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CROWNS M agazin e Inside The 2018 USA Ambassador Queens Fashion Style 101 Featured Model Alyssa Oria Beyond The Beauty Jenna and Landry Overton On The Cover Emma Marie Cook Pageant Planet's How To Tips Prom 2018 Best Dressed Ayanna Williams and Max Waddell
USA Ambassador Queens Photos by Eye Pop Photo
Cover Photo by Webbs Photography
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On Th e Cover EM M A COOK
M iss USA Am bassador Pr et een Emma Marie Cook is a 7th grade straight "A" High Honor student maintaining a 98.75 GPA in Gold Hill Middle School's Gifted and Talented Program. She is an active member of the Gold Hill Middle School Junior Beta Club. She is a member of the Duke TIP Scholar Program and was honored to have been nominated for the 2017 and 2018 Junior National Young Leaders Conference in Washington, D.C. this summer. Emma also enjoys being a member of the Gold Hill Middle School Cheerleading squad. Since being crowned Miss USA Ambassador Preteen 2017 Emma was honored to have been named in the Top 10 Preteen Headshots of 2017, Top 10 Preteen evening gowns of 2017, and Top 10 Preteen Fun Fashion Outfits of 2017 placing as the number 1 spot. Currently, Emma stays busy dancing 12 hours a week at Miller Street Dance Academy. Emma is honored to be a member of the MSDA Performance Team where they not only require excellence in dance technique but also require their students to maintain honor roll status and sponsor a minimum of 3 community service projects a year. Emma was proud to be named the Community Service winner for the past two years for her studio as well as being named the Junior Performance Company Tap Scholarship Winner. Emma hopes to one day attend Clemson University and major in Communications and Marketing. Emma has received numerous community service awards including the bronze, silver, and gold Presidential Community Service Award, Miss South Carolina Scholarship Program Community Service Award in 2015 & 2016, and most recently was named a nominee for the 2017 Youth Activist Awards in the areas of Outstanding Academic Achievement and Community Service. Emma lives by her platform, Get Involved Volunteering Everyday, or, ?G.I.V.E.? She spreads her message by speaking to students, dance studios, Girl Scout troops, and various community service groups. Her passion for helping others shines through her daily actions. Serving others is one of her core values. Emma created her own website Emma believes that we can all get involved and give back by donating 5 hours a year. Together we can do more! Emma is honored to be Miss USA Ambassador Preteen 2017. She is excited to serve with Rylee Mathis, the National SLICC Ambassador, a community service based title. USA Ambassador ?s SLICC (Success through Leadership, Integrity, Confidence and Character) program celebrates young women who are leaders in service in their communities. Emma has been involved in the USA Ambassador systems since she was 8 years old. She is proud to be a part of an organization that strives to empower all delegates to become active participants in her community while nurturing and promoting a cause meaningful to her. The U.S.A. Ambassador Pageant is a charity driven organization that promotes success through leadership, integrity, character, and confidence, or SLICC, to its pageant contestants. Founded in the Fall of 2010 by the mother daughter team of Barbara & Kristin Thurston, the pageant was established to promote each contestant's individual strength and encouraging its queens, contestants, and families to be involved in their communities and serve as ambassadors. To date, the U.S.A. Ambassador Pageant has donated to over 20 different charity organizations across the country and continues to support the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization which serves as their National Charity Beneficiary. Photo by Scott Randall Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr.
BEYOND THE BEAUTY Landr y Over t on Jenna Over t on, Miss Cent ral Car olina USA Am bassador 2018, and Landr y Over t on, Cent ral Car olina USA Am bassador Jr . Teen 2018, ar e sist er s f r om Sanf or d, NC. Wit h a 9 year age gap t hey f ound pageant r y t o be a good bonding exper ience f or t he t wo of t hem . Jenna and Landr y love giving back t o t heir com m unit ies t hr ough volunt eer ing. They see t he im por t ance of being able t o give back t o t hose t hat have given so m uch t o ot her s and helped t hem gr ow int o t he young wom en t hey have becom e. Som e of t heir volunt eer ing includes t heir local f ood basket , Ronald McDonald Houses, disast er r elief , anim al shelt er s, HAVEN, Give Kids t he Wor ld Village, Clean t he Wor ld, Act ivat e Good, and m any ot her s. Landr y st ar t ed a r ecur r ing event in t heir com m unit y cent er called
?Books f or Sm iles?. Wit h m any donat ions f r om t he com m unit y she is able t o pr ovide childr en wit h a book t o t ake hom e. Any child t hat br ings an old book can t hen exchange a book f or a new one as well. Landr y believes t hat r eading is ver y im por t ant in a child?s developm ent and can t ake t hem t o new wor lds in t heir im aginat ion. Toget her Jenna and Landr y st ar t ed a volunt eer gr oup in t heir com m unit y called ?S.O.S. Squad?, which st ands f or ?Ser ving Our Senior s?. They, along wit h ot her yout h in t heir com m unit y, help t he elder ly or disabled wit h ever yday chor es t hat m ay have becom e t oo dif f icult f or t hem , such as cleaning t he house, yar dwor k, washing car s, and cooking.
