Kathy Whitaker Photography
M odel - Soph ia Cast illo
Ph ot os by Tr acy Ngyu en
Andrea Meza, 26, is from Chihuahua City, and represented her home country, Mexico, as Miss Universe Mexico, in the 69th annual Miss Universe competition. Andrea has a degree in software engineering, and is an activist, focused on women's rights and currently works closely with the Municipal Institute for Women, which aims to end gender-based violence. She is also a certified make-up artist and model, who is also passionate about being active and living a healthy lifestyle. She is vegan, and enjoys extreme sports in her free time. Andrea is also the official Tourism Brand Ambassador for her hometown, Chihuahua, promoting the best touristic attractions and rich culture her beautiful home offers.
Photo by Alicia Ashfar
Ph ot o by Ben jam in Ask in as
Brittnie Granville, recently crowned Ms. Black Alabama USA 2021, is from Florence, Alabama. She fell in love with dance and pageants at an early age. Growing up, she set a goal to eventually win a title. Having achieved this major accomplishment, she has earned the opportunity to compete for the national title of Ms. Black USA 2021 in August. Brittnie is a philanthropist leader, Autism Advocate, Amazon best-selling author, and natural- born entrepreneur. She earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Acquisition Management as well as a Master of Business Administration from Columbia Southern University with a 4.0 GPA. With a combination of education and experience, she gradually moved in the workforce and was eventually promoted to her current position as an Operations Research Analyst. Brittnie continued to invest in herself and her future and decided to start traveling the world and start her own businesses. She has traveled to over 30 countries and discovered a deeper love for community service and the flexibility of entrepreneurship. On her journey to building her own empire, Brittnie successfully secured a certification in Entrepreneurship Essentials from Harvard Business School online and a certification in Women?s Entrepreneurship from Cornell University. As an involved mother of her 9-year-old daughter, Brailynn Camille, she is a self-proclaimed mompreneur who actively balances her role as a single mother and an entrepreneur. Her goal is to be a positive influence to girls and women all around the world by encouraging them to embrace their authentic self. The best advice she has to give is to be proud of who you are and who you will become in the future, take advantage (but not for granted) the path that has been paved for you, and to simply enjoy life. Brittnie?s hobbies include dancing, reading, writing, modeling, acting, and traveling.
IGTV @t odaysin t er view
Q: What do you plan on accomplishing during your reign? A: I am looking forward to promoting my platform which is Operation Daymaker. It's a book I wrote about being kind in your community and spreading that kindness as a ripple effect. Q: What inspired you to write this book? A: I absolutely love writing, and I wanted to find a way to spread kindness. I also love traveling to see the kids in my community and seeing the smiles on their faces when they realize that someone who is their age can make a difference! Q: Outside of school and pageantry, what are some fun activities you enjoy? A: I am actually in CrossFit right now. CrossFit is a high-intensity interval training workout, and I love how it makes me feel strong and fierce like a Girl Boss! I'm the only girl on the team, and I like showing girls they can achieve anything they set their minds to. Q: Coming up next for you is the national competition Miss Junior High School America!
are you preparing for the competition? A: At the national competition there are a lot of
is the newly crowned Miss Illinois
Junior High! Brooklyn is a 12-year-old Honor Roll student, a Kelly Clarkson superfan, a CrossFit athlete, and an award-winning singer and performer. Brooklyn is also a published author of the children?s book, Operation Daymaker. She travels as a motivational speaker in grade schools, libraries, and at special events. Throughout the state of Illinois, the kids, teens, and families she has inspired have pledged and completed over 10,000 volunteer events, good deeds, and acts of kindness and have become Daymakers throughout their own communities. For
What are you most looking forward to and how
more information or
Brooklyn on Instagram @brooklynknedlik
activities that we're going to be doing with all the girls from different states. I can't wait to meet all the contestants and learn about their projects and the amazing things they're doing in their communities.
