself to a day of unforgettable indulgence beginning with a signature Vichy Shower to soothe and soften your skin, followed by your choice of body massage to achieve perfect relaxation for RMB 1,036 (+15%). For a reservation or more information call 020-3813 6668

its Canton Fair “Adorable Times” package. This package, running from October 12th to November 6th, gives guests staying 2 consecutive nights or above a discount of 15%, which also includes the following benefits: complimentary daily buffet breakfast at U8 Action Cuisine Restaurant, where daily RMB 150 restaurant credit per room per night, can also be used for the consumption of food and drinks. This deal is also applicable for the Societe Lobby Lounge. Guests can also enjoy a free shuttle bus to the Panzhou Complex with free 3G and Wi-Fi and a 15% discount for “Adorable Times” cocktails at the Societe Lobby Lounge, which includes a live music performance. For further information concerning Pullman hotels, visit

renowned Canadian Jazz singer Diane White to entertain guests at Duke’s Wines and Grill restaurant. Ending on the 30th November 2013, this gifted and experienced singer is set to bring an enthralling evenings to guests. Having received invaluable experience training with an impressive collection of jazz gurus including Andrew Homzy, Charles Ellison and Dave Turner, Diane White presents her unique musical style, which resounds her intense love of life. For Further information telephone (86) 755 – 8828 8062 or Email

China with the opening of the W Guangzhou. Continuing the W brand’s rapid expansion in Asia, the W Guangzhou introduces China to a new style of modern luxury set amidst cutting edge design and impeccable service around the clock. This new interpretation of modern luxury seamlessly blends the city’s storied traditions with the W brand’s dynamic and future-forward designs. This new hotel marks a rapid Asian expansion for the W brand, which plans to more than double its current footprint of nine hotels to nearly twenty over the next five years. The W Guangzhou is situated in the city’s bustling Pearl River New Town District, a rapidly evolving center of entertainment, commerce and design, that is home to dozens of Fortune 500 companies and luxury shopping malls adjacent to some of China’s oldest cultural treasures. This 317-guest room and suites hotel offers a fully integrated contemporary lifestyle experience that stylishly reflects Guangzhou’s unique energy and personality as an ancient city in the midst of a modern economic explosion. W Guangzhou’s guestrooms and suites have been designed by award-winning agency, Yabu Pushelberg, as a retreat away from the hustle and bright lights of

Hotel) is proud to announce the appointment of Mr. Westley Chiang as Director of Marketing. With more than 20 years of working experience in the hospitality industry, Westley Chiang’s dedication and passion has allowed him to gain plenty of experience with various five-star hotels. Since the year 2000, Westley has gained his hospitality skills as a hotel Director of Marketing at the Renaissance Melaka Hotel in Malaysia, Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon in Vietnam, JW Marriott Hotel Chongqing, Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Convention Centre Hotel and Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast. His impressive knowledge of marketing is the reason for his much deserving appointment.

you to enjoy a Golf Vacation. Whether you are professional or amateur golfer, you will have fun here. Prices start at RMB 1,350 net including one night accommodation in a Club Room and 18 holes of golf for one adult. In addition, the resort also recommends the Golf Express Menu. For more information or reservation, contact 0752-3208888

September13  TalkMagazine



The Marriott International has organized a highprofile trade event in its Courtyard by Marriott Suzhou Hotel. Its executives acknowledge the enormous business opportunities from Suzhou and tipped the city as a typical example of its next-phase growth strategy in China. The “2013 Marriott International Road Show – Suzhou Destination” introduced Marriott hotels from Suzhou, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Sanya and other cities to some 250 travel trade and corporate customers.

Pan Pacific Hotel and Serviced Suites Ningbo have appointed Lucy Li as

Fairmont Yangcheng Lake is pleased

to announce Mr. Brian Tan as Director of Operations. Graduating from the famous Cornell University, Brian brings 18 years of experience to this position. Brian will now be in charge of several areas of the hotel, including the operation of the Rooms, Food & Beverage, Culinary, the Willow Stream Spa, Engineering and Security, thus ensuring guests get the most out of their stay. For more information or reservations, call 1-800-441-1414 or visit

Enjoy a hairy crab getaway at DoubleTree by the Hilton Huaqiao-Kunshan with your family or friends. From only RMB 916, you can enjoy a one night stay in a DoubleTree guest room, which includes an international buffet breakfast, a Yangcheng Lak hairy crab dinner set menu for one (on check-in day) and complimentary high-speed WIFI access. As this deal is just for one person, a supplement of RMB 308 can be paid for someone else to enjoy these privileges. This deal runs from the 15th September to the 20th December and must be booked before the 15th December. For a reservation call 0512-5760 2222 or 021-39215700

Swissotel Grand, Shanghai

Sui Yuan Chinese restaurant

Fairmont Yangcheng Lake

their Executive Assistant Manager for sales and marketing. In her new position, Ms. Li will be responsible for driving the sales and marketing efforts of the hotel and serviced suites. She will be representing and leading the properties in managing the overall sales, marketing and revenue strategies. Her responsibilities will also include overseeing the daily operations of the properties and streamlining the current operating procedures.

It's A Date

The Brew

Worlds Best Apprentice Brewer: This month, The Brew has been chosen as a host of the ‘Worlds Best Apprentice Brewer’ Asia competition. The Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai and 6 of the world’s top breweries will be hosting an apprentice brewer to travel to all of the participating brewers to create the same beer at each location. Pop down to The Brew at Kerry Hotel to grab a beer and check it out. For more information call 6169 8888 Ext. 6815


Cool off this month: The Swissotel Grand, Shanghai is offering their impressive selection of Mojitos this September. Mixed with fresh mint, a natural refresher, this summer beverage at The Flow Lounge & Bar includes apple, kumquat, lychee, kiwi and strawberry-flavoured Mojitos. Prices start from RMB 80 a glass. For reservations call 5355 9898 ext. 6361

Chef Enzo Carbone: Modern Italian cookhouse Capo in Shanghai, under executive Chef Enzo Carbone, has created two new menus to start and end the night in style. For the Early Bird four-course dinner menu for two, Enzo Carbone has crafted Italian food for people passionate about high quality cuisine. Costing a reasonable RMB 288, the meal is served between 5:30pm and 7pm. If you want to eat a little later, Capo’s new ‘Late Nite Pizza & Wine’ promotion has created a great way to wind down in the evening with an intimate new late night menu including two authentic Neapolitan Pizzas expertly paired with a red Gragnano wine from the Sorrento Peninsula on the outskirts of Naples, Italy. Costing RMB 388, this fantastic meal will be available daily from 10pm. For reservations call 5308 8332. Web:

42 TalkMagazine


Enjoy a wide selection of Dim Sum: At the Sui Yuan restaurant at the DoubleTree by the Hilton Wuxi, every Monday to Friday, the Dim Sum specialties are prepared by their Cantonese Dim Sum Chef Lawrence Xu. The Sui Yuan Chinese restaurant will definitely make your lunch a memorable experience. For reservations call 0510 8181 8888

The Domain Cafe at the East Beijing Hotel

Coffee and Cakes: This café is a relaxed hangout to meet, work and network over coffee and cakes. They serve afternoon tea daily from 12pm until late with a great selection of desserts, cakes, scones and mini sandwiches including coffee or tea. For two people, this delectable selection of foods will cost RMB 168 (15%). For reservations or more information, telephone: +8610 8426 0888 or visit

Family Getaway Package: Join us on the shores of Yangcheng Lake when the weather is the best for outdoor activities and spending time in our in-house Yue Feng Island Organic Farm. Come for the day to enjoy lunch or dinner in Yi Feng Court or our weekend buffets in Essence and receive complimentary recreation passes for bike riding, tennis, golf, putting, basket ball, kite flying or use of our indoor and outdoor pools. Whether you visit for the day or an overnight stay, our resort has something for everyone. For information on our Autumn Getaway Packages call 0512 5780 0888

Gui Hua Lou restaurant

58 Dim Sum Quest: Located at the Pudong Shangri-La, Shanghai, Gui Hua Lou restaurant presents the “58 Dim Sum Quest” menu, including Executive Chef Sam Gao’s WuZeTian Imperial Bun. First launched in May 2011, the Dim Sum Quest menu consists of 58 authentic and creative Cantonese dim sum specialities with Gui Hua Lou’s Huaiyang and Sichuan influences. Gui Hua Lou is open daily for lunch and dinner and upon request, guests can pre-order the famous WuZeTian Premier Imperial Bun and the gorgeous Imperial Lobster Dumpling. Gui Hua Lou is also open daily for lunch and dinner. For enquiries and reservations, call Gui Hua Lou at 5888 3697, or for food and beverage reservations at 6882 6888


Listings If you think you've got something we should know about, e-mail Talk Magazine at or send a fax to 6237 5827.

SHANGHAI DINING American BISTRO BURGER •A Mansion Building, 291 Fumin Lu (near Changle Lu). T: 6170 1315

Real handmade burgers with fresh ingredients. Hours: Sun-Thu 10am-12am, Fri-Sat 10am-4am

香啡缤: 遵义路100号虹桥上海城一 楼140-141单元; 福州路666号金陵 海欣大厦1楼B座, 近延安路; 太仓路 181弄新天地广场北里10号楼; 黄金 城道915号; 浦东银城北路133号汇亚 大厦101室; 陆家嘴西路168号正大广 场GF02商铺; 西康路99弄-2(南京西 路,近恒隆广场2座); 淞沪路270号创 智天地广场地下一层01单元,创智天 地店; 长宁路1018号1051室龙之梦店; 芳甸路199弄证大大拇指广场; 淮海中 路138号无限度广场2楼

BLUE FROG 102-103A, Block 6, Daning Life Hub, 1918 Gonghe Xin Lu. T: 6631 3920. Rm 3, Green Sports & Leisure Centre, 633 Biyun Lu (near Yunshan Lu). T: 5030 6426. GF, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu. T: 5047 3488. 30 Hongmei Entertainment Street, Lane 3338 Hongmei Lu. T: 5422 5119. Lower Level, Unit 12, Novel City, 131 Tianyaoqiao Lu (near Xingeng Lu). T: 3368 6117 The ever-reliable Frog. 浦东金桥, 碧云路633号-3; 浦东新 区陆家嘴西路168号正大广场GF27( 1楼); 虹梅路3338弄30号; 天钥桥路 131号永新坊地下一层12室(辛耕路口)

KING •132BURGER Yuyuan Lu (near Jiaozhou Lu).

T: 6255 2144 Ooh we love a Whopper.

汉堡王: 愚园路132号,近胶州路

ROOM •1F,GRILL Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel, 1108 Meihua Lu (near Fangdian Lu). T: 3858 0888 The steak is great but we love the antipasto and condiment bar!

California Grill •40F,JW’s JW Marriott Hotel, 399 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 5359 4969 x 6455

Hours: 11.30am - 2.30pm, 5.30 - 10.30pm 加州扒房:南京西路399号, 万豪酒 店40楼

Steakhouse •2F,Manhattan Marriott Hotel Hongqiao, 2270

Hongqiao Lu. T: 6237 6000 x 6633

As fantastic as the steaks here may be, we've also had a mighty fine lobster here. 曼哈顿扒房:虹桥路2270号万豪虹 桥大酒店2楼

Prime 500 Steak House 3F, Hotel Main Tower, InterContinental Hotel, 500 Hengfeng Lu. T: 5253 9999 x 6336 Slabs of meat are

Costa Coffee Shop B, 1F, Ramada Plaza, 719 Nanjing Dong Lu. T: 6351 2916 Ciro's Plaza, 388 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 3505 1958 545 Pudong Dadao. T: 6888 1773. Metro Tower: 1111 Zhaojiabang Lu. T: 6426 7854 15 & 17 Xiangcheng Lu (near Dongfang Lu). T: 5081 1182. Joy Plaza: 9 Zhenning Lu. T: 5238 2901 3196 Hongmei Lu. T: 6406 5909. 269 Wujiang Lu. T: 6136 1403. 638 Huaihai Zhong Lu. T: 5306 5231 588 Nanquan Bei Lu. T: 5190 6295

Hours: 10am-12am

虹口区西江湾路388号龙之梦购物 中心3楼55商铺;长宁区汇川路 164-166号

Lu) T: 6211 8217

Saint Germain Bakery, a renowned Canadian brand provides only the utmost quality, using natural and fresh ingredients. Hours: 7am-11pm. 加焙坊:徐汇区南昌路559号(近陕 西南路,地铁1号线、10号线陕西 南路站)

•2F, Bauernstube Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel, 5 Zunyi Nan Lu. T: 6275 8888 x 3104

One of the best places in Shanghai to get cold cuts. 农夫之家食品店:上海市遵义南路 5号,虹桥喜来登上海太平洋大饭店2楼

Café 1188 •Lobby Level, InterContinental

Shanghai Expo, 1188 Xueye Lu (near Yuntai Lu). T: 3858 1208

Interactive kitchens and live cooking stations make this brunch a feast for the eyes.

Lu. T: 6351 5888 x 4186

Chocolate éclairs and other Parisian goodies. Hours: 7am-9pm 玛德莱娜西饼屋: 南京东路505号, 海 仑宾馆1楼

Palm Court 1F, The Langham, Yangtze Boutique, 740 Hankou Lu. T: 6080 0743

Serving the Signature Langham afternoon tea with live classical music in the afternoons.

翡翠酒家: 兴业路123弄新天地6-7号 楼F-12A-B;南京西路1038号梅 龙镇广场7楼;虹桥路1号港汇广 场507B

Phoenix •8F,Dragon Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing

Dong Lu. T: 6138 6880

• Emerald Garden

LOUNGE •GF,JASMINE Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20

羿庭:上海外滩华尔道夫酒店,上海市 黄浦区中山东一路2号

Hours: 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm

Famed for its traditional high tea indulgence presented on tiered silver tea stands. Hours: 8am - 12am.

北京西路500号 (静安雕塑公园二 号门)

中国上海南京东路20号 200002

Astoria Shanghai on the Bund, 88 Sichuan Zhong Lu, near Guangdong Lu. T: 6322 9988 Hours: 9am-11pm

Red Beacon Café 500 Beijing Xi Lu (near Shimen Er Lu) Salon de Ville •Waldorf Astoria Club L Level, Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund, 2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu (near Guangdong Lu). T: 6322 9988

Talk likes to enjoy an afternoon reminiscing at the former news room where Shanghai Club members read their papers and smoked their pipes. Hours:12-11pm 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店上海黄浦区中 山东一路2号

T: 6433 5208

Le Diamant •3L-3-04C, South Building, 3F, 283,

Hours: 10.30am-11.30pm.


Café •2F,YiGrand Tower, Pudong Shangri-

La, Shanghai, 33 Fucheng Lu (near Lujiazui Huan Lu). T: 6882 8888 x 210

•25F,Zpark 1018 Changning Lu (near Huichuan Lu). T: 6115 8888

Sit back, relax and choose from a range of 60 coffee varieties from around the world.

Enjoy afternoon tea or late night cocktails, and small plates in this cozy rendezvous spot where attentive service is always on the menu. Hours: 8am-11pm. Afternoon tea: 2.30pm-5pm 南京西路1376号上海商城波特曼酒店

Chinese Restaurant •5F,Jade Hotel Main Tower, InterContinental Shanghai Puxi. T: 5253 9999 x 6399

上海恒丰路500号,上海浦西洲际酒 店5 楼

T: 6036 8866

The signature Chinese restaurant offers traditional Cantonese dishes with selections of Shanghai favorites.

@ F.C.C. •BldgMANCHURIA 11-12, 3-4F, 889 Julu Lu (near Changshu Lu). T: 6445 8082

A Cantonese restaurant with a modern design. 上海市巨鹿路889号(11-12幢3-4层) 靠近常熟路

Chinese restaurant •5F,Mao Sofitel Shanghai Hyland, 505


Yuyuan Hotel, 159 Henan Nan Lu (near Fuyou Lu). T: 2321 8888

Freshly- baked bread, croissants, pastries, cakes, scones, gourmet pizza slices, fresh juices & fresh roasted coffee. Card: All Cards. Hours: 7am-10pm. www.,

福临门: 浦东富城路33号上海浦东香 格里拉大酒店浦江2楼

Yi Garden Café •Lobby Level, Renaissance Shanghai

豫园咖啡厅:河南南路159号豫园万 丽酒店大堂(近福佑路)

The Lobby Lounge The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai Lobby Level, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu T: 6279 8888 x 5976

Specialises in sharks fin, abalone and birds nest. Hours: Mon-Fri 11.30am2.30pm, Sat-Sun 11.30am-3pm. Daily 5-10pm

Nanjing Road East. T: 6351 5888 x 4588

Contemporary café with open kitchens. Hours: 12-11pm

33 Fucheng Lu (near Yincheng Dong Lu). T: 6882 8888 x 25

浦东富城路33号, 上海浦东香格里拉 大酒店紫金楼二楼

London Bakery Cafe •1F,glo 1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu (near Dongping Lu). T: 6466 6565

Lam Moon •2F,Fook River Wing, Pudong Shangri-La,

Ho •5F,Man 15 Xinjinqiao Lu, Pudong

翡翠园中餐厅:上海市遵义南路 5号,虹桥喜来登上海太平洋大饭 店2楼

A la carte menu with Asian and Western specialties for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Hours: 6.30am–11.30pm

Whisk 1250 Huaihai Zhong Lu (near Huating Lu). T: 5404 7770

Crème Milano •434LeShaanxi Nan Lu (near Yongjia Lu).

2F, Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel, 5 Zunyi Nan Lu (near Xianxia Lu). T: 6275 8888 x 4910

CAFÉ •488SERENA Yan'an Xi Lu, Hotel Nikko

赛丽娜: 延安西路488号上海日航 酒店一楼

长宁路1018号上海龙之梦万丽酒 店25楼

Chinese - Cantonese

In Hong Kong, T’ang Court enjoys an envied reputation and two coveted Michelin stars. 唐阁:汉口路740号2楼

Hao •39F,Wan JW Marriott Hotel, 399 Nanjing

Xi Lu (near Huangpi Bei Lu). T: 5359 4969 x 6436 Cantonese creations with stunning city views. Hours: 11.30am2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm


Li Restaurant •2F,Wan Renaissance Shanghai Pudong

Hotel, 100 Changliu Lu. T: 3871 4888 x 6612 Hours: 11am-2pm, 5-10pm

万丽轩: 浦东长柳路100号淳大万丽 酒店2层

Cantonese, Shanghainese and other regional specialties.

Shanghai. T: 3211 9999

香港广场店:淮海路283号3楼南栋 3L-3-04C;虹桥久光店:长宁区仙 霞路99号尚嘉中心B2层

八佰秀店:常德路788号1号;96广 场店:东方路796号一层170号铺; 古北水城店:水城南路89号;碧云 山庄店:碧云路633号;星游城店: 天钥桥路570-572号1-2F;人民广 场店:人民广场18号出口;正大2楼 店:陆家嘴西路168号,正大百货2楼

Fave of Hong Kongers looking for some good hometown cooking.

Alley •NewPeacock Tower Lobby Level, Waldorf

Huaihai Lu. T: 3331 2396 B2, Shang Jia Center, 99, Xian Xia Lu, Changning District.

icake Room 1, 788, Changde Lu. T: 5239 7521 Room.170,1F, 796, Dongfang Lu. T: 6100 9279 89, Shuicheng Lu. T: 5265 6803 89, Biyun Lu. T: 5067 7031 570-572, 1-2F, Tianyaoqiao Lu. T: 6468 5933 Exit 18, People's Square Subway Station. T: 2205 7746 Zhengda Department Store, 2nd Floor, 168, West Lujiazui Lu. T: 5047 0817

123 Xingye Lu (near Madang Lu). T: 6385 8752. 7F, West Gate Mall, 1038 Nanjing Xi Lu (near Jiangning Lu). T: 5228 1133. 507B, 5F, Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Lu


Long Court •TheYiPeninsula Shanghai, 2F, 32

Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu (near Beijing Dong Lu). T: 2327 6742.

Authentic Cantonese cuisine and dim sum with seven private dining rooms and a signature Peninsula Chinese Chefs’ Table. Hours: 11.30 am-2.30 pm, 6 -10.30 pm. 逸龙阁:中山东一路32号上海半岛酒 店2层(近北京东路)

Yue Xuan •Tower 2, 1F, 1116 Hongsong Dong Lu (near Hongxu Lu). T: 3323 6666

Seriously authentic Cantonese, and the Singaporean chef throws in some great Southeast Asian specialties too! 上海市红松东路1116号

Chinese - Shanghai 599 •LaneChateau 599, 1 Fangdian Lu (near Jinxiu Lu). T: 5033 9113 Exclusive access to

luxury private lounge with Huaiyang cuisine. 上海市浦东新区方甸路599弄1号 (近锦绣路)

Club Jin Mao •Grand Hyatt, 86F, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Shiji Dadao (near Lujiazui Huan Lu). T: 5049 1234 x 8688 Club Jin Mao of Grand Hyatt Shanghai, one of the most exclusive authentic Shanghainese restaurants. Hours: 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm

金茂俱乐部:浦东世纪大道88号金茂 君悦大酒店86楼

Restaurant •98 Dick’s Kaixuan Lu (close to Wanhangdu Lu). T: 5272 8198

Innovation of exquisite traditional Shanghai cuisine. Discount for lunch menu (Mon-Fri) Open Daily from 11am-9pm. 凯旋路98号(近万航渡路,中山公园龙 之梦北面150米)

Renowned for its Shanghainese and Cantonese specialties.

