Crowsnest Pass Herald

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- Your Only Locally Owned Newspaper • Serving the CNP since 1930 • June 6 2018 ~ Vol. 88 No. 23 -

24th Annual Ed Gregor Stewardship Day


Heather Davis photo

Over 100 volunteers came out to donate their time, their hands and their kindness for the 24th annual Annual Ed Gregor Memorial Crowsnest Forest Stewardship Day, the longest running volunteer stewardship program event of its kind in Canada, according to the Crowsnest Forest Stewardship Society. Volunteers got their hands dirty doing a variety of bench and bridge construction, riparian and land clean-up, a Nature Learning Play Space installation at MDM Community Centre, and many more activities that made Crowsnest Pass a cleaner and brighter place to live, work and play. Pictured above are volunteers installing a bridge at Allison (Chinook Lake) on the north side of the trail.

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