8 minute read
GIVING BACK: Serve Children of Naval Special Warfare with SEALKIDS
Keeping SEALs & Their Kids in the Fight for Bright Futures
Nonprofi t Relies on Local Support to Serve Children of Naval Special Warfare in Coronado & Beyond
By Aly Lawson

You may know of SEALKIDS if you’re a Navy SEAL family. But if you haven’t heard of them, take a look. And if you can assist them, do it.
“SEALKIDS relies on donations from individuals, corporations, and foundations to serve the children of Naval Special Warfare. Without continued growth of strong funding and support, the program can’t serve more kids than it is today, approximately 300,” says SEALKIDS Director of Advancement JoAnne Griffi n, a Navy SEAL wife and Coronado mom. “We want to grow and be able to help more kids! It’s really that simple.”
SEALKIDS, a national nonprofi t, steps in to fi ll the gap between health insurance and public education to ensure these deserving students meet their full academic potential. The military lifestyle can create added challenges for children struggling in school — frequent moves, increased anxiety, and inconsistent service provision at diff erent schools.
“Even our bravest individuals need support, and we are here for their children,” Griffi n shares as part of their vision. “SEALKIDS has a deep and personal understanding of life in the Naval Special Warfare, or NSW, community and can help their children overcome academic struggles. Our proven programs lead to success in school, which translates to success in life.”
SEALKIDS bridges both large and small gaps, she explains.
Services can include professional special education advocates to attend IEP meetings with a parent of a SEAL child; specialized instruction (specifi c types of tutoring designed to meet the unique needs) for someone with dyslexia, dysgraphia or dyscalculia; or testing to identify the root cause of a child’s academic struggles.
“These expenses can be quite costly, as you can imagine,” Griffi n notes.
Through donations, SEALKIDS is able to bridge both large and small gaps, she explains. SEALKIDS has a 13-member board of directors and six-person staff that implements the overall educational needs of SEALKIDS grant benefi ciaries.
This year marks the 60th anniversary of US Navy SEALs (Sea, Air and Land teams) and UDT (Underwater Demolition Team) — as well as the 11th anniversary of SEALKIDS. SEALKIDS was founded by Suzanne Vogel and her children. The organization was born from kids wanting to help other kids, Griffi n adds.
“I would not have been inclined to return to operational status if we did not have the support of SEALKIDS,” said one active-duty Navy SEAL operator.
SEALKIDS supports the children of NSW — everyday kids living in extraordinary circumstances, and it fi ghts for Navy SEAL children so the SEALs can focus on the battlefi eld, the nonprofi t shares.
The organization assists both children and parents in navigating academic challenges, creating measurable impact and changing lives. SEALKIDS’ programs provide testing and evaluations to identify learning, emotional and behavioral issues causing classroom struggles. Then they pair students with experts to address each child’s individual needs to help them excel in school and in life, giving spouses much-needed support and allowing NSW operators to focus on their mission.
How can you help SEALKIDS?
• Host a SEALKIDS fundraiser at your favorite store • Host a dinner to benefi t SEALKIDS (host your friends at home with the help of SEALKIDS) • Donate at SEALKIDS.org (weekly, monthly, or yearly) • Plan a gift through your trust or IRA • Sign up for matching gifts through your employer • Mail a check • Sign up SEALKIDS for your AmazonSmile donations
“Everybody has their threshold of giving,” Griffi n points out, and she encourages the community to reach out and be creative in any fundraising ideas. “Every dollar helps a child, every dollar makes a diff erence … Imagine that for less than $20 a month you can change the life of a SEAL kid,” she mentions with a smile.
Griffi n describes how our cup of purchased coff ee easily becomes a fund to support a child being challenged. There are also upcoming events to attend, including the SEALKIDS SQUAD Run, Walk & Roll, plus the upcoming — and almost sold out — Sunset Cruise on Triton Charters in San Diego.

“What we get, we put right back out,” Griffi n reminds.
Questions can be directed to JoAnne Griffi n at jgriffi n@sealkids.org or visit sealkids.org.
Follow SEALKIDS on social media
Facebook – @SEALKIDS Twitter – @sealkids Instagram – @sealkids Linkedin – @sealkids-inc

SEALKIDS wishes to thank their program partners:
• Aly Lawson is a freelance writer who lives in Coronado with her husband and children.


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