Photos by Carlos Velez
Clau dia En gelh ar dt
cu r r en t ly M iss Lyn ch bu r g USA 2021 on t h e r oad t o M iss Vir gin ia USA
Clau dia is a t w en t y-on e-year -old sign ed cu r ve m odel. Sh e r ecen t ly r eceived h er degr ee f r om Liber t y Un iver sit y in St r at egic Com m u n icat ion s w it h a con cen t r at ion in Social M edia M an agem en t . Sh e also h olds a cer t if icat ion of Welln ess Coach in g f r om t h e In st it u t e f or In t egr at ive Nu t r it ion . Clau dia is a f ir m believer t h at beau t y k n ow s n o bou n ds. Af t er year s of w or k in g in t h e in du st r y an d bein g su bject t o u n et h ical beau t y st an dar ds, sh e cr eat ed ?The Mindful Living Co.?A com m u n it y f u ll of t ools an d edu cat ion al r esou r ces t o h elp w om en n avigat e t h r ou gh t h e w or ld of w elln ess an d body posit ivit y. Sh e even cr eat ed a ph ot osh oot ser ies called ?#ONEw om an? w it h t h e on e an d on ly Kin g Aar on Ph ot ogr aph y sh ow casin g beau t y in all h eigh t s, ages, sizes, an d et h n icit ies. As a social m edia m an ager an d f ou n der of Mindful Living Media, Clau dia u n der st an ds t h e im pact social m edia can h ave. Af t er h avin g an im m en se am ou n t of su ccess on Tik Tok w it h h er videos get t in g as h igh as 15 m illion view s, sh e becam e even m or e passion at e abou t bein g t r an spar en t t h r ou gh social m edia. Com pet in g in pagean t s allow s Clau dia t o be t h e r epr esen t at ion sh e w ish ed sh e gr ew u p seein g. Sh e?s able t o sh ow case h er au t h en t ic self w it h t h e h opes of in spir in g w om en of all ages t h at beau t y is m or e t h an ju st you r size. Clau dia st at es ?Tr u e in clu sion st ar t s w h en w e can see ou r selves in t h e f u t u r e posit ion s w e w ish t o obt ain . Wh et h er it be t h e n ext Vice Pr esiden t of t h e Un it ed St at es, a dist r ict at t or n ey, h ead of a m ar ket in g com pan y, or t h e n ext M iss USA.?
Photos by Carlos Velez
was crowned International
Ms. USA on August 25, 2019 in New York City. The next International Ms. and International Ms. USA will be crowned in September 2021 in NYC. Mikell is a 43-year-old wife, mother, attorney, and volunteer. She is a native of Maine and now resides with her husband and 2 children in Belgrade, Serbia, where she works at the US Embassy. Mikell holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Maine School of Law and received her Bachelor of Arts from Saint Joseph?s College in Maine. Previous to her 6-year career with the US Department of State, she worked as a non-profit attorney and helped more than 6000 victims of crime throughout the United States. Mikell has lived in 5 countries and traveled to over 40. She has lived and worked in the USA, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Croatia, and Serbia.
Mikell is also an avid volunteer, concentrating on helping to prevent heart disease in women as well as working with numerous children?s charities. She is a two-time President?s Volunteer Service Award winner, a 2020 recipient of the Secretary of State Award for Outstanding Volunteerism Abroad, and was a Daily Point of Light honoree in February 2021. Mikell has been involved with the American Heart Association, Refugee Aid Serbia, UNICEF, Habitat for Humanity, World Heart Federation, and the HRH Crown Princess Katherine Foundation, to name a few. Instagram: @mikellreedcarroll@internationalmsusa
I recently visited the Royal Palace of Serbia, where I met with HRH Crown Princess Katherine and HRH Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia to deliver more than $1500 of toys, books and clothes I had collected for their annual Easter Toy Drive to provide gifts to orphans in Serbia and Kosovo for the Easter holiday. In addition, the Princess invited me to tea and we discussed a collaboration with her Foundation, the HRH Crown Princess Katherine Foundation, to collect toys and school supplies, to be donated to orphans in Serbia and Kosovo at Christmas time. Currently the contestants in the International Ms. Pageant system are assisting in this endeavor and I hope to pen it to beauty queens worldwide, bringing real meaning to "Crown for a Cause."
Photos by Charlotte Clemie
Ms. Plus American Nation 2020-21 Marie Lofton
was born in Oklahoma City to a military family. Her mother, a Philippine national, and her father, an African-American Air Force tech sergeant, always told her that she was strong and willful. She didn?t know exactly what that meant until now. Marie entered into pageantry at the age of 18, and won the title of Ms. Black Oklahoma County. Soon after, she discovered she was pregnant with her first child and had to give up pageantry to focus on being a young mother. Marie entered the military as an Army Chemical Operations Specialist. After serving, she pursued a career in nursing and has been a nurse for 14 years and is a single mom raising a family in Chesapeake, VA. She now serves as an RN Care Manager for the Department of Veterans Affairs and works as a plus size model and self-love advocate for women. Returning to pageantry at the age of 40 was something she felt she had to do to prove to herself that it?s never too late to pursue your dreams. Marie holds the title of Ms. East Coast American Nation, Ms. Afro-Filipino Culture Galaxy, Ms. Frontline Culture Galaxy, and Ms. Plus American Nation 2021. She is a great role model for plus-size women who wish to pursue pageantry as well as model. Pageantry has also inspired her to start her public speaking platform ?Lovely Ladees LLC? where Marie empowers and encourages women at public speaking events and conferences. She plans to continues to use her platform to empower not just plus-size women, but all women to love themselves unconditionally and to have the courage to pursue their dreams.
