Crowsnest Pass Herald

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- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • septeMBer 26, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 39 $1.00

Hollywood comes to Crowsnest Pass

photo by Luke Antosz

Mayor Blair Painter and Councillor Lisa Sygutek toured Academy Award-winning director Edward Zwick around Crowsnest Pass as his crew were scouting locations for a multimillion dollar movie project. The movie centers around the mining industry, so this area was a natural fit for their location scouts. Zwick’s movie repertoire includes Glory, Legends of the Fall, The Siege, The Last Samurai, Blood Diamond and Defiance. His film company has produced such notable films as Traffic and Shakespeare in Love, which have won Acadamy Awards.The group was toured throughout the Crowsnest Pass for possible areas to film that fit the script requirements. The final tour was the Bellevue Mine, the first coal mine the crew had ever entered. The crew was thoroughly impressed by the surroundings and, if it’s a “go”, the shooting would begin next year. From left to right: Jeff Johnson (producer), Clay Griffith (production designer), Edward Zwick (director), Alan Munroe (visual effects), Councillor Lisa Sygutek, Mayor Blair Painter, Dale Johnson (producer), and representatives for the Bellevue Mine, Howard Vandenhoef and Mel Daviel.

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