Gates, Robert, 238 as Winston Wolf, background of, 139 comparisons to character on “Brady Bunch,” first meeting with Latimer, 141–143 Iraq surge and, 145 media and, 142, 144–145 Pace nomination for second term as JCS chairman and, 145–146 political affiliation of, 146 as secretary of defense, 139–146 Soviet invasion of Georgia and, 249 Gay marriage, 241 Bush’s comment on General Motors, 7 bitter breakup with, Georgia, Soviet invasion of, 249 Gere, Richard, 198–199 Ordered by White House not to answer phone call from, And Pretty Woman, Gerson, Mike, as presidential speechwriter, 155, 180–181, 185, 241 Compared to golden retriever Gillespie, Ed, 193, 195, 244, 252, 254, 257, 259 American Idol and, Captive Nations Week speech and, 242 convention speech and, 269–270 as counselor to the president, 184–185 economic speeches and, 258, 259, 265–266 Egypt speech and, 240 Knesset speech and, 237–239 legacy speeches and, 256 Gingrich, Newt, 21, 27, 42–43, 50 And relationship with Hillary Clinton, Giuliani, Rudy, 266 Global warming, 74, 215 Godfather, The, Part II (movie), 230 Comparsions with working at Pentagon Golden Girls, The Comparison to United States Senate Goldman Sachs, 253, 255 Gonzales, Alberto, resignation of, 226 Goodling, Monica, 223–224 and similar practices in other departments, Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 205 Goodwin, Richard, 204–205 Google news, 115 Senators’ reference to “the Google” Gorbachev, Mikhail, 207 Gore, Al, election of 2000 and, 208 Graham, Billy, 177
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
Graham, Lindsey, 56, 99 McCain and, 77 Gramm, Phil, 26 election of 1996 and, 22 spontaneous ovation for, and “cold, dead political body” Grant, Ulysses S., 103 Grassley, Chuck, 59 Greenspan, Alan, 84 The leering glance of Guantánamo Bay prison, Cuba, 111, 117 Hadley, Steve, 168, 193, 220, 237, 239, 244, 265 Bush and, 169–170 Captive Nations Week speech and, 242, 244 Egypt speech and, 240 Rove joke on, 210 "sixteen words" controversy and, 216 Thiessen and, 201–202 life threatened in Oval Office, accused of complicity in 9/11, Hagel, Chuck, 56 Haldeman, H. R., 154 Hart Senate Office Building, Anthrax and, Love beads and, Oompa Loompas and, Harvard University, 252 Hatch, Orrin, 79 McCain making fun of, 77 Singing Senators and, 71 Gospel music of, Hennessey, Keith, as top economic advisor to Bush, economic crisis and, 5, 254 hand puppet of, 4 Mouseketeer cap of, 5 And adopt an Olympian mission, Horn, Jonathan "Horny", as presidential speechwriter, 1–3, 199, 244, 257, 265 Housing bubble, 253–254 Housing market, 4 Hubbard, Al, 209–210, 254 Huckabee, Mike, 266–267 Huffington Post, 238 Hughes, Karen, 98, 218, 219 Hu Jintao, 245 Hurricane Katrina, 123, 256, 271 Hussein, Saddam, 123, 216 Hutchison, Kay Bailey, 30, 59, 77, 120
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
Deodorant and, Driving Ms. Bailey, Latimer and, 21–22, 84, 150 Shocking instructions regarding purse of, 78–79 Immigration reform, 76, 214–216 Imperial Life in the Emerald City (Chandrasekaran), 91 Iran, 236, 243, 247 Iraq war, 88, 123–125, 135, 138, 140, 145, 161, 162, 195, 200, 201, 233, 242, 247, 256, 269–270 Islamic Center speech (Bush), 218–221 Related to Rove “unhinging,” Islamic Conference, 218 Israel, Bush's speech to Knesset in, 232, 236–239 Catastrophe that was, Warnings ignored about, Jackson, Alphonso, 253 Jefferson, Thomas, 199–200, 241 Effort to equate with George W. Bush, Unbelievable delusions relating to, Jeffersons, The (television show), 160 As related to West Wing, Walking on back by Mr. Bentley, Jeffords, James, 72 Jennings, Scott, 223 Jerry