•LevelMingyuan 2 at Banyan Tree Shanghai

On The Bund, 19 Gongping Lu (near Haiping Lu) T: 2509 1188

A contemporary upscale Chinese culinary journey for epicures, serving traditional Cantonese cuisine paying homage to classic Chinese influences in a contemporary style. Ming Yuan offers a range of dining options varying for private dining room and large group tables. Hours: Lunch 11.30am–2.30pm; Dinner 5.30pm–9.30pm 酩缘:公平路19号上海外滩悦榕庄 2楼(近海平路)

Ai Mei 8F, Le Royal Méridien Shanghai, 798 Nanjing Dong Lu (near Xizang Zhong Lu). T: 3318 9999 x 7700 Traditional Cantonese, with innovative presentations. Hours: 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm

COURT •TheMING Langham Xintiandi, 5F, 99

Madang Road (near Taicang Lu). T: 2330 2428

If you crave contemporary Chinese cuisine, then Ming Court is your choice. Specialising in Shanghainese and Cantonese dishes. Ming Court creates an innovative mix of traditional favourites and modern delicacies. 新天地朗廷酒店: 马当路99号五层

艾美中餐厅:南京东路789号上海世 茂皇家艾美酒店(8楼)

Canton •Grand Hyatt, 55F, Jinmao Tower, 88

咖啡厅1188:浦东雪野路1188号, 近南码头路,上海世博洲际酒店一楼

Shiji Dadao (near Dongtai Lu). T: 5047 1234 x 8779

Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf •Unit 140-141, Shanghai City Centre,

100 Zunyi Lu (near Xianxia Lu). T: 6237 1458. Block B, 1F, Jinlinghaixin Building, 666 Fuzhou Lu (near Yunnan Zhong Lu). T: 6391 7971. House 10, Lane 181 Taicang Lu (near Madang Lu). T: 6387 4248. 915 Huang Jincheng Lu. T: 6209 9212. Azia Centre, 133 Yincheng Bei Lu (near Lujiazui Huan Lu). T: 5877 9558. 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu, Unit GF02, Super Brand Mall. T: 5047 1012. No 2, 99 Xikang Lu (near Nanjing Xi Lu). T: 6289 2163. Unit 1, Basement, Plaza KIC, 270 Songhu Lu. T: 6533 3103. Unit 1051B, 1F, Cloud 9 Mall, 1018 Changning Lu. T: 5237 1781. Thumb Plaza, Bldg 18, 199 Fangdian Lu. T: 5833 0801. Infiniti Plaza ,138 Huaihai Zhong Lu. T: 6375 6167

Bakery •1F,Madeleine Hotel Sofitel, 505 Nanjing Dong

Crystal Jade •Unit 2F (12A & B), Bldg 6-7, Lane

廷廊:汉口路740号朗廷扬子精品酒 店1楼大堂

(华美达店) 南京东路715号; (仙乐斯 店) 南京西路388号仙乐斯广场; (港汇 店) 虹桥路1号港汇广场2楼; (Eton 裕 景店) 浦东大道545号; (美罗城办公 楼) 肇嘉浜路1111号; 向城路15号和 17号; 九尊,镇宁路9号; 虹梅路3196号

Fuwa Pulu Shop 55, Level 3, 388 Xijiangwan Lu. T: 6628 2897 Hours:10am-10pm 164-166 Huichuan Lu. T: 6277 3577

The Lounge is the ideal venue to meet your business partners and friends at the lobby. Enjoy an afternoon tea or relax over a cocktail or glass of champagne.

Quintessential Cantonese and Shanghainese specialties. Hours: 11.30am - 2pm, 5.30 - 10pm.

Costa cafés are springing up all over town.

恒丰路500号,上海浦西洲际酒店 3 楼

One •559Baker Nanchang Lu (near Shaanxi Nan

亦园店:乌鲁木齐中路82号;上海企业 天地店:湖滨路222号1号楼2层10号 铺;南京东路店:南京东路719号6号商 铺;上海浦东潍坊西路60号(近浦城 路);东海广场店:铜仁路299号东海 广场101;利星国际广场店:上海市长 宁区延安西路1319弄101室;创智广 场店:杨浦区淞沪路333号创智天地三 期102A单元;新城国际店:朝阳区朝外 大街6号新城国际B期16号楼107号商 铺;公园大道店;朝阳区公园南路6号院 4-3号;顺义优山美地店:顺义区后沙 峪镇榆阳路4号优山美地俱乐部

Nanjing Dong Lu (near Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu). T: 6321 6888

complemented by a collection of premium vintages from the wine cellar.

Bakery & Deli

Lobby 101, The Exchange, 299 Tongren Lu Lixing International Plaza Shop: Shop 101,1319 Yan’an Xi Lu. KIC Square Shop: Shop 102A, Building 3, KIC Square, 333 Songhu Lu,Yangpu Central Park Shop: Shop 107, Building 16, Phase 2 Central Park, Apartment 6, Chaoyang Menwei Dajie,Chaoyang District, Beijing Park Avenue Shop: Shop 115, Park Avenue, 6 Chaoyang Gongyuan Nan Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing Yosemite Shop: Lobby 1, Yosemite Club, 4 Yuyang Lu, Houshayu Town, Shunyi District, Beijing

Cantonese haute cuisine, contemporary Chinese décor and marvellous city views. Hours: 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm

粤珍轩:浦东世纪大道88号金茂君悦 大酒店55楼

Gourmet Café 1F, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu (near Xikang Lu). T: 6289 5733 南京西路1376号上海商城111室

The Lobby •Lobby Level, The Peninsula Shanghai,

Jamaica Blue •Chevalier Shop: 82 Wulumuqi Zhong

All-day dining and the celebrated Peninsula Afternoon Tea with live entertainment.

Lu (near Changle Lu) Shanghai Corporate Avenue Shop: Shop 10, Level 2, 222 Hubin Lu Ramada Shop: Shop 6, 719 Nanjing Dong Lu (near Xizang Zhong Lu). Tel: 6351 3303 Binjiang Shop: 60 Weifang Xi Lu The Exchange:

32 on the Bund. T: 2327 2888

大堂茶座: 中山东一路32号上海半 岛酒大堂

The Lounge •1F, 15 Xinjinqiao Lu, Pudong T: 6036 8858

Hui Tang •2F,Sheng InterContinental Shanghai Expo,

1188 Xueye Lu (near Nanmatou Lu). T: 3858 1188

1039 •1039FuYuyuan Lu (near Jiangsu Lu).

T: 5237 1878 Crazy villa with nooks and crannies everywhere.

•30 cha's Sinan Lu (near Huaihai Zhong Lu).

We love it for its interactive show kitchens and live cooking stations.

T: 6093 2062 Hong Kong-style canting

straight out of the 1950s.

盛会堂:浦东雪野路1188号,近南码 头路 上海世博洲际酒店2楼

House •221Full Shimen Er Lu (near Xinzha Lu).

Pavilion •TheSummer Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai

Yum... hongshao rou!

China Bistro 3F, Renaissance Shanghai Yuyuan Hotel, 159 Henan Nan Lu (near Fuyou Lu). T: 2321 8888 Capturing the essence of great home cooked provincial Chinese cuisine. Hours: 11am-2.30pm, 5-10pm

万丽轩: 河南南路159号豫园万丽酒店 3楼(近福佑路)

2F, East Plaza, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 6279 8888 x 4770 南京西路1376号上海商城波特曼酒店

Court •2F,T’ang The Langham, Yangtze Boutique,

740 Hankou Lu. T: 6080 0800


T: 6209 1686

Garden •6F,Paradise Jin Mao Tower, 88 Shiji Dadao (near Yincheng Dong Lu). T: 5047 7773

Hours: 11.30am-3pm, 5.30-11pm 天萃庭: 浦东世纪大道88号金茂裙 房6层

September13  TalkMagazine


CUISINE •6F,SHANG-HIGH Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel

Shanghai. 1108 Meihua Lu, Pudong. T: 3858 0768 / 0760 Regional Chinese dishes with seasonal, organic ingredients.

迷•上海餐厅:梅花路1108号上海卓 美亚喜玛拉雅酒店6楼

Wei Jing Ge 5F, Waldorf Astoria Club, 2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu (near Guangdong Lu). T: 6322 9988 Fancy pants Cantonese at the Waldorf - what's not to love? Hours: Lunch 11.30am-3pm, Dinner 5.30-11pm.

蔚景阁 中山东一路2号外滩华尔道 夫酒店5楼

Club •5F,Whampoa No.3 The Bund, Zhong Shan Dong Yi Lu (near Guang Dong Lu). T: 6321 3737

The regal Whampoa Club brings a new level of sophistication to Chinese cuisine. Classic Shanghainese and Chinese dishes are interpreted with contemporary flair in the stunning Art Deco dining room. Accompanying the sumptuous cuisine is an extensive wine list and an exclusive selection of premium teas from all regions of China. Hours: 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30pm-10.30pm www.threeonthebund. com 中山东一路3号,外滩三号5楼,近 广东路

Xiao Nan Guo •3337 Hongmei Lu. T: 3208 9777.

17 Yincheng Xi Lu. T: 5887 7000. 1398 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 6289 1717. 3F, New Jinjiang Tower, 161 Changle Lu. T: 6472 1982 / 6415 1188 x 80306 Deserved reputation for traditional Shanghainese food. Hours: 11am-2pm, 5-10pm 小南国:虹梅路3337号; 银城西路 17号; 南京西路1398号;长乐路 161号新锦江大酒店三楼

Yongfoo Elite •200The Yongfu Lu (near Hua'nan Lu). T: 5466 2727

Set on the grounds of the former British Consulate, a haven of fine food, exquisite antiques and peaceful gardens. 雍福会: 永福路200号

Shanghai •LaneYe181 Taicang Lu (near Madang

Great Sichuan classics served with flair in fantastic surroundings. Hours: 11am-10pm

艾露:南京东路789号上海世茂皇家 艾美酒店(大堂楼)

俏江南:淮海中路93号大上海时代 广场5楼;桃江路28号一座;遵义路 100号虹桥上海城外围街B7-B8单 元,近仙霞路; 延安中路881号;南京 西路1168号中信泰富广场3楼

T: 2036 1300

Chinese - Yangzhou SOAHC Restaurant & Tea •Garden

•210CAMELIA Shiji Dadao (near Pucheng Lu).

Day Dining / Café •2F,All Pudong City Bistro,15 Xinjinqiao

Vibrant, chic and stylish Camelia at Four Seasons Hotel Pudong, is the city's newest dining sensation. World class French and Japanese cuisine, cool cocktails, exceptional wines and hot vibes.

The all-day-dining casual restaurant located features interactive show kitchens and live cooking stations for breakfast, lunch and dinner and complimented by an extensive a la carte menu. The culinary team will showcase exciting cuisines from around the world with local favorites.


Bldg 3, Lane 123, Xingye Lu, Xintiandi. T: 6385 7777

Room •87F,Dining 100 Shiji Dadao, Park Hyatt

鸿禧茶居: 兴业路123弄新天地南 里3号楼

世纪大道100号上海柏悦酒店87楼, 近东泰路

Du Lac •383Villa Huangpi Nan Lu (near Xingye

Georges •4F, Jean No.3 The Bund, Zhong Shan Dong Yi

It’s chaos spelled backwards! Go figure.

Lu). T: 6387 6387

湖庭: 黄陂南路383号(近兴业路)

Delivery Element Fresh •T: 5116 9887

Laowais love EF! Minimum order RMB 40. No delivery fee. Delivery service covers downtown, Lujiazui and Jinqiao area.

Munchies •974 Wuding Lu, (near Jiaozhou Lu).

T: 6218 4616. 563 Shunchang Lu (near Jianguo Dong Lu). T: 6311 3616 Free delivery within 1km. Hours: 10am-10pm

Sherpa's •T: 6209 6209

Serving hungry people in Shanghai since 1999, Sherpa's now works with over 100 international and Chinese restaurants.

Shanghai. T: 6888 1234 x 4560

Lu, (near Guang Dong Lu). T: 6321 7733 Jean Georges Shanghai is the first signature restaurant outside New York by famed 3 Michelin Star Chef Jean Georges Vongerichten. The refined French cuisine is perfectly complimented by the luxurious yet understated setting. Since opening in 2004, Jean Georges has set the bar for fine dining in Shanghai with artfully crafted seasonal menus, an elaborate wine list, and impeccable service. MonSun 11:30am-2:30pm, Dinner Mon-Sun 6:00pm-11:00pm, Brunch Sat-Sun, 11.30am-3pm, 中山东一路3号,外滩三号4楼, 近广东路

Mr & Mrs Bund •6F, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu (near Nanjing Dong Lu). T: 6323 9898 Classy, but not stuffy. Relaxed, without sacrificing the chic factor. Hours: Mon-Fri: 11.30am-2.30pm Tue-Sat: 6.30pm4am. Sun-Mon: 6.30-10.30pm. www.

夜上海: 黄陂南路338号新天地

BistroT •376Franck Wukang Lu (near Tai'an Lu).

T: 3855 1428 x 4560

One of the highest restaurants in the world, and it has multiple show kitchens Too many views to choose from!

CAFE & LOUNGE •1F,ARTE Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel

Shanghai. 1108 Meihua Lu, Pudong. T: 3858 0718 x 0710 International buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

郁全日餐厅:梅花路1108号上海卓美 亚喜玛拉雅酒店1楼

Atrium Café •Lobby, Hilton Hotel, 250 Huashan Lu.


The COOK 1388 Huamu Lu (near Fangdian Lu), Lobby level, Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai. T: 6169 8886

Nougatine is a smart, upscale bistro that delivers Jean Georges’ signature cuisine in more relaxed surroundings. The stylish space is anchored by a dramatic carved stone bar, which offers an extensive drink selection and creative cocktails. The premium value menu features comforting bistro fare such as gourmet salads and the classic JG burger. Hours: Dinner Mon-Sun 6pm-11pm. 中山东一路3号,外滩三号4楼,近 广东路

- All Day Dining •1F, Essence Block 2, 1116 Hongsong Dong Lu, Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao. T: 3323 6571

Astoria Shanghai On the Bund, 20 Guangdong Lu (near Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu). T: 6322 9988

Hours: 11am- 11pm every day open

Lu (near Guang Dong Lu). T: 6321 7733

新元素:南京西路1376号112室; 淮海中路1028号嘉华中心4&5楼; 浦东陆家嘴正大广场一楼;虹桥路 1号港汇广场; 红枫路331号; 西藏 南路228号永银大厦6楼;延安西路 2088号虹桥嘉顿广场一层;花木路 1378号浦东嘉里城1楼

Brasserie •NewGrand Tower Ground Level, Waldorf

Lu. T: 6445 8703

by Jean Georges •4F, Nougatine No.3 The Bund, Zhong Shan Dong Yi

Healthy, tasty food and great service. Hours: Sun-Thu 7am-11pm, Fri-Sat 7am-12am

全日制餐厅-元:上海红松东路 1116号,上海虹桥元一希尔顿酒店二 号楼一层

CAFÉ MORCEAU •No.571. Fuxing Zhong Lu, near Sinan

An authentic Parisian bistrot with vintage maps and photographs of Paris adorning the walls. Tuesday to Sunday: 6pm - 10.30pm; Saturday and Sunday Brunch: 12pm - 2.30pm. Closed on Mondays.

Lu. T: 6407 5972 331 Hongfeng Lu (near Biyun Lu). T: 3382 1700 6F, 228 Xizang Nan Lu (near Shouning Lu). T: 6334 3598 1F, Gubei Garden Plaza, 2088 Yan'an Xi Lu (near Yili Lu). T: 5116 9887 1F, Kerry Parkside Pudong 1378 Huamu Lu (near Fangdian Lu)

All day dining with a global spread of Chinese, Pan-Asian and Atlantic favourites.


T: 158 2167 6767/6437 6465

T: 6433 1213 Le Petit Franck offers a place to escape from everyday hectic life, and relax over some traditional French snacks and carefully selected wines and crafted cocktails. Outdoor seating available. Open from Tuesday to Sunday. Set Lunch during the week: 11.30am - 3pm; Weekend breakfast / brunch from 9am - 4pm; Dinner / Snack from 4pm until 10.30pm. Closed on Mondays

Avenue •91F,100ParkCentury Hyatt, 100 Shiji Dadao.

Different buffets available through the week, and a Champagne brunch every Sunday.


Petit Franck •376LeWukang Lu (near Tai'an Lu).

Lu, Pudong. T: 6036 8855

T: 6248 0000 x 1860

Lu). T: 6311 2323

Modern Shanghainese with a solid dim sum spread and live jazz every weekend. Hours: 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10.30pm


The COOK is open daily from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. and serves a daily buffet breakfast from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

厨:上海浦东嘉里大酒店上海浦东新 区花木路1388号

•TheCACHET Langham Xintiandi, Level 1, 99

Madang Lu, Xintiandi. T: 2330 2288

Delivers an innovative assortment of international and Asian dishes. Open for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, guests can indulge in the Cachet’s global epicurean delights throughout the day. 新天地朗廷酒店: 马当路99号五层

Wine alcove? Check. Barista bar? Check. Courtyard garden? Check. And it's part of the Waldorf's great brunch tour! Hours: 6.30am-11pm

百味园:上海外滩华尔道夫酒店, 上 海市黄浦区中山东一路2号

• Grill 56F, Grand Hyatt, 88 Shiji Dadao, Pudong. T: 5049 1234 x 8907

Tempt your taste buds with succulent steaks and fresh seafood. Hours (dinner only): Sun-Thu 5.30-10pm, Fri-Sat 5.30-10.30pm 烧烤: 浦东世纪大道88号金茂君悦大 酒店56楼

THE HOUSE OF ROOSEVELT, SKY Restaurant 27 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu. T: 2322 0888

Spice •3F,Sichuan 500 Hengfeng Lu (near Tianmu Lu) T: 5253 9999

Sichuan Restaurant offers a pleasant and memorable dining experience with innovative Sichuan cuisine and elegant environment combining Chinese and Western flavour. Hours: 11.30am – 10pm

•378Farine Wukang Lu (near Tai’an Lu)

We pay tribute to the ordinary yet extraordinary boulangeries all over France, and the artisanal tradition they represent. Our passion is evident in our respect for our ingredients, and the authentic flavours of our crusty breads, croissants and other French specialties – all baked daily, using ground stone flour imported from France. Open from 7am to 8pm. Closed on Mondays.

Sir Elly’s Restaurant, Bar and Terrace The Peninsula Shanghai, 13-14F, 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu (near Beijing Dong Lu). T: 2327 6756

Modern European dining by Chef David Chauveau with six private dining rooms, an intimate bar, and an expansive U-shape outdoor terrace offering breathtaking views of the city. 艾利爵士餐厅、酒吧和露台:中山东 一路32号上海半岛酒店13、14层(近 北京东路)

T8 •House 8, North Block Xintiandi, Lane 181, Taicang Lu (near Madang Lu). T: 6355 8999 Justifiably labelled world class. Hours: 11.30am-2.30pm, 6.30-11.30pm. 太仓路181弄新天地北里8号

Restaurant •TheTables Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai Lobby Level, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu T: 6279 8888 x 7166


on 36 •36F,Jade Pudong Shangri-La, 33 Fucheng Lu. T: 6882 8888 x 280

World-class. What more can we say about Jade on 36? 富城路33号浦东香格里拉大酒店36楼

•2F,L'Atrium Grand Mercure Shanghai

Hongqiao, 369 Xian Xia Lu. T: 5153 3300 x 3708

L’Atrium is a contemporary restaurant featuring a spectacular sky-high oil painting and down-to-earth personalized services. Graceful and cozy, L’Atrium provides a fine selection of innovative gastronomy including international breakfast fairs, themed buffet, French infused a la carte services. 仙霞路369号 上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店 二楼,岚亭餐厅

Tian Di Show Kitchen Restaurant 1F, Grand Mercure Baolong, 180 Yixian Lu. T: 3505 9666

Blending art with taste in this heavenly eatery, the new Tian Di Restaurant feature local Chinese, Asian and International Cuisine in show kitchen style that entices the senses and brings the excitement of cooking from behind the scene. Hours: 6am-10.30pm

elevated •TheXTD Langham Xintiandi, Level 5, 99

Madang Road, Xintiandi T: 2330 2288 The perfect outdoor lounge and terrace for a casual lunch, dinner or after-work drinks. 新天地朗廷酒店: 马当路99号五层

Café •38F,Marriott JW Marriott Hotel, 399 Nanjing La Creperie •1 Taojiang Lu (near Fenyang Lu).

