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Celebrati ng Pageantry & Fashi on Wi th You Crowns Magazine March 2019 Inside In The Spotlight Olivia Maxwell pg 4 Healthy Hair Tips pg 8 Fashion/Style 101 Sword of The Spirit Royal Wear pg 10 Beyond The Beauty Claudia Fether pg 16 Miss February Josie Austin pg 20 USA National Miss Preteen Allie Ingram pg 21
Angela Owens Photography
Photos by Lynn Henley Photography
Photos by Lynn Henley Photography
Olivia Maxwell, Miss Royal Sweetheart Gainesville, GA Pre-Teen, recently celebrated her first anniversary with Crowns Magazine. Not only is she one of our lovely models, she is also a talented actor. Olivia?s journey started three years ago when she signed with The Bell Agency in Atlanta, GA. She also trained at the Atlanta Acting Arts Studio where she auditioned for many commercial roles. Although acting sparked an interest in Olivia, it's not where her heart is. She absolutely loves being on the stage and runway and making people smile. The past two years have been exciting for Olivia. She has come a long way on her journey. She was selected to model in the Holiday Angels Fashion Show and Toy Drive in December 2017. Shortly thereafter, she was featured as a Model of the Month in our February 2018 edition. Olivia is a brand ambassador for the Girli Girl Boutique in Buford, GA, the largest prom and pageant dress boutique in the Southeast. Her ads for Girli Girl Boutique ran in several editions of our magazine in 2018. Most recently she had the pleasure to walk for designer, Melanie Caballero, owner of Ashley Victorian at our anniversary gala. Olivia?s growth in the modeling industry was highlighted when she was privileged to model for America?s Next Top Model, Victoria Henley. Wow is an understatement! This booking included a photo shoot with Lynn Henley, Victoria?s mother and personal photographer. Olivia is looking forward to more runway and print exposure with Victoria in the future. In addition to Olivia's busy life on the runway and stage, she is quite the social butterfly. Throughout the year, she is a ballerina and lyrical dancer for The Dance Company in her hometown. She also participates in youth sport shooting events as a member of the local Cherokee Gun club. She spends her summers wake boarding, paddle boarding, swimming, and socializing with her friends. More importantly, she loves spending time with her family and her puppy, Luna. With the love and support of her family, Olivia continues to pursue her dreams while enjoying her success along the journey.
-Quote Author
5 tips for the healthiest hair (BPT) - The changing seasons, environmental factors, overuse of harmful products and ingrained grooming habits can actually be damaging the health of your hair. Getting the strong, shiny hair you want is as easy as following a few simple tips for the health of your hair and scalp. 1. Wash in lukewarm water. Washing your hair in overly hot water can strip too much of the hair and scalp's natural oils and moisture, and leave your hair looking and feeling dehydrated. Using lukewarm or even cool water (which can feel great in the summer!) while you shampoo and rinse helps protect your hair and your scalp. 2. Dry with warm or cool air. Blow drying daily using the hottest air setting can damage hair over time, causing frizz and split ends. First, air dry for a while or gently towel dry the hair then choose the warm or even cool setting when drying. You can also get a diffuser attachment to use on the hair dryer to help reduce damage while styling. 3. Treat hair before washing. To help replenish moisture and give your hair a healthy boost, use a pre-shampoo treatment such as MONAT's REJUVENIQE Oil Intensive to provide much needed nourishment that washing alone may remove. Just one pea-sized drop of this product will nourish your hair, and it can be used either as a pre-shampoo treatment, intensive hydrating treatment or as a leave-in finishing treatment. REJUVENIQE was developed as a result of MONAT's researchers scouring the world to uncover 13 unique ingredients, including Abyssinian oil (selected for its remarkable rejuvenating properties), antioxidants, beta-carotene and omega-3 fatty acids to balance and benefit the hair. 4. Don't over-wash. Depending on your lifestyle, hair type and personal styling needs, giving your hair a rest from daily washing can help further protect your hair from damage. Try a good quality dry shampoo to maintain hair 's natural bounce and beauty. 5. Use naturally based products. Avoid potentially harmful ingredients such as parabens, polyethylene glycol, petrolatum, mineral oil, paraffin wax, plastic microbeads, formaldehyde releasers, and harmful colors or fragrances. MONAT offers dermatologist-tested, naturally based shampoos and conditioners that do not contain these harmful ingredients. Additionally, all MONAT products are cruelty free, vegan and Leaping Bunny Certified. Treating your hair with the same gentle care you give to your skin will show visible results. It will also maximize your hair cut and style giving you the strongest and most vibrant locks you've ever had.
