- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • octoBer 24, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 43 - $1.00
A Crowsnest Pass tsunami
photo by J. Yanota
The weather in Crowsnest Pass sure is a peculiar thing. At once, it could be snowing in Coleman, yet sunny in Bellevue. Or, it can look like a tsunami is invading Blairmore.Jay Yanota, who managed to capture the above photo on September 22, 2018 at 3:40 p.m., says that this is the first time he observed this sort of view and found it to be memorable and certaintly worth sharing. “Twice in two weeks, I happened to look easterly from Coleman to be astounded by what first appeared to be a tsunami-like wave heading towards Blairmore, from between Turtle and Bluff (Goat) Mountains,” he says, suspecting that what he was witnessing was the mixing line between the cold dry east air and the warm moist west air. Yanota says the spectacle reappeared on October 1 and he was no less amazed. What a sight, indeed!
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