T: 5465 9055 A great selection of galettes, crepes, traditional cakes and cider. Hours: 10.30am - late, last order 11.30pm 桃江路1号,近东平路

Tour •5F, La Jin Mao Tower Side Building, 88 Shiji Dadao, Pudong. T: 5047 5859 Fine French fare in the shadow of the Jinmao Tower. Hours: 11.30am -2pm, 5.30-11pm 拉图餐厅: 浦东世纪大道88号金 茂裙楼5楼

Sichuan Citizen Restaurant •& Bar 30 Donghu Lu (near Huaihai Lu). T: 5404 1235

This Sichuanese restaurant, cocktail bar and tea house is an expansion of the popular Citizen Cafe.


Paulaner Brauhaus 150 Fenyang Lu (near Fuxing Lu). T: 6474 5700. Xintiandi North Block, Lane 181 Taicang Lu (near Madang Lu). T: 6320 3935. 2967 Binjiang Dadao (near Lujiazui Huan Lu). T: 6888 3935


44 TalkMagazine

Shook!餐厅及顶层露台:南京东路 23号(外滩19号)斯沃琪和平饭店艺 术中心五楼及六楼



South Beauty 5F, Shanghai Times Square, 93 Huaihai Zhong Lu. T: 6391 0890. Unit 1, 28 Taojiang Lu (near Hengshan Lu). T: 6445 2581. Unit B7-B8, Shanghai City Centre, 100 Zunyi Lu (near Xianxia Lu). T: 6237 2885. 881 Yan’an Zhong Lu (near Tongren Lu). T: 6247 5878. 3F, Citic Square, 1168 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 5292 5331

The sort of restaurant you read about in Conde Nast and other glossies. Hours: 11.30am-2.30pm, 6.15-10.30pm

品川, 桃江路47号, 恒隆广场5层南京 西路1266号

Shook! Restaurant & Rooftop Terrace 5/6F, The Swatch Art Peace Hotel, 23 Nanjing Dong Lu (Bund 19) T: 2329 8522


(near Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu). T: 6350 9988

Pin Chuan 47 Taojiang Lu (near Wulumuqi Nan Lu). T: 6437 9361. 5F, Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing Xi Lu (near Shanxi Lu). T: 6288 8897. Hotline: 400 820 7706 Delivery: 6209 6209

海怡:公平路19号上海外滩悦榕庄 1楼(近海平路)

Continental delights are the order of the day at this restaurant, along with the impressive Bund view.

the Bund •7F, 5M on on the Bund, 20 Guangdong Lu

Chinese - Sichuan

setting, an extensive array of selected premium products from the sea. A distinct and innovative gourmet experience to satisfy the most discerning of tastes, Ocean, fully realises the art of cooking. Savour our signature dish ‘The Seafood Platter’. Hours: Lunch 11am–5.30pm; Dinner 6pm–10.30pm

Allure Lobby, Le Royal Méridien Shanghai, 789 Nanjing Dong Lu (near Xizang Zhong Lu). T: 3318 9999 x 7022 The menu of traditional French dishes comes highly recommended.


Serves bountiful plates of authentic German food and jugs of German grog. Hours: Mon-Fri, 5pm-2am, Sat 12pm2am, Sun 11am-2am

宝莱纳:汾阳路150号;太仓路 181弄新天地广场北里19-20号;陆 家嘴西路2967号

CATHAY ROOM •9F,THE Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing

Dong Lu. T: 6321 6888

Sparkling Bund views and European home-style dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Open daily from 6am -11pm. 华懋阁:上海南京东路20号

Bar and Café •222Citizen Jinxian Lu (near Shaanxi Nan Lu). T: 6258 1620

Cosy relaxed European decor, first floor coffee house and lounge with wi-fi. Hours: Mon-Fri 11am-12.30am, Sat-Sun 10am-12.30am 进贤路222号, 近陕西南路

Buffet •2F,Comely Majesty Plaza Shanghai, 719

Nanjing Dong Lu. T: 6350 0000 x 208

Buffet with city views of Nanjing Lu. Hours: 6am-10pm


Element Fresh •112, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing

Xi Lu (near Xikang Lu). T: 6279 8682 4-5F, Kwah Centre, 1028 Huaihai Zhong Lu (near Donghu Lu). T: 5403 8865 GF, Northwest corner, Super Brand Mall, Luijiazui Xi Lu (near Lujiazui Huan Lu), Pudong. T: 5047 2060 Shop 163, GF, Grand Gateway Mall, 1 Hongqiao

Xi Lu (near Huangpi Bei Lu). T: 5359 4969 x 6422 Spectacular city views, fresh a la carte and elaborate buffets.

Mosaic restaurant 2F, Sofitel Shanghai Hyland, 505 Nanjing Road East. T: 6351 5888 x 4281 Casual restaurant mixing modern French inspired cuisine artfully blended with Asian flair. 南京东路505号上海海仑宾馆2楼

Wine Bar & Kitchen •2F,NAPA South Bund 22, 22 Zhongshan Dong Er Lu. T: 6318 0057

Bringing wine experience and enjoyment to a new level in a historical setting. 中山东二路22号2楼

Pelham’s •Waldorf Astoria Club L Level, Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund, 2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu (near Guangdong Lu). T: 6322 9988

This New York-style fine dining restaurant is elegant without being too formal. 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店:上海黄浦区 中山东一路2号

Ocean •Lobby level at Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund,19 Gongping Lu ( near Haiping Lu). T: 2509 1188 Dining in a romantic and contemporary

All Day Dining •1F,Vie Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental, 3388 Sichen Lu, Sijing Town. T: 3761 8888 x 1911

Dine in style with tranquil lagoons and fresh seafood. 上海市松江区泗泾镇泗陈公路 3388弄,上海东方佘山索菲特大 酒店1楼

Indian on the Grille •505Kebabs Zhongshan Nan Lu (near Fuxing Dong Lu). T: 6152 6567 中山南路505号

•3F,VEDAS 83 Changshu Lu (near Julu Lu). T: 6445 8100 / 6404 1551

One of the best Indian restaurants in the city. Hours: 11.30am-2pm, 6-10.30pm 常熟路83号3楼 (近巨鹿路)


•3F,Basilico InterContinental Shanghai Expo, 1188 Xueye Lu (near Puming Lu).

T: 3858 1172 They have a marble table

(near Danshui Lu). T: 5382 5777

巴赛利意大利餐厅:浦东雪野路 1188号,近南码头路 上海世博洲际 酒店三楼

伊藤家:瑞金二路24号;荣华西道 19弄6号;淮海中路381号中环广场3楼

shaped like Italy. 'Nuff said.

•913Casanova Julu Lu (near Changshu Lu). T: 5403 4528

Great sushi, a classic favourite.

I.Z.K.Y. •Guoson Centre, Block 1, 1F, 388

Daduhe Lu. T: 6095 8888 x 7052

巨鹿路913号, (近常熟路)

They've got all the s's covered: shabu shabu, sukikyaki, sushi and sashimi.

Ciao Dining Room and Ciao •Bambino

Japanese restaurant •BldgHikari 10, 3911 Hongmei Lu (near

1F, The Langham, Yangtze Boutique, 740 Hankou Lu. T: 6080 0800 x 7744 A haven of authentic Italian & Mediterranean dining.

Cucina 56F, Grand Hyatt, 88 Shiji Dadao (near Dongtai Lu). T: 5049 1234 x 8908 A stylish trattoria that serves traditional Italian favorites. Hours: 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm

意庐: 浦东世纪大道88号金茂君悦大 酒店56楼

Da Marco 1F, 103 Dongzhu'anbang Lu, Golden Bridge Garden. T: 6210 4495. 1F, Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Lu (across from Element Fresh). T: 6447 7577


•26FAzur 1018 Changning Lu

(Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel) T: 6115 8888 Zhongshan Park's only casual chic Mediterranean restaurant providing a unique and exiting healthy, fresh, Mediterranean experience.

长宁路1018号上海龙之梦万丽酒 店26楼

Its private teppanyaki rooms make for good grilling.

Expect Willy's trademark quirkiness in the decor and yin yang structured menu! Hours: Mon-Sat: 11.30am-2.30pm and 6-10.30pm, Saturday Brunch 11.30am-3.00pm.

Lu (near Jinling Lu). T: 5404 5757

Meihua Lu, Pudong. T: 3858 0888

•56F,Kobachi Grand Hyatt, Jin Mao Tower, 88 Shiji Dadao. T: 5049 1234 x 8907

中山东路22号 (近金陵路)

日珍: 浦东世纪大道88号金茂君悦

T: 6465 8345. 259 Hongfeng Lu (near Biyun Lu), Pudong. T: 3382 1686. Red Town, C6, Building 59, 570 Huaihai Zhong Lu T: 6415 9567

Las Tapas •House 33, Lane 3338 Hongmei Lu.

Sushi, sashimi and yakitori in a stylish interior. Hours: 11.30am-2.30pm, 5.30-10pm

TEPPANYAKI & LOUNGE •3F,MOONSHA 5 on the Bund, 20 Guangdong Lu

Mediterranean Cuisine •415Haya’s Dagu Lu (near Chengdu Nan Lu).

Moonsha provides an excellent Bund view.

Flavourful falafels! And don’t miss the take-home dips. Hours: 10am-10pm

Chic Italian restaurant featuring food from various regions of Italy.

•2F,NADAMAN Tower 2, Pudong Shangri-La,

Shanghai, 33 Fucheng Lu. T: 6882 8888 A delightful eating experience.

Leonardo’s 1F, Hilton Hotel, 250 Huashan Lu (near Yan'an Zhong Lu). T: 6248 0000 x 1850 Open for dinner

regions of Italy. Hours: 12-2pm, 6-10.30pm 吉范尼斯意大利餐厅:上海市遵义 南路5号,虹桥喜来登上海太平洋大 饭店27楼


SHARI SUSHI BAR 630 Yongjia Lu (near Wulumuqi Nan Lu).T: 5466 0320 More sushi options than you can shake a stick at. 徐汇区永嘉路630号

•803SHINTORI Julu Lu (near Fumin Lu).

T: 5404 5252 Uber-smooth eatery that

takes some finding. Hours: Mon-Fri 5.3011pm, Sat-Sun 11.30am-11pm 新都里无二:巨鹿路803号

WITH AQUA •2F, SUN 6 on the Bund, Zhongshan Dong Yi

•6F, Mercato No.3 The Bund, Zhong Shan Dong Yi Lu (near Guang Dong Lu). T: 6321 9922 This coastal Italian restaurant offers vibrant cuisine, stylishly rustic décor, and breathtaking Bund views. The menu created by 3 Michelin Star Chef Jean Georges Vongerichten, features amazing wood-fired pizzas, house made pastas, and the freshest seafood, graced with the true flavor of Italy. 5.30pm-1am


e Vino Ristorante •BldgPane 33, 47 Fuxing Lu (near Sinan

Lu), Sinan Mansions T: 5465 2177

Owner/chef Antonio Sciaraffa serves authentic Italian food in a friendly, home setting. 思南路47号,思南公馆第33墅(近思 南路大门)

Lu (near Guangdong Lu). T: 6339 2779

Immaculate interior and open kitchen, with an emphasis on delicate seafood dishes. 中山东一路(外滩)6号2楼

OYAMA •20 SUSHI Donghu Lu (near Huaihai Zhong

Lu). T: 5404 7705 20 course omakase menu served by Oyama-san himself

•LevelTaihei 2 at Banyan Tree Shanghai On

The Bund, 19 Gongping Lu ( near Haiping Lu).T: 2509 1188

Serving only the finest ingredients; Taihei serves high quality Sushi and Sashimi with an innovative twist. Hours: Lunch 11.30am–2.30pm; Dinner 5.30pm–9.30pm 公平路19号上海外滩悦榕庄2楼(近 海平路)

Bene Shanghai •RmVa7, North Block, Xintiandi, Lane 181, Taicang Lu (near Madang Lu). T: 6311 2211This is Xintiandi chic, with some of

Shanghai’s very best Italian food, at high-end prices. 太仓路新天地北里181弄7号

•28F,YU99Bar Jiangbin Road, Luwan District, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan. T: 5318 8888 Be impressed by the inspiring

landscape of Lupu Bridge crossing over the Huangpu River. Dance to the rhythm of the river while enjoying the fine wines with a spectacular view of new post-Expo Shanghai. 上海市卢湾区江滨路99号28楼(打浦 路底)上海绿地万豪酒店


•1F,Tairyo 139 Ruijin Yi Lu. T: 5382 8818.

15 Dongping Lu (near Hengshan Lu). T: 6445 4734. 2F, Hengshan Hotel, 543 Hengshan Lu. T: 6433 0899 / 6437 7050. 3F, South Building, Hong Kong Plaza, 283 Huaihai Zhong Lu (near Yan'an Xi Lu). T: 6390 7244. 943 Hongxu Lu. T: 6242 2190. 1288 Hongqiao Lu. T: 6278 3105 / 6278 3106 RMB 160 all you can handle. What more could you want?

瑞金一路139号1楼;东平路15号; 衡山路543号衡山宾馆2楼;淮海中 路283号香港广场南座3楼;虹许路 943号;虹桥路1288号

London London Gastro Grill •2F,glo 1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu (near Dongping Lu). T: 6466 6565 Sizzling Grills, stone

T: 6431 3935 Former home of legendary


glo London Rooftop BBQ 4F, 1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu (near Dongping Lu). T: 6466 6565 Enjoy food from glo

General Bai set in immaculate gardens. Japanese and Korean cuisine cooked on smoke-free grills.

Japanese Restaurant •3F,Benkay Hotel Nikko Shanghai, 488 Yan’an Xi Lu. T: 3211 9999 Benkay offers sushi, tempura and teppanyaki.

弁庆日餐厅:延安西路488号上海日 航酒店三楼

•24Itoya Ruijin Er Lu (near Huaihai Zhong

Lu). T: 6467 1511. Lane 19, 6 Ronghua Xidao. T: 6219 2286. 3F, Central Plaza, 381 Huaihai Zhong Lu

only. Hours: 6.30-10.30pm

李奥纳多:华山路250号希尔顿酒 店1楼

Luna Unit 1, Bldg 15, North Block, Xintiandi, Lane 181 Taicang Lu. T: 6336 1717 Still going strong in its great Xintiandi location. Hours: 11.30am - 2am

璐娜:太仓路181弄新天地北里15幢 单元1

Mexican Kitchen •B1CalCarrefour, Thumb Plaza, 185

Fangdian Lu, Pudong. T: 5033 6637. B1-03, Multi-Media Plaza, 999 Changning Lu (near Zhongshan Park). T: 6340 1923 It's Mexican food, California-style.

Agave •ACantina Mansion, 291 Fumin Lu (near

Changle Lu). T: 6170 1310. 357 Hongfeng Lu (near Biyun Lu). T: 6886 0706

Big burritos, tacos and a salsa bar to fill you up, and Shanghai's widest selection of tequilas to wash it down. www.

•2F,Maya Shanghai Grand Plaza, Club

House, 568 Julu Lu (near Shaanxi Nan Lu). T: 6289 6889

hickory oak burning smoke BBQ pit while enjoy the open rooftop skyline views. Card: All Cards. Hours: Mon- Fri. 5pm-late. Sat- Sun. 11-late.,

Malaysian San’s Kitchen •1F La Green Hotel, 1775 Jinqiao Lu.

T: 5032 1311


Designed to sate the cravings of those foodies who it pains to settle on a single dish, tapas brings all the flavours of Spain to your table in one sitting. Hours: 10am-2am 虹梅路3338弄,虹梅休闲街;浦东 红枫路259号,近碧云;淮海西路 570号第59幢C6

Martin •811Restaurant Hengshan Lu (near Yuqing Lu). T: 6431 6639 Martin Berasategui is

known for inventive, modern Spanish cooking and this venture, in an historic villa within Xujiahui Park, reflects that. 衡山路811号 (近余庆路)

Tapas Spanish Bar •1928Siempre Gonghe Xin Lu. T: 2602 2222 x 6028 Hours: 3pm-12am


With graceful and cosy dining ambiance. Hours: 6am-10.30pm 泛亚风情餐厅: 仙霞路369号虹桥美 爵酒店二楼

Bali Laguna •No.1649 Nanjing Xi Lu (inside Jing’an

Park). T: 6248 6970 Romantic atmosphere with authentic Indonesian cuisine to boot. 巴厘餐厅:南京西路1649号 (静安 公园内)

•26FCeladon 1018 Changning Lu

Lu). T: 6217 9797

Don’t miss the aesthetics while enjoying the authentic Thai food in a tatami seat. Hours: 11am-2.30pm, 5.30pm-12.30am 大田路127-1号 (近北京西路)


The Bar 2F, The Langham, Yangtze Boutique, 740 Hankou Lu. T: 6080 0734 An art deco inspired cocktail bar with intimate seating and an impressive list of classic cocktails, vintage wines, fine champagnes and whiskeys.

Blue Marlin Shanghai Green City: 689 Lantian Lu. Green City Jinqiao Pudong T: 5030 9676 Thumb Plaza: Bldg 17, 199 Fangdian Lu. Thumb Plaza Pudong T: 6886 7876

金桥碧云店:浦东新区金桥碧云国际 社区蓝天路689号;大拇指店:浦东新 区芳甸路199弄大拇指广场17号

Vietnamese River •5F,Mekong Metro City, 1111 Zhaojiabang Lu. T: 6426 8256



Central Plaza Shop: 3F, Central Plaza, 381 Huaihai Zhong Lu (near Madang Lu). T: 6391 5589 IFC Shop: L3-19, 8 Shiji Dadao, Pudong. T: 6190 8170 Reel Shop: 2A, Park Place Mall, 1601 West Nanjing Lu. T: 3256 8996 BB1 SBM Shop: 8F-21, Super Brand Mall, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu, Pudong. T: 6836 9711

Bounty Rhumerie Bounty Jing’an. 550 Wuding Lu (near Xikang Lu). T: 2661 9368. Bounty Xuhui, 47 Yongfu Lu (near Fuxing Dong Lu). T: 137 6451 0616. Bounty X @ Sinan Mansion, 3F & Terrace, 47 Sinan Lu. Unit 33, near Fuxing Zhong Lu. T: 189 1719 7641

武定路550号近陕西北路,永福路47号 (近复兴西路),思南路47号33单元 3楼&天台(近复兴中路)

Elegant environment and fabulous Vietnamese dishes.

中环店: 淮海中路381号3楼, 订座电话: 6391 5589 国金店: 浦东新区世纪大道8号L3-19, 订座电话: 6190 8170 越洋店: 南京西路1601号2A铺, 订座电话: 3256 8996 小金牛正大店: 浦东新区陆家嘴西路 168号正大广场8F-21, 订座电话: 6836 9711


•2F,Puli Lane 199, Thumb Plaza, 19

9 •87F,Cloud Grand Hyatt, Jin Mao Tower, 88

Fangdian Lu, Pudong. T: 5033 9221 Hours: 11am-11pm

Shiji Dadao, Pudong. T: 5049 1234 x 8787

上海市浦东新区芳甸路大拇指广场 199弄19号2楼

Entertaining visitors in Shanghai? Take them here for a tipple. Hours: Sun-Fri 6pm-12.30am, Sat 10am-9.30pm



Mai Thai Cuisine •1019Chiang Kangding Lu (near Yanping Lu).

Club G Plus •Room 428, Xingye Lu, Lane 123,

T: 5228 1588 Hours: 11.30am - 2pm,

Xintiandi Block 6. T: 5386 8088



清迈府泰国料理: 康定路1019号(近 延平路)

Cigar Bar •TheCO2 Longemont Shanghai. 2F, 1116

Coconut Paradise 38 Fumin Lu (near Yan’an Xi Lu). T: 6248 1998 Consistent performer with a

Yan’an Xi Lu. T: 6115 9988 x 8250

The CO2 Cigar Bar is where cigar connoisseurs and those who indulge occasionally gather to share their love of the finer things in life.

富民路38号 (近延安路)

Simply Thai 5C Dongping Lu (near Hengshan Lu). Hours: 11am-11pm Xintiandi: 159 Madang Lu (near Xingye Lu). Hours: 11am-12am 28 Lane 3338, Hongmei Lu (near Yan'an Lu). Hours: 11am-11pm A6 Jinqiao Pudong Green Sports & Leisure Centre, 600 Lantian Lu. Hours: 11am-11pm 4F, IFC Mall, 8 Shiji Dadao. Hours: 10am-10pm Sogo: Level 8 S801-1A,1618 Nanjing Xi Lu. Kerry Centre: Level 4 N4-11, Jingan Kerry Centre, 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu. Ciros: Level 3 312-314, 388 Nanjing Xi Lu. L’Avenue: Level 3 312 A, L’Avenue shanghai, 99 Xianxia Lu. Hotline: 400 880 7729 Delivery: 6209 6209

(Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel) T:6115 8888

The first choice for many discerning Thaifood-lovers in Shanghai. Delivery service now available.


