Crowsnest Pass Herald

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- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • octoBer 31, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 44 - $1.00

Spooky and spectacular!

Anna Kroupina photo

Mutant ninja turtles, unicorns, cowboys, witches, princesses, dinosaurs, firefighters and a myriad of other costumes ranging from cute to funny to scary graced the municipality’s annual Spooktacular Halloween event at the MDM Community Centre on Saturday, October 27. There were craft, game and activity stations set up around the gymnasium, hotdogs and treats, the decorated door tour, and, of course, candy. Lots and lots of candy! Pictured above are (clockwise from left) Lily and her brother Graham, and Jesse and his sister Hailey, at a craft table.

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2 – crowsnest PAss HerALD – Wednesday, October 31, 2018


NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! DRUMS AND SHAKERS PROVIDED 7pm • Coleman Seniors Drop-In Centre Call 403 563 5295 for details or to reserve a drum!




Using drumming circles for therapy AnnA KrOupinA Pass Herald Reporter

Healing and mental wellness manifests in many different ways. For some, it’s blowing off steam at the gym while for others, it can be practicing yoga. For Jody Clark, her therapy is drumming. Seeing drum circles as a powerful option for community connection, stress reduction and overall wellbeing, she’s inviting others to join in and experience what drumming can do for them in a fun environment. Proponents of drumming point to many health benefits offered by the activity, physical, mental and social. It acts as a cognitive exercise, strengthens relationships, improves connections through non-verbal communication, improves brain function, neutral-

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MUNICIPALITY OF CROWSNEST PASS IN THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA PROPOSED BYLAW NO. 1015, 2018 7:00 PM Thursday, November 6, 2018 Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Council Chambers pURsUaNt to sections 230, 606, and 692 of the Municipal Government act, Revised statutes of alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, the Council of the Municipality of Crowsnest pass in the province of alberta hereby gives notice of its intention to consider proposed Bylaw No. 1015, 2018, being a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 868-2013, being the municipal land use bylaw. the purpose of Bylaw No. 1015, 2018, is to amend the land use bylaw for the purposes of defining a “Brew pub” and regulating this use in the Land Use Bylaw, and to redesignate Lot 1, Block 1, plan 941 0823, as shown on schedule ‘a’, from “Direct Control - DC-3” to “Retail Commercial – C-1”.

izes anxiety, increases energy and improves brain function, to name a few of the benefits that Clark identifies. Above all, she says that drumming circles are a fun way to engage. Drum circle participants select a shaker or drum as their instrument and Clark facilitates a rhythm to play in the circle. She says her role is not so much a leader, but more a guide, making sure the group stays on

and seniors, and kids under 5 are free. Couples and families get a $5 discount. Participants also receive a card for $5 off their next circle. “There are no barriers, that’s the wonderful thing about drums. It takes away your gender, the culture, because it’s a beat and we all connect to the rhythm, and we’re not talking. We just come to play together,” she says. Clark first got into

“There are no barriers, that’s the wonderful thing about drums. It takes away your gender, the culture, because it’s a beat and we all connect to the rhythm.” - Jody Clark rhythm and guiding them in the beat. Her classes also have “singing bowls” that clear chakras. Clark offers group drumming circles at the Coleman Seniors Drop-in Centre and one-on-one sessions at her home in Coleman. Her upcoming drumming circles at the Seniors Centre are on Friday, November 2 at 7 p.m. and on Sunday, December 2 at 3 p.m. She is also hosting a circle for Club FUSE on November 22. Drums are provided and no experience is necessary to join. Classes are $20 for those 16 years of age and over, $15 for children between 5 and 16

drumming about nine years ago, but it wasn’t until the triple murders occurred in the Pass in 2015 that she really got into the activity. “Like so many, the sense of community and safety I once had was shattered. My own personal trauma was reignited and I fell into the pits of depression. We lost our community, our sense of safety. I just thought that we had to find some way to get put back together and feeling safe,” says Clark. She felt she had to do something to help herself and others struggling to move on, saying she was

