3 minute read
A NOTE FROM THE GUEST EDITOR: Mary Hale, President of the Coronado Art Association
Coronado Art Association Celebrates 75 Years
The Coronado Art Association (CAA) has been sprinkling its brand of art in Coronado since April 7th, 1947. Yes, we are celebrating 75 years of local artistic talent this year!
In ’47 an ambitious band of local artists began with gallery spaces in various locations throughout town, eventually showing and selling their art in Spreckels Park in 1959. It was a huge success and continues to this very day!
Look for us the first and third Sundays of each month for an opportunity to experience and purchase beautiful fine art and fine crafts, and to meet the artists in person.
My goal as their newest president has been to get us going again over the past year and to increase the number of artists actively displaying by two-fold, in addition to increasing gallery shows for our members. Now I’m working on a couple of new pop up ventures in town. Keep an eye out for us!
Lastly, my team is partnering up with Coronado’s Dine & Dance social club for the return of the famous “Arts Ball” this October. It was started by CAA years ago as an annual tradition. The ball will be the event of the season and you will not want to miss it!
As artists committed to our community, we are also a giving organization. Registered as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, five percent of artist sales from our events are reinvested in the community towards other not-forprofit organizations that support the arts, and through a scholarship awarded annually to a Coronado High School student.
Mark your calendars for our Story Book Show on May 13th at the Coronado Library from 6-7:30 pm. Check out the details elsewhere in this magazine for a sneak peek at all the activities planned for this fun opening of local artwork at the library.
We welcome new artists! To apply to jury in, please check out our beautiful new website at CoronadoArtAssn.com. There is plenty to look at while you are there, from bios of your favorite artists to pictures of their works.
My sincere thank you to Crown City Magazine for helping me get the word out about this wonderful Coronado institution known to the locals as “Art in the Park”!
Mary Hale,
Coronado Art Association President
• The Guest Editor program gives different people, businesses, and groups the opportunity to take center stage and connect with the community as editor for a month in 2022. For more information, please email hello@crowncitypublishing.com or call (619) 302-2329.

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