Maguire (movie), 166 Judson Welliver Society, 203–206 Justice, U.S. Department of, 223–224 Kansas State University, 137 Keller, Karen, 164, 165, 186, 246, 257 Kemp, Jack Dole and, 18 football career of, 18–19 Kennedy, Edward M., 63, 177 brain tumor diagnosis and, 201 dog of, 61 and yelling at top of lungs, 70 Kennedy, John F., 13, 33, 157, 158, 165, 251 Berlin Wall speech of, 206 inauguration address of, 204 Kennedy, Robert F., 204 Kerry, John, 218 Keyes, Alan, 26 at Republican National Convention (1996), 23–24 and Making Sense, and rapture, and mosh pit,
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
and Sixteen Candles, reference to panties, Killington, Buzz (Family Guy), Kissinger, Henry, 165, 201 Knesset speech (Bush), 232, 236–239 and furor resulting from, and White House reaction to, and Rumsfeld speech, and gift to Barack Obama, Kristol, Bill, 122 Kuwait, Rumsfeld's visit to troops in, 122 Kyl, Jon, 57, 150, 251, 267 anthrax scare and, 65 cars of, 72–73 Cheney and, 172 Encounter with police and, Feinstein and, 57–58 hideaway office of, 66–68 Latimer as communication director to, 58–68, 72–80, 88 McCain and, 74 media and, 58–60 September 11 terrorist attacks and, 63, 64 trip to Arizona, 72–77 as true conservative, 57 and Vulcan ambassador (Star Trek), Kyl, Mrs. Jon (Caryll), 67, 73 and advice from Brad Pitt, Labor, U.S. Department of, 225 Lazear, Eddie, 254, 262 Leahy, Patrick, 70 Lehman Brothers, 256 Lehrer, Jim, 226 Let the Whales Fend for Themselves Council, 16 Levin, Carl, 146 Lewis and Clark expedition, 157 Libby, Scooter, 156 Library of Congress, 36 Lieberman, Joe, 56, 172 Limbaugh, Rush, 142 Lincoln, Abraham, 13, 157, 205 Lott, Trent, 150 Singing Senators and, 71 on Thurmond's 1948 presidential bid, 70–72 foot in mouth of, and apology tour, shirtless, Lowe, Rob, 159 and White House speechwriters,
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
Lucas, George, Author’s vendetta against, and wretched Star Wars prequels, and Bob Woodward, Luntz, Frank, 42–43 and overture to Clinton, Luti, Bill, 112 Maier, Elizabeth, 74–75, 78, 79 Maples, Mike, General 96–98 and WKRP in Cincinnati, Marshall Plan, 234 Martin, Steve, 19 Matalin, Mary, 22–23, 25, 26 Compared to Queen Elizabeth II, Maude (television show), 221 relation to Karl Rove, McCain, John, 21, 30, 57, 99 Bush and, 268–271 dissing of President by, dissing by President of, economic crisis and, 258–259, 261–263 election of 2000 and, 74 election of 2008 and, 76, 230, 266–276, 279 epithet muttered by, epithet directed toward, “five spiral crash” of, immigration reform and, 215 Iraq surge and, 269 White House political director on, 259, 276 Kyl and relations with, 74 Latimer and, 74–77 media and, 74, 266, 267, 274 as POW, 270 other Senators’ views of, Rumsfeld and, 266 temper of, 76 trip to Arizona, 73–77 McClellan, Scott, 123 McConnell, John, 270 as presidential speechwriter, 180–181 McConnell, Mitch, 147–150, 154 and author’s brief tenure with, and BlackBerry usage, and discipline, playing poker with, McGurn, Bill, 169, 193 Latimer's hiring as presidential speechwriter and, 151–152 as presidential speechwriter, 166–167, 181–183, 200–201, 219, 241
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