"inspired by Spirit” to purchase drums and start hosting drumming circles. She purchased her own drums and, with Janet Joy, who had been leading drumming circles in the Pass for several decades, began a Community Drumming Circle at the MDM Community Centre. “It gave us a sense that the community still wanted to be a community and they wanted to be connected. There was that long spell where people were just isolating themselves and staying to themselves and locking their doors, which we never did. As people are coming together, then they’re remembering that there is still goodness in humanity. We don’t have to be scared of our neighbours and there are ways to help and support each other,” says Clark. After apprenticing with Joy and Judy Atkinson from Circles of Rhythm in Calgary, Clark has now completed her Drum Facilitator and Gentle Drumming Therapy certifications with Circles of Rhythm in April 2018. Her goal for drumming is to eventually host a regular drumming circle every week. For more information, call Clark at 403-563-5295.

thEREFORE, taKE NOtICE that a public hearing, pursuant to section 692(2) of the Municipal Government act, to consider the proposed Bylaw No. 1015, 2017 will be held in the Municipality of Crowsnest pass Council Chambers at 7:00 pM on November 6, 2018. aND FURthER taKE NOtICE that anyone wishing to make a presentation regarding the proposed bylaw should contact the Development Officer. Both written and verbal presentations may be given at the public hearing. a copy of the proposed bylaw may be inspected at the municipal office during normal business hours. DatED at the Municipality of Crowsnest pass in the province of alberta this October 19, 2018. Lisa Kinnear, Development Officer Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Box 600, Crowsnest Pass, Alberta T0K 0E0 Phone: 403-563-2218 E-mail:

Mine Howler The Bellevue Underground Mine put on a delightfully creepy Halloween Howler on October 27. The mine was transformed into the spot of an explosion that left a crack in the earth and with it, released “foul creatures of the deep”. As the tour passed through the underground, employees of the mine and volunteers, who were personnifying these creatures, emerged out of the pitch dark in frightening ways. Two stories were acted out. The first one re-enacted the terror of a real mine disaster and the second, which had a higher scare factor, enacted the scene postmine explosion when the creatures emerged. As this tour was certainly not for the faint of heart, there was also a bonfire with hot chocolate to enjoy instead. Anna Kroupina photo

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - Crowsnest PAss herAlD - 3

In the lIne of fIre Between October 22 and 28, Crowsnest Pass RCMP responded to a total of 50 calls for service including the following reported incidents. One (1) assault, three (3) mischief (vandalism), one (1) theft, two (2) other criminal code, one (1) other provincial statute, six (6) driving complaints, fourteen 14 motor vehicle collisions, three (3) assistance to general public, four (4) suspicious occurrences, two (2) lost/found, five (5) assistance to other agencies, four (4) invalid 911 calls, one (1) false alarm, two (2) animal calls and one (1) municipal bylaw. Stolen licence plate On October 23, a li-

cence plate was reported stolen from a travel trailer parked in Hillcrest. Slashed tires On October 25, the tires of a vehicle parked on 213 Street in Bellevue were reported slashed. Damaged vehicle On October 28, damage to a vehicle in the parking lot of an apartment building in Blairmore was reported. It appears someone tried to pry open the door. Hearing set On October 28, a 21year-old male was arrested on charges including harassment and breach of conditions. A Justice Interim Hearing

The Simple Raven’s Post by Avner Perl

Are you thrilled by fear? Here is a scary Halloween prophency, read on... A “caravan” of 7,000 unarmed poor families, mostly from the Central American country of Honduras is walking towards the southern border of the USA. The most powerful army of the world is going to be deployed to “protect” US sovereignty and stop this “invasion.” Will they follow the example of their Israeli friends around Gaza and shoot? An Israeli wrote: We were ordered to get in line into shooting position. Between “them” and us, were two fences and we were on top of a dirt berm with them (Palestinians) climbing the slope towards us. The “terrorists” looked just like people in the Jerusalem market, and they were shouting and running. I scanned through my Tavor scope locating a target and squeezed the trigger. The human body jerked and started sliding down arms stretched towards me. I saw the face for the first time. It was a girl with black braided hair about 13. Her fingers clawed at the dirt, making little trenches all the way down until she disappeared from my scope. I remembered an old movie where a Nazi soldier was shooting my ancestors in Germany. The tears filled my eyes, and I couldn’t look through the scope again. I was battle-hardened now; I made my first kill. Africa and South America have a lot in common. Both look triangular on the map, have archeological evidence of very advanced pre-historical civilizations, possess great amounts of natural resources and are populated by people with darker skins. Both are warm and have large areas that are very fertile, able to produce grains for food and grasses that support huge herds of cattle. Another triangular shape on the world map is India. Similar, in most ways. Those are the places that were most exploited by colonialism. If they were left unmolested, there would not have been a caravan of thousands walking to the USA today, nor would there have been an armada of rickety boats floating, hipped with migrants towards Europe. I could easily prove the point, but it would take a couple of books, which you don’t have time to read. South America is rich, and the people may be uneducated, but they are smart. Look at those who have been assimilated into Canadian society. South America is maintained as a source for North America’s wealth. They often tried to gain some form of independence, but failed miserably. Where they did, soon they were beaten back by military coups and by corruption from within. Such is the case now in Venezuela. Recently, world attention has been highlighted on the plight of El Salvador by the canonization of the assassinated Archbishop Oscar Romero. What you see today is only a slight indication of

