Crowns Magazine February 2019

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-Quote Author


I w ou ld lik e t o t h an k all Cr ow n s M agazin e r eader s, con t r ibu t or s an d adver t iser s f or an am azin g f ir st year . I w ou ld also lik e t o t h an k ever yon e w h o cam e ou t t o m ak e t h e 1st An n iver sar y Gala a h u ge su ccess. You ar e aw esom e! Dian n a Davis, Edit or in Ch ief

Qu een s an d m odels n eeded Su bm i t t o cr ow n sm agazi n e@y ah w w ow n sm agazin Con n ect w it h u s FACEBOOK - TWITTER - INSTAGRAM

Celebrati ng 1 Great Pageantry & Fashi on Year Crowns Magazine Feburary 2019 Anniversary Issue Inside In The Spotlight Cheryl McDermott pg 4 Fashion Style 101 Melanie Caballero pg 6 The 2019 Parade of Queens pg 14 Beyond The Beauty Reagan Owens Pg 16 Victoria Henley pg 18 Fancy That Fashion Show pg 24 Miss February PrinCess Floyd-Best pg 27


In The Spotlight Cheryl McDermott

Cheryl McDermott is a 47 year old nurse from Lancaster South Carolina. She entered her first pageant at the age of 47. Cheryl had always wanted to be in a pageant when younger but was bullied as a child and lost confidence in herself. At 47 she took the plunge and was selected as Ms South Carolina America 2018 and competed in the Miss America Pageant in Beach, CA. Her platform is working with the disabled and supporting the Special Needs Community. Cheryl is currently Ms South Carolina Premier World 2019 and will compete in July for the title of Ms Premier World. Her pageant journey has inspired her to start a charity called ?Clothes For A Cause ? where she is currently collecting prom gowns for special needs proms. Cheryl recently sponsored a prom dress and jewelry for a special needs young lady for "The Night To Shine" in Lancaster, South Carolina and The Joy Prom in Matthews, NC. The special needs community is important to Cheryl and her family as she has a niece Raven with special needs. If your are interested in sponsoring Cheryl on this journey or supporting her

charity she can be emailed at Lenn Long Photography

M s Sou t h Car olin a Pr em ier Wor ld

Cher yl McDer mott 4

Photo by Shahgraphy

Assigned Titles Ar e Available




On The Cover Photo by Shahgraphy

Cr owns Magazine's Fir st Anniver sar y Gala Embassy Suites Resor t and Golf Club Concor d Nor th Car olina Featuring


In The

Debr a Kennedy, Gala Host

Spotlight Debra is:

Host of the Debra Kennedy Show (check out The Debra Kennedy Show on her You Tube Channel Lifestyle/Beauty Expert on NBC Charlotte Today, Fox Good Day Charlotte, and WBBT Rising Columnist for Luxe Lifestyle Magazine Former Mrs. NC America, Mrs, NC International, Mrs. NC United States, Mrs. World Elite, Mrs. All-American

Mr. Enter tainment Moses Blue, Red Car pet Host Photos by Shahgraphy


On The Cover - Model Sara Meyer


Photos by Shahgraphy



Photos by Shahgraphy


Photos by Shahgraphy



Shahgraphy aka Shah aka Shaheed Simms Shah was born in 1959 and raised on the south side of Chicago, Ill. where he learned photography in 1976 at South Shore High School. At the age of 15 he obtained his first photography job with The Woodlawn Organization photographing the revitalization of some of Chicago?s worst neighborhoods. Joining the U.S. Army in 1979, Shah traveled the world and photographed the most beautiful people and locations throughout Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa. He retired from the military in 2000 and went on established his he owns his photography studio in the down town area in Augusta Georgia. @shahgraphy FB/IG: SHAHGRAPHY


Par ade of Queens 2019 Par ticipating Titles Car olina Gir ls Rock Classic Hear t Global United Pr emier Wor ld Royal Sweethear t Runway Model of The Year USA Lifetime Repor ter


