Crowns Magazine October 2021

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Rodgers Polk Photography




DARLENE QUINN As Breast Cancer Awareness month comes to a close, Crowns Magazine would like to honor Darlene Quinn for her tireless work for breast cancer each October. Darlene was crowned and titled Classic International Woman 2018, held the title International Brand Ambassador for the Ms. and Mrs. Classic Universe Pageant for three years, and currently gearing up to participate in the 2021 Ms. International Pageant. Darlene has devoted much of her life to the work of helping others, and has held a long -standing mission to heal the community. Caring for the community is engrained in Darlene. Her heart-felt purpose started at the young age of 12, donating time at church, to today donating as many as 900 hours annually towards various causes. Darlene?s efforts to fight for breast cancer victims initiated as several women around her were struggling. Two aunts of hers, Chris and Barbara, fought the tremendous battle of breast cancer. Her close friend Linda, walked with courage during her breast cancer battle. And today, her friend Elizabeth is under the throws of this terrible disease. As Darlene began her fight, she discovered just how far reaching this disease is. The impact of breast cancer was felt by most people she came in contact with. Many of us have a sister, friend, neighbor, mother, spouse, aunt, cousin, or otherwise who has suffered. As knowledge of this expansive breast cancer impact grew, so did Darlene?s fight.

INTHESPO TLIGHT Georgina Vaughn Photography

INTHESPO TLIGHT DARLENE QUINN Each October, Darlene hosts an annual event, Bingo for Boobies. October is not only Breast Cancer Awareness month, but also Darlene?s birthday month. So, with that, October 3, 2021, was her third annual Bingo for Boobies Birthday Brunch. Ladies attending enjoy a delicious brunch, mimosas, fellowship, and fun. In lieu of gifts attendees donate to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, play bingo, and win fabulous prizes donated by community advocates. At this year ?s event, Darlene and her guests raised an estimated $10,000 for the organization. Leading up to October, Darlene participated alongside 30,000 women across North America in the FabOver40 Contest. Along with FabOver40 celebrating all women being fabulous no matter what age, big name sponsors supported the platform for all women over 40 to win a phenomenal prize package. FabOver40 focused also on the contest?s mission and charity component. The main benefactor of voting proceeds went to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Participation by 30,000 women assisted a great cause that stands up against a disease which affects countless women across the globe. Taking first-runner up, Darlene contributed in a very large way to the larger sum full donation of $1,800,000 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. She was actually the highest dollar value single donor within this total amount. Her contest philanthropic efforts brought in donations totaling $250,000 towards the cause. The National Breast Cancer Foundation provides early detection education and support services including free mammograms to those affected by breast cancer. In a recent conversation with Darlene, she said: ?I hope to be an inspiration for good in society, encouragement to those who need a bit of sunshine in their lives, and influence for women over 40 doing good deeds in the community.? With incredible encouragement, please visitwww.nationalbreastcancer.orgto donate, become an ambassador, or share your story. Darlene?s FabOver40 journey, and participation in celebrating a mature women?s journey can be found Countdown to the crowning of the 2021 Ms. International Pageant

Georgina Vaughn Photography



?Hello my name is Elizabeth Field. I?m 51 years old and in early 2021, I was diagnosed with recurrent HERS2+ Breast Cancer. I?m continuing treatment and chemo until February 2022. Coming from winning Ms. Arizona Teenager 1987, I believe winning is a continuous process. I will beat this cancer journey and I will win. I will win for every cancer patient behind me, with me, and in front of me. Thank you.

Linda Houdashell from Amarillo, TX I was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2012 and spent most all of 2013 doing surgeries. In June 2014, I was also diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I had one surgery and another 3 months of chemo. In 2015, I got the all clear on cancer and started a 10-year program with the prescription drugs Anastrozole and Tamoxifen. I am currently 7 years into the program and must be monitored by my oncologist every 3 months. In 3 more years, I can go to 6-month visits for 3 years then once a year.