~ rCMP news ~

was held and he was released on conditions to appear in Pincher Creek court. Court news On October 23, a 30year-old male received 540 days gaol and probation for charges including arson. Lost/found items An expedition tent was found in Coleman. An orange backpack with a flower design was lost. Bikes have been turned in to the municipality. An iPhone/camera was found. On October 25, Dodge keys were found in the Tim Hortons park-

ing lot in Blairmore. Crime mapping Crime mapping is available online to residents who are interested in viewing property crimes that occurred within the past two weeks in our area. For more information on crime mapping, see the October 3 issue of the Pass Herald. Scams Reminder to residents of computer scams, credit cards scams, Grandparent scams, Revenue Canada scams asking for money or cash cards and saying warrants out for arrest. Do not give out personal information to persons you don't know.

what there is to come, some in the lifetime of young people who are now old enough to read these words. We know how the world was when I was a child, know the rate at which it has changed and can calculate how much it will change in another 50 years if all stays the same. It's elementary, my dear readers. Barring a major shift in human behavior, by the year 2040 we may see not a few thousand migrants begging admission to the advanced nations, but tens of millions desperate human beings, some very technologically savvy, fighting frantically to find dry land to live on. You can see on the news what one desperate “terrorist” can do. Multiply it by many millions. We may be able to slow the tide a bit with the new short and medium-range nuclear missiles that Trump just ordered, but not for long. Who will be the soldiers ordered to fire those weapons? Today you see political parties building their election platforms on cutting taxes and fighting the hated carbon tax. What a joke that is, a dangerous fib based on the ignorance of TV-educated voters. People who are devoting most of their time to study scores of professional sports teams and ratings of popular teality TV shows don’t have time to study world events and elude themselves that if taxes were reduced they could “travel” more or rent storage space for accumulating more junk. The truth is much different. In order to stem our damaging atmospheric pollution and bring it to manageable levels, we must have a much higher carbon tax and not give the money back to the voters. That money is only a small portion of what is needed for paying the price of just rebuilding what is being currently destroyed by the changing climate. Taxes can’t go down while we borrow money to keep our standard of living where most human work is performed by energy extracted from the earth. We must bring back the level of taxation that was normal before Reagan, Mulroney, Fletcher, and the rest of the right-wingers who falsely believed in the hoax of trickle-down economics. Those are the years we refer to now when we say, “Make America great again.” I remember it and so do all the people who are my age. We had problems, but nothing in comparison with what is coming. The train is going towards the cliff, and it ain’t slowing down.

Here is a link to my blog: Feel free to check other articles and comment.

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AppreCiAtion night Friday, November 2nd 8:00 p.m. – Midnight

Enjoy music by Randy Poirier Members only 2018 Memberships available at the door $10.00 Membership Fee $3 cover charge – includes evening lunch, door prizes and refreshments! Pitch Card Tourney 6:00 p.m. start. Register now! (Pick your partner) Call 403-564-4646 for membership information, registration for card tournament.


The Crowsnest Pass Canadian Royal Purple Lodge Society #159 wish to announce that the Canadian National Royal Purple Lodge President and the Alberta Provincial Royal Purple Lodge President will be in attendance at the “Christmas in the Mountains Craft Fair” at the Elk’s Hall. Come out and meet them and help us celebrate our 65th Anniversary as a Lodge in the Crowsnest Pass. Also our 20th Anniversary of hosting the “Christmas in the Mountains Craft Fair”. Come out, bring a friends, and have some cake on us on November 10, 2018 at 2pm. - Frances Kuryluk Honoured Royal Lady