work with Rupert Murdoch, compared with stealth bomber, McIntosh, Brent, 163, 260 McIntyre, Jamie, 130 as Pentagon’s CNN reporter, bathroom imitation of Rumsfeld, McKinley, William, 217 McNamara, Robert, 81 Media Cheney and, 172 economic crisis and, 257 Gates and, 142, 144–145 on Knesset speech, 238–239 Kyl and, 58–60 McCain and, 74, 266, 267, 276 Obama and, 274 Palin and, 273 Rice and, 233–234 Rumsfeld and, 84–85, 115–117, 122–125, 131–133, 142, 233 Schumer and, 58–59 Nick Smith and, 35, 50 Meet the Press, 230 Merrill Lynch, 256 Michel, Chris, 210, 241, 244, 246, 269 meeting with Rice and, 234–236 as presidential speechwriter, 2–4, 166–167, 182, 201, 202, 236–239, 252, 257– 261, 263, 269, 270, 276–277 Miers, Harriet, 249–250 Military bloggers, 117 Mineta, Norman, 181 Mondale, Walter, 12–13 Monroe, Marilyn, 158 Monticello, Virginia, 2 Moore, Michael, 7 MSNBC, 24, 133–134 Mubarak, Hosni, 240 Murdoch, Rupert, 200 Myers, Richard, 95, 104, 137 Nader, Ralph, 279 National Review, 249, 276 National Review Online, 106 National Rifle Association (NRA), 51–53 National Right to Life Committee, 16 National Security Council (NSC), 169, 193, 196–197, 242, 245, 247, 248 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 234 Naval Observatory, Washington, D.C., 172 NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, The, 226 New York Post, 195
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
New York Times, 102, 133, 178, 238 New York Times Magazine, 191 9/11 terrorist attacks, 63, 95, 98, 180, 202, 256 Nixon, Richard M., 157, 165, 203–204 No Child Left Behind Act, 200 Noonan, Peggy, 193 as presidential speechwriter, 205 No Ordinary Time (Goodwin), 205 North Korea, 247–248 Norton, Gale, 120 Nour, Ayman, 242 call for release of, 240 Obama, Barack, 111, 140, 251 Bush Knesset speech and, 238–239 Bush comments on, 267–268 economic crisis and, 261–263 election of 2008 and, 230, 238, 267–268, 274–280 first political campaign of, 15 inauguration of, 280 private phone calls related to, relations with North Korea and, 248 weekly radio address by, 183 Obama, Michelle, 274 O'Beirne, Kate, 13, 81, 90, 118 Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 193, 254–255 Office Space (movie), 116 Olbermann, Keith, 134 Hope to be worst person in the world Taking credit for prominence of O'Reilly, Bill, 106 Pace, Peter, 119, 129, 190 nomination for second term as JCS chairman and, 145–146 Packwood, Bob, 61 Palin, Sarah, 276, 279 Bush on, 272–273 reaction to nomination of, 272–273 Republican National Convention speech by (2008), 181 Parker, Kathleen, 276 Paulson, Henry, 2–3 economic crisis and, 253, 254, 256, 260, 263, 264 thousand dollar bill caught in throat of, Pelosi, Nancy, 72, 159, 213, 261 Pentagon conspicuous waste at, 93 description of layout of, 81–82 medal recipients and, 118–119
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
press operations of, 115–126 rating system for career employees, 92–93 Perino, Dana, 193, 239, 257, 259, 262, 267, 268 Peters, Ralph, 145 Petraeus, David, 105, 145 Plame, Valerie, 223 Planned Parenthood, 16 Political action committees (PACs), 37, 151 Powell, Alma, 199 Powell, Colin, 85, 138, 140, 199, 213 Dolan and, 84 popularity of, 21 at Republican National Convention (1996), 20 Woodward and, 128 Presidential elections of 1948, 70–72 of 1984, 12–13 of 1992, 14–15, 22, 203 of 1996, 16–27, 22, 206 of 2000, 74, 208–209, 217–218 of 2004, 218 of 2008, 76, 181, 203, 215, 230, 238, 266–280 Pulp Fiction (movie), 139 Putin, Vladimir, 177 and President’s effort to correct, Quasimodo In the Bush White House, Quayle, Marilyn, 21, 236 Quiz Show (movie), 204 Raddatz, Martha, 123 Ralston, Susan, 223 Rather, Dan, 177 Reagan, Nancy, 21 and bringing people to tears, Reagan, Ronald, 5, 11, 17, 21, 24, 154, 165, 188, 250, 251, 269, 276 election of 1984 and, 12, 13 philosophy of, 13 presidential speechwriters to, 84, 205 Republican National Convention (1992) speech and, 203 speeches on Soviet Union, 207, 242 Thanksgiving turkey pardoning and, 191 Reid, Harry, 261 Cringe-inducing comment by, 69 Republican view of, and speech-giving ability, Republican National Committee, 184