东平店: 东平路5号C座; 新天地店: 新 天地马当路159号 (马当路与兴业路路 口); 虹梅店: 虹梅路3338弄 虹梅休闲 街28号; 金桥店: 蓝天路600号 碧云体 育休闲中心A6; 国金店: 世纪大道8号 上海国金中心四层

Focusing on authentic regional specialties from Vietnam, India, Thailand, and Malaysia with an interactive approach. Celadon Tea Lounge offers a variety of over 36 specialty teas.

Thai Gallery •No.127-1 Datian Lu (near Beijing Xi

Bund-side bar with world class terrace and great music. Not cheap, but still jampacked with classy folks on Friday and Saturday nights. Hours: 6pm - 12am.


wonderful garden for al fresco Thai dishes.

浦东新区大拇指广场芳甸路199弄 19号3楼;卢湾区泰康路248弄 14号;徐汇区湖南路285号 ;静安区 南京西路1376号109室

Lu. T: 6339 1199

delicacies in a Chalet style atmosphere. Hours: Tue-Sun, 5.30-11pm


Asiatique The Flavors of Asia 2F, 369 Xianxia Lu, Grand Mercure Hongqiao. T: 5153 3300 x 3700

Lapis Thai provides various indoor and outdoor venues which can hold 200 people. Hours: 11am-late

•BundBar18,Rouge 7F, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi

Lu). T: 3353 3887 Features typical Swiss

Southeast Asian

Lapis Thai 3F, Lane 199, Thumb Plaza, 19 Fangdian Lu. T: 5033 9223. Lane 248. 14 Taikang Lu. T: 6473 3989. 285 Hunan Lu. T: 5466 3026. Shanghai Centre, Rm 109, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 5252 0082

Suisse •1582Chalet Kangding Lu (near Wanhangdu

Mexico Lindo Unit 39, Lane 3338, Hongmei Entertainment Street. T: 6465 9336

baked pizzas, international favorites with our showcase grill executive chef from UK. Card: All Cards. Hours: 11am-Midnight. www.,

•150AMBROSIA Fenyang Lu (near Yueyang Lu).

Our pick for the best mid-range Mexican in town.

SABATINI 1F, South Annex,Wheelock Square, 1717 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 3127 8577

An authentic dining experience best ended with its delicious pear and ricotta dessert. Hours: Lunch 11.30am-2.30pm, High Tea 3-5.30pm, Dinner 6-10.30pm.

•2F,Bocado 47 Yongfu Lu (near Fuxing Xi Lu). • El Willy Tapas & Rice South Bund 22, 22 Zhongshan Dong

•8F,Favola Le Royal Méridien Shanghai, 789

Hotel, 5 Zunyi Nan Lu. T: 6275 8888 x 4276 Sample authentic cuisine from various


•1MF,J-MIX Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel, 1108

大沽路415号 (近成都南路)

•27F,Giovanni’s Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao

娘惹情马来西亚经典风味餐厅咖啡 屋:大沽路417号,近石门一路

Go for the tapas, stay for the sangria.


法沃莱:南京东路789号世茂皇家艾 美大酒店

in the middle of Dagu Lu's strip of restaurants. Hours: 11am-10pm

T: 180 1727 1340

T: 6327 0897 / 6295 9511

Nanjing Dong Lu. T: 3318 9999

T: 6327 0800. Neat little Malaysian

Yan'an Lu). T: 6242 9186 慕光日本料理: 虹梅路3911弄10号楼

(near Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu). T: 6323 1117 In addition to the teppanyaki tables,

大马可:东诸安浜路103号1楼;虹桥 路1号港汇广场1楼(新元素对面)

Nyonya •417MyDagu Lu (near Shimen Yi Lu).


Le Soir •BundCirque 22, 4F, Zhong Shan Dong Er Lu,

789 Nanjing Lu •64-66F, Le Royal Méridien Shanghai,

789 Nanjing Dong Lu. T: 3318 9999

near Xin Yong'An Lu

Opening in September!


Upscale hotel bar featuring spectacular 360-degree views of the city. Hours: Mon-Thurs 5pm-1am, Fri-Sat 5pm-2am, Sun 3pm-1am

789 南京路: 南京东路789号(64-66楼)

Bar •2F,Aquarium 6 Bund, Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu.

T: 6339 2779

If we’ve seen a bigger fish tank in a bar, it was in a Bond film. Mon-Thurs, Sun 6pm-1am, Fri-Sat 6pm-3am 中山东一路外滩6号2楼

505 •2F, Bar Sofitel Shanghai Hyland, 505

Nanjing Road East. T: 6351 5888 x 4298 Cozy ambience with music, French

wine, champagne, cocktail, tea and pastries.

•1877Eddy’s Huaihai Zhong Lu (near

Barbarossa Restaurant & •Lounge

Popular, long-standing and mostly gay bar. Mon-Thu 8pm-2am; Fri-Sun 8pm-3am


231 Nanjing Xi Lu (inside People's Park). T: 6318 0220

Romantic three-story Moroccan themed lounge on a lake hidden in People’s Park. Hours: Sun - Thurs 11am - 2am, Fri - Sat 11am - 3am. www. 芭芭露莎会所餐厅:南京西路231号 (人民公园内)

at park 97 •2A upstairs Gaolan Lu (inside Fuxing Park). T: 5383 2328

Hours Sun-Thu 8pm-2am, Fri-Sat 8pm-4am. 皋兰路2号甲,复兴公园内

Tianping Lu). T: 6282 0521

淮海中路1877号 (近天平路)

Bar •6F,Glamour 5 on the Bund (near Guangdong Lu). T: 6329 3751 外滩5号6楼

of Blues & Jazz •60 House Fuzhou Lu. T: 6323 2779 福州路60号(外滩)

• How Bar

7F, No.3 The Bund, Zhong Shan Dong Yi Lu (near Guang Dong Lu). T: 3366 4788

September13  TalkMagazine


HOW Bar is a specialized organic wine bar that exudes the intimacy, coziness, and distinctive charm of France. Each bottle in the exclusive wine collection is thoughtfully selected and imported directly from boutique French vineyards, with emphasis on organic and bio-dynamic wines. Every Tuesday-Saturday, 5pm-1am 中山东一路3号,外滩三号7楼,近 广东路

Bar •4F,indigo 6 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu (near Fuzhou Lu). T: 6321 5398 Hours: 6pm-2am

中山东一路6号4楼 (近福州路)

The Jazz Bar GF, Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Dong Lu. T: 6321 6888 Jazz music and classic cocktails remain the star attractions. Enjoy the legendary Old Jazz Band as well as Theo Croker’s Sextet. Hours: 5pm-2am.

爵士吧 和平饭店中国上海南京东路 20号 200002

KABB •House 5, North Block, Xintiandi, Lane 181, Taicang Lu. T: 3307 0798

Often a refuge for tourists who tire of the Xintiandi circus, but it’s worthwhile for locals too. Hours: Sun-Thu 7am-12am, Fri & Sat 7am-late 新天地太仓路181弄北里5号

Kaiba •479 Wuding Lu (near Shaanxi Bei

Lu). T: 6288 9676 739 Dingxi Lu (near Yan'an Xi Lu). T: 6418 2252 Taikang Terrace, Room 202, 169 Jianguo Zhong Lu. T: 6280 5688

Liquor Factory •InterContinental Shanghai Expo, 1188 Xueye Lu (near Nanmatou Lu). T: 3858 1188

Heights •7F,New No.3 The Bund, Zhong Shan Dong

Zeal •South Bund 22, 22 Zhongshan Er Lu

The aptly-named New Heights is a modern brasserie offering Continental and South East Asian fare. The breezy rooftop terrace which affords unrivaled views of the Bund and Pudong skyline, is the perfect place to enjoy an alfresco meal or a drink under the stars. Lunch Mon-Sun 11.30am-2.30pm, (Sat-Sun till 4:00pm), Dinner Mon-Sun 6pm-10.30pm, Sat-Sun till 11pm, Brunch Sat-Sun 11am-4pm

Turns out there is room for another Bund Bar with Lujiazui views.

Yi Lu (Guang Dong Lu). T: 6321 0909

中山东一路3号,外滩三号7楼,近 广东路

•2F,Niche The Westin Shanghai, 88 Henan

Zhong Lu. T: 6335 1888 x 7342

A bar-cum-nightclub, perfect for evening soirees of cool cocktails and hot jazz. Happy Hour: 5.30-9.30pm 河南中路88号威斯汀大饭店2楼

•1377Oscar’s Fuxing Zhong Lu (near Baoqing Lu). T: 6431 6528

British social pub with relaxed environment (you'd be relaxed after an eight hour Sunday happy hour as well). Hours: 11am-2am, Happy Hour Mon - Sat 4-8pm, Sun 12-8pm 奥斯卡:复兴路1377号(近宝庆路)

Paulaner Brauhaus 150 Fenyang Lu (near Fuxing Lu). T: 6474 5700. 19-20, North Block, Lane 181, Taicang Lu (near Madang Lu). T: 6320 3935. Riverside Promenade, Binjiang Dadao, Pudong. T: 6888 3935 Perfectly gluggable, restoring German grog. Hours: Mon-Fri 5pm-2am, Sat 12pm-2am, Sun 11am2am

宝莱纳 :汾阳路150号;太仓路 181弄北里;浦东滨江大道富都段滨 江风光亭

Now a retro British pub, this villa used to house liquor factory workers.

Bar •237QHengshan Lu (near Gao’an Lu).

酒坊:浦东雪野路1188号,近南 码头路上海世博洲际酒店一楼花园 及别墅区

衡山路237号 (近高安路)

Long Bar •Waldorf Astoria Club L Level, 2

Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu. T: 6322 9988 For a taste of Old Shanghai, look no further than the Waldorf's Long Bar. Hours: 2pm - 1am

•154Manhattan Nanyang Lu (near Xikang Lu). T: 6247 6656

南阳路154号 (进西康路)

Club •4F,M2 Hong Kong Plaza, 283 Huaihai Zhong Lu (near Huangpi Nan Lu). T: 6288 6222

Large club featuring international DJs playing house and hip-hop. Hours: 9pm -late.

T: 6433 5710 Hours: 2pm - 2am

The Ritz Bar The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai 2/F, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, Shanghai. T: 6279 8888 x 5778 SThe Ritz Bar is

open every evening from 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. every Monday to Sunday. Mixologists create uber cool drinks and special martinis made to order or select from an impressive collection of malt whiskies.

Offering signature cocktails, light snacks and live music. Ideal place for events meeting and theme parties. 玲珑酒廊:中山东一路32号上海半岛 酒店地下一层(近北京东路)

people. Hours: Daily, 11.30am - 1am

Lu). T: 6215 8777 Beautiful bar for beautiful 陕西南路35号6楼 (近长乐路)

•UnitTMSK 2, North Block, Lane 181, 11

Taicang Lu, Xintiandi. T: 6326 2227

Hours: 10pm-late 南阳路145号 (近西康路)

Melting Pot •288The Taikang Lu (near Sinan Lu).

A coloured glass extravaganza of a bar bang in the middle of Xintiandi. Hours: 1.30pm-1.30am

T: 6415 8180

泰康路288号 (近瑞金二路)

透明思考餐厅:太仓路181弄北里 11号楼2单元; 牡丹66:南京西路 1266号恒隆广场502

Lounge •24F,M1NT 318 Fuzhou Lu. T: 6391 2811

TOPS •Roof,Banyan Tree Shanghai On the


As the first open rooftop bar with full 180°unobstructed view in Shanghai, it offers a breath-taking panorama spanning from the historic Bund, across the Huangpu

Hours: Every day from 6pm - late.

98 •333Mini Hengshan Lu (near Wuxing Lu). T: 6433 2896

Bund,19 Gongping Lu( near Haiping Lu) T:2509 1188

River, to the iconic Lujiazui skyline.

衡山路333号 (近吴兴路)

公平路19号上海外滩悦榕庄顶楼( 近海平路

Lounge •3F,Moonsha 5 on the Bund, 20 Guangdong Lu

at Park 97 •2A Upstairs Gaolan Lu, Fuxing Park (near

Hours: 2pm-4am

(near Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu). T: 6323 1117

Relaxed lounge with an extensive martini menu, wine selection and an array of Japanese snacks. Hours: 9.30pm-1am. 中山东一路外滩5号3楼

Muse Entertainment Yi Feng Galleria, 5F, 77 Beijing Dong Lu, near Yuanmingyuan Lu 北京东路77号5楼,近圆明园路

Music Room 92F, Park Hyatt Shanghai, 100 Shiji Dadao. T: 6888 1234 x 4560

Live music every Monday to Saturday and Ladies' Night every Wednesday, from 8.30 - 10.30pm

Narcissus •4 Hengshan Lu (near Wulumuqi Nan Lu). T: 5465 4755

衡山路4号 (近乌鲁木齐南路)

•162Nelly’s Maoming Nan Lu (near Fuxing Zhong Lu). T: 6473 7838 Hours: 7pm-3am

茂名南路162号 (近复兴中路)

46 TalkMagazine

Sinan Lu).T: 5383 2328 Hours Sun-Thu 8pm-2am, Fri-Sat 8pm-4am

皋兰路2号甲 (复兴公园内)

Bar •32F,VUE West Tower, Hyatt on the Bund,

199 Huangpu Lu (near Wuchang Lu). T: 6393 1234 x 6348 Revel in the view from this rooftop bar while sipping cocktails. Hours: Sun-Thu 5pm-1am; Fri & Sat 5pm-2am

非常时髦酒吧: 黄浦路199号上海外滩 茂悦大酒店西楼三十二楼

YU Bar 28F, 99 Jiangbin Road, Luwan District, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan. T: 5318 8888

Be impressed by the inspiring landscape of Lupu Bridge crossing over the Huangpu River. Dance to the rhythm of the river while enjoying the fine wines with a spectacular view of new post Expo Shanghai. 上海市卢湾区江滨路99号28楼(打浦 路底)上海绿地万豪酒店

(Yin Yang) •125YYs Nanchang Lu (near Maoming Nan Lu). T: 6466 4098 Small bar crammed with artsy types until the wee hours. 南昌路125号 (近茂名南路)


Dental Dental Clinic •200Care Yincheng Dong Lu (near Shiji Dadao). T: 5047 1790


Cidi Dental Clinic •Room 706-708, 495 Jiangning Lu.

ASC Fine Wines •17-18F, BM InterContinental Business Centre, 100 Yutong Lu. T: 6056 1999


Wine Residence by ASC •57 The Jiangyin Lu. T: 6318 0857 ASC藏酒轩:江阴路57号

Cellar •2F,Aussino 147 Weihai Lu. T: 5118 1299

Over 800 wines from 200 wineries. Wine club membership, exclusive discounts, tastings and events. Hours: 10am-12am. 黄浦区威海路1-3号

Millesimes •415Aux Shaanxi Bei Lu (near Beijing Xi Lu). T: 5213 7883

Brachetto d’Acqui •2000 Jianhe Lu. T: 6262 1377.


T: 5115 4575


Dr. Zhou’s Dental Clinic •Room 3001B, Jianhui Mansion, 922 Hengshan Lu (next to the Pacific Department Store, Xujiahui). T: 6447 0390 衡山路922号3001B

General and Cosmetic Dental Centre of Shanghai United Family Hospital and Clinics 1139 Xianxia Lu (near Linquan Lu). T: 2216 3900 仙霞路1139号

Health Care Medical •andGlobal Dental Centre Room 301, Kerry Centre, 1515 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 5298 6339

Hours: Mon-Fri: 8am-7pm; Sat-Sun: 9am5pm. 上海全康医疗中心: 南京西路1515号 上海嘉里中心301室

剑河路2000号; 常德路218号

Dental Care •3040Hygeia Yan’an Xi Lu (3721 Hongmei Lu,

Cheese & Fizz •119 Madang Lu (near Taicang Lu).

延安西路3040号; 虹梅路3721号

218 Changde Lu. T: 6279 3551

T: 6336 5823. Unit 111A, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 6279 8298. Unit GF28, 168 Lujiazui Xi Lu, Pudong. T: 5041 1695

French gourmet food and bottles of bubbles and table wines. 新天地店: 新天地北里马当路119号; 上海商城店:南京西路1376号上海 商城111A; 正大广场店: 浦东陆家嘴 168号GF28

• EnoteCa Wine Lounge and Boutique

53-57 Anfu Lu (near Changshu Lu). T: 5404 0050. 58 Taicang Lu (near Ji'nan Lu). T: 5306 3400 London Lounge Bar •3F, glo 1 Wulumuqi Nan Lu (near Dongping

Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu (near Beijing Dong Lu). T: 2327 6731


groove on at this hotel bar.

de Ning •TheSalon Peninsula Shanghai, B1, 32

茂名南路172号 (近永嘉路)

T: 6258 1090

Zhongshan Park Hotel, 1018 Changning Lu. T: 6115 8888 Get your drink and your

安福路53-57号(近常熟路); 太仓路 58号(近济南路)

•6F, SUGAR 35 Shaanxi Nan Lu (near Changle

•145Mela Nanyang Lu (near Xikang Lu).

Bar •25F,Zpark Zpark Bar, Renaissance Shanghai


Factory •172MMaoming Nan Lu (near Yongjia Lu). T: 6415 1088

(near Xin Yong'an Lu). T: 6328 8668

Hongqiao Pearl City). T: 6406 1866 / 137 6127 5978

Asia •3F,Orthodontics Ciro’s Plaza, 388 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 6359 9359 T: 6473 7733


Dental •7F,ProShine JH Plaza, 2008 Huqingping Lu.

T: 5988 5898 The Shanghai international •aesthetic clinic

Suite 208, 1275 Yingchun Lu, Pudong District. T: 3868 5118 / 139 1890 7562 上海浦东新区迎春路1275号208室

Dental 思迈登齿科: •4F,Smile 215 Hefei Lu (near Huangpi Nan Lu). Hours: 10am – 7pm. T: (400) 882 0506

Lu). T: 6466 6565

Looking for the perfect place to meet friends, unwind from work, de-brief during the day? Then glo Wine Bar is the perfect destination. Whether you want to catch up over cocktails, share a well chosen bottle of wine or enjoy our International tapas & platters, you will find the perfect solution in glo Wine Bar. Card: All Cards. Hours: 4pm-late. www.,

Jointek Fine Wines 409 Weihai Lu (near Shimen Yi Lu). T: 6340 0955 Representative office and retail store.

骏德酒业:威海路409号 (近石门一路)

Napa Reserve 383 Weihai Lu (near Shimen Yi Lu). T: 6340 0418

Retailer specialising in wines from Napa Valley and Sonoma. Free wine tastings every Friday. 威海路383号

•58 Summergate Yan'an Dong Lu. T: 180 0820 6929

Shanghai United Family •Hospital - Dental Clinic

1139 Xianxia Lu (near Linquan Lu). T: 2216 3900 Hours: Mon & Wed 9am7pm; Tues, Thur-Sat 9am-5pm; closed Sun.

Fitness & Yoga Global Nutra-Express •Room 606, 261 Yunnan Nan Lu.

T: 138 1848 8508 / 139 1826 5447 Hours: 10am-5pm.

KERRY SPORTS •Kerry Hotel Pudong Shanghai, 4F, 1388 Huamu Lu. T: 6169 8858

A massive 24-hour gym with amenities galore and something for the entire family.

Free door-to-door delivery from a climatecontrolled warehouse within 24 hours of order, from Monday to Friday.

WellNess •668MeHuai'an Lu (near Xi Suzhou Lu).

Body Fit •717OZHuai'an Lu (near Xi Suzhou Lu).

Roosevelt Wine Cellar, THE HOUSE OF ROOSEVELT 2F, 27 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu. T: 2322 0888 House of Roosevelt has one of the largest wine cellars in Asia. 中山东一路27号

Discoveries •TheWine Cool Docks, Rm 101-111, Bldg 13, 505 Zhongshan Nan Lu. T: 6152 6680

Wine Discoveries offers a great selection of South African, German, Australian and French wines. Free delivery for one case or six bottles., 黄浦区中山南路505号老码头,13号 楼101室

Wine-Link •House 18, Lane 228 Anfu Lu (near

Wulumuqi Zhong Lu). T: 5403 6548 / 5403 0594


•UnitYangjiu 5A, 1375 Huaihai Zhong Lu (near Fuxing Zhong Lu). T: 5168 8971

A website that distributes imported wines, Champagne, spirits, food and wine accessories. They can deliver to your door in 24 hours. 淮海中路1375号5A座 (近复兴路)

Classes for kickboxing, yoga and more.