4 – crowsNesT PAss HerALD – Wednesday, october 31, 2018

Happy 50th Anniversary MoM and dad! ~ Love, your family

Thunder Hockey season starts The Thunder Novice had a fun tournament in Fernie over the weekend. The kids played hard, but came out defeated in all games except for a close one against the Fernie Thunder with a tied score of 6-6. The next home game is Saturday, November 24 against the Fernie Lightning. The game starts at noon. Herald Contributor photo

Kootenay TKD prepares for Nationals AnnA KroupinA Pass Herald Reporter

The 2018 CTFI National Championships are the next big competition for Master Saran’s Kootenay Tae Kwon Do (TKD) in Calgary on November 10 and 11, with 17 athletes competing from the school. The Nationals are another chance for athletes to gain points to advance in their belts and qualify for larger-scale competitions, including a position on Team Canada for the 2019 World Championships in Germany. The last major tournament in which Kootenay partook was the 2018 ITF Taekwon-Do World Cup in Sydney, Australia in August 2018. That event had five athletes represent Master Saran’s Kootenay Tae Kwon Do and in total, the team brought home three medals. Adam Liebe received a gold medal in age 12-14 HW sparring, Nolan Markowski got silver for 12-14 HW sparring and Markus Liebe was awarded bronze for 45 years and over Patterns. Calvin Domin and Ruby Rumpel also qualified for the World Cup. An inside look The World Cup was an eye-opening experience for 14-year-old Nolan Markowski. It was the first time he’d ever been to Australia and he found the entire experience of participating in such a massive platform to be “really exciting.” Nolan was hooked on the sport ever since his first award at a Kootenay TKD mini tournament when he was six years old and just staring out. Over the years, he worked his

Herald Contributor photo

Pictured are the five TKD athletes from Master Saran’s Kootenay Tae Kwon Do who travelled to Sydney, Australia to participate in the 2018 ITF Taekwon-Do World Cup in August. The team ended up bringing home one gold, one silver and one bronze medal.

way up to a second-degree black belt, which he received in May 2018. “The classes taught me respect, how to follow direction, focus, discipline and developped my selfconfidence, independence and coordination,” says the Coleman local. “I found it fun at first and I was going to quit after my black belt, but then I ended up staying with it and travelling with it.” Over the years, he has competed in tournaments across British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. “It’s a social thing for him to go to these competitions, meet new people and support his other competitors that go with his club. He's made good friends with his club,” says Nolan’s father, Chester Markowski. Master Saran, who has been practicing and teaching tae kwon do for 47 years, spoke highly of Kootenay’s performance at the World Cup. “Kootenay showed well in the other events

showing the world that we belong in this level of competition,” he says. Instructor Gena Paton has been teaching and practicing for 29 years. “Tae kwon do is a discipline. It’s very enjoyable,” says Paton. “There's a family community and it's a place where you can safely train, speak your mind and be who you want to be. You either love it or you don’t, but once you’ve fallen in love with the sport, it never goes away.” Contact 250-425-2044 or 403-563-9471 for more information on Kootenay Tae Kwon Do.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - crowSneST PASS HerALD - 5

Harvest Tea & Bake Sale The wait was over! The Bellecrest Seniors finally held their annual Harvest Tea & Bake Sale in their own hall following over a year of renovations, during which time they held their teas in the Bellevue Legion. Top photo, clockwise from left: Joyce Nastasi, lifetime member Yolanda Gregory, lifetime member Marge Houda and Margaret Ivey. Bottom photo: some of the pies served at the Harvest Tea, all homemade. Anna Kroupina photo

