Crowsnest Pass Herald

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- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • octoBer 3, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 40

Loose parts play time


photo by Anna Kroupina

Brighter Futures is hosting a series of “Loose Parts Exploration” play times at the new Nature Learning Play Space at the MDM, where kids can play together in an unstructured environment that utilizes natural textures as equipment for play. Pictured above are Eli (left) and Elise playing in the “kitchen” area of the playground. The Nature Learning Play Space is a new outdoor playground developed by Brighter Futures and the Crowsnest Pass and Area Early Childhood Coalition. Its entire premise is to give kids the freedom of unstructured play in an outdoor environment that ultimately teaches them fundamental skills. Jamie, who attended the play session with her son Eli, says she likes to bring her kids there to enhance their creativity and connection with nature. “It’s a little bit safer than some of the other playgrounds and they get more freedom to play however they want to play. They can be more creative,” says . “We try to do a lot of outdoor activities as a family and I feel like getting to do that on a daily basis helps reinforce that it’s nice to be outside and in the fresh air.” The play area is accessible to anybody, all year round and although geared towards children from zero to six years old, anyone can play there. To learn more about the Nature Learning Play Space, see the July 25, 2018 issue of the Pass Herald.

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Fire Prevention


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