Regina Dominican Senior Issue 2016

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SENIOR Issue 2016

Dear Freshman Me, You may walk to lunch and peek inside the senior lounge or overhear the seniors talk about prom and graduation, and you will wonder what it feels like to be the oldest and wisest in the school. I know it sounds hard to believe, but one day, this will be you. You will be the one to take those final steps across the stage at graduation and roam the hallways as a student for the last time after senior finals. You will be the one to attempt to thank your teachers for their endless wisdom, care, and concern. You will be the one to try and say goodbye to the place that you have called home for the last four years. I know it seems like these events are a lifetime away for you, but the old saying is true? high school passes in the blink of an eye. You will hear it hundreds of times throughout your four years at Regina, but it really does go by fast. You will not even realize how special the many mundane days will add up to be. Do not wish them away because you will miss them when they are gone. Regina Dominican will change you in a multitude of ways. Every essay and test will make you intellectually stronger. Your sports teams and gym classes will make you physically stronger. Kairos and other religious activities will make you spiritually stronger. You will make friends that will last forever. You will have teachers that change your life and teach you so much more more than just their academic subjects. You will make memories that will last a lifetime and carry you through both the good and bad times. So, freshmen me, go to school dances, hang out with your friends, spend time with your family, study hard, and treasure every moment. All that you have to do is let it happen? savor every minute of high school and every minute of those silly experiences. Savor every minute spent at Regina because one day you will be forced to say goodbye, and it will be harder than you could have ever expected.

Love, Crown Senior St af f 2

Oh, t he pl ace Class of 2016 Collegiate Statistics Farthest Away: 2,138 Miles. St el l a Gal anis at the San Francisco Art Institute, CA. Hottest Average Temperature: 69.7째F. Mary Berg at Tulane University, LA and Kat ie Col l ins at Loyola University New Orleans, LA. Largest City: 8.4 Million Residents in New York City. Emil y Monick at the Pratt Institute, NY. Largest University: 51,853 Students. Suhee Jeong at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Highest National Ranking: # 12. Syeda Fat ima at Northwestern University, IL. Most Class of 2016 Graduates at One University: 12. Loyola University Chicago, IL, see # 20. 1. University of California, San Diego Siyuan (Sunny) Xu, Undecided

11. St. Norbert College, WI Ol ivia Morici, Business

2. University of California, Irvine Yeonju (Annie) Doh, Biology

12. Carroll University, WI Laura Fino, Nursing Emil y Herberg, Athletic Training Dawn Jones, Nursing

3. San Francisco Art Institute, CA St el l a Gal anis, Fine Arts 4. University of Nevada, Las Vegas Jada Byrd, Hospitality

18. Oakton Community College, IL Al exandra Barret t , Business Tressa Carniel l o, Art Jul ia Graehl ing, Undecided Phuong Tong, Business 19. Northwestern University, IL Syeda Fat ima, Engineering

13. Marquette University, WI 20. Loyola University Chicago, IL Khryst yna Fl isarska, Emil y Bochenek, Music/ Economics Computer Engineering Karima Figueroa, International 5. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Ail een St ant on, Communications Business Suhee Jeong, Chemical Engineering Krist ina Sul l ivan, Communications Francesca Garza, Environmental 6. St. Olaf College, MN Science 14. Western Illinois University Shannon Bayl ess, Undecided Jacquel yn Gunchick, Undecided Nat al ie Val divia, Undecided Diane Kraemer, Undecided Ol ivia Kief haber, Nursing Linet t e Mal iakal , Software 15. Illinois State University 7. St. Mary?s University of Minnesota Engineering Annal isa Bart ol omei, Criminal Del ia Rit chie, Psychology Ivana Marogi, Biochemistry/ English Justice 8. Loras College, IA Vanessa Reese, Environmental Ava Johnson, Psychology Al exis Dispart e, Undecided Science/ Forensic Science 16. Northern Illinois University Kryst yna Kaminski, Education Deanna St one, Undecided Kat herine McDonough, Maura McTighe, Undecided Gianna Mae Tan, Biology Hospitality Amy Tucker, Bioinformatics 9. The University of Iowa Carol ine Winiarczyk, Undecided 17. Lake Forest College, IL Kayl ey Phil bin, Health and Leah Farf an, Undecided Human Physiology 21. DePaul University, IL Emil y Senderak, Undecided 10. University of Wisconsin, Madison Madel yn Sweeney, Undecided Kayl a Yl agan, Microbiology