6 – crowsnest PAss HerALD – wednesday, October 31, 2018

Editorial and Opinions TraDiTionS I love traditions. I grew up with a mom that made every holiday over the top. I remember each Halloween decorating her house, and the night before Halloween making candy apples from scratch. We would skewer the 150 apples and off to the races we would go. When I was little, my job was to wrap the apples and put them outside to cool on the cookie sheet. I was too young to twirl the apples in the candy that we made. As I grew up, we still made those candy apples together. When I started to have kids, I took over the tradition. My mom would come over to the house and as she got older, it was her job to wrap the apples, while I twirled them in the boiling hot candy. We have this amazing recipe that’s been handed down over generations and for the last 18 years, I’ve taken over the art of candy apple making. I only missed one year, the year that my mom died in 2016. She passed away right after Halloween. I remember when she was in long term care, I’d make those apples and bring them over. She wasn’t able to do much those last few years, but that smile when I walked into that room filled my heart. Since mom left me, it’s been bittersweet making those apples. It’s a ton of work that usually includes a burned fingertip or two, but every time I pour the food colouring in the melted syrup and it bubbles, I smile and think of my momma. In the last few years, the boys have helped me make the apples. Aiden and Quinn don on their aprons and the work (and fun) begins. Quinn takes the apples outside and wraps them and this year, Aiden is going to learn the art of making candy. I know they are boys, but my hope is that one of them will remember this tradition and do it for their kids. In this day and age, traditions are so important. We get caught up in our digital lives. We spend more time on our phone texting people then we spend actually talking. You shop online for clothing, you can now order your food from restaurants online, you can do everything on line. Somehow, all it’s really done is disconnect us from human interaction. Making apples is face-to-face time. We talk, we cook and we laugh our faces off stuffing our mouths with leftover candy. One day, when I’m gone, I hope my boys remember these traditions, that when Halloween comes around, they tell their kids about all those apples we made together. So, you see, traditions are really memories, memories that for one moment make you smile and just be happy that you had them. So I will guarantee you when you read this paper today, I would have sat in my kitchen making 150 candy apples with my boys, smiling about my mom and thanking her for passing on this tradition. At least that’s the way I see it. LS

Letters to the Editor Promoting new memberships for Royal Purple Dear Editor, Writing to invite all readers out the Christmas In the Mountains event Friday & Saturday November 9&10 at the Elks Hall, Blairmore, at which Royal Purple will have a table promoting membership to Crowsnest Pass Royal Purple. Provincial and national representatives will be on-hand to share the good work that has gone on in the past, while promoting what could be again in Crowsnest Pass

Royal Purple. While I visit with Frances and Eleanor, I will be presenting them with a certificate and gavel recognizing 65 years of Royal Purple and community service. Congratulating them on behalf of the National Board will be an honor. Now for some history. Royal Purple of Canada were a fraternity organization to the Elks of Canada for the first 100 years of our existence. In 2014, Canadian

Royal Purple was formed for members who wanted to raise money and donate it locally or elsewhere, if they choose. The tagline, “Your Cause Is Our Cause”, affords the 1,100 plus members from Ontario to BC, to belong to a National Society, with affiliation to a Provincial Society, who really make a difference in our communities. Methods of raising funds varies, as do the chosen charities and the types of meetings held.

The local lodge set their goals, priorities and routines. This change is a work in progress and by joining, you would be a part of the re-creation of an active and productive Royal Purple in Crowsnest Pass. I truly look forward meeting many community members during your Christmas In the Mountains event. Kelly Christman National President, Canadian Royal Purple

Newspapers fighting back against loss of advertising Dear Editor, As the Canadian government has chosen to financially support American social media outlets for their advertising, send it to them. As a Canadian newspaper that has seen government ad revenue decrease by 85%, pushing us to the brink of bankruptcy, I have been forced to cut the majority of government news releases I publish as the loss of revenue from both the federal and provincial governments has reduced the size of my weekly newspaper. I no longer have the space to run these types of articles; and I’m positive

if you were to check with the remaining Canadian media outlets left (those who have not been forced to close due to governments moving support from Canadian companies to U.S. companies), they are doing the same. To quote News Media Canada’s National Newspaper Week slogan, ‘Newspapers Matter. Now More Than Ever.’ Newspapers stitch our communities – questioning what needs questioning, narrating Canada’s history, and serving as the voice of our democracy. Eight in 10 Canadians read a newspaper every week – either in print or

online, including 85% of millennials. And still, newspapers are in a battle for survival.’ Maybe Facebook, Google and the rest of the U.S. companies you now support over Canadian companies will get the word out to the Canadian people. Good luck, it hasn’t been working so far! “ Sincerely, Carol Webster Publisher Grizzly Gazette Box 1000 Swan Hills, AB Editor’s Note: The Pass Herald is following suit. This week we were informed that we are

no longer getting Flu Ad campaigns from Alberta Health, but then were asked to put it in our paper for free. Unfortunately, those in power don’t feel that seniors, our largest reading demographic, need to know when and where flu clinics are. We are also starting to concentrate our coverage on those loyal advertisers that believe print advertising works. Remember, a lot of seniors don’t read social media, but I’ll guarentee you, based on our audited circulation report, they read The Pass Herald. Lisa Sygutek Publisher

