Church Partnership Program
Become a member in 3 simple steps:
The Cornerstone Program provides scholarships for students who attend
1. Determine the church’s contribution level from the following chart.
Crown College. The scholarships are made possible by the student’s home church.
2. Complete the form online at
How does the program work?
3. Send your contributions as elected, ensuring you make your committed contribution within
A church makes an annual contribution of
the calendar year (January 1 - December 31 ).
$1,000 or more to Crown College. In return, on-campus, full-time enrolled students from that congregation receive a scholarship. The scholarships range from $750-$3,000 per year, determined by the level of the church’s giving.
Annual Student Church Giving
Annual Church
Why does Crown offer this program? Crown College has a reputation for providing Christ-centered, quality education. Many of our students train to be missionaries and pastors. Many go into teaching, nursing, and business - with the foundational knowledge of Biblical ethics and leadership. By partnering with churches, we want to encourage students to attend Crown and encourage an ongoing relationship with their home church. The program is for students, their church, and for Crown College with Christ as the Cornerstone.
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Here’s an example of how the Cornerstone Program works:
How is student eligibility determined? Students must be enrolled full-time, as defined by their program catalog, and meet the standard
In 2020, a church chooses to give $2,000 a year to
admission requirements. Students must have been
Crown College. This annual contribution qualifies
actively involved in their church for at least six
all on-campus students from that church to receive
months prior to their enrollment at Crown College.
a $1,500 scholarship for the school year. If the
(Any questions about a qualifying home church
church has three full-time students attend Crown,
will be resolved by Crown’s External Relations
the church’s contribution remains at $2,000
department and the church’s Senior Pastor.)
per year and all students will receive a $ 1,500 scholarship. Students receive the scholarships each year as long as they are full-time students
When are the scholarships awarded?
and their church maintains its contribution level. Cornerstone scholarships are determined the year following the church’s contribution. Churches that participate in 2018 provide scholarships for their students starting in September 2019. Students are credited with 50% of the scholarship in each semester.
Is there a minimum for church giving? The annual minimum is $1,000.
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