Simple ways to curb carbs when eating on the go (BPT) - Whether you are trying to reduce carbs or eat more protein, eating well on the go can be a challenge. Quality carbohydrates like whole-grain breads, milk, yogurt, fruits and legumes are an important part of a balanced diet, especially for children and teens. For adults, reducing the amount of empty carbs you eat can be a great way to meet your personal wellness goals. It's important to replace those carbs with lean meats, healthy fats and nutrient-dense vegetables. Here are a few simple suggestions to eat on the go while still following your current diet. Keto-style A ketogenic diet, also known as keto, is a popular diet that balances protein, fat and carbs roughly in the following breakdown: * 10 percent or less of their calories from carbs * 70 to 80 percent of their calories from fat * 10 to 20 percent of their calories from protein One good way to follow a ketogenic diet is with a salad starting with a lean meat such as rotisserie-style chicken, turkey breast, steak or roast beef. Add in some veggies like lettuce, spinach and onions. Then top it all off with a dressing that has less than 2 grams of carbs like ranch, savory Caesar, oil and vinegar or Chipotle Southwest. Carb-conscious If keto sounds too ambitious for you, there are other simple ways to reduce carbs in your diet, like asking for a lettuce wrap instead of a sandwich. You can make any Subway sandwich into a nutritious salad with five servings of veggies. Visit subway.com and use the nutrition chart to see how your favorite salad stacks up, or try these favorites: * "Spicy" Steak Salad: Order a steak salad with your favorite veggies plus jalapenos, shredded Monterey Cheddar and Chipotle Southwest sauce. This has 380 calories, 17 grams of carbs and 21 grams of protein. * "Cobb-style" Oven Roasted Chicken Salad: Try a salad with oven roasted chicken, guacamole, your favorite veggies and top it off with ranch dressing. This has 420 calories, 20 grams of carbs and 21 grams of protein. You could also add a strip of bacon for an additional 35 calories. If you're in the mood for a sub but would like to cut down on carbs, you can always ask to have your bread scooped out. Quality carbs Trying to improve the overall nutrition quality in your diet, but don't want to cut carbs? Try these easy swaps: * Swap white bread for wheat. Select whole grain-certified 9-Grain Wheat * Swap sweet sauce for savory. Try mustard, oil and vinegar or mayo * Swap sweet drinks for water. Choose bottled water or unsweetened fountain drinks
SWORD OF SPIRIT ROYAL WEAR Sword of Spirit Royal Wear showcases the splendor of the ancient Hebrew Israelite kings and queens that walked the earth during biblical times. Our garments feature the fringes and borders of blue that our people were commanded to wear by the Most High Almighty God. ?Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue? (KJV Numbers 15:38-40). This line of clothing embodies the essence of a people who are coming into the knowledge of their true identity or who are seeking their true identity. Those who wore these garments in ancient times were considered a royal priesthood, a holy nation of people (KJV 1 Peter 2:9). Our aim is to have our audience aspire to seek their true identity. We provide these regal garments as a means to empower and encourage that desire. All garments under Sword of Spirit Royal Wear are custom made. For more information, please call Michael Norman at 704-777-5626 or email at mnorman007@yahoo.com. Photos by Chris Jenkins Charlotte Vibe Photography 11
Beyon d Th e Beau t y Clau dia Fet h er
Photo by Austin Ryde
Claudia Fether Claudia Fether is the reigning International Junior Miss Georgia Pre-teen. She is a runway and print model who has enjoyed the opportunity to walk in New York Fashion Week five times. When she's not strutting down a runway, she is busy leading her own organization, Full Bellies, Full Hearts, focused on feeding food insecure kids. To date, Claudia has raised over $8,000 towards this important cause, which is equivalent to 50,000 pounds of food! She is a multi-year recipient of the President?s Volunteer Service Award recognizing her dedication to living a life of service. A self-proclaimed techie girl, Claudia plans to become a top female technology leader and use her skills to help better our world.
M s Sou t h Car olin a Pr em ier Wor ld
Cher yl McDer mott 18
Josie Au st in is f r om Nat ch it och es, Lou isian a. Her goal is t o becom e a su ccessf u l pr in t an d r u n w ay m odel. Josie's h obbies in clu de: r eadin g an d r idin g t h r ou gh n at u r e t r ails w it h h er cou sin s.
M iss M ar ch Photos by Lynn Henley Photography
Allie In gr am is a qu een f r om Th om asville, NC. Sh e w as 12 year s-old w h en sh e w as cr ow n ed t h e 2018 USA Nat ion al M iss Pr et een . Per Allie, ?it w as a h u ge blessin g t o w in t h e t it le.? How ever , h er r oad t o t h e t it le w as bu m py an d at t im es scar y. Bein g f r om Nor t h Car olin a, sh e desir ed t o r epr esen t h er h om e st at e in t h e n at ion al com pet it ion . How ever , t h at w as n ot t h e pat h f or Allie. Sh e com pet ed in t h e Nor t h Car olin a st at e pagean t w h er e sh e placed secon d r u n n er -u p. Sh e w as devast at ed an d w an t ed t o give u p. Sh e alm ost gave u p on h er dr eam . Bu t sh e ju st cou ldn?t sh ak e h er desir e t o becom e t h e USA Nat ion alM iss Pr et een . In st ead of qu it t in g, sh e f ou n d an ot h er w ay t o go f or h er goal. Her r oad t o t h e t it le t ook a lit t le det ou r f r om Nor t h Car olin a t o Geor gia. Allie en t er ed t h e Sou t h er n St at es pagean t in Geor gia. Th e com pet it ion w as f ier ce an d sh e h ad h er dou bt s. How ever , sh e didn?t let h er f ear s get t h e best of h er . In st ead sh e w or k ed h ar d t h e m on t h s bef or e t h e pagean t t o pr epar e h er self . Sh e gave it h er all an d it paid of f . Sh e w on t h e t it le of UNM Sou t h er n St at es Pr et een an d t h en w en t on t o w in t h e n at ion al t it le. Allie is an exam ple of det er m in at ion an d per sever an ce. By n ot givin g u p, sh e w as able t o exper ien ce, in h er w or ds, ?t h e best year of m y lif e.? Her st or y is? n ever , ever give u p.. Jeanna Beasley Photography
Amanda Ferguson Photography
Sh ah gr aph y@gm ail.com @sh ah gr aph y FB/ IG: SHAHGRAPHY
Ashley Vict or ian by
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r oyalsw eet h ear t pagean t @yah oo.com 704-777-9928