BEYOND THE BEAUTY Jenna Over t on Thr ough pageant r y t he sist er s chose t o pr om ot e t heir plat f or m ?A Hear t beat Away?. Jenna and Landr y st ar t ed t heir plat f or m t o honor t heir younger br ot her who under went open hear t surger y at t he age of 5. They t each t he im por t ance of knowing CPR, how t o use an AED, and t he im por t ance of pr oper hear t scr eenings, which saved t heir younger br ot her ?s lif e. Dat a f r om Par ent Hear t Wat ch r epor t s t hat ever y 3 days a st udent at hlet e dies f r om going int o Sudden Car diac Ar r est and it is t he num ber one killer of st udent at hlet es. I n addit ion, about 9,500 yout h ar e af f ect ed each year f r om Sudden Car diac Ar r est . Jenna and Landr y
aim t o help lower t he am ount of deat hs by t eaching CPR classes and how t o use AEDs. They ar e cur r ent ly wor king on get t ing hear t scr eenings in t heir com m unit y. I n Januar y 2018 t hey wer e each honor ed wit h a nat ional ?Her o f or Young Hear t s? awar d by t he Par ent Hear t Wat ch Organizat ion f or t he wor k t hey do in pr om ot ing t heir plat f or m . Along wit h Pageant Hear t Wat ch, ?t oget her we will? end pr event able deat hs by t he year 2030. Jenna and Landr y ar e bot h ver y m uch looking f or war d t o going on t heir f ir st m ission t r ip in June t o Puer t o Rico wher e t hey will help t he com m unit ies who wer e so drast ically af f ect ed by t he 2017 hur r icane season.
USA Ambassador Queens
This July 15 young woman from North Carolina will travel to Tampa, Florida, to compete for one of the 7 age division titles. While in Tampa they will have fun, gain confidence, and via for the chance to win an amazing national package! To learn more about how YOU can compete in the North Carolina state pageant email the state Director Belinda Bryson @ You can also learn more by visiting Northcarolina or North Carolina USA Ambassador Pageant on Facebook.
Qu een s Eden Totty NC Jr. Preteen, Abbie White NC Preteen, Macy Grace Savage SC Jr. Preteen, Second row: Emma Cook National Preteen Miss, Hannah Kate Wilson SC Palmetto Preteen, Landis McKee SC Preteen, Livvy Tieman NC Central Carolina Preteen, Bethanie Mickles NC MS. Back row: Rylee Mathis SLICC Ambassador, Alexis Anderson Western Carolina Jr. Teen, Madison Lowry NC JR. Teen, Audrey Burri NC Teen, Tessa Worley Coastal Carolina Teen, Missing name for next girl., Savanna Torres Mrs. NC, Amy Fortenbury, Megan Elbert and Camryn Morals National Teen Miss.
North Carolina Teen Miss Audrey Burri,, Miss. NC Savanna Torres, Megan Ebert, Amy Fortenberry, Western Carolina Jr. Teen Alexis Anderson, NC Jr. Teen Madison Lowry, Front row, MS. NC Bethanie Mickles, NC Preteen Abbie White, NC Jr. Preteen Eden Totty
South Carolina Rylee is USA SLICC Ambassador Landis is SC Preteen, Macie Grace Savage SC Jr. Preteen, Emma Cook USA Ambassador Preteen, Hannah Kate SC Palmetto Preteen
C r ow n in g M om en ts
Top Left Miss North Carolina Savanna Torres, Top Right North Carolina Coastal Tessa Worley Left Bottom North Carolina Jr. Preteen Eden Totty
Olivia is a Cr ow n s M agazin e m odel Join ou r m odelin g t eam t oday
FashFeat ion / St yle 101 u r ed M odel Alyssa Or ia
Not you r t ypical t h ir t een year old. M y n am e is Alyssa, I live in Ch ar lot t e, NC an d I am a com pet it ive h ip h op dan cer , ch eer leader , salsa dan cer an d can cr y on dem an d. I en t er t ain au dien ces w it h st an d u p com edy r ou t in es, Disn ey m ovie scen e r een act m en t s, an d im pr ession s of f em ale com edian s lik e M ir an da Sin gs. I am a r u n w ay m odel an d love f ash ion sh ow s. I h ave a bir t h m ar k on m y lef t ar m f r om f in ger t ips t o sh ou lder , it 's a Por t Win e St ain . I am a vascu lar bir t h m ar k am bassador en cou r agin g you n g gir ls w h o h ave on e t o join m e in r edef in in g beau t y. Ph ot o by Ju an Zam br an o Ph ot ogr aph y
w w w.t h epagean t plan et .com
How To List en Up
Many of us have smartphones in this technological age. Are you taking advantage of all the features your smartphone has that can help you win your pageant? One of my favorite apps is the voice memo app on iPhone. There is a similar app on Android devices that you can download from the Google Play store. I encourage clients to use this app to record themselves answering questions. Since every word matters in private interview and during onstage question, you are able to listen back and hear what phrases you might have repeated, filler words that don?t offer anything to the overall answer and other habits that are distracting.
How To Keep It Fr esh
I know you?re working hard to get or remain in tiptop shape for your pageant. You?re doing your best to eat healthy and be active, but sometimes it can get a little monotonous. Try to inject something new and different into your routine once a week. Perhaps you are a treadmill junkie. Find a cardio work out to try: spin, trampoline or even Jazzercise. I see you out there crushing your meal prep! You are doing awesome! I know how it is when you just don?t feel like eating chicken and veggies another night in a row. Switch it up and go grab a beautiful salad filled with protein and unique combo of toppings. We all just need a little switcheroo to keep things fresh.
Pr om 2018
Best Dressed
Fash ion / St yle 101 Ayanna Williams and Max Waddell
Photos by K Freeman Photography
M ax Cl oset Fash i on St u d i o 931-561-8805 m axcloset f ash ion @yah
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