T: 6288 5278 / 135 6424 0374

Thai boxing studio run by tough-guy Tomer Oz.

Raja Yoga •Xujiahui Club: 3F, 88 Xingeng Lu

(near Wanping Nan Lu). T: 6427 4328. Caobao Lu Club: 7F, 93 Caobao Lu (near Liuzhou Lu). T: 6484 9557. Wanda Club: 3F, 189 Zhengtong Lu. T: 3511 1093 The first international member of IHRSA in China, Raja has more than seven clubs in Shanghai.

Health Services American-Sino Ob/Gyn •Service

14F, Complex Building, Huashan Hospital, 12 Wulumuqi Zhong Lu (near Changle Lu). T: 6249 3246

Hours: 8am-8pm. www.americanobgyn. com, 乌鲁木齐路12号华山医院综合楼14楼

Shanghai Clinic •LaneBioscor 89, 5 Xingguo Lu (near Hunan Lu). T: 6431 8899 International clinic

with Australian, American and Chinese doctors specialising in plastic/cosmetic surgery, medical skin treatment, natural hair regrowth and cosmetic dentistry. 兴国路89弄5号 (近湖南路)

Canadian Evergreen Family •Health Centre 1286 Hongqiao Lu. T: 6270 6265 虹桥路1286号

• International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital of the China Welfare Institute 910 Hengshan Lu (near Tianping Lu). T: 6447 0399 / 6407 9476

School •2F, Brain 126 Ronghua Dadao. T: 6295 0461 荣华东道126号2楼

The British International •School

Pudong: 600 Cambridge Forest New Town, 2729 Hunan Lu. T: 5812 7455. Puxi: 111 Jinguang Lu, Huacao Town, Minhang District. T: 5226 3211

沪南路2979号600; 闵行区金光路111号

衡山路910号 (近天平路)


Parkway Health Medical •CENTRES

Parkway Corporate Office, 7F, 108 Zhaojiabang Lu Gleneagles Medical and Surgical Centre, 4F, 389 Nanjing Xi Lu Shanghai Centre Medical and Dental Centres, 203-4 West Retail Plaza, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu Specialty and Inpatient Centre, 2/3F, 170 Danshui Lu Hongqiao Medical Centre, 2258 Hongqiao Lu. Jinqiao Medical and Dental Centre, 51 Hongfeng Lu Mandarine City Medical Centre, Mandarine City, Suite 30, 788 Hongxu Lu 24-hour appointment service. T: 6445 5999 百汇(上海)医院管理有限公司: 肇嘉浜路108号7楼;南京西路389号 明天广场裙房4楼;南京西路1376号 203-204室;淡水路170号2-3楼; 虹桥路2258号;浦东金桥红枫路 51号;虹许路788号名都城30号底层

Shanghai Children’s Medical •Centre 1678 Dongfang Lu. T: 5873 2020 东方路1678号

Shanghai Gleneagles •International Medical, Dental

999 Mingyue Lu (near Yunshan Lu), Jinqiao. T: 5899 0380 浦东金桥明月路999号

children's technology •workshop

Hongqiao: Unit 504, 3211 Hongmei Lu (above City Shop). T: 6446 6766. Pudong: Unit 4647B Thumb Plaza, 199 Fangdian Lu. T: 5033 3053

Dulwich College Shanghai (DCS) DCS Main Campus: 266 Lan'an Lu (near Biyun Lu). DUCKS Campus: 425 Lan'an Lu (near Biyun Lu). T: 5899 9910

上海德威英国国际学校:主校区:上海 浦东金桥蓝桉路266号 幼儿园:上海浦东金桥蓝桉路425号

& Surgical Centre 4F, 389 Nanjing Xi Lu, Tomorrow Square (same building as the JW Marriott Hotel). T: 6375 5588

Internationally-trained medical staff and state-of-the-art facilities. Dentistry, family medicine, general surgery, gynaecology and more. Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30am5.30pm. 南京西路389号明天广场4楼

Shanghai United Family •Hospital

1139 Xianxia Lu. T: 2216 3900 (hospital)/2216 3922 or 2216 3936 (appointments)/2216 3999 (24 hour emergency hotline) A purpose built, full

service, internationally accredited hospital that offers a full 24/7 emergency room. Hours: Mon-Sat, 8.30am-5.30pm.

Huashan Pudong Hospital International Division Managed by United Family Healthcare Ground floor, Area A & B, 525 Hongfeng Lu, Pudong. Appointments: 5030 9907 United Family Minhang Clinic Shanghai Racquet Club, Ground Floor Clubhouse. Lane 555 Jinfeng Lu, Hua Cao Town, Minhang District. T: 2201 0995 A comprehensive

clinic that offers family medicine and counselling services for the whole family. Hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. www.,

Sino United Health •Shanghai Centre (Portman) Clinic:

Suite 601, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 6279 8920. Jinqiao Clinic: Lane 300, 16 Hongfeng Lu (near Biyun Lu), Jinqiao, Pudong. T: 5030 7810 Specialists from around the world in the fields of orthopedics, physiotherapy, sports medicine, and neurology.

上海城门诊部:南京西路1376号上海 商城西峰601室; 金桥门诊部:浦东金 桥红枫路300弄16号(近碧云路)

WHS •Shanghai Centre: 1F, 106D, 1376

Nanjing Xi Lu (across from HSBC Bank). T: 6289 8511 Kerry Parkside, 1378 Huamu Lu, B130B (across from Watsons). T: (400) 611 0212 One-stop-shop health store chain providing professional guidance on imported health & wellness products from around the world.


Active Kidz shanghai Room 601, 3211 Hongmei Lu (near Chen Jiaqiaozhi Lu). T: 6406 6757. Pudong: Ramada Plaza, 18 Xinqiao Lu (near Biyun Lu). T: 3872 6770 (Wed-Fri) Community-run, non profit organisation that provides quality athletic programs for expatriate children.

AKS是一个对外籍儿童提供优质体育 活动的非营利性的社会组织。活动包 括足球,棒球,篮球,体操,芭蕾, 网球等。浦西:虹梅路3211号601 室(陈家桥支路) ;浦东:新金桥路 18号华美达大酒店1楼,T: 3872 6770 (周 三至周五)




Mandarin Family – The •Language Centre of Chinese

Jinqiao Campus: Room 302, Lane 199, 40 Biyun Lu (near Biyun Carrefour). T: 5030 9916


Shanghai American School Minhang Campus: 258 Jinfeng Lu, Zhudi Town. T: 6221 1445. Pudong Campus: 1600 Lingbai Gong Lu

闵行校区: 金丰路258号; 浦东校区: 凌白公路1600号

Shanghai Community •International School

Hongqiao ECE Campus: 2212 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai.T: 6261 4338 Hongqiao Campus: 1161 Hongqiao Lu. T: 6261 4338 Pudong Lower School: 800 Xiuyan Lu. T: 5812 9888 Pudong Upper School: 198 Hengqiao Lu. T: 5812 9888 Hangzhou Campus: 78 Dongxin Lu, Hangzhou. T: (571) 8669 0045

虹桥ECE校区:虹桥路2212号 ;虹 桥总校:虹桥路1161号 ;浦东小学 部:秀沿路800号 ;浦东初高中部:横 桥路198号;杭州校区:东新路78号

Shanghai Singapore •International School

Minhang Campus: 301 Zhujian Lu. T: 6221 9288. Xuhui Campus: 1455 Huajing Lu. T: 6496 5550 闵行校区: 极地路288号; 闵行校 区: 朱建路301号; 徐汇校区: 华泾路 1455号

Shanghai United •International School

Hongqiao Campus: 999 Hongquan Lu (near Hongxin Lu). T: 3431 0090 Gubei Secondary Campus: 248 Hongsong Dong Lu. T: 5175 3030 Pudong Campus: 48 Xueye Lu (near Yuntai Lu). T: 5886 9990 Shangyin Campus, 185 Longming Lu, Minhang. T: 5417 8143 Jiao Ke Secondary Campus: 55 Wanyuan Lu, Minhang. T: 6480 9986

上海协和双语学校 虹桥校区:虹泉路 999号,近金汇路;古北中学校区:红 松东路248号;浦东校区:浦东新区雪 野路48号;尚音校区:龙茗路185号; 教科实中校区:万源路55号


A future-orientated school with a diverse and compassionate community. Its goal is for its students to enter the world as wellbalanced, global citizens. 青浦区联民路555号

Yew Chung International •School

Gubei Campus: 18 Ronghua Xi Dao T: 6219 5910 Hongqiao Campus: 11 Shuicheng Lu. T: 6242 3243 Pudong Campus, Regency Park: 1817 Huamu Lu. T: 5033 1900 Pudong Campus, Century Park: 1433 Dongxiu Lu. T: 5045 6475

古北校区: 荣华西道18号; 虹桥校区: 水城路11号; 浦东御翠园校区: 浦东花 木路1817号, 浦东世纪公园校区: 浦 东东绣路1433号


Spa •457APSARA Shaanxi Bei Lu (near Beijing Xi

Lu). T: 6258 5580

APSARA Spa is a unique spa brand inspired by aesthetics of Angkorian (Cambodian). Their vision is to restore your tranquility with the ancient Asian wellness philosophy. APSARA is one of the best places for a South East Asian flavor of relaxation. Services incl. spa rituals, soothing massage, rejuvenating facial, nail & waxing. www. or call 62585580 for more information. 馨园水疗: 陕西北路457号(近北京 西路)

members. 清云居: 浦东陆家嘴银城中路68 号时 代金融中心403

Banyan Tree Spa 3F, The Westin Shanghai (Westin Residences), 88 Henan Zhong Lu (near Yan’an Dong Lu). T: 6335 1888 Highly regarded spa in the Westin, for massages and spa treatments.

6209 8400 Huaguang Shop: 3308 Hongmei Lu. T: 5422 1271 Biyun Shop: 1198 Biyun Lu. T: 5030 8406 Jiuzhou Shop: 3F, 3219 Hongmei Lu. T: 5175 9168 Meihua Shop: 985 Meihua Lu. T: 5059 9059 Luocheng Shop: 12 Shuicheng Lu. T: 6295 0300 Pucheng Shop: 708 Pucheng Lu. T: 5877 1788 Xintiandi Shop: 586 Madang Lu. T: 3331 7117 Yingchun Shop: 1130 Yingchun Lu. T: 6856 7122 Huangjinchengdao Shop: Room 201, 735 Huangjinchengdao Lu. T: 6208 9200 Dapu Shop: 550 Xujiahui Lu. T: 5465 9959 Dagu Shop: 508 Dagu Lu. T: 3366 2778

Beauty Farm •Shop 210, Central Plaza, 381

professional, high quality service in a convenient location. Hours: 10am-10pm

8806 TONI&GUY Green City Jinqiao Shanghai. T: 5030 5521 / 5030 8022 TONI&GUY Super Brand Mall. T: 5047 2298 / 2828 6691 TONI&GUY Cool Docks Shanghai. T: 5098 8016 TONI&GUY Taikoo Hui Guangzhou. T: (20) 8754 2113 / (20) 8754 2116 TONI&GUY Sinopec Guangzhou. T: (20) 3892 2110 TONI&GUY Gingko Shopping Mall Kunming. T: (871) 5264 262 TONI&GUY Wuhan Tiandi. T: (27) 8270 1115. T: (28) 8665 0277 TONI&GUY Mix Mall Shenzhen. T: (755) 2290 9505 TONI&GUY上海时代广场店;上海商

Huaihai Zhong Lu. T: 6391 6789. Shop 332, Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 6288 4646

淮海中路381号210店铺;南京西路 1266号恒隆广场332店铺

Bronze Bodies 209A, Infinity Plaza, 138 Huaihai Zhong Lu (near Pu'an Lu). T: 6335 3091. Suite 1FB, Silver Tower, Jiu An Plaza, 258 Tongren Lu. T: 6247 7377 上海市卢湾区淮海中路138号无限度 广场209A;铜仁路258号1楼B室

COLORISTE •2F, Diage Complex, 20 Donghu Lu. T: 5404 7861

Founded by Asia’s hair colourist master, Jun Laung, COLORISTE is a stylish and chic choice for hair colour, styling and care.

Dragonfly Therapeutic Retreat Villa 5, Lane 3911 Hongmei Lu. T: 6242 4328 206 Xinle Lu (near Dongtai Lu). T: 5403 9982 386 Hongfeng Lu, Jinqiao, Pudong. T: 3872 6996 2F, 218 Xinle Lu. T: 5403 6133 Pudong Kerry Parkside, Retail L119, 1378 Huamu Lu. T: 2025 2308 646 Baole Lu. T: 6221 9770 Room 202, 322 Anfu Lu. T: 5406 0680 193 Jiaozhou Lu. T: 5213 5778 2F, 559 Nanchang Lu. T: 5456 1318

Urban Retreat Wellness & Spa 8F, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 6289 7007

Hours: 10am-12am.

Nail Salon •UnitM20 21-22F Building, Lane 123

青籁水疗: 南京西路1376号上海商 城东峰8楼

Professional manicurists.

Yuyuan Lu). T: 3255 8131

Xingye Lu (at Xintiandi Plaza). T: 5306 1955


Oriental Taipan Massage and Spa 38-A Donghu Lu. T: 6415 8880

Hours: 12pm-1am. 东湖路39号

NAIL STUDIO •123VILLY'S Wulumuqi Bei Lu (near With the comfiest chairs and some of the best base coat in town, Villy’s offers the whole package (which includes complimentary wi-fi and wine or tea. Hours 10am-10pm 乌鲁木齐北路123号 (近愚园路和北 京西路口)

虹梅路3911号5号别墅;新乐路 206号;浦东金桥红枫路386号;新 乐路218号;浦东花木路1378号;保乐 路646号;安福路322号202室;胶州路 193号;南昌路559号2楼

Vita Spa •7F, Hotel Sofitel, 507 Nanjing Dong

Lu). T: 6466 5123

Lu. T: 6351 5888 x 59

Fully equipped gymnasium and professional massage facilities. All cards. Hours: Gymnasium 6.30am-11pm, Sauna 6.30am-2am, Spa 9am-3am

Diva Life Nails & Beauty Tower 3, German Centre, 88 Keyuan Lu (near Longdong Da Dao). T: 2898 6078. 266 Ruijin Er Lu (near Taikang Lu). T: 5465 7291 Nanchang Lu (near Yandang Lu). T: 6384 2033

科苑路88号德国中心3号楼(近龙东 大道);瑞金二路266号 (近泰康 路);南昌路66号, (近雁荡路)

Centre I. T: (571) 8678 6560 Essensuals Hangzhou Shopping Centre II. T: (571) 8510 2126 Essensuals Kunming. T: (871) 363 3950 Essensuals Ningbo. T: (574) 8389 9868 Essensuals Fujian. T: (595) 8391 9999 / 8366 6789

Oh’s Chiropractic Centre Room 1202, Mingzhu Building, 55 Shuicheng Nan Lu (opposite Carrefour Gubei Store). T: 6209 5546 Adjustment, neuromuscular, spine, joint, exercise and relaxation. Hours: 9.30am8pm. 水城南路55号明珠大厦1202室

The Peninsula Spa The Peninsula Shanghai, 3F, 32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu (near Beijing Dong Lu). T: 2327 6599

Seven spa treatment rooms and two VIP suites, a relaxation area and thermal facilities. Indoor Swimming Pool and 24hour open Fitness Centre with personal training. 半岛水疗中心:中山东一路32号上海 半岛酒店3层(近北京东路)

Spa •21F,Quan Renaissance Shanghai Yuyuan

Hotel. 159 Henan Nan Lu. T: 2321 8888 With gymnasium, infinity edge pool,

Essensuals 杭州大厦一店;杭州大厦 二店;昆明店;宁波店;福建店。

juice bar, indoor spa garden and relaxation areas. Hours: 10am-10pm

Franck Provost •3182 Hongmei Lu. T: 6446 6928.

Senses •Shop 413, Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing Xi

No 466, 4F, Grand Gateway, 1 Hongqiao Lu. T: 6407 3172. GF, 35 Shaanxi Nan Lu (near Changle Lu). T: 6267 5171 Global leading hair salon features highly trained stylists and colourists. Hours: 10am - 10pm

虹梅路3182号;虹桥路1号港汇广场 4楼466铺;陕西南路35号,1楼4号 商铺(长乐路)

Green Massage •K11 Art Mall: 305, 3F, K11 Art Mall,

300 Huaihai Lu Central. T: 6385 8800 Hours: 10.30am-0.30am Xintiandi: 58 Taicang Lu. T: 5386 0222 Hours: 10.30am-2am Shanghai Centre: 202 West Retail Plaza, Shanghai Centre, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 6289 7776 Hours: 10.30am-12pm Lujiazui Branch: 304, 3F, Shanghai World Financial Center, 100 Century Ave. T: 6877 8188. Hours: 10.30am-12pm Xujiahui Branch: 88 Xingeng Lu. T: 6468 7076 Hours: 11.30am-1am Xintiandi BranchⅡ: 68 Taicang Lu. T: 6384 1356 Hours: 10.30am-2am

淮海中路300号 K11购物艺术中心 3楼305室;太仓路58号;南京西路 1376号上海商城西峰202室;世纪大道 100号上海环球金融中心3楼304室; 辛耕路88号;太仓路68号

by experienced, well-trained therapists with complimentary sandwiches. They also offer a therapist's training course, if you’d like to learn how to massage your family

A contemporary, urban day and wellness spa. Plus, sauna, steam rooms, gym, aerobics, plunge pools and indoor pool with outdoor sun deck. 南京东路789号艾美皇家酒店10楼

城店; 上海金桥店;上海正大店; 上海老码头;广州太古汇店;广州中 石化店;云南昆明店;武汉天地店; 深圳万象城店

Village Retreat •2F, 6TheDongping Lu (near Hengshan

Essensuals Salons •Essensuals Hangzhou Shopping

Bamboo Leaf Rm 403 Oneluijiazui Building, 68 Yincheng Zhong Lu, Lujiazui. T: 5010 6656 Massages, waxing and manicures

Le Spa 10F, Le Royal Méridien Shanghai, 789 Nanjing Dong Lu (near Xizang Zhong Lu). T: 3318 9999

TONI&GUY Salons •TONI&GUY Shanghai Centre. T: 6279

Contemporary Asian retreat. Hours: 10am1am.


浦西店:江宁路778号(海防路口); 陕西北路278号8楼;浦东店:上海市 浦东金桥碧云路1208号(红枫路)

Centre). T: 6279 0170 Friendly,

Professional aromatherapy by certified practitioners. Expert skincare and beauty treatment by certified practitioners.

Hours: 12pm-12am

Combining traditional Asian therapies with modern techniques, The Spa offers a full range of fitness classes, body work, amenities and services. All cards. Hours: 6am-11pm

Nail Salon •208Glamour Nanyang Lu (behind Shanghai

2F, 218 Xinle Lu, Xuhui District (near Donghu Lu). T: 5403 6133

陕西北路678号(武定路路口); 永嘉路 636号 (近衡山路)

Shanghai). T: 6248 0000 x 2600


• Dragonfly Crossroads @ Donghu

Benson Salon Puxi: 778 Jiangning Lu (near Haifang Lu) Puxi: 278 Shaanxi Bei Lu, Golden Eagle Shopping Mall Pudong: 1208 Biyun Lu (near Hongfeng Lu) Jiuguang: Ongoing Department Store 4F, 1618 Nanjing Xi Lu. T: 6288 7216 English Service:139 1883 5516

Hours: 12pm-3am

The Spa •4F, 250 Huashan Lu (in the Hilton


BAMBOO 7 •3F-C1, 37 Shuicheng Nan Lu. T:

GOlden Resort Massage 678 Shaanxi Bei Lu (near Wuding Lu). T: 6217 8628. Hours: 12pm-2am. 636 Yongjia Lu (near Hengshan Lu). T: 6445 1729.

GIn One Spa •1F J-life, Jinmao Tower, 88 Shiji Dadao. T: 5103 6767


Lu. T: 6288 2188. Shop 202, 1138 Pudong Nan Lu, Pudong. T: 6888 2995



Country Holidays Silver Block, 5F, Unit 5A, Jiu An Plaza, 258 Tongren Lu

Fraser Suites Top Glory Shanghai Lane 600, 1 Yincheng Zhong Lu, Lujiazui. T: 6378 8888 Long stay


accommodation for both singles and families. Fraser Suites offers a more flexible way to stay in Shanghai.

Ctrip •T: 400 820 6666 China's leading online

Lanson Place Jinqiao •Residences

travel services provider.

Flight Centre •

Lane 399, 18 Zaozhuang Lu, Pudong. T: 5013 3592 These one- and two-bedroom homes are close to expatriate communities, international schools and European supermarkets. •T: 5108 7090 Your personal travel

assistant in China is here! Still fed up with searching hotels and booking air tickets for your business trip or family vacation? Tell them your request and let them do the rest.

