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HISTORY: The inside scoop on summertime fun by Carol Pastor
Crown City History
In Coronado
This postcard of Hotel del Coronado with the ocean and waves breaking in the foreground is most likely from 1901-1904 because the Dance Hall at Tent City is still present, but the rock barrier off the beach in front of the Del has not been built. Courtesy of the Coronado Historical Association Collection.
Summer in Coronado means school’s out, vacation time is here and an in ux of tourists have arrived, some for a day trip while others plan a longer stay. And the familiar cry is “What is there to do here now?” But don’t feel bad, we often hear that refrain from locals as well as our visitors.
If you are with the teen and younger group, you do not have to spend money to keep them entertained. Just turn them loose on the beach to enjoy our spot of heaven — the Paci c Ocean. Another fun fact: best seen from the air, CORONADO is spelled out on the dunes on central beach between the Hotel Del and the back gate of North Island. We have been ranked among the top

Small children playing on the beach, circa 1920. The laundry tower on the left still exists. Courtesy of the Coronado Historical Association's Harold & Maude Taylor Collection.
beaches both in the U.S. and internationally as well. That makes our island an even more popular site to visit. If your youngsters are tired of the beach, then try another sport such as tennis or the skate park at Tidelands.
Adults and moms in particular should take the time to enjoy Orange Avenue. Orange Avenue in Coronado is very similar to Main Street, U.S.A. We remain a small town across the bridge for one of the largest cities in the country. Most of our shops are owned by local individuals who pride themselves in their merchandise displays. You can nd everything from clothes, jewelry, imports, shoes and, to be expected, many gift items. If you are here staying in the village then take the time to venture down to First Street heading toward the Ferry Landing. Again, you will nd an assortment of shops as well as a variety of food choices to entice you.
Golf and tennis are probably the most popular choices for many. Our golf course is not only a great course following the bay but it is purported to be the least expensive in the whole county. Can’t think of anything else to do? Rent a bike from Holland’s and really get to enjoy our town. They also rent the four wheelers with the fringe on top for about four people to pedal.
Spreckels Park is a favorite among many, where youngsters can enjoy the playground, giving parents and other adults a moment to rest. On weekends, you can also have an opportunity to look over the work of local artists who show at Art in the Park.
Sunday afternoon and evening for many years now must be a trip to the park for our concerts at the bandstand, organized by Coronado Promenade Concerts. It has become a time to chat with friends, partake in some great picnic lunches while enjoying good music from local groups or perhaps a Navy band. We have had concerts in the park for so many years now that families have the same spot week after week and year after year. Now we see some of the third generation joining in as well. This year, Concerts in the Park is celebrating its 50th Anniversary, so it is sure to be a great concert season!
For those who have not had the time, how about a visit to our own museum at the Coronado Historical Association building on Orange Avenue next to Tent City Restaurant. If you start early you can sign up for the walking tour of Coronado, led by one of our docents. It is informative, fun and adds to your 10,000-step goal for the day. Another tour for those new to town is the Hotel del Coronado docent-led tour of the hotel and grounds.
These are just some of the ways to enjoy summer in Coronado. So what do you think? Can you nd something to do here this summer?
You can purchase walking tour tickets at coronadohistory.org and view the Concert in the Park line-up at coronadoconcert.com.
• Carol Pastor and her family have lived in Coronado since the mid-1970s. Mother of seven girls, many of whom still live here in the village, Carol has been involved in the community over the years with the Friends of the Library, Historic Resource Commission, and most recently writing about Coronado history for the Coronado Historical Association. An avid history buff since her college days, exploring our local history is a perfect t.