Christine Talaber from Chicago, IL Since the birth of my son, the gynecologist had been recommending a mammogram as my mother passed away from breast cancer in her mid-forties. I kept pushing the test off. One day while playing, my two-year old son flung a toy truck across the room and it struck my right breast. The pain was so intense that I saw stars. I knew it was time now to get a mammogram. I was 38 years old. The Friday before Memorial Day, I went for the test. The following Tuesday, the doctor tracked me down at work, said I needed to be seen by a surgeon within 24 hours because the test results were not good. I met with a surgeon at 7am the next morning, and by noon the surgeon had performed a knife biopsy. The doctors knew immediately that it was cancer. I consulted with numerous doctors and it was unanimous. The breast had to come off and chemotherapy would be needed as the mass was 4.5 centimeters, the cancer was growing at a rate faster than the average, and there was family history. I was participating in a wedding in two weeks and didn?t want to let on that I was ill, the surgery was scheduled for the Tuesday following the wedding. Once the surgeon removed the breast, a plastic surgeon stepped in and began reconstruction. I chose immediate reconstruction as I knew, that while risky if radiation was needed, this option would be best for my mental health. It turned out that the mass was located very close to the chest wall and that radiation would also be needed. The after-surgery plan for me was four months of chemotherapy, followed by six weeks of daily radiation, and ending with another two months of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is challenging and afterwards I remember saying I wouldn?t wish it on my worst enemy. I never once asked God why me. Instead, I asked what do I need to do so I can live to see my baby grow up. Twenty years later, I began feeling stabbing pains in my left breast. My oncologist said that while he couldn?t feel anything he wanted a mammogram and ultrasound performed. I?m so grateful he listened to me as I was diagnosed with cancer in my left breast. Luck was on my side as this was the smallest cancer detectable with today?s technology. Surprisingly enough, this was a different type of breast cancer, slower growing but infiltrating. Although a lumpectomy could have been performed, I elected to have the breast removed as I just wanted to be finished. And this time no chemotherapy or radiation was needed!

Christina Bass from South Carolina I'm a pageant director in SC. I was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer in May of this year. I had a lumpectomy, some lymph node areas removed, and twenty rounds of radiation at age 40. I have no breast cancer in my family.

Barbara Hitzelberger from Surprise, AZ In 2017, after a routine mammogram, I was diagnosed with Lobular Breast Cancer. I had three lumpectomies but unfortunately, they did not get clear margins to remove the malignant tumor. I then received five months of chemo and then underwent a double mastectomy and seven weeks of radiation. I have been cancer free since January 2018.

Towauna Watson Incredibly, Towauna lived and built The Oaks of Righteousness Cancer Foundation, Inc all at the same time. This courageous cancer survivor, passionate ambassador, philanthropist, and new game-changer in the cancer community relentlessly mediates the healing process for the cancer patient and caregivers through three pillars of strength, spiritual wellness, physical harmony with mental stability with education undergirding the pillars. This gave birth to the development of seven concierge cancer care programs (Renewing The Mind, Financial, Health, Imaging/Identity, Environment, Education, and Activities) that navigated her healing from cancer. She, then, began to organize and implement the very care programs that would keep her standing strong in the storm. The correlation of her designed cancer care programs to bear fruit of healing is found first, in her as a survivor. She has ministered many hours to those affected by the challenges and adversity of many cancers to include lymphoma, leukemia, breast, colon, stomach, thyroid, pancreatic, lung, and prostate. She fully focuses and commits to the betterment of fellow cancer patients, caregivers, and survivors to meet them all at their point of need. The willingness to dedicate her life in making a difference for the entire cancer community, even though hers was a blood cancer, is an uncanny mission to bring wholeness to all affected. The foundation?s immediate on-the-job training through its founder is battle-tested, and the foundation is ready and prepared to serve. She continually seeks cancer care programs and modalities that will positively impact a patient outcome by reducing the emotional toll that interferes with presenting the best mind, body, and soul while enduring high-demanding procedures to preserve life. Ambassador by fire, she is passionately fighting, and she is fully investing in helping others fight a non-discriminatory enemy against life. The cavalry wasn?t there while she battled cancer, but she?s bringing the cavalry to help others win the war on cancer!