Lanson Place Jinlin Tiandi •Residences

Travelzoo •Room 1601, Centro, 568 Hengfeng

Lemon Zest •1 Taojiang Lu. T: 6466 9099

Lu (near Shanghai Railway Station). T: 6056 1000

恒丰路568号恒汇国际大厦1601室 ( 近上海火车站 )

A home away from home.

Lemon Zest offers factory direct prices up to 40 per cent below the brand names and a lifetime warranty against d efects. Hours: 10am-9pm (10pm Fri, Sat) 品厨:桃江路1号


Putuo Shanghai •LaneModena 58, 1 Tongchuan Lu, Putuo. T: 6117 7668

Annabel Lee – Exquisite •Chinese Silk

Bund Flagship Store: Lane 8, 1 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu. T: 6445 8218. Xintiandi Store: Unit 3, Bldg 3, North Block, Lane 181 Taicang Lu. T: 6320 0045 Linen and embroidery. Hours: 10am10.30pm.

CROWN RELOCATIONS •Crown Worldwide Building, Lane 72975, 59 Suide Lu. T: 6250 8820

Lane 168, 3 Xingye Lu. T: 2306 1888

Crown Relocations, a division of the Crown Worldwide Group, serves over 10,000 customers from over 250 locations in 55 countries, providing domestic and international transportation of household goods, transit protection, storage services, home and school search, inter-cultural training, expense management, policy consulting, program administration and other relocation services. The company serves corporations, diplomats and

上海品尊名致精品酒店公寓: 普陀区铜川路58弄1号

Gallery of Art •3F,Shanghai No.3 The Bund Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road by Guang Dong Road. T: 6321 5757 SGA strives to be the

most authoritative and influential private gallery displaying and dealing in contemporary Chinese art. 11am-7pm 中山东一路3号,外滩三号3楼,近 广东路

Simply Life Unit 101, Xintiandi, 159 Madang Lu, (near Taicang Lu). T: 6387 5100. 9 Dongping Lu (near Taojiang Lu). T: 3406 0509 逸居生活:马当路159号新天地 101单元

Five star TCM and aromatherapy make for one heady spa trip!

Massage •370YuWuyuan Lu (near Wukang Lu). T: 5403 9931

House calls available, taxi fare payable by the client. Hours: 11am-2am 愉庭保健会所: 五原路370号(近武 康路口)

Yuan Spa •Lower Lobby, Hyatt on the Bund, 199 Huangpu Lu. T: 6393 1234 x 6527

Includes 12 spa treatment rooms, a 24 hour fitness centre, swimming pool, whirlpool, steam and sauna rooms, a beauty salon and a juice bar. http:// 黄浦路199号上海外滩茂悦大酒店 底层大厅

TRAVEL Airlines

A classy contemporary sanctuary – enjoy the tree-top view of the French Concession in Moroccan-style daybeds. Hours: 11am9pm, 11am-7pm (weekends)

Cathay Pacific •Room 2101-2104, Shanghai Square

SOSPA •Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental, 3388

Lane 129 Datian Lu (near Beijing Xi Lu). T: 6289 9090 bplus@bplustravel.

嘉柏(中国)国际货运代理有限公 司:上海市普陀区绥德路729弄75支 弄59号嘉柏大厦

Dadao. T: 6888 1234 x 4250

Air France •Room 3901, Ciro's Plaza, 338 Nanjing


B Plus Travel •Room 7A, Block A, Jiafa Building,

Edge •85F,Water’s Park Hyatt Shanghai, 100 Shiji

Shui Urban Spa •5F, Ferguson Lane, 376 Wukang Lu (near Tai’an Lu). T: 6126 7800

private customers.

Travel Agencies

Xi Lu (near Xizang Zhong Lu). T: 6350 9268

Office Tower, 138 Huaihai Zhong Lu. T: (400) 888 6628

Sichen Lu, Sijing Town. T: 3761 8888 × 1555 Offers the ultimate experience in

luxury and relaxation, allowing guests the ability to unwind and indulge their senses, while conveniently remaining within 35 minutes of downtown Shanghai. 松江区泗泾镇泗陈公路3388弄,上 海东方佘山索菲特大酒店SOSPATM水 疗中心

AT KERRY SPORTS •KerrySPAHotel Pudong Shanghai, 4F,

Dragonair •Room 2101-2104, Shanghai Square

Office Tower, 138 Huaihai Zhong Lu. T: 400 888 6628 / 400 881 3368 (real-time flight information)

1388 Huamu Lu. T: 6169 8856

A multidisciplinary and holistic approach to well-being including physiotherapy, restorative massage, skincare and body treatments inspired by Wudang wushu. Hours: 10am-11pm

SPA InterContinental Shanghai Expo Level 4, InterContinental Shanghai Expo, 1188 Xueye Lu, Pudong (near Nanmatou Lu). T: 3858 1460

Highly skilled professional therapists incorporate the wisdom of natural healing to invigorate and restore harmony to your body. 洲际水疗馆,浦东雪野路1188号(近南 码头路),上海世博洲际酒店四楼.

Emirates Airlines •Room 3302, Zhong Xin Buliding, 258 Tongren Lu (near Nanjing Xi Lu). T: 3222 9999

September13  TalkMagazine



•No.7Pearl Jian Guo Men South Avenue, Dong Cheng District, Located on Lobby Level. T: 010 5811 8200

DRAGON PALACE •Kempinski Hotel Beijing, 50

DINING Café/Afternoon Tea Garden Lounge •Garden Lounge, Lobby, The St. Regis

Beijing, 21 Jianguomen waidajie, Chaoyang District. T: 010 6460 6688 The Garden Lounge is a perfect venue for afternoon tea and evening drinks. The European chandeliers, Romanstyle fountain and deep sofas create an inviting and distinctive atmosphere, ideal for a business cocktail or social rendezvous. Open Daily from 8:30am - 1am.

•2/F,Feast Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng, 36 North Third Ring Road East T: 010 5798 8908

Zhongguancun Shopping Center T: 010 5986 3666

•36 Bene North Third Ring Road East, Dongcheng District. T: 010 5798 8995

•ThePREGO Westin Beijing Financial Street

9B, Financial Street, XiCheng District T: 010 6606 8866

The Garden Court LG/F, The St. Regis Beijing, 21 Jianguomen Waidajie, Chaoyang District. T: 010 6460 6688

(a la carte) Fresh Seafood Barbeque

Seafood barbeque is the all time favorite. This season, fresh abalone, Boston lobster, king of razor clam from abysmal sea will be delicately cooked to tickle your taste buds. Elegant decor and ambiance makes the dining experience perfect for impressing business partners and friends.

Grill 79 China World Summit Wing, 79th floor. No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue T: 010 6505 2299

HONZEN •Kempinski Hotel Beijing, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 6465 3388 Bleu Marine •5 Guanghua Xili. T: 010 6500 6704 Flo •18 Brasserie Xiaoyun Lu. T: 010 6595 5135

Cafe & Teahouses •China World Summit Wing, 80th floor. No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue T: 010 6505 2299

Jaan •Raffles Beijing Hotel, 33 East Chang An Avenue. T: 010 6526 3388

JEWEL The Westin Beijing Financial Street 9B, Financial Street, XiCheng District T: 010 6606 8866 KEMPIDELI •Kempinski Hotel Beijing, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 6465 3388

Café de la Poste •58 Yonghegong Dajie.

PROVINCIA No.7 Jian Guo Men South Avenue, Dong Cheng District. T: 010 5811 8233 Sand Pebbles Lounge •74 Wudaoying Hutong. T: 010 8404 0767

•TheSENSES Westin Beijing Financial Street

9B, Financial Street, XiCheng District T: 010 6606 8866 Spice Factory •Courtyard 4, Gongti Beilu T: 010 6500 7939

Sureño, Mediterranean •Restaurant

Building 1, No. 11 Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District. T: 010 6410 5240 The Horizon •Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Rd.

Choayang District. T: 010 8565 2188 The Red Chamber •China World Summit Wing, 4th floor.

T: 010 6402 7047

Court •2/F,Celestial The St. Regis Beijing, 21

Jianguomen Waidajie, Chaoyang District. T: 010 6460 6688

Open daily from 11:30am - 2:30pm and 6pm - 10pm. 朝阳区建国门外大街21号, 北京瑞吉 酒店二层,天宝阁中餐厅。

Cepe •1 Jinchengfang Dongjie, The RitzCarlton Beijing, Financial Street. T: 010 6629 6996

Chez Julien •Lucky Street, Chaoyang Park West Road. T: 010 5867 0218

Kerry’s Kitchen •Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Lu, Choayang District. T: 010 8565 2088

Kerry’s Pantry •Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Rd. Choayang District. T: 010 8565 2788

Krangfer's Restaurant & Bar Kempinski Hotel Beijing, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 6465 3388

CJW Beijing L-137, The Place, 9 Guanghua Lu. T: 010 65871222

Fourchette •A7 LaSanlitun Road.

Colibri •LG51, No. 11 Sanlitun Road, Sanlitun

La Taverne •7 Gongti Xili.

Village North. T: 010 6417 0808

T: 010 6466 1757

T: 010 6551 8967

Chapter •29 Conrad North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District. T: 010 6584 6215

Lime Thai •Tower 15, Central Park, 6

No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue T: 010 6505 2299

LA GONDOLA •1/F,TRATTORIA Kempinski Hotel, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 6465 3388

Siam •A10Very Xinyuan Xili Dongjie T: 010 8451 0031

Vasco's •Hilton Hotel, 8 Wangfujing East Street T: 010 5812 8888

Village Café •Building 1, No. 11 Sanlitun Road,

Chaoyang District. T: 010 6410 5210 YAOCHI •7 DongSanHuan Middle Road,

Chaoyang District. T: 010 8587 6888

Chaoyangmenwai Dajie T: 010 6597 0887

•2/F,Danieli’s 21 Jianguomen Waidajie,

Club •MayThe1 –Summit June 30 Dinner only (a

•3/F,Apothecary Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun North Street. T: 010 5208 6040

Atmosphere •China World Summit Wing, 80th floor. No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue T: 010 6505 2299

Brussels Restaurant & Bar •4 Gongti Beilu. T: 010 6591 9525 Centro •Kerry Hotel, 1 Guanghua Rd.

Choayang District. T: 010 8565 2398

RMB338 per person + 15% service charge inclusive of unlimited red/white wine, draft beer, juices and soft drinks. Enjoy Global Fine Food Monday Hunan Cuisine Tuesday Japanese Cuisine Wednesday Thailand Cuisine Thursday Continental Cuisine Friday Korean Cuisine Saturday Shandong Cuisine Sunday South American Cuisine

Lounge •MayThe1 –Mezzanine June 30 15:00-18:00

RMB168 per person + 15% service charge Sweet Happy Afternoon

A sophisticated venue for afternoon tea, the Mezzanine Lounge offers a truly elegant ambiance that will delight both you and your friends. Do not miss its divine blueberry cheese cakes, rich green-tea tiramisu and tasty cup cakes. Enjoy the sweetness while you bask in the warm afternoon sun.

BISTRO •No.7CITYJianWALL Guo Men South Avenue, Dong Cheng District, Located on Lobby Level. T: 010 5811 8255

•203Glen Taiyue Suites, 16 Sanlitun Nanlu T: 010 6591 1191

Bar •40 Mai Beiluoguxiang. T: 010 6406 1871 Mesh •Building 1, No. 11 Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District. T: 010 6410 5220

Mix-The Westin Beijing •Chaoyan 7 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District. T: 010 5922 8880

Pepper •1 Wangzhuang Lu, Wudaokou T: 010 8237 2963

PAULANER BRAUHAUS Kempinski Hotel Beijing, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 6465 3388

Noodle Bar •China World Summit Wing, 4th floor. No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue T: 010 6505 2299 Marco •9 JinOh!Cheng Fang Street T: 010 6622 0566

Peter's Tex-Mex Grill 88A St. Regis, 21 Jianguomen Waidajie. T: 010 8532 2449


North Third Ring Road East T: 010 5798 8998

Restaurant •MayJin1 –Yuan June 30 Lunch and Dinner

(a la carte) Taste modern vegetarian delicacy, purify your body and spirit Jin Yuan Restaurant brings tranquility to the table, with soft music and classical Chinese décor. The fresh, healthy vegetarian food is made from ingredients sourced from around the country and recipes are designed for maximum nutritional value. Try the braised tofu with pine nuts, dressed with a light brown

Food Center •15 Schindler's Zaoying Beili. T: 010 6591 9370 Mart Wanda Plaza •B1,Wal Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu. T: 010 5960 3566

World Health Store •Room 2152, 1/F , A section, North

Tower, SOHO Shangdu, 8 Dongdaqiao Rd. T: 010 5900 2209

HLG •Solana #5-1, No. 6 Chaoyang Park Road. T: 010 5905 6370

Sensations •Huaqingjiayuan East Gate T: 010 8286 3517

Mango Restoclub •6 Ritan North Street.

Block 8 •Chaoyang Park West Rd., No. 8 T: 010 6508 8585

Cargo Club •6 Gongti Xilu. T: 010 6551 6898 Vics •Inside Workers' Stadium north gate T: 010 5293 0333

Remix •Inside Worker's Stadium North Gate T: 010 6530 2889

V+ Party Floor, Bldg 3, China View, Gongti East Road. T: 010 8587 1233

T: 010 6587 1501

Club •Blue1801 Castle Apartment, Dawang Xilu T: 010 8599 7856

Club •B1/F,Global Dongyuan Dasha, 35 Chengfu Lu. T: 010 6255 1616

Coco Banana •8 Gongti Xilu. T: 010 8599 9999 Suzie Wong •WestClub Gate of Chaoyang Park

Banana •1/F,GTScitech Hotel, 22 Jianguomen Waidajie. T: 010 6528 3636

•UnitG-Loft S1-30 Village 3rd Floor, No. 19 Sanlitun Road. T: 010 6415 3338 Pepper •1 Wangzhuang Lu, Wudaokou T: 010 8237 2963

Press Club Bar 1/F, The St. Regis Beijing, 21 Jianguomen Waidajie, Chaoyang District. T: 010 6460 6688 Open daily from 9am - 12:30am.

朝阳区建国门外大街21号,北京瑞吉 酒店一层。

Propaganda •100m north of the east gate of Huaqing jiayuan,Wudaokou T: 010 8289 3991

Club •B1/F,Redwest side of 3.3 Shopping Mall, Sanlitun Houjie, Chaoyang District M: 136 5131 9097 Latte •Northwest corner of Worker's

Rendez-vous Bar & Lounge •Kempinski Hotel Beijing, 50

Stadium. T: 010 6551 8881/8885

Ritz-Carlton Bar (Shin Kong •Place)

T: 010 6551 2373/135 2061 4049

Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 6465 3388

The Ritz-Carlton, No. 83A Jian Guo Road. T: 010 5908 8888

•66 Salud Nanluoguxiang. T: 010 6402 5086 •1F,Xian No.22 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District. T: 010 8414 9810

Beijing •58 Elements Gongti West Road

Club •4/FLAN Twin Tower, B12 Jianguomen Waidajie. T: 010 5109 6012/13

Mix •Inside Worker's Stadium North Gate T: 010 6506 9888/6530 2889/150 1138 2219 Club Gaga •6 Gongti Xilu. T: 010 6552 8888 Flamenco Club •Workers Stadium West Gate T: 010 6553 5278

Club •50 Pulse Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 6465 3388 Club X •88 Changan Jie.

T: 010 8391-3311 x 813

•3/F,Winghouse Taiyue Suites, 16 Sanlitun Nanlu

Nutrition Center •No.Elite 0159, Building C, Chaowai SOHO, City •52 Lohao Jingshun Lu. T: 010 8459 4647

M: 135 2188 2889

•19 Chocolate Ritan Bei Lu. T: 010 8561 3988

T: 010 8590 0390

No. 6, Chaowai Dajie. T: 010 5900 4538

The Beach •Block 8, West Gate of Chaoyang Park

T: 010 6500 3377

The Drive-Thru •5-306 Sanlitun SOHO.

Yue •Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng, 36

T: 010 8497 7288

Spark •B108, •3/F,Mokihi The Place, 9 Guanghua Lu C12 Lucky Street. T: 010 5867 0244

Zhonglu. T: 010 6417 0489

Nadaman China World Summit Wing, 4th floor. No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue T: 010 6505 2299

Rumors •8 Beichen Donglu, Yayuncun

M: 135 0134 8785

This Spring, the Summit Club restaurant serves up a wide selection of pasta classics in an intimate, candlelit environment. For pasta fans, there are different choices of pasta topped with your favorite sauce. While you are indulging in the fine food, don’t miss the panoramic view of Beijing Central Business and Embassy districts, especially this blossom season.

T: 010 6552 6969/8599 9999

Lantern Club •Gongti West Road.

la carte) Italian Fine Food in the Air

Café •MaySkyline 1 – June 30 Dinner 18:00-22:00

LA •No.Club 8, Gongti West Gate

T: 010 8561 3685

Michel •1/F,Boucherie Jiezuo Building, Xingfucun

朝阳区建国门外大街21号,北京瑞吉 酒店二层。

48 TalkMagazine


T: 010 6530 5888

Open daily from 6pm - 10pm, and open from 11:30am - 2pm Monday to Friday.

Chaoyang District. T: 010 8414 9830

Hangzhou cuisine, one of the Eight Culinary Traditions of China, serves up lighter fare emphasizing flavor and freshness. Featuring everything from the painstakingly sautéed shrimp with Long jing Tea to the braised pork with preserved vegetable, this classically decorated restaurant serves honest good food without the frills. Local diners consistently return when in need of an impressive venue for meeting with business partners or catching up with old friends.


Market Place •B1, BHG Shin Kong Place, 87 Jianguo Lu

Miyabi Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng, 36 North Third Ring Road East T: 010 5798 8993

Chaoyang District.

•2F,Domain No.22 Jiuxianqiao Road,

(a la carte) Featuring Authentic Hangzhou Cuisine


Dajie. T: 6559 9200

T: 010 5208 6092

House •MaySimple 1 – June 30 Lunch and Dinner

Maison Boulud •Ch'ien Men 23, 23 Qianmen Dong

•1/F,Crêpanini Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Beilu

This restaurant draws a regular crowd of Japanese and non-Japanese customers alike, all attracted by the authentic ambiance and very fresh seafood. In this season, don’t miss the sea eel dishes. The sashimi and Sushi stand out, but the hot dishes and teppanyaki shouldn't be overlooked either. This Japanese restaurant will offer you an excellent dining experience.

Hai Korean Restaurant •MayYun 1 – June 30 Lunch and Dinner

朝阳区建国门外大街21号,北京瑞吉 酒店一层。

Chaoyang District. T: 010 6417 6688

May 1 – June 30 Lunch and Dinner (a la carte) Traditional Japanese Cuisine in Gentle Breeze

Open daily from 6am - 11pm and for Sunday Brunch from 11:30am - 3pm on Sundays.

•1F,Hagaki No.22 Jiuxianqiao Road,

(a la carte) Perfectly experience Chaozhou and Hunan flavors

Leaf •2/F,Banana Financial Center, Bldg B,

Chaozhou Restaurant •MayJade 1 – June 30 Lunch and Dinner

Keikoku Japanese •Restaurant

朝阳区建国门外大街21号,北京瑞吉 酒店大堂。


This Baroque style restaurant serves elaborate Chaozhou fare and fragrant Hunan dishes which are sure to please everyone. Helmed by award-winning Master Chef Tan, the Restaurant boasts a breathtaking white marble decor, elegant chandeliers, and a view of beautiful greenery outdoors.

Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 6465 3388

FEAST (Food by EAST) 2F, No.22 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District. T: 010 8414 9820

sauce that lends a delicate flavor. Perfect for some meatless contemplation.