Ariel King-Cary Photography
Serene Singh
is a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford pursuing a Doctoral degree in Criminology. Singh completed her postgraduate studies in Public Policy as the youngest student in Oxford?s global cohort of 100+ individuals. A Truman Scholar, Fulbright recipient, and an alumnus of the University of Colorado, Singh graduated with Summa Cum Laudehonors in Political Science and Journalism with a minor in Leadership Studies. Singh recently won the title of 2020-2021 National All-American Miss -a coveted honor for the world?s largest and most prestigious pageant system. A former America?s Junior Miss and Miss Colorado Teen, her pageantry and modeling experience inspired her to empower women worldwide. This has led her to create?The Serenity Project?501c3 nonprofit to give confidence and self-love tools to women survivors, work for Mrs. Obama and the Girls Opportunity Alliance to improve girls?education, win Victoria Secret?s GRL PWR campaign, and serve as a Dalai Lama Fellow, Global Changemaker, and Clinton Global Initiative Scholar. As Founder of Hello South Asians to connect South Asians globally, the National Sikh Youth Program, an organization created to invest and mentor young Sikhs, Oxford Bhangra Society (Punjabi Indian folk dance), and the Rhodes Interfaith Alliance, Singh cares about challenging stereotypes, fighting injustice, and promoting diversity. Her other hobbies include teaching students public speaking professionally with 3P Speech, painting, rapping, snowboarding, and videography. Singh plans to advance her passion for public service to one day serve on the United States Supreme Court. Photos by Either Brittany Link Photography or Kathy Whittaker
Katryna Alexis is a 17-year-old recording artist, singer, and songwriter. She signed a record deal with Nashville Entertainment Weekly Records to promote her music on Radio Worldwide on January 15, 2021! She was recently selected as First Coast News Student of the Week because of her platform for Foster Care and Autism. Katryna released her original songs, 'Deserve Better ' (January 2021) and 'Bonnie and Clyde' (April 2020). The songs are available on Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music, and all other digital platforms. She also released her cover albums, 'Inspire' and 'It's Christmas Time' (September 2020) and 'A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Soul' (April 2020) available at Katryna has been performing live since the age of 7. She has performed at: Sold-Out Globally Livestream Show for PBS Celebration of Music at Murray Hill Theatre, Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena for Jacksonville Sharks and Jacksonville Icemen; The Daily's Place Amphitheatre; Orlando Convention Center; Tallahassee Capitol Hill; Savannah Convention Center, Jumbo Shrimp Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville; The Ritz Theatre; Clay County Fair; Suwannee Music Park; Florida Gateway College/Fair, TPC Sawgrass; UF Flavet Field, Flagler College; Seawalk Pavilion, Mudville, and more. She has opened up for Linda Davis, Granger Smith, and other Nashville Artists. She loves performing at charity events such as: Len Mattiace Foundation, Foster Closet, Blake Bortle?s Foundation, Best Buddy Program, Donovin Darius Foundation, Field of Dreams Baseball, Relay for Life, Military events, Autism events, and many more. She enjoys performing at professional sporting events: PGA, Jacksonville Sharks Football, Jacksonville Icemen Hockey, Jumbo Shrimp Baseball, Jacksonville Giants ABA Basketball, St. Augustine Glory ABA Basketball, and Jacksonville Armada Soccer. Through her singing, Katryna is actively raising awareness for foster care, adoption, and autism. She was adopted from the foster care system at 3 months of age. She also has a brother with autism. He is her hero and inspiration. Every day, he reminds her of the meaning of unconditional love. She embraces her diversity with positive energy and confidence. Along with her passion for music, she is also an honor roll student and holds various officer positions in Bartram Trail High School Clubs (Bartram Foster Closet Club, Bartram Trail High School Voice Ensemble Choir, Tri-M National Honor Society, National Honor Society, School Advisory Council, and ASL Club). She has had a SUPERIOR rating 3 years in a row by Florida Vocal Association. She is the founder and President of Bartram Trail Foster Closet Club. She recently received the Miss Bartram Service Award and Talent Award Katryna Alexis Cabrera
See Her Video h t t ps:/ / w w t u / w at ch ?v=SOeKm _2lm t E Photos by Abiding Light