M odel Cam ille Bu ss


K RI ST I N K I N G EX CL U SI V E CL A SSI C M I SS REGEN CY I N T ERN AT I O N A L Wh at m ade you en t er pagean t s in t h e f ir st place? I was born in Niagara Falls, NY, and my mother enjoyed watching pageants. In fact, I was literally named after Kristin Krull who was Miss Niagara Falls 1973 and went on to win Miss New York in 1974! So, I guess you could say she sparked the pageant bug for me. Pr eviou s t it les if applicable/ h ave you com pet ed bef or e? If so, can you t ell u s abou t you r jou r n ey? I had entered a few local Miss pageants when I was in my early 20s, a couple of decades ago, but always only placed first runner up. Then I got busy with life (college, marriage, children) and hung up my pageant heels for many years. Then, in 2019, I entered the Ms Placer County pageant. Once again, I placed first runner up. Not one to give up easily, I went back again in 2020 and finally won my first pageant title. After that, I competed in the Classic Ms Pacific Coast pageant, and I was honored to win that title too! That win provided me with the prize of a free entry fee into the Classic Ms Regency International competition held in Las Vegas, NV, in July 2021. Having never competed at a national or international level, I was uncertain if I could achieve the goal. However, after much coaching from my Up Pageantry coaching team including Tami Uhler and Alora Martin, as well as fabulous direction from my California/Pacific Coast Regency state director, Christy-Anne Lopez who was also the 2017 Ms Regency International, I felt confident that I could win. Happily, when the contest was all over, they selected me as the new Classic Ms Regency International winner!

Wh at m ade you decide t o com pet e in you r cu r r en t syst em ? My local Placer County pageant director researched many state level pageant options for me to compete in and ultimately recommended the California/Pacific Coast Regency pageant. I am so happy she did, as I really love the system?s commitment to community service, sisterhood, and the glamour of their stage production. Wh at is t h e best t h in g t h at pagean t s h ave t au gh t you ? Pageants have really taught me to have excellent interviewing and public speaking skills. It has also increased my overall confidence and self-esteem. Our culture continues to emphasize youth in our beauty standards. However, my experiences through pageantry have reinforced my belief that beauty comes in every age, size, color, and we should embrace beauty in all forms. Wh at is you r pagean t plat f or m an d w h y? I have two platforms: Domestic Violence awareness ? As a domestic violence survivor myself, I want to break the stigma and shame that often surrounds this type of intimate abuse. Sadly, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 9 men globally have experienced some form of physical abuse by an intimate partner. Personally, I escaped my family violence situation with the help of a local domestic violence shelter and the counseling services they offered to both me and my child. Now, after many years of healing, I regularly volunteer for multiple programs within their emergency shelters, answering crisis lines, and staffing fundraising events. I am also on the Survivor Advocacy Council to provide feedback and ideas for improvement on the services offered to domestic violence victims and their families. In addition, I am a member of the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence, which is a coalition of professionals working to change legislation and improve education for the public on this issue. Increased access to STEM education/professions ? As an engineering manager, I am acutely aware of the lack of diversity within STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) professions. In fact, most research suggests that women only account for 10-15% of engineering manager positions. Additionally, African-Americans and Latinos represent as low as 5-6% of all engineering roles. Therefore, I work hard to support programs that introduce hands-on STEM activities to middle school and high school students in hopes of sparking an early interest in these education pathways. I also actively attend college and university career days to help represent the amazing opportunities available for women and underrepresented minorities in engineering. Recently, I was honored by the Global Beauty Awards for ?Best in Science? for my advocacy work in this area.