T: 010 6584 3353


•18 180° Zhongguancun Beidajie

Club •143Dao Xizhimenwai Da Jie, West

T: 010 8261 3366 x 702

Triumph Plaza, 1/F. T: 010 8801 6848

Queen Club •6 Gongti Xilu. T: 010 6553 3555

Haze •A101, Guanghua Lu SOHO, 22

Inner Affair •6 Xiliujie, Sanlitun. T: 010 8454 0899

Guanghua Lu. T: 010 5900 6128

•79 Tango Hepingli Xijie. T: 010 6428 2288 •

Tang Micheng 8 Chaoyang Park West Gate T: 010 6500 8888

•B1,Amber Bldg B, The Place, A9 Guanghua Lu. T: 010 8269 6933

Passion KTV 1/F, West Hall, The Great Wall Sheraton Hotel. T: 010 6590 1104

•A8 Armaini Gongti Beilu. T: 010 5167 3333

Beijing Hotel •22 East Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District

Paw Paw •Beijing City Hotel, First Floor, Gongti

T: 010 8426 0888

MGM •Inside Worker's Stadium West Gate,

Dajie. T: 010 8511 7777

Rd.Chaoyang District. T: 010 6551 5555

Beilu #4. T: 010 6500 7827

No. 88. T: 010 6552 5556/9

G3 Palace 3 Gongti Xilu. T: 010 6553 6699 Hong Club •1 Gongti Nan Lu. T: 010 6552 8338

•B1 Hollywood Huasheng Plaza, 12 Yabaolu T: 010 5120 6758

Palace Club •Builing A, Chaowai Soho, No. 6

Chaowai Street. T: 010 5840 1885

BAR 19 TANGLA Hotel, 19 Fuxingmenwai Street, Chang’an Avenue West T: 010 5857 6688 x 6819 Hei Club •EastHeiGate of Workers’ Stadium T: 010 6553 2228

Fairmont Beijing •Yong'an Dongli Road, Jianguomenwai Gallery Hotel •NO.50 Workers’Stadium North

Hilton Beijing •1 Dongfang Lu, Dongsanhuan Beilu T: 010 5865 5000

Hilton Beijing Wangfujing Hotel •8 Wangfujing East Street T: 010 5812 8888

Hotel G Beijing A7 Gongti Xilu. T: 010 6552 3600 Hotel Nikko New Century Beijing •6 Shouti Nanlu. T: 010 6849 2001

11 Financial Street. T: 010 5852 5888

J&E Mansion •Honglingjin Park, Chaoyang District

Club •B1/F,Vegas Ritan International Hotel, 39

T: 010 5139 8739

•3/F,Tango 79 Hepingli Xijie. T: 010 6428 2288

Place Chaoyang District. T: 010 5908 8954

EZ •1/F,Club Wudaokou U-Center, 28 Chengfu Lu. M: 189 0114 7080

CN Club •House 79, 4 Gongti North Road T: 010 6615 2999

•1/F,WuNW corner, Wudaokou U-Center M: 189 1020 6978

Club •706,Share 7/F Zhongyu Plaza, 6A Gongti North Rd. 400 899 1300

•RmBossanova 209 Taiyue Studios, 16 Sanlitun

South Street. T: 010 6500 3351/134 6667 7852 Le-Nest •8 Gongti North Street, Gongti East Gate. T: 010 6553 2228

Lantern Bar •Gongti West Road. M: 139 1197 7989 Saint Island Club •Yuhui Nanlu, Shaoyaoju Beili T: 010 8461 2340

Marriott Beijing •83 JW Jian Guo Road, China Central Kempinski Hotel Beijing •Lufthansa Center

50 Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 6465 3388

International Clinic •Rm.Bioscor 1008 E-Tower, C12 Guanghua Lu

Yogi Yoga (Ritan Park) •North Gate, Ritan Park

Potter's Wheel •International School

Beijing International •Medical Center

Yoga, Easy Life •Rm.Easy 503, Bldg 2, Jianwai SOHO

Amcare Women's & •Children's Hospital

Yogi Yoga (Zhongguancun) 8/F, Zhongxin Shuma Plaza, 52 Beisihuan Xilu. T: 010 6269 2352

T: 010 6503 5707

S106, 1/F, Lufthansa Center, 50 Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 6465 1561

9 Fangyuan Xilu, Jiangtai West Road 9-9. 400 100 0016 TCM Traditional Chinese •Medicine OHS Clinic-Oriental

Health Solution Rm.D, 29/F, Bldg B, Oriental Kenzo Building, Dongzhimen Waidajie T: 010 8447 6886 Smart Health Medical and •Dental 215, Lido Place, 6 Jiangtai Lu T: 010 6437 6898

T: 010 5863 8241

• Renaissance Beijing Chaoyang Hotel

36 Xiao Yun Road, Chaoyang District T: 010 6468 9999 Financial Street •1 JinRitz-Carlton Cheng Fang Street East,

Hotel, Beijing •29 Shangri-La Zizhuyuan Road Haidian District Beijing Dongcheng Hotel •36 Sheraton North Third Ring Road East, Dongcheng District. T: 010 5825 7944 Sofitel Wanda Beijing •Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Lu

Flower Medical Center of •Beijing

Hengxiang Mansion 1st floor No. 15 Tuan Jie Hu Street Chaoyang District T: 010 8597 7096

Fitness & Yoga

Opposite House •TheThe Village at Sanlitun, Building 1, 11 Sanlitun Beilu. T: 010 6417 6688 The Peninsula Beijing •8 Jinyu Hutong, Wangfujing

Emperor Hotel Beijing •33 The Qihelou Street, Dongcheng District T: 010 6526 5566

yuan lu, haidian. M: 159 1081 6634 Shine Center •Room 2501, Cell#5, Building #4, UHN

Gongyuan Xilu. T: 010 5905 6067/6077 Lotus •RmYogi 301, Bldg 5 D4, 9

Chegongzhuang Dajie. T: 010 8831 2208/8831 2209 Yoga •5A Pinkstyle The Gate Tower North B, 19 Zhongguancun Ave. T: 010 8248 8119

Hot Yoga •RmOmShanti 2, 1/F, Bldg C, Huanqiu Maoyi

Danny's Hair Salon •Season Club B36, Dongzhimen Waidajie, Chunxiu Road T: 010 8453 0399/817

ERIC Paris Salon(Lido Hotel) •Inside Lido Hotel, 112 Jichang Lu

Hummingbird Spa •Tower 26, Central Park,

M: 135 0107 5843

Chaoyangmen Wai. T: 010 6533 6922

ZigZag Massage & Nails 52B Wuaoying Hutong T: 010 8404 0020

•55 Frost Xingfucun Zhong Lu

T: 010 6417 9148/138 1107 4516

99 Massage and Spa Center •703E-Tower, Guanghualu, Chaoyang District . T: 010 6501 0799

Therapeutic Retreat •17 Bodhi Gongti Beilu. T: 010 6413 0226 Retreat •1/F,Dragonfly Eastern Inn, 6 Baijiazhuang Lu T: 010 6593 6066

MuZen Retreat 60 Andingmen Dong Lu T: 010 6406 3566 Society •5F Waxing Haiyuncang International Plaza,

Paris Salon(Westin) •F5,ERIC the Westin Beijing, B9 Financial Street. T: 010 6629 7865

Bodies Tanning & •ProBronze Shop 6/F, 17 Gongti Beilu T: 010 6413 1180

Show Palace Hair Styling •Studio Rm 1027, 3.3 Fashion Plaza, 33 Sanlitun Lu. T: 010 5136 5534/5

K.U.L Hair Salon W216, 2\F, Bldg A, Fortune Plaza T: 010 6533 0028

Hosa Fitness Centre •6 Jianguomen Wai Dajie, SK Building

Yoga Center •RmSansthing 201, Bldg 6, Lishui Gardens

A, Rm 3201

Westin Workout •7 North Dongsanhuan Road,

Dongzhimen Waidajie. T: 010 5139 6208

Fitness •BldgOzone 2, 6/F, Zhubang 2000 Building, 99 Balizhuang Xili. T: 010 8586 5583

T: 010 6467 8221

"Blackbox" room No. 77 Baiziwan Nan Er Road. M: 135 0105 6857

Bikram Yoga Beijing •Pacific Century Place, 2A Gongti Bei Lu. T: 010 6539 3434


YIHE 42 Hot Yoga ( Blue •Castle)

M: 139 1029 0260

3/F, No. 2 South Building, Blue Castle, Dawang Lu. T: 010 8599 7395 YIHE 42 Hot Yoga (Gongti •Beilu)

T: 010 5985 0333

3FA, Grand Rock Plaza, Gongti Beilu T: 010 5190 9833

GlobalCare Women & •Children's Hospital

42 •1/F,OmBldgYoga 9, Lido Apartment Building

24 Xi Dawang Lu. T: 010 8776 9899

District, Beijing. M: 136 0137 1790

Senz Spa 109, 1/F, Bldg 1, 1 Baijiazhuang Road T: 010 5967 0458

Studio •1 XinAlona Yuan Nan Lu.

International Hospital •BldgOASIS C1, 9 Jiuxianqiao North Road

Julie's Salon •Workers' Stadium Door 10, Chaoyang

District. T: 010 5907 8888


No 2 Guanghua Donglu T: 010 5100 0556/7

T: 010 5139 8922

Vikasa Yoga Shala •RmPrana 2409, 4/F North Tower, SOHO Shangdu, 8 Dongdaqiao Rd T: 010 5869 6438

EDUCATION Schools School •No.3e9-1International Jiang Tai Xi Lu

Beanstalk International •Kindergarten

Traders Upper East Hotel •2 Dongsihuan Beilu, Chaoyang

Beauty Salon •RmDaisy's 301, Bldg B, Sunshine 100 Apt,

Unit 303, 3/F IFC Mall, 1-3 Xinyuan Nanlu. T: 010 8444 2388

Yanhui Yoga Pilates Studio •Beijing City International School,

46 Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 8440 1918

Kangning Massage •Entrance1, 8 Xinyuan Nanlu

The Westin Beijing Chaoyang •7 North DongSanhuan road, Sanlitun The Westin Beijing Financial Stree 9B, Financial Street, XiCheng District T: 010 6606 8866

Bldg. 1, 11 Sanlitun Beilu T: 010 6410 5016

Meili Shijie •1/F,Somerest Grand Fortune Gardens,

Yoga Summit The Grand Summit Park 5, Bldg 17, Tianshui Xiyuan. T: 010 5935 9136

Andingmen Nei Da Jie. M: 135 2042 9129

Gymnasium •10 Chaoyang Yaojiayuan Lu. T: 010 8597 7888

Yanshaqiao. T: 010 5922 8888

•TheKocoon Opposite House, Basement 2,

Wai. T: 010 6533 6922

Regent Health Club 5/F, The Regent Hotel, 88 Jinbao Jie T: 010 8522 1888

Block 7 No. 9 Yard Fang Yuan South St. T: 010 8457 8359

Place Chaoyang District T: 010 5908 8951

Beijing •83ATheJianRitz-Carlton Guo Road, China Central


Hummingbird Spa •Tower 26, Central Park, Chaoyangmen

Lu. M: 139 1179 8376

No.6 North Road of East Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District T: 010 5130 7951

China World Hotel Beijing •1 Jianguomenwai Dajie

T: 010 6338 1888

Zhou Yoga •yihaiChan dasha 1701, liu dao kou, xue

T: 010 6437 3344

T: 010 8516 2888

by Hilton Beijing •168Doubletree Guang'anmen Waidajie

Haidian District. T: 010 6259 6702

Lake Club •35 East Dongzhimen Waidajie

Marriott Hotel Northeast •26ABeijing Xiaoyun Lu. T: 010 5927 8888

Crowne Plaza Park View Wuzhou •8 Beisihuan Zhonglu. T: 010 8498 2288

Yoga •No.6Mountain Gongzhufen Cun,Xiangshan,

Honglingjin Park, 5 Houbalizhuang T: 010 8583 3731

TATA •Gongti North Gate. T: 010 8511 3880

Aqua Salus Urban Retreat •Taiyue Height 106, 16 South Sanlitun


International Airport. T: 010 6456 5588

Dajie. T: 010 6513 2188/6522 7168

Yew Chung International •School of Beijing

Chaoyang Gongyuan Xilu T: 010 6538 1098

with Yonnie •CheYoga Nian Dian Hutong, just off

T: 010 6553 2288

Hotel Beijing Airport •No.9CITIC Xiao Tianzhu Road, Capital

Yoga ( Oriental Plaza) •5/F,Yogi Oriental Plaza, 218-2 Wangfujing

Western Academy of Beijing 10 Laiguangying Dong Lu T: 010 5986 5588

Greenlake 1513 Spa •Rm.1513 Greenlake Garden, 9

Richmond Park Leisure •Fitness Center

Gym Ginza Mall •C/F,Powerhouse Kenzo Office Bldg, 48

T: 010 6505 2299

1 Chajia Donglu, Langxinzhuang T: 010 8538 6977

T: 010 6508 1241

Center, Anzhen Bridge, North Third Ring Rd. T: 010 5825 6846/5825 6246

Swissôtel Beijing •2 Chaoyangmen Bei Dajie

World Summit Wing Beijing •No.China 1 Jianguomenwai Avenue

T: 010 5900 0850

Massage Center •1/F,Paradise Shouqi Plaza, A3 Zaoying Lu

Kerry Sports Center •1 Guanghua Lu. T: 010 6561 8833

T: 010 8599 6666

T: 010 6505 2266

T: 010 8561 5506/5507

Beijing Capital Hotel •61 Renaissance Dongsanhuan Middle Road

KindyROO International •Early Childhood Development

Yard •6/F,Yoga 17 Gongti Beilu. T: 010 6413 0774

Guo Jia Chinese Medicine Clinic Rm. 23A, 23/F, Tower B, Zhonghai Zijing Haoting, 30 Dongsanhuan Beilu T: 010 8598 0423

Raffles Hotels & Resorts •33 Dong Chang'an Jie. T: 010 6526 3388

Lido Office Tower 3, Lido Place, 6 Jiangtai Road. T: 010 6430 1600

Pakistan Embassy College 1 Dongzhimenwai Dajie T: 010 6532 6660

Vista Medical Center 3/F Kerry Center, 1 Guanghua Lu T: 010 8529 6618

Bikram Hot Yoga 5/F, Bldg E, Yingke Centre, 2A Gongti Beilu. T: 010 6539 3434

One Spa •2\F,InBldg E, Beijing Hotel, 33 East

Nanlu, Dongsihuan Beilu T: 010 5129 6876

7 Ritan Donglu. T: 010 8562 9998

Club •78 Cross Sanlitun Nanlu. T: 010 6586 5020

Dong Cheng District T: 010 5811 8678

Stadium. T: 010 6553 5815

8 Chaoyanggongyuan Nanlu T: 010 6539 8888

Lilyspring Spa •North Door Dongshanshu, Dongfeng

Academy Maple Drive-in Theater,21 Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 8457 4397

Chaoyang District, Beijing T: 010 5922 8888

Marriott Hotel City Wall •No.7Beijing Jian Guo Men South Avenue,

Yoga •1/F,Universal Gongti Literary Garden, Workers

Springs Spa •B1\F,Palm Palm Springs International Club,

Chang'an Avenue. T: 010 6523 0333

Harrow International •School Beijing

International Academy of •Beijing

M: 139 1176 7521/133 9190 0713

42 Hot Yoga (Solana) •3/F,YIHE Bldg. 14, Solana, No. 6 Chaoyang

T: 010 8567 1234

T: 010 5869 7540

Yoga (Shunyi) •1/F,Fine Le Leman Lake Club House

Resource Hospital •18 King's Xiaoyun Lu. T: 010 6468 1355

Park Hyatt Beijing •2 Jianguomen Wai, Yintai Center

The Family Learning House •Jianwai SOHO West Zone

287, Hegezhuang Village, Cuigezhuang County. T: 010 6444 8900

Legendale Hotel Beijing •90-92 Jinbao Street. T: 010 8511 3388 New World Hotel Beijing Hujialou, Near Hujialou Subway Station. T: 010 6597 8888

Airport Road. T: 010 6454 9000

Tower 2, 16/F, 3 Xi Dawang Lu T: 010 5900 3192/139 1176 7521

Chang'an Jie. T: 010 6559 6769

T: 010 6583 1818/6583 5757/6581 5656

Bayley & Jackson Medical •Center

Yoga ( Blue Castle) •BlueFine Castle International Centre,

T: 010 6841 2211

Nice •1/F,Club Zhongfu Building, 99 Jianguo Lu.

T: 010 6592 2791/92

International Village, Xibahe Dongli #2, Chaoyang District. M: 151 1001 9193

Club Rumors Basement, Wudaokou Hotel M: 136 3312 7700

Beijing International SOS •24-Hour Clinic

Waidajie T: 010 6515 6272/73, 6515 7891/92

Medical Services •SuiteConfidant 701, 7/F Beijing Tower, 10 Dong

Kerry Hotel Beijing 1 Guang Hua Road. T: 010 6561 8833

Financial Street. T: 010 6601 6666

LIV Club 2/F, 6 Gongti Xilu. T: 010 6708 9898

218 Xiaoguan Beili, Anwai Dajie T: 010 6496 8888

InterContinental Beijing Financial •Street

Shenlu Jie. T: 010 6588 8887

Yogi Yoga (Chaoyang Park) •Tennis Center, Chaoyang Park

New Century International Children’s Hospital (NCICH) No.56 Nanlishi Road, Xicheng District T: 010 6802 5588

Grand Millennium Beijing 7 DongSanHuan Middle Road, Chaoyang District. T: 010 8587 6888

Charm Club •Workers Stadium, north of Fubar

AmAsia International •Medical Center

Grand Hyatt Beijing •1 Dongchang'an Jie. T: 010 8518 1234

Imperial Courtyard 16 Huayuandongxiang. T: 010 6708 5978

SimSim 03-90 Ritan Highlife, 39 Shenlu Jie T: 010 8569 0331

Zen Place Yoga Club Dulwich College Beijing •24/F,TheJingtai •Legend Building, 24 Jianguomen Garden Campus, 89 Capital

5/F, Beijing New World Shopping Mall, Chongwenmen. T: 010 6708 5077

Suite 105, Wing 1, Kunsha Building, No.16 Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District T: 010 6462 9112

Link Star Unit 258, 2/F, Bldg E, World City, 8 Jinhui Lu. T: 010 8590 7430

T: 010 6551 2877

The New World Eaton •Medical Center

T: 010 6437 8810

Beanstalk International •Bilingual School

1/F B Building, No 40 Liangmaqiao Rd, Chaoyang District. T: 010 6466 9255 Beijing BISS International •School 17, Area 4, Anzhen Xili. T: 010 6443 3151

World Youth Academy •18 Beijing Huajiadi Beili. T: 010 6461 7787 School of Beijing •9 AnBritish Hua Street. T: 010 8047 3588

1 Haiyuncang Hutong, Dongcheng District. T: 010 5123 9397

Road. T: 010 6501 2881

Salon(Kerry Center) •ShopERIC123,Paris Kerry Center, 1 Guanghua Toni & Guy Hairdressing( IFC •Mall)

T: 010 6463 1399

•A11Aibosen Liufang Beili. T: 010 6465 2044 •BldgZenspa 1, A8 Xiaowuji Lu T: 010 8731 2530

Regency Taipan Ambassy Court, Basement, No 55 East 3rd ring road. T: 010 6509 1388 Spa •5/F,I Tower 2, Taiyue Suites, 16

Tony Studio(Wangfujing) 919, 9/F, Bldg 2, Beijing APM, Wangfujing. T: 010 6528 1568 Toni&Guy Hairdressing •(Seasons Place)

4F, Seasons Place Shopping Centre, 2. Jinchengfang Street, Xicheng District. T: 010 6622 0316 Tony Studio(Jianwai SOHO) •V-0117, Bldg 9, Jianwai SOHO, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu T: 010 5869 4697

California Fitness •L3/L4, South Building, The Place, 9

Sanlitun Nanlu. T: 010 6507 1517

Guanghua Lu. 400 810 0988 T: 010 6587 1288

F Spa •Chaowai SOHO, B115-121, Zone C

Vita Hair Styling & •DayDolce Spa

T: 010 5900 1868

Oriental Taipan Massage and Spa 2/F, Block 9, Lido Place, A2 Fangyuan Xilu. T: 010 6437 6299 Essence Vale Spa •4 Yuyang Lu, Houshayu

Bldg. 5, Baijiazhuang. T: 010 6501 7256

Fushi Ladies Hair Reviviscence & Maintenance Salon Rm.705, Bldg 5, Jianwai SOHO T: 010 5869 7620 Feng Chao Liang Yan Beauty •Salon

T: 010 8041 7588

Spa by Westin •5/F,Heavenly Westin Beijing Chaoyang, 7 North

2A2, Bldg 15, Oulujingdian Building, Yayuncun. T: 010 8485 2874

Aixin Massage Keep-fit Center •Rm.202, 2/F, Bldg 1, Fulihuayuan, 40

1/F, Bldg 7, Julong Huayuan, 68 Xinzhongjie. T: 010 6551 8091/9596

East Third Ring Road. T: 010 5922 8531

Maizidianjie. T: 010 6504 6490

Rejuva Institute of Age •Management

Focus Beauty Salon •B1,50 Liangmaqiao Lu, Kempinski

Oasis Resort & Spa •2/F,Yan Novotel Oasis Hotel, Yanjiao

Hotel Beijing Lufthsansa Center T: 010 6465 3388

Canadian International •School of Beijing

Economic & Technological Development Zone. T: 010 6159 2299

Learning Center •of Children's Beijing

Bldg. 5, Baijiazhuang. T: 010 6501 7256

Dongsihuan Beilu. T: 010 5130 7068

de Feng for Men only •Rm.Spa 204 Binduyuan, 15 Zaoying Beili,

See Yu •Rm.Chuk 11-102, Baihuan Jiayuan,

38 Liangmaqiao Lu. T: 010 6465 7788

3052 & 3056 Gahood Villa’s, Baixinzhuang, Houshayu T: 010 8046 7082

Vita Hair Styling & •DayDolce Spa

Nongzhanguan Beilu. T: 010 6501 2881

La Feuille •C1-4-1-0103, Upper East Side, 6

Shuangjing Qiao. T: 010 6772 6847

September13  TalkMagazine


SOUTH CHINA Yue •Sheraton Guangzhou Hotel, 208

DINING Café/Afternoon Tea

•1/F,Alfresco Hilton Guangzhou Tianhe, 215

Linhe Xi Heng Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 6683 3610

林下轩:广州天河区林和西横路 215号广州天河新天希尔顿酒店首层

Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 6668 8888

采悦轩:广州天河区天河路粤海喜 来登酒店

Southeast Asian Basil French Vietnamese •Restaurant

Italian Café •TianAurora Lun Garden, Jianshe Si Ma Lu.

