- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • JulY 18, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 29 - $1.00
Pass Piranhas rule the pool
Derek Chomiak photo
The Pass Piranha Swim Club hosted their annual July 13 and 14 swim meet at the Pass Community Pool. Twenty-eight swimmers from the club entered the meet, most swimming six events throughout the two days. Coming from Taber, Lethbridge Fort Macleod, Pincher Creek, Brooks, Claresholm and Taber, 208 swimmers attended the meet. The club won third place in aggregate and total points. Aggregate winners for the meet include Jaylyn Wilson, Olivia Collings, Zoe Civitarese, Samantha Bleich, Ethan Ballak, Alison Fogtmann, Paul Fogtmann, Quinn Douglas, Keiran Douglas and Aiden Douglas. Picture above is Keiran Douglas in the 50-meter butterfly.
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