Wh at is you r dr eam t it le? Classic Ms Regency International! Wh at w as it like w h en you w on ?) I had never dreamed that I would win an international title. My original goal was simply to win my local Placer County title. However, as I have progressed through the local and state levels, my confidence continued to increase. I realized that I could actually win at the national or international level. When I won, I just remember thinking, ?I did it!? My heart was pounding, and I was so excited. It took so much work and sacrifice, but I had made it! Wh at is t h e best advice you h ave f or f ellow pagean t qu een s/ f in alist s? Don?t give up and keep trying if you want to win a title. It took me many decades with a long gap in between, but if it?s something you have ever dreamed of achieving, you can do it. It doesn?t matter how long it?s been, or even how old you are, there are so many pageant options out there. You need to find the right system for you and then GO FOR IT! Wh at h ave you been doin g sin ce you w on ? In addition to my regular volunteering work with the various domestic violence and STEM organizations, I was honored to be asked to participate in a couple of new volunteering opportunities. For example, with the unprecedented number of wild fires occurring in the western United States, I volunteered to support the American Red Cross specifically for the Caldor Fire victims. The American Red Crossis a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness education in the United States.Specifically, I worked in the evacuation shelters helping the wildfire evacuees impacted, some who had lost everything, to have a shoulder to cry on and to make sure they had what they needed during this traumatic time. In addition, I appeared at the Honor Group?s 2021 Honor Bowl event. The Honor Group is an organization that teaches young people about patriotism and the military. During the event, I helped to fund raise for wounded and ill veterans. I also participated in a field memorial for the 13 recently fallen soldiers in Afghanistan. I am very honored that I was asked to support these two amazing organizations and to help support wild fire victims and veterans in need. Wh at is you r f avor it e appear an ce ever ? The ?Walk a Mile in her Shoes? event is an annual event to raise money for domestic violence. By far, this has been my favorite appearance.There is an old saying: "You can't understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes." To get people listening, learning, and talking, ?Walk a Mile in Her Shoes? education events are organized around men literally walking one mile in women's high-heeled shoes. It's not easy walking in these shoes, but it's an experience in which a lot of education, self-reflection, and change happens. It's impressive to see such a visually stunning public statement of listening, learning, allyship, and commitment. I have worked during these events to set up, register the participants, and take photos with the men (in their high heels of course) in order to support the ongoing discussions on domestic violence awareness! How h as t h e lockdow n du e t o Covid-19 af f ect ed you r pagean t jou r n ey? Has you r r eign been ext en ded du e t o Covid-19? Honestly, I have not experienced a significant amount of impact due to Covid during my current reign. Most events are happening in person again which has been fabulous. However, I am also open to participating virtually when needed. We need to do whatever we can to help support organizations and causes during these unprecedented times. Wh at m akes a good pagean t r ole m odel? A good pageant role model is anyone who is willing to put themselves out there to support their system and the causes that are dear to their hearts. It is not enough to look beautiful and wear a crown and sash, if you want to be a good role model, you need to put in the work! Wh at is you r f avor it e pagean t r ou n d? Interview is by far my favorite part of any pageant. I love being able to share my goals, interests, and hobbies with the judging panel. I also love having the time to share about domestic violence and increased access to STEM. Afterall, the more people who hear my story and understand my goals, the more potential there is to gain even one more ally in my mission to remove stigma from domestic violence and maybe even get yet another engineer to join our team!

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Photos by Syracuse Image Photography, HMU, JustGlammit


MILEENABICKNELL- STAYGORGEOUSGIRLSAMBASSADOR2021/2022 My Hometown: Shreveport, LA but I have lived in various areas that I have called home: Lake Havasu City, AZ, Prescott Valley, AZ, St Augustine, FL, Paterson, NJ, and now Jacksonville, FL. Age: 14 years old Q: What do you want to accomplish this year as Miss Stay Gorgeous Girls Ambassador? A: This year as the Miss Stay Gorgeous Girls Ambassador, I would like to accomplish being more involved in my community. I want to promote my platform ?It Takes A Village!? and give back my time and efforts to those in need.

Q: If you could use one word to describe yourself, what would it be? A: The one word I would use to describe myself is ?determined?. I would use this word because it has been a part of who I am and all that I set out to do in life. I have accomplished numerous accolades in the arts. I auditioned for and was a dancer, at separate occasions; in American Ballet Theatre Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School-Children?s division (pre-professional program), as well as Dance Theatre of Harlem, both located in New York. I danced both companies before the age of 12. I have also danced in St Augustine Ballet (formerly Abella?s School of Dance), and L De Dance, where I danced lead roles.

Q: What are your plans and goals for your future? A: I intend to continue to dance and actively workout to hone my skills in the areas of ballet, contemporary, jazz, modern, hip hop, and track and field. In the future, when I graduate from high school, I hope to attend Howard University; where I will pursue a degree in the medical field. It is my goal to become a pharmacist or pursue some kind of health care provider profession.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do? A: When I have some down time, I like to read, run, participate in volunteer opportunities, listen to music, play with my Siberian Husky-Saint, shop, model, and watch popular tv shows. Right now my favorite show is Grey?s Anatomy.