No.20 Haiming Lu, Up Zone Residence Bldg. Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 3831 2567

奥罗拉意式咖啡馆:广州建设四马路 天伦花园首层

金不换法越风味餐厅:广州天河区 珠江新城海明路20号力迅上筑西区 A005铺

T: 020 8356 0733

Veranda •2/FCafé China Hotel, A Marriott Hotel, 122 Liuhua Lu. T: 020 8666 6888 x 3248 丽廊咖啡厅:广州流花路122号中国 大酒店2楼

Coffee •VokaMaan Street, 460 Tianhe Bei Lu,

Tianhe District. T: 020 8751 7080 漫咖啡:广州天河区天河北路460号 沃凯街

Atrium •70/F,The5 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl

River New City, Tianhe District. T: 020 8883 3370

Haizhu District. T: 020 8917 8888 ext 6450

香泰:广州海珠区会展东路1号香格 里拉酒店

Penang Malaysia mania Shop 49-51, 475 Huanshi Dong Lu, Yuexiu District. T: 020 8760 8599 Hours: 11am - 10.30pm

槟城马来西亚餐厅:广州越秀区环 市东路475号之三东都大世界1楼 49-51号

5 •G/F,Soi1 Jianshe Liu Ma Lu, Yuexiu

Cascade Café •1/FThe Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong

广州越秀区建设六马路1号誉海食 街1楼

观瀑廊咖啡厅:广州观市东路368号 花园酒店1楼

District. T: 020 8388 3821


Espression •14,Lavazza 1/F, Onelink Walk, 230-232

•2/FFurusato Garden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong


故乡日本料理:广州环市东路368号 花园酒店2楼

Tianhe Road, Tianhe District. T: 020 3899 2863

Sky Café 45/F, Asian Hotel, 326 Huanshi Dong Lu. T: 020 6128 8888 x 4583 云顶阁:广州环市东路326号之一亚 洲国际大酒店45楼

T Lounge & Bar 1/F, Hilton Guangzhou, Tianhe, 215 Linhe Xi Heng Lu, Tianhe District T: 020 6683 3610 广州天河区林和西横路215号广州天 河新天希尔顿酒店首层

Chinese/Cantonese Sheng Restaurant •33Bing Dongxiao Lu. T: 020 3428 6910

168 Tianhe Dong lu. T: 020 8751 8683 1-4/F Wefeng Hotel, 438 Jiangnan Dadao Nan. T: 020 8447 2844 炳胜:东晓路33号;天河东路 168号;江南大道南438号五凤酒 店1-4楼

Zen5es •2F,Five The Westin Pazhou, 681 Fengpu

Zhong Road, Haizhu District. T: 020 8918 1226

中国元素中餐厅:广州海珠区凤浦中 路681号广州广交会威斯汀酒店2楼

Hongmian Chinese •Restaurant

4/F, The Westin Guangzhou,6, Linhe Zhong Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 2886 6868 红棉中餐厅:广州天河区林和中路 6号广州海航威斯汀酒店4楼

•3/F,LaiTheHeen Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou,

Xing’an Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 3813 6688 丽轩中餐厅:广州天河区珠江新城兴 安路3号广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店3楼

Wan Market •2/F,LaiGarden Hotel, 368 Huanshi Dong Lu. T: 020 8333 8989 x 3922

荔湾亭:广州环市东路368号花园 酒店2楼

Chinois •6/F,LeSofitel Guangzhou Sunrich, 988 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District. T: 020 3883 8888 x 3342

南粤宫:广州大道中988号广州圣丰 索菲特大酒店6楼

Sui Xuan 5/F, Hilton Guangzhou Tianhe, 215 Linhe Xi Heng Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 6683 3666/3668 广州天河区林和西横路215号广州天 河新天希尔顿酒店5层

Penthouse •22/F,TheGrand Hyatt Guangzhou,

12Zhujiang Xi Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 8396 1234 s 3398 空中花园:天河区珠江新城珠江西路 12号富力君悦酒店22楼

Heen •71/F,Yu5Yue Zhujiang West Road, Pearl

River New City, Tianhe District. T: 020 8883 3371

愉粤轩:广州天河区珠江新城珠江西 路5号广州四季酒店71楼

50 TalkMagazine

璇玑自助餐厅:广州海珠区阅江西路 222号广州塔106层


Caffe Mondo 72/F, 5 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl River New City, Tianhe District. T: 020 8883 3373 意珍:广州天河区珠江新城珠江西路 5号广州四季酒店72楼

II Forno •Shangri-La Hotel Guangzhou, 1 Huizhan Dong lu. T: 020 8917 8888 x 6418

爱弗罗:广州香格里拉大酒店会展 东路1号

Ponte •2/FIIHilton Guangzhou Tianhe, 215 Linhe Xi Heng Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 6683 3636

广州天河区林和西横路215号广州天 河新天希尔顿酒店2层

CoolThai •Shangri-La •3/F,Limoni Hotel, 1 Huizhan Dong Lu, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou,

中庭酒吧:广州天河区珠江新城珠江 西路5号广州四季酒店70楼

Lu. T: 020 8333 8989 x 3909

T: 020 8933 8092

Lu. T: 020 8333 8989 x 3925/3926

•4/F,Kaiseki Lobby No.2, Chimelong Hotel, Panyu Dadao, Panyu District. T: 020 8378 6838 x 61488

怀石料理日本餐厅:广州番禺区迎宾 路长隆酒店2楼大堂4层

Xing’an Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 3813 6688

Celebrate the famously brief black truffle season at LIMONI with masterful set menus and unforgettable à la carte creations featuring the prized ingredients Dates: July to September Price: Starting from RMB 158 意轩:广州天河区珠江新城兴安路 3号广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店3楼

Other Western

•4th1920floor, 1 Jianshe Liu Ma Road,

Taojin, Yuexiu District. T: 020 8388 1142 183 Yan Jiang Zhong Road, Haizhu Square. T: 020 8333 6156 Shop67,69,72&76, The Canton Place, Qingfeng Jie, Zhujiang New Town. T: 020 8388 1142

The first and the finest German eatery in Guangzhou 广州越秀区建设六马路1号4楼;广 州越秀区沿江中路183号;广州天 河区珠江新城清风街48号广粤天地 67,69,72,78号铺

•No.99 Garden Jiansheliu Ma lu, Yue Xiu District. T: 020 8376 6197

Mediterranean healthy dinning with a nice environment. Hours: 12am – 2am

Long Ye Cheng Shop 213, Office Tower, China Hotel. T: 020 8666 6888 x 2256.2257 33 Miaoqian Zhi Jie. T: 020 8767 5603


龙野城:广州中国大酒店商务楼 213铺;广州庙前直街33号


•72/F,Kumoi 5 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl

River New City, Tianhe District. T: 020 8883 3372

云居:广州天河区珠江新城珠江西路 5号广州四季酒店72楼

•42F,Mai The Westin Pazhou, 681 Fengpu

Zhong Road, Haizhu District. T: 020 8918 1246

舞日本料理:广州海珠区凤浦中路 681号广州广交会威斯汀酒店42楼

•3/F,Nadaman Shangri-La Hotel, Guangzhou, 1 Huizhan Dong Lu, Haizhu District. T: 8917 6498

滩万日本料理:广州海珠区会展东路 1号广州香格里拉大酒店3楼

Fusion on 988 •2/F,2Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich,

988Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District. T: 020 3883 8888 x 3304 全日制餐厅:广州大道中988号广州 圣丰索菲特大酒店2楼

Catch •100/F, 5 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl

River New City, Tianhe District. T: 020 8883 3300

佰汇鲜:广州天河区珠江新城珠江西 路5号广州四季酒店100楼

•4/FEbony Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou,

389 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 3808 8884

广州天河区天河路389号广州文华东 方酒店4楼

•1/F,Foods The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou,

Xing’an Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 3813 6688 广州天河区珠江新城兴安路3号广州 富力丽思卡尔顿酒店1楼

Seasonal Tastes •2/F, The Westin Guangzhou, 6 Linhe

Zhong Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 2826 6967 1/F, The Westin Pazhou, 681 Fengpu Zhong Road, Haizhu District. T: 020 8918 1206 知味:广州天河区林和中路6号广 州海航威斯汀酒店2楼;广州海珠 区凤浦中路681号广州广交会威斯 汀酒店1楼

Twist Mediterranean •Restaurant

106/F, The Canton Tower, 222 Yuejiang Zi Lu, Haizhu District.


Dream Garden •Ground floor Guangdong Museum of Art by the Pearl river, 38 Yanyu road, Ersha Island. T: 020 8732 0368

G 22/F, Grand Hyatt Guangzhou, 12, ZhuJiang Xi Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 8396 1234 x 3423 广州天河区珠江新城珠江西路12号富 力君悦酒店22楼

Grill •6/F,LeSofitel Guangzhou Sunrich, 988 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District. T: 020 3883 8888 x 3344

香榭丽舍扒房:广州大道中988号广 州圣丰索菲特大酒店6楼

Poolside Bar and Grill •Shangri-La Hotel, 1 Huizhan Dong Lu, Haizhu District. T: 020 8917 8888 x 6422


•BBQSultan Restaurant Turkish 1/F-3/F. 367 Huanshi Dong Lu. T: 020 8349 4170/4171

托普卡皮土耳其烧烤餐厅,广州环市 东路367号1-3楼

Petal Place •ShopTheF13/B, Redtory, 685 Linjiang Dadao, Tianhe District. T: 020 3703 9106

花半间景观概念餐厅:天河区临江大 道685号红专厂创意园区F13/B铺

Tandoor •2/F,The Asia International Hotel, 326, Huanshi Dong Lu. T: 020 6260 8999 天都里印度餐厅:广州市环市东路 326号亚洲国际大酒店2层。

•16 Vlife Huacheng Dadao, Zhu Jiang New Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 3726 6363 Hours: 10am - 10pm



•60,A1Xianlie Dong Henglu, Tianhe District. T: 020 2829 6258

广州天河区先烈东横路60号星坊创 意工作园

One •1/FBar Hilton Guangzhou Tianhe, 215 Linhe Xi Heng Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 6683 3619/3620

独壹酒吧,广州天河区林和西横路 215号广州天河新天希尔顿酒店首层

Ritz-Carlton Spa 345 •4thLoft •4/F,The Floor, 19 Xiao Gang Garden, Jiang The Ritz-Carlton Guangzhou, Nan Dong Road, Haizhu District. T: 020 8423 8985

3 Xing’an Lu, Zhujiang New Town, TIanhe District. T: 020 3813 6688

广州市海珠区江南东路晓港花园 19号4楼

丽思卡尔顿水疗中心:广州天河区珠 江新城兴安路3号广州富力丽思卡尔 顿酒店4楼

•16 McCawley’s Huacheng Dadao, Zhujiang New

Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 3801 7000 / 186 2011 2924 广州天河区珠江新城花城大道16号

Paddy Field •4thNew floor, Fineland Tower, 28 Tiyu Dong Road, Tianhe District. T: 020 8398 6181

Food for the hungry, Drink for the thirsty, Home for the homeless. 广州市天河区体育东路28号方圆 大厦4楼

Lounge •1/F,Pearl The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou

, Xing’an Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 3813 6688 珍珠吧:广州天河区珠江新城兴安路 3号广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店1楼

One •AreaTheA, Zhujiang Party Pier Beer

Culture & Art Zone, Modiesha Tunnel, Yue Jiang Xi Lu, Haizhu District. T: 186 8021 3380 Biggest nightclub with great sounds, light systems and captivating programs.

广州海珠区阅江西路磨碟沙隧道珠江 琶醍啤酒文化创意艺术区A号

The Soul 12 Jiang She Liu Ma Road, Taojin, Yuexiu District. T: 020 8386 6939 Best Cocktails in Town


Bar •99/F,Tian 5 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl

River New City, Tianhe District T: 020 8883 3399

天吧:广州天河区珠江新城珠江西路 5号广州四季酒店99楼

Rebel •42 Rebel Tiyu Dong Road, Tianhe District T: 020 8520 1579


EDUCATION Schools Canadian International •School of Guangzhou 广州加拿大人国际学校

32 Shiguang Road, Shiqiao, Panyu District. T: 020 3925 5321

French International School of Guangzhou 广州法国国际学校 Favorview Palace, Huijing new town, Wushan, Tianhe District. T: 020 3879 7324

Guangzhou Nanhu •International School

Heavenly Spa •6/F, The Westin Guangzhou, 6 Linhe

Zhong lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 2886 6868 4F, The Westin Pazhou, 681 Fengpu Zhong Road, Haizhu District. T: 020 8918 1928

天梦水疗中心:广州天河区林和中路 威斯汀酒店6楼; 广州海珠区凤浦中路 681号广州广交会威斯汀酒店1楼

HOTELS Guangzhou Chateau Star River Hotel •YingBin Lu, Panyu District.

Utahloy International School Guangzhou

T: 020 8478 6838 广州长隆酒店:番禺区番禺大道

China Hotel, A Marriott •Hotel

122 Liuhua Lu. T: 020 8666 6888


Plaza Guangzhou •CityCrowne Centre

广州天河路383号太古汇商城裙楼第 二层L225商铺

Spa •69/F,Hua5 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl

River New City, Tianhe District. T: 020 8883 3000

花水疗中心:广州天河区珠江新城珠 江西路5号广州四季酒店69楼

Magic Hair Salon •6/F, The Westin Guangzhou, 6 Linhe

Zhong Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 2826 6769 7/F, Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich, 988 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong. T: 020 3734 5022

明镜台:广州天河区林和中路6号广 州海航威斯汀酒店6楼;广州大道中 988号圣丰索菲特大酒店7楼

O Spa •Grand Hyatt Guangzhou, 12 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Pearl River New City, Tianhe District. T: 020 8396 1234

广州天河区珠江新城珠江西路12号广 州富力君悦酒店内

Spa •7/F,SoSofitel Guangzhou Sunrich, 988 Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe District T: 020 3883 8888 x 2303

So Spa水疗中心:广州大道中988号 广州圣丰索菲特大酒店7楼

The Westin Guangzhou •6, Linhe Zhong Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 2886 6868 广州海航威斯汀酒店:天河区林和 中路6号

Pazhou •AreaTheC, Westin Canton Fair Complex, 681

Fengpu Zhong Road, Haizhu District. T: 020 8918 1818

T: 020 8333 8989 广州花园酒店:环市东路368号

Hotel •26 WXiancun Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 2213 1000

广州W酒店:天河区珠江新城冼村 路26号


Crowne Plaza Guangzhou Huadu 189 Yingbin Dadao, Huadu District. T: 020 3690 0888

广州花都皇冠假日酒店:花都区迎宾 大道189号

Crowne Plaza Guangzhou •Science City 28 Ningcai Lu, Central District, Science City. T: 020 8880 0999

District. T: 0755 8266 1234

深圳君悦酒店,罗湖区宝安南路 1881号

Shenzhen •9009InterContinental Shennan Road, Overseas Chinese Town. T: 0755 3399 3388

深圳华侨城洲际酒店,华侨城深南 大道9009号

Marriott Shenzhen •6005JWShennan Boulevard, Futian District. T: 0755 2269 8888


金茂深圳JW万豪酒店,福田区深南 大道6005号

Four Seasons Hotel •Guangzhou

Hotel Shenzhen •HaiKempinski De San Dao, Hou Hai Bin Road,

5 Zhujiang Xi Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 8883 3888

广州四季酒店:天河区珠江新城珠江 西路5号(IFC)

Hyatt Guangzhou •12,Grand Zhujiang Xi Lu, Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District. T: 020 8396 1234

District. T: 020 6660 0666 广州万达希尔顿酒店:白云区云城东 路515-517号

Nanshan District. T: 0755 8888 8888

深圳凯宾斯基酒店,南山区后海滨 路海德三道

Polo Shenzhen •28 Marco Fuhua 1st Road, Futian CBD, Shenzhen. T: 0755 8298 9888

深圳马哥孛罗好日子酒店,福田中心 区福华一路28号

Shangri-La Hotel Shenzhen •Futian

4088 Yi Tian Road, Futian District. T: 0755 8828 4088

深圳福田香格里拉酒店,福田区益 田路4088号

• Sheraton Dameisha Resort, Guangzhou Tianhe Shenzhen •215Hilton Linhe Xi Heng Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 6683 9999

Mandarin Oriental •Guangzhou

383 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 3808 8338

广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店:天河区珠 江新城兴安路3号

广州中心皇冠假日酒店:环市东路 339号

Hair Corner •L225, 2/F, Taikoo Hui Shopping Mall,

Hyatt Shenzhen •1881Grand Baoan Nan Road, Luohu

广州天河新天希尔顿酒店:天河区林 和西横路215号


TIanhe District. T: 020 3813 6688

339 Huanshi Dong Lu. T: 020 8363 8888


800 Sha Tai Bei Road, Baiyun District. T: 020 8720 2019

The Ritz-Carlton Guangzhou •3, Xing’an Lu, Zhujiang New Town,

Garden Hotel •368,TheHuanshi Dong Lu.

Chimelong Hotel •Panyu Dadao, Payu District.

广州圣丰索菲特酒店:天河区广州大 道中988号


Hilton Guangzhou Baiyun •515-517 Yuncheng Dong Lu, Baiyun

Mayland International Resort, No.168 West Shanqian Ave, Huadu District. T: 020 3672 8212

广州广交会威斯汀酒店:海珠区凤浦 中路681号广州国际会议展览中心C区


Mayland International •School 美林湖国际学校

District. T: 020 3883 8888

T: 020 3993 6688

广州富力君悦酒店:天河区珠江新城 珠江西路12号

55 Huayang Jie, Tiyu Dong Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 3886 6952

Guangzhou Sunrich •988Sofitel Guangzhou Dadao Zhong, Tianhe

389 Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District. T: 020 3808 8888 广州文华东方酒店:天河区天河路 389号

Hotel Tianhe •228Marriott Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District.

T: 020 6108 8888 广州正佳广场万豪酒店:天河区天 河路228号

Pullman Guangzhou Baiyun Airport Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport. T: 020 3606 8866


Guangzhou Hotel •208Sheraton Tianhe Lu, Tianhe District.

T: 020 6668 8888 广州粤海喜来登酒店:天河区天河 路208号

Sheraton Guangzhou Huadu •Resort

Northeast of Shanqian Dadao, Huadu District. T: 020 3695 3888

广州花都合景喜来登度假酒店,花都 区山前大道东北侧

9 Yankui Road, Dameisha Yantian District. T: 0755 8888 6688

深圳大梅沙京基喜来登度假酒店,盐 田区大梅沙盐葵路(大梅沙段)9号

Sheraton Hotel Shenzhen •Futian

Great China International Exchange Square, Fuhua Road, Futian District. T: 0755 8383 8888

深圳福田喜来登酒店,福田区福华路 大中华国际交易广场

Langham Shenzhen •7888TheShennan Boulevard, Futian District. T: 0755 8828 9888 深圳东海朗庭酒店,福田区深南大 道7888号

Ritz-Carlton Shenzhen •116The Fuhua San Road, Futian District. T: 0755 2222 2222

深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店,福田区福 华三路116号

St. Regis Shenzhen •5016TheShennan Road East, Luohu District. T: 0755 8308 8888 深圳瑞吉酒店,罗湖区深南东路 5016号京基100大厦73-100楼

Venice Hotel Shenzhen •9026TheShennan Boulevard, Nanshan District. T: 0755 2693 6888

深圳威尼斯酒店,南山区深南大道 9026号

Shangri-La Hotel Guangzhou •1, Huizhan Dong Lu, Haizhu District.

The Westin Shenzhen Nanshan •9028-2 Shennan Road, Nanshan 深圳益田威斯汀酒店,南山区深南 大道9028-2号

T: 020 8917 8888

广州香格里拉酒店:海珠区会展 东路1号

District. T: 0755 2698 8888

September13  TalkMagazine


52 TalkMagazine 


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