Photos by Shahgraphy


Beyon d Th e Beau t y Reagan O w en s

Angela Owens Photography


Nin e-year -old Reagan Ow en s st ar t ed pr act icin g ven t r iloqu ism six m on t h s ago, an d h as alr eady becom e a pr o. At age eigh t , sh e saw a you n g ven t r iloqu ist on t elevision an d said, " M om t h at 's w h at I w an t t o do f or t alen t " . Reagan h ad been com pet in g in pagean t r ies f or year s an d en joyed bot h sin gin g an d dan cin g bu t w an t ed t o do som et h in g dif f er en t . Sh e said excit edly, ?I love st u f f ed an im als an d I love t o t ell jok es, so, if you get m e a pu ppet , I can do bot h !? Fir st , sh e pr act iced on h an d pu ppet s t o pr ove sh e cou ld t alk w it h ou t m ovin g h er m ou t h . To t h e deligh t of all h er f r ien ds an d f am ily, sh e pick ed it u p qu ick ly w it h ou t a h u ge am ou n t of pr act ice. Th ey agr eed t o bu y h er a r eal pu ppet f or Ch r ist m as an d sh e did h er f ir st on st age per f or m an ce t w o m on t h s lat er . Reagan w on Wor ld's M iss Tou r ism st at e an d decided t o com pet e at Nat ion als in Nash ville, TN. As it t u r n ed ou t , Nat ion als w as divided in t o t w o cat egor ies---t alen t an d com m er cial. Sin ce sh e n ow h ad t w o pu ppet s, sh e decided t o com pet e in bot h cat egor ies w it h h er ven t r iloqu ism act . Sh e gave an ou t st an din g per f or m an ce in bot h an d w as n am ed t h e Nat ion al Wor ld's M iss Jr . Gr an d Tou r ism ! Reagan w as ver y su r pr ised an d su per excit ed at h avin g w on t h e Jr . Gr an d t it le. Sh e is look in g f or w ar d t o t ak in g h er t alen t r ou t in e on t h e r oad t o r epr esen t Wor ld's M iss Tou r ism Nat ion als an d con t in u in g h er com m u n it y ser vice. Ph ot o by Sh ah gr aph y



VICTORIA H ENLEY In addition to being selected out of 100,000 people to become Top 5 on Cycle 19 of America?s Next Top Model, Victoria Henley has also been featured on covers and in editorial spreads for Runway, Italian Vogue, Modern Hair and Beauty Australia and more. She has graced hundreds of runways globally for acclaimed designers and has served as a headlining instructor for the Society Fashion Week?s mentor-ship seminars. After a year and a half of hosting with the world?s largest retailer of Jewelry and Fine Gemstones, located in Knoxville TN, Henley became the first-ever fashion liaison for the company. Her talents include showcasing, promoting and modeling jewelry at top fashion weeks across the US, including New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and New Orleans etc. She also owns a company called, ?Magnifique? through which she produces showcases whereby she mentors, trains, and develops models from around the world. She also hosts a syndicated show on IHeart Radio appropriately named ?Backstage Pass? which bring exclusive interviews from platforms ranging from The Real Housewives of Atlanta to American Idol to Dollywood?s Southern Gospel Festival. Photo by Meritorious Media Design by Melanie Caballero

The Magnifique Collection, by Victoria Henley is created and curated to make women feel elegant yet powerful, sassy and yet sophisticated. Magnifique is an all-inclusive collection also designing pieces for men, children and full figure and petites supporting the notion that all shapes and sizes should be embraced. Blending vintage attire, dating back as far as the 1800s with custom designed pieces created with manufacturers ranging from Chicago to Ohio. The Magnifique Collection draws inspiration from empowered women in the mediums of music, literature and art, including Dolly Parton, Gloria Steinem and Frida Kahlo to name a few. The Magnifique Collection has been shown on runways ranging from New York, LA, Colorado, Atlanta, and New Orleans Fashion Weeks and is scheduled to debut in Clinton with the first inaugural Anderson County Fashion Week.


Fait h Bish op is a 15 - year old you n g lady f r om t h e M em ph is, TN ar ea. Sh e lives in on e of t h e su bu r bs called Sou t h aven , M S. Sh e w as bor n in M em ph is an d h as lived in Sou t h aven all h er lif e. Sh e at t en ds a local pr ivat e sch ool w h er e sh e is an h on or st u den t . Fait h does h er best t o m ake good gr ades so t h at sh e can go t o college t o becom e a t h er apist . Sh e w an t s t o be able t o h elp people w it h m en t al h ealt h issu es t o im pr ove t h eir lives. In h er spar e t im e, sh e en joys m odelin g an d doin g pagean t s. Sh e w en t t o New Yor k Fash ion Week in Febr u ar y an d w ill go again in Sept em ber . Sh e w ill be w alk in g f or m u lt iple design er s u n der h er m en t or Vict or ia Hen ley, a m odel on Am er ica?s Next Top M odel! In Sept em ber , sh e w ill also be w alk in g f or M ila Holm an in a cu st om dr ess design ed by M ila. Sh e is doin g t w o ot h er f ash ion sh ow s f or Vict or ia Hen ley t h is Spr in g. Fait h is a t een con t est an t f or M iss Fash ion Global w h ich w ill t ake place in Novem ber . Sh e is cu r r en t ly assist in g in r aisin g m on ey f or St . Ju de t h r ou gh M iss Fash ion Global.Ph oto by Lynn Henl ey Desi gn by M el ani e Cabal l ero



