- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • august 8, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 32 - $1.00
Doors Open & Heritage Festival Weekend
Anna Kroupina photo
Albertans have observed Heritage Day since 1974, a celebration on the first Monday in August of the diverse people, culture and history found in towns and communities all over the province. And Crowsnest Pass certainly knowns how to celebrate our heritage with grandeur! The 13th Annual Crowsnest Pass Doors Open & Heritage Festival kicked off on Thursday, August 2 with the Crowsnest Community Market and broke the ice for another four full days of events. The official launch was a performance called “History to Die For” by the Heritage Youth Theatre Company on August 3. The three vignettes, aptly following the theme of “Ghosts, Myths & Legends” of this year’s Doors Open Festival, were directed by Rebecca Dewey and with all 200 seats occupied, was very well-attended. Pictured above are (left to right) two-year-old Morgan and five-year-old Talia and Kaleigh fishin’ at the Crowsnest Museum’s Teddy Bears' Picnic on August 4. For more photos from some of the events during the Doors Open & Heritage Festival, see page 16.
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