Crowsnest Pass Herald

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- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • JulY 4, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 27 - $1.00

Canada Day, Coleman Community style

Sally-Ann Taylor photo

It was a fantastic turnout at the Canada Day Parade and activities put on by the Coleman Community Society, and while the sky was cloud-covered, the rain held out for most of the day, giving everyone a chance to take part in the festivities to celebrate Canada’s 151st birthday. Pictured above is notorious “rum runner” Fred Bradley, toy gun in hand, cruising along in a Shriner’s car repurposed into a rum running vehicle. This was one of four repurposed vehicles that drove in Crowsnest Historical Society’s float for the parade, two blue police cars and two black rum running cars. The float won first place in the “non-profit” category. See page 2 for more on the repurposed Shriner’s cars.

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