Dillard's Northlake Mall Official Gala Sponsor


I ?m Sof i e Bel l e! I am 13 years ol d and f rom Dayton, Oh i o. I started model i ng w h en I w as 11 years ol d and real i zed th at I l ov e ph oto sh oots. Th i s past September I w al k ed i n my f i rst runw ay sh ow at Oh i o Fash i on Week , and h ad a bl ast! Si nce th en, I h av e been doi ng as many runw ay sh ow s as I can. I l ov e th e ex ci tement of th e sh ow s and meeti ng al l of th e oth er model s and th e desi gners. I n February, I h ad th e pri v i l ege of meeti ng M el ani e Cabal l ero at New York Fash i on Week . I w as th ri l l ed to h av e th e opportuni ty to do a ph oto sh oot at Ti mes Sq uare i n one of M el ani e?s beauti f ul gow ns, as w el l as th e h onor of w al k i ng th e runw ay f or M el ani e at a sh ow pow ered by Th e Soci ety Fash i on Week . I am a h uge f an of M el ani e?s w ork , so w h en I h eard th at M el ani e w as h eadl i ni ng th e sh ow at th e Crow ns M agazi ne Gal a, I k new I w anted to be a part of i t. I h ad such a great ti me at th e gal a and w as ex ci ted to w ear tw o more of M el ani e?s gow ns. Si nce th e Crow ns M agazi ne Gal a, I h av e w al k ed i n th e M agni f i q ue Sh ow by V i ctori a Henl ey i n Gatl i nburg, TN and h as h ad th e opportuni ty to model anoth er one of M el ani e?s amazi ng gow ns as w el l as model i ng f or th ree oth er desi gners. Si nce I l ov e model i ng so much , I h ope to conti nue model i ng th rough out my l i f e. I real l y enj oy w ork i ng w i th my mentor, V i ctori a Henl ey and I h ope to do many more sh ow s w i th h er. I al so h ope to trav el w i th model i ng. I ?d especi al l y l i k e to w al k at Pari s Fash i on Week someday. I n addi ti on to model i ng, I ?m al so v ery i nterested i n f ash i on desi gn. I h av e made sev eral desi gns so f ar and h as l ook ed f orw ard to ev entual l y tak i ng th em f rom paper to cl oth i ng. Wh en I ?m not model i ng, you w i l l probabl y f i nd me at th e dance studi o. I am passi onate about dance and h av e been danci ng f or 10 years. M y f av ori te styl e of dance i s l yri cal . I al so enj oy h orseback ri di ng and draw i ng. Pl ease f ol l ow al ong w i th me on my model i ng j ourney! I can be f ound on Facebook or I nstagram at model .sof i e.bel l e. You can al so v i si t my w ebsi te: w w w .sof i ebel l Ph oto by Lynn Henl ey Desi gn by M el ani e Cabal l ero


The Fancy That Showcase


Photos by Shahgraphy



Pr in Cess Floyd-Best is an Or an gebu r g, Sou t h Car olin a n at ive. As a you n g lady sh e par t ook in m ean in gf u l act ivit ies su ch as Gir l Scou t s, dan ce, ch eer -leadin g an d dr am a. Cu r r en t ly livin g is Au gu st a, Geor gia, Pr in Cess is an en t r epr en eu r an d t h e CEO of Soph ist icat ed Royalt y. Soph ist icat ed Royalt y w as f ou n ded in 2011 an d is a su ccessf u l br an din g an d m ar k et in g bu sin ess.

PrinCess Floyd-Best

Miss February



Photo by Shahgraphy Design by Melanie Caballero

Sh op Sh er ee Today 28

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