Oh, t he pl ace

Sarah Al l wort h: Most likely to be the female David Beckham

Sharika El ahi: Most likely to become the voice of a character in a Disney movie

Al exandra Barret t : Most likely to be spotted at The Glen

Leah Farf an: Most likely to be a Disney Princess

Annal isa Bart ol omei: Most likely to be smiling and looking fabulous Shannon Bayl ess: Most likely to be able to rap the whole "Hamilton" soundtrack

Syeda Fat ima: Most likely to have hair like Rapunzel Karima Figueroa: Most likely to marry a chiseled man

Laura Fino: Most likely to be trapped in Colombia Maddie Bazarek: Most likely to get in trouble for Khryst yna Fl isarska: Most likely to start her own having coffee in the morning 1990s fashion line Mary Berg: Most likely to correct the grammar on St el l a Gal anis: Most likely to try every hair color her diploma in the world Kat ie Bjerkness: Most likely to do the splits at a Carol ine Gal l iani: Most likely to live in the woods funeral Emil y Bocheneck: Most likely to do a one woman Frankie Garza: Most likely to be at an EDM concert show of the "Phantom of the Opera" Maria Brit o: Most likely to be matching pitch with the bell

Maggie Geoghegan: Most likely to bring Dinkle's Donuts to school

Cl are Broderick: Most likely to be quoting "Harry Jul ia Graehl ing: Most likely to be wearing a freshman skirt Potter" or "One Tree Hill" Jackie Gunchick: Most likely to be a supermodel Jada Byrd: Most likely to join Buzzfeed Nora Byrne: Most likely to treat herself

Lil y Hacket t : Most likely to be in the Olympics

Francesca Cambria: Most likely to be Vine famous

Emil y Herberg: Most likely to seem intimidating at first but turn out really nice

Tressa Carniel l o: Most likely to have a good story

Su Hee Jeong: Most likely to eat during class

Ava Johnson: Most likely to own an animal El l en Chirikos: Most likely to fail her printer tests hospital at Office Max Dawn Jones: Most likely to be seen with Sarah Kat ie Col l ins: Most likely to hoard vinyl records Allworth Kat hryn Cressy: Most likely to marry Prince Harry Kryst yna Kaminski: Most likely to become a biographer for "One Direction" Reem Darwish: Most likely to have her own talk Ol ivia Kief haber: Most likely to throw her own show Oktoberfest Al exis Dispart e: Most likely to be the next Joan Teresa Kiel ian: Most likely to own a dance studio Rivers Annie Doh: Most likely to fall asleep during class Diane Kraemer: Most likely to be a man in a musical 6

Remember when... These girls went to Regina? Olivia Dolemba Janae Robinson Saharish Khan Quinn Audsley Izzy Romaker Franny Grosso Tanya Bannon Maggie Gast Sarah Alsamman Lauren Izquierda Katie Dolan Lexie Podgurski Madison Ellison Inhui Park Bridget Cercone Sarah Razafsha Raquel Cadena Sami Semler Angie Fierro Czanel Hayes Jingying Ai Naeun Kim

Mr. Weichart taught Biology?

Mr. Apo danced as a member of NSYNC in Sharika Elahi burned off her hair? the Caf? Mr. Small got into a fight at the Cook County Court? We got booed at our first pep rally? We saw a math play?

We did Zumba with Mrs. Garvey before she worked here?

Jessica Wollney concussed Mrs. Houston during a dodgeball game?

Emily Bochenek was freaking out about her kissing scene with Peter? There was a circus at the Middle School? Ms. Bree would throw shade at her boyfriend for not having proposed yet? The DJ brought dancers to Winter Bash and dropped his mixtape? Delia Ritchie got lost in Nashville?

We knocked over desks during Jeopardy with Ms. Bree? Mrs. McMillan let us walk the half mile? We made a skit at Junior Retreat about the themes? Res girls started a twitter fight after they lost the Regina vs. Res volleyball game?

A fire started on stage during The Pajama The activity room flooded freshman year? Game? Homeroom was after Period D?

WORST JOBS "I ama host ess and one t ime a man got very angry because brunch ended at noon, so he yelled at me f or at least f ive minut es about how I 'deserve an "F" in lif e'"- Aileen St ant on "I

We cross-dressed for two consecutive fall pep rallies?

Somet imes it just isn't wort h t he money...

