Crowsnest Pass Herald

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- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • septeMBer 12, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 37 $1.00

Back to school burgers & bubbles at HAS

photo by Anna Kroupina

It was a fun, social evening of burgers, treats, face painting, balloon animals and chasing bubbles as Horace Allen School (HAS) welcomed their returning and new students with a barbecue on September 6. The School Council executive organized the event to give school staff and families a chance to get to know each other. “This is something they organize every year to kick off the school year because there’s so much excitement. It’s a nice chance for families to connect with school staff and with other families,” says HAS vice principal Myrna Dembicki. The bubble machine, pictured above, was a big hit with students! Isabelle Sellon School hosted a welcome back BBQ celebration for their students on September 4.

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