Q. Favorite quote: A. ?Seek your passion and live in your purpose!? ~M.I.B~

Photos by Randy Silvano Photography, Celeste Osumanu

America's Majestic

Miss started




empower young girls ages 2 and up through out the United States to develop life-long success skills including academic excellence, making a difference through community service, building confidence, improving speaking skills, and achieving their dreams. Whether this is your first pageant, or you are a seasoned pageant girl - this pageant is for you! VISIT




Lorelei Higgins



Métis Canadian

Cultural Mediator, a Rotary Peace Fellow, and Positive Peace Activator as well as a Governor General?s Canadian Leadership Program alumna. She has worked on community-based projects locally and internationally with government agencies, non-government organizations, and the business sector. These projects have centered on peace and conflict transformation, Indigenous matters, and the elevation of female voices in leadership. Lorelei has worked across the globe in communities in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. She is also the Community Lead for the City of Calgary?s Anti-Racism Program and is working to advance The City of Calgary?s commitments to Truth and Reconciliation. Lorelei has an MBA, with a specialization in leadership, and she facilitates asset-based community development sessions utilizing an appreciative inquiry lens. She is also a consultant with Mediators Beyond Borders International. Lorelei is passionate about creating bold, open spaces for building peace through cross-cultural learning and the establishment and nurturing of enduring, positive relationships. As Mrs. Canada 2021 and a Women in Need Foundation ambassador, Lorelei is leading efforts to increase female leadership in peace-building efforts locally and globally. She is often found adventuring around the world with her family.

Photos by Thunderboy Photography, Nikki Got Spirit, Josh Monesson, Kate Daniel Photography




ELYSEMETZ-PETITEMISSREGENCYINTERNATIONAL Compassionate. Genuine. Driven. These 3 words best describe Elyse Metz as she strives to lead those around her into understanding how everyone can touch the lives around them. With a charity dedicated to spreading love to others, Elyse uses #StrongLove to set the example not just in her community but all around the country. Elyse feels it's her responsibility to set the bar when it comes to showing love to others. She uses people's naturally-giving spirit to inspire them. For her birthday each year, Elyse asks that people forgo giving her gifts but instead donate to a charity or organization that could use the assistance. When she realized her school didn't have enough Spanish books for its Spanish Immersion program, Elyse set her sights on filling the libraries with books that could be read from Pre-K to 8th grade. Also, every year Elyse and her family quietly sponsor a family so they can have a wonderful Christmas. "I am so blessed, and I think it's only fair that I give blessings to someone else." Whether she is working on turning her love of modeling into fashion designer dreams; studying for Gifted and Talented and Spanish Immersion classes; twirling through the dance studio with her competition company; or flipping her fins in the pool with her swim team; Elyse is always looking for ways to show love to others.

Photos by Victor Harris, Tarquin Photograph, Marcus Photography

Majestic International Pageant embraces the beauty of all the world's cultures. Our goal is to educate young ladies on how to be victorious as they venture into the modern work world. The Majestic International Pageant will guide them into their future by showing them how to prepare and execute a one-on-one interview. In addition, the ladies will develop and build self-confidence and poise by engaging in public speaking. We also strive to bring out their full potential by guiding them in proper outfit choices to make a statement and command attention.

Apply For You r Nat ion al Tit le Today

M r s. New Jer sey Am er ica 2021

M iss f or Am er ica St r on g 2021

M r s. New Jer sey Am er ican 2021

Dr . Ellen Osei Jam es EdD, OTR/ L

Br i LoBu e

Ceylon e Boot h e Gr oom s

is a Ghanaian-American philanthropist, women empowerment enthusiast, and child advocate. As Mrs. New Jersey America 2021, Ellen aims to continue to bring power back to women and families facing mental and physical health challenges so they feel seen, valued, and can live a life that is meaningful to them.

is a full-time vocalist and children?s music educator with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Music Theater. She is the lead singer in the award-winning wedding/events band, ?The Nines? and teaches both children?s music classes and individual ukulele lessons. Bri also volunteers as a worship leader at her church, Epic Church International. Most recently, she has teamed up with Applaud Our Children Foundation as an ambassador to ensure that all children with a passion for the arts have access to lessons. Bri is a firm believer in the healing properties of music and works daily in her career and personal life to be an advocate for the arts. ?Keep your dreams big and your faith even bigger!?

