- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • octoBer 10, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 41 - $1.00
New lodge officially breaks ground
photo by Anna Kroupina
An official ground breaking ceremony for the new seniors lodge in Coleman was held on Friday, October 5. Construction will continue throughout the winter and is expected to run for two years, with an opening date scheduled for summer 2020. The new lodge will provide a total of 85 rooms - 61 living units and 24 dementia care units. “It’s a great opportunity for our community. It’s going to be a beautiful building and people are going to love living here,” says Mayor Blair Painter. The location of the lodge has been a contentious area for some community members, who have criticized the lack of accessibility to walking areas and institutions, especially when compared with the opportunities offered at the current lodge location. Mayor Painter says the municipality is ready to “help in any way we can” and partner with project leads to create accessible areas around the lodge, but cautioned that budgets would dictate the opportunity. The municipality supplied several parcels of land for the new lodge and this particular spot was selected by the province. Left to right: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Elena Salikhov, Crowsnest Pass Senior Housing chair Joanne Drain, Crowsnest Pass Mayor Blair Painter and Banff-Cochrane MLA Cam Westhead.
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