"I was doing a double shif t f rom9 a.m. t o 3 a.m. at Wendy's. The bat hroomf loor had half a f oot of wat er on t he f loor. During my break, my coworker came on t he int ercom, and said, "Hey, Nora, you need a mop f or t he bat hroom. There is poop on t he f loor and walls." I cleaned it of f of t he walls and f loors, t hen worked anot her 12 hours." -Nora Byrne

worked as camp counselor at "Happiness I s", a local summer programf or children. Every day, I t hought I was having a brain hemorrhage f romall t he screaming. The worst t hough was one day when I was ushering kids inside f romrecess. One boy, named Quinn, was lagging behind t he ot hers. He was waddling in a st range, slow manner, so anot her counselor and I went t o see what was wrong. As we st ood next t o him, Quinn st art ed shaking out his leg, and out of his pant s t umbled a piece of poop t hat he had apparent ly made during play t ime. We had t o clean it up." -Amber Scherer

"I 'ma swiminst ruct or... My f ive year old swimmer came up f romunderwat er and coughed up a bunch of wat er in my f ace and t hen, RI GHT af t er, sneezed in my f ace. I got croup f romt his, and missed a week of school my junior year (please remember t he st udent council speech where I couldn't t alk. That was croup.)" -Mary Berg

"A man asked me t o "I recent ly worked at Jewel... Weekends were t he worst wit h marry himwhile I was t he crazy amount s of people and high demands of cart s. working at t he Fresh Somet imes when it snowed, t he cart s were f rozen out side, so I Farms grocery st ore"- had t o manage t o somehow rip t hemf romt he ice while sliding Annalisa Bart olomei around t rying t o balance on t he ice."- Caroline Winiarczyk

"I got f ired f or eat ing t he t oppings out of t he cont ainer at a job serving f rozen yogurt " -St ella Galanis

I recent ly f inished working at Of f ice Max... One day, one of my cust omers came up t o me, and asked me what I want ed t o pursue in lif e. I responded t hat I was t hinking about becoming involved in polit ics. He replied, saying t hat was not a job f or women. He t hen t old me if I want ed t o get my opinions heard t hat I should marry a husband, and have himrun f or of f ice. I couldn't argue wit h him, because he was my cust omer." -Ellen Chirikos 8

Lov e i t or Hate i t? Port il l o's

Smal l Dogs

Cof f ee

91% Love it!

73% Love it!

Count ry Music

Just in Bieber 57% Hate it!

68% Hate it!


75% Love it!

Chipot l e

75% Love it!

Musical s


57% Love it!

75% Love it!

57% Hate it!


Lol l apal ooza 61% Love it!

64% Love it!

We've been t hrough... 3 Librarians 13 Dances 2 Dean of Students 10

1 bath tub removal 1 Beehive removal 2.5 Cafeterias

3 skirts 2 Homerooms 3 IT Specialists

W ise Words

"I'll be in Ms. Gianos' room."

"Physics works!" -Mr. Finder

Wait, what?

-Deanna Stone

-Sharika Elahi

"I can't school right now."

"Is it F before E?" -Everyone at Regina

"Pro or Con?" -Nora Byrne

Ms. Hous to St enson n and Mr s. st ayed a t Res?

Emil y Sender ak w as shy?

"Seriously girls, just sayin'."

"Here's the REAL story, ladies..."

-Mrs. Stenson

-Mr. Small

What I f ... Ms. Gianos wasn't Greek?

Kathryn Cressy didn't lov e the Royals?

Mary Berg failed a class? Ell en Chir iko s st ayed in Plainf ield?

The Senior Lounge smelled fantastic? 12

-Crown Staff

"Google it." -Mr. Williams

-Karima Figueroa

The Gina Bow l didn't exist ?

hat Snap c t f l i x e and N 't w er en ? d b l ocke

"Mrs. Houston is going to roast us."

Madame Scandale didn't teach French?

-Mrs. McGrath

Mr. Williams, Mr. Small, and Mr. Cummings were still here?

Ther e w asn't car Ms. Par ikh's (n p et in ow Ms. Jaime's) r oom ?

ked? The Wif i w or Nor a Byr ne We didn't have didn't p lay Gnimocemoh? Lacr osse?

Vanessa Reese was mean?

"Sorta, kinda, maybe."

Ther e w er en't fr ies in the cafeter ia?

Ms. Bree, Mrs. Murr ay, and Mr. Ap o w eren't BFFs?

Mr s. K it hadn' t chi e c w or k h ome t o er e?

Diane and Jessica were horrible dancers?

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