is a brand ambassador, model, makeup artist, motivational speaker, and reigning Mrs. New Jersey American 2021. Ceylone has been involved in the pageant and beauty industry for over 25 years. Some of her pageant accomplishments include being crowned Miss New York Star 1995, Ms. New York American United States 2000, Ms. East Coast USA 2003, Mrs. NJ United States 2009, Mrs. NJ America 2011, Mrs. NJ International 2013, and Mrs. All-Star United States 2018

She is the founder of Super Role Models. The Super Role Model signature event series entitled Journey to the Crown, focuses on supporting aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs facing mental and physical health challenges to identify their inner power and beauty, discover their passion, and develop a greater societal purpose. This is done through a variety of conferences, seminars, classes, support groups and events throughout the year that focus on fostering an environment of self-love, self-determination, independent functioning, and healing. As a therapist, her life mission is to support individuals in obtaining optimal quality of life in all areas of functioning. Ellen is the co-founder of Raising HOPE, a 501c3 non-profit organization that has provided resources to enhance quality of life for orphans, less fortunate children, and children with special needs. The organization has supported children and families for 10+ years in the USA, Ghana, Nigeria, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Canada to date. Ellen has also conducted research throughout the USA supporting the development of a protocol that helps families support their children with special needs using their everyday activities and items they have in their natural environment. Ellen received a Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from Columbia University, NY, and Doctorate of Movement Science also from Columbia University. She currently works as an independent contractor in New Jersey?s early intervention system and board of education and a guest lecturer at Columbia University. She enjoys hip hop, lyrical and liturgical dance, hiking, family karaoke, and is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Ceylone's work has appeared on film/tv, fashion runways, and national print publications. Some of her professional credits include appearances on NBC's Today Show, the Dr. Oz Show, MTV's MADE, News12 Spotlight NJ, Host for NJFW, Modeling for NYFW, billboards in NYC's Times Square, national print ads, and music videos. Recently, she has added food blogger to her resume and is currently a featured food contributor for Bella Magazine. Ceylone is very active in her community volunteering for various organizations such as, Kick Cancer Overboard, the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, Autism Speaks, and so much more. She is a proud ambassador for The Esther Project, a global women's empowerment movement that encourages women to find their passion and purpose. Ceylone currently resides in New Jersey with her husband Lorenzo and her 4 children. Platform link for the Ester Project www.iamesther.organd www.kickcanceroverboard

Follow t h eir jou r n ey at w w w.n ew jer seyam er icapagean t .com

Jessica Cirz Photography

JOYCEBROWN- HEALTHANDFITNESSCOACH At 59, I decided to define 60 for myself and not let 60 define me. I became serious about working out and completely changed my eating habits. I started attending boot camp classes 4 to 5 times a week and became stronger. I began losing the weight and in 4 months, I lost 30 lbs. and was in the best shape of my adult life. The transformation was phenomenal! I became the role model of others. Three years later, I continue to work out, eat healthy, and inspire others. I became a certified Health Coach in 2018. The certification supports my platform of Health and Fitness. I understand the challenges and control that food have on people. Unfortunately, many diseases that people suffer from are because of lifestyle choices (e.g., diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, joint problem, etc.). Modification to our eating habits and incorporating light exercises (walking) can make significant health and wellness improvements. My goal is to educate and encourage people to make better choices to improve their health and confidence.

I have a B.S degree in Electrical Engineering Technology. I worked 38 years in the technology field (at 2 major companies). I spent 30 years in various forms of engineering management. During that time, I had the opportunity to mentor, develop and empower many of my employees and others. I recently retired from Abbott Laboratories after 30 years of service. My platform also empowers and encourages people to step outside their comfort zone and stretch themselves to live their best life. We should live our lives intentionally and purposefully. We were not created to live an average life. We were created to be so much more, but we have to overcome fear to become our best selves. At 63, my life has improved tremendously because I kicked open the box, I had created for myself. I?m stretching myself in ways I never would have considered 5 years ago. I am living my best life! I would love to speak or appear at your event. There is no fee for my appearance. My contact information is below:

Joyce Br ow n (972) 400-7045 joyceM TSA19@gm h t t p:/ / w w w.joyce-br ow n .com /

David Smith Photography

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