- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • septeMBer 5, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 36 $1.00
Back to school
photo by Anna Kroupina
A cool, cloudy day welcomed Crowsnest Pass students back on the first day of school, perhaps an appropriate reflection of how some were feeling at the thought of classes, homework, early mornings and an impending fall. But it was all hugs and hellos at Horace Allen School on Sep. 4 as the busses dropped off students on their first day back to school (or first day ever!) after summer holidays. “Why do we have to bring so many school supplies?” the little girl in pink (pictured) asked aloud as she got off the bus, struggling to carry her hefty green bag. Ironically, no one had an answer for her.
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