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
Republican National Convention of 1992, 203 of 1996, 16–27 of 2008, 181, 203, 269–271 Republican Policy Committee, 62 Return of the Jedi (movie), 110 in relation to Donald Rumsfeld, Rice, Condoleezza, 138, 140, 160, 169, 216, 219, 232 Compared to Harry Houdini, Ayman Nour issue and, 240 Bush and, 233 Captive Nations speech and, 245 Fuzzy bathrobe and slippers of, Iraq surge and, 270 media and, 233–234 meeting with Latimer and Michel, 234–236 relations with North Korea and, 247–248 Rumsfeld and, 235 Soviet invasion of Georgia and, 249 speech-vetting process and, 193, 196, 234–236, 239, 258 State Department office of, 235 River Blindness, and rebranding of Bush legacy as, Robertson, Pat, 56 Rodman, Peter, 112 Roger and Me (documentary), 7 Romney, Mitt, 266, 267 Romney, Ronna, 21 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 205 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 15, 157, 205, 262, 265 and White House self-comparisons to, and effort to mimic, Rove, Darby, 209 Special brownies of, Rove, Karl, 127, 208–230, 248, 276 Bartlett and, 217, 218 Bolten and, 217, 226 Bush and, 208, 210, 222, 227–230 congressional elections of 2006 and, 218 criticism by conservatives of, 214–215, 218 Dolan and, 224 downfall, source of, 222 edits of speeches by, 211–212, 219–220 election of 2000 and, 208, 209, 217 election of 2004 and, 218 election of 2008 and, 230 farewell party for, 227–229 immigration reform and, 214–216 Islamic Center speech and, 218–220
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
Justice Department scandal and, 223–224 on number of presidential speeches, 181 Plame affair and, 223 practical jokes by, 209–210 reading by, 210–211, 230 resignation of, 225–230 Seventies television show and, speech-vetting process and, 193 "Turd Blossom" nickname of, 228 Rowling, J. K., 201 White House accusations against, Ruff, Bonita, 89, 92, 120 Ruff, Eric, 128, 132, 133 attention span of, 121, 122 Hurricane Katrina PR blunder and, 123 personality of, 120, 121 rationale for invading Iraq and, 124–125 Rumsfeld's visit to troops in Kuwait and, 122 Rumsfeld, Donald, 81, 92, 139, 144, 147, 154, 170–171, 218, 248 Abu Ghraib prison abuses and, 95–104, 113 American Legion convention speech and, 131–133, 237 Bush and, 96 Cheney and, 172, 173 Comparison to Darth Vader, computer literacy of, 115 concern for troops issue and, 122 Dolan and, 84–85 on France and Germany, 87 Horse offered to, Horse named by, Kansas State University speech and, 137 Latimer as speechwriter to, 88–138, 193 McCain and, 267 media and, 84–85, 115–117, 122–125, 131–133, 142, 233 Mongolian trip of, 112–113 office of, 83, 85–86, 235 physical appearance of, 86 rationale for invading Iraq and, 123–124 resignation of, 135–138 Rice and, 235 as secretary of defense, 86–115, 119, 122–126, 131–138, 140, 224 snowflakes of, 88–89, 107, 108, 130 stamina of, 111–112 Thiessen and, 83 visits to troops overseas, 122, 126 Woodward interview and, 128–130 Rumsfeld, Joyce, 86–87, 102, 113, 136 Rush, Bobby, 15 Russell Senate Office Building, 62
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
