Crowsnest Pass Herald

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- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • octoBer 17, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 42 - $1.00

M.Arty’s Market highlights art & handicraft

photo by Anna Kroupina

Since 2010, M.Arty’s Market at the Crowsnest Pass Public Art Gallery has hosted a wide range of hand-crafted, locally-made and original pieces of artwork, photography, decorations, body and bath products, foods, clothing and other artisanal items. This year, the market presented 31 vendors. “As with all fundraisers, if they are successful, they will become annual events. Its success is not only measured by how much money they raise but also by how much the community enjoys it. This market has become a community event over the years that everyone looks forward to. It brings people through our doors, reminding them art is for everyone,” says Krisztina Wood, managing director and curator with the Crowsnest Pass Allied Arts Association. Fun fact: the name for the annual fundraiser was in fact inspired by M.Arty the moose, the art gallery mascot, who was purchased by the gallery from Trelena Maloff, who was then a grade 11 student at Livingstone School. Pictured above is Janet Costa’s The Leathersmith booth, featuring hand-crafted leather bags, purses, gloves, portfolios, iPad cases and other products.

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