Russert, Tim, 230 Safire, William, 203–206 and nose of Bill Clinton, and filibuster against, Salter, Mark, 76 and McCain’s private comment regarding, San Diego Chargers, 18–19 Santorum, Rick, 118 Saturday Night Live, 76 Save the Whales Committee, 16 Schumer, Chuck, 133 imaginary friends of, 59 media and, 58–59 television and, Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 176, 177 orange glow of, and President Bush, and the Kennedys, Scott, Thayer, 116, 117, 122, 137 Rumsfeld's American Legion convention speech and, 131–132, 238 as speechwriter to Gates, 144, 146, 238 Scully, Matt, as presidential speechwriter, 166, 180–181 Secret Service, 159 Senate Armed Services Committee, 100 Senate dining options, 62–63 Senate speeches, 68–70 Senate underground trains, 62 September 11 terrorist attacks, 63, 95, 98, 180, 202, 256 Sessions, Jeff, 79 Sharpton, Al, 71 Simpson, Alan, 21 Simpson, Jessica, 195 Simpsons, The (television show), 262 And James Earl Carter, Jr. Singing Senators, 71–72 "Sixteen words" controversy, 216 60 Minutes, 95 Slate magazine, 130 Smith, Dorrance, 224 as assistant secretary of public affairs, 127–128, 131 first meeting with Gates and, 141–143 Snowe, Olympia, 150 Social Security reform, 43, 214 Sorensen, Ted, as presidential speechwriter, 204 Special assistants to the president (SAPs), 160 Stabenow, Debbie, 36, 57, 66, 232 And bird nickname And walkie talkie
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
Staff secretary position, 162–163 Starr, Barbara, 128 State, U.S. Department, 233–235, 240, 245 State of Denial (Woodward), 129, 131 State of the Union addresses, 196, 216 Stavridis, James power of, 106–107 promotion of, 111 as senior military assistant to Rumsfeld, 105–108 Stewart, Don, 147, 149, 150 Streep, Meryl, 84 Singing at Yale and, Subway (restaurant), Collapse of entire US economy and, Potato chips purchased at, White House accusations of theft from, Sullivan, Kevin, 189, 228–229, 244, 254, 262 Superstaffers, 42–44 Taguba, Antonio, 99–100 Taylor, Sara, 223 Team of Rivals (Goodwin), 205 Teeter, Bob, 156 TEMP (Temporary Emergency Market Protection Program), 265–266 Term limits, 45 Thanksgiving turkey pardoning speech (Bush), 191–192 Thatcher, Margaret, 251 Thiessen, Marc, 155, 169, 170, 241 gaffes by, 201–203 health care privileges and, 160 as presidential speechwriter, 167, 182, 201–202, 237, 244, 245, 247, 252, 260 as speechwriter to Rumsfeld, 83, 85, 87, 95, 137 Thomas, Helen, 178 Thompson, Fred, 20, 214, 266, 274–275 Thurmond, Strom, 150 election of 1948 and, 70–72 as senator, 70 Time magazine, 84–85, 104 Tocqueville, Alexis de, 68 Truman, Harry S., 37, 81, 191, 206, 231 United Nations, Bush's final address to, 258 USA Today, 20, 195 USO speech (Bush), 189–191, 195 USS Cole, terrorist attack on, 202 Venetian Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, 176 Victoria, Queen of England, 165
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer
Vietnam War, 270
Wall Street Journal, 205, 225 War of 1812, 157 Washington, George, 85, 153, 188 Washington, Martha, 188 Washington Post, 102, 131, 144, 181, 195, 223 Washington Times, 146 Weinstein, Jared, 164 Welliver, Judson, 203 West Wing (television show), 159, 164 What I Saw at the Revolution (Noonan), 205 White House Bush staff of, 159–161 description of, 157–158 Oval Office, 165 Whitman, Christie Todd, 20 Wikipedia, 114–115 Winfrey, Oprah, 106 Alliance with Bill O’Reilly, Wizard of Oz, and Bush White House, and Election Day, WMDs (weapons of mass destruction), 123–124, 129 Crackpot scheme to claim discovery of, Wolfowitz, Paul, 89 Briefcase of,, 148 Woodward, Bob, Rumsfeld interview by, 128–131 World Economic Forum, 239 Yale University, 182, 188 As guide for Bush speeches Yanes, Raul, 181, 193, 244, 260 as Bush staff secretary, 162–163, 168, 186, 194 election of 2008 and, 272 Rove and, 219, 220 Awarded presidential nickname “Chi Chi” YouTube, 115, 150 Senators’ understanding of © Matt Latimer, author of Speech-Less
Index inspired by SPEECH-LESS by Matt Latimer