Letters PoLicy The Pass Herald welcomes Letters to the Editor that examine issues, but reserves the right to edit for length, libel and syntax. Writers must sign letters and include first and last names, address and telephone number. Address and telephone numbers will not be published. Only in exceptional cases will the Pass Herald withhold the name of the writer and in those cases the writer must disclose his/her name, address and telephone number to the Editor. Electronic email will be considered an electronic signature. Letters to the Editor do not reflect the opinion of the Pass Herald. Letters cannot exceed 1,000 words. We have limited space, but we do enjoy printing every article. So please, to allow everyone to express their opinion, keep the letters short and to the point. We do have the right to refuse any letter that in our judgement may contain libel or libelous opinions. Should a litigation result from your letter, you as the writer are responsible but so is this newspaper as the publisher. The Pass Herald is a family owned community newspaper and therefore reserves the right to refuse any advertisement that in our opinion does not follow our mandate. We cannot accept advertisements or letters criticizing or disparaging other advertisers, companies or individuals or any advertisements directed to a religion or race.

The Only lOcally Owned newspaper serving The crOwsnesT pass & area

established in 1930

Serving the community for 88 years e-Mail: passherald@shaw.ca___website: SUBSCriPTion raTES: (GST included) • Single Copy: $1.00 • Crowsnest Pass and area - $40/year (within a 40-mile radius) • Seniors -$35.00/year • outside a 40-mile radius - $60/year •USa - $75/year

Lisa Sygutek - Publisher/Editor Mike Chambers - Production Manager Anna Kroupina - Reporter

Mike Chambers - Advertising Sales John Kinnear - Feature Writer

Owned and Operated by Lisa Sygutek Located at 12925 - 20th Ave. • P.O. Box 960 • Blairmore, Alberta • TOK OEO

Ph.: (403) 562-2248 • Fax:(403) 562-8379 Published every Wednesday

cOpyrighT nOTice: The entire contents of crowsnest pass herald are protected by the law of copyright. no portion thereof is to be reproduced without the specific permission of the publisher.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - crowsnest PAss HerALD - 7

John Pundyk.CoM Australia Day 2019 will support the Crowsnest Pass Health Foundation


Royal LePage South Country Real Estate Services Ltd. Claire Rogers

Riversdale is thrilled to announce that the funds raised at the 2019 Australia Day event will be donated to the Crowsnest Pass Health Foundation to purchase equipment needed at our local hospital. A message from the foundation: The foundation appreciates your consideration and is excited that you have chosen a bladder scanner with the monies raised. The scanner will benefit many patients who visit the emergency room as well as the acute care department at the Crowsnest Pass Health Centre. We hope to see you there!

Celebra Celebration ation


Clean and straight 3,000 sq. ft. commercial building on the main street. Good roof and mechanical systems. A 25’x100’ vacant lot next to the building is included in the sale. This location is suitable for multiple uses. You can build on the vacant lot if required. $149,900 CALL JOHN MLS

Strong well maintained commercial building on Main street Blairmore. Large 3-bedroom apartment above. Attached garage and separate parking area at the back. Suitable for many uses. Great mountain views. Many updates throughout the building. $388,000.88 CALL JOHN MLS

Expertly renovated and upgraded spacious side-split bungalow. Upgrades include windows, siding, doors, flooring, roof and more. Large family room on the lower level has an extra space for overnight visitors. Beautiful bathroom and kitchen. Large deck. Extra large lot with plenty of room for additional development. $239,000 CALL JOHN MLS

6 p.m. Cocktails 7 – 8 p.m. Dinner

8 – 9 p.m. Auction 9 – 1 a.m. Dance

Entertainment by “The Chevelles”

Tickets available at the Riversdale Resources Office, 12331 – 20th Ave in Blairmore or call 403-753-5160 to book a table or individual seats. Tickets - $50/person All proceeds will be donated to the Crowsnest Pass Health Foundation to aid in purchasing a bladder scanner ($20,000 cost) for our local hospital.

Claire will be writing a bi-weekly column talking about what’s ‘on the go’ with Riversdale and answering FAQs. Have a question?


Highway 3 west-bound. Zoned C-2 - Perfect for gas bar and convenience stop - $249,000 CALL JOHN MLS

big sky, big MOuNTAiN bLAirMOrE CONdO Very nice condo apartment in a historic building in a central location. This unit has been expertly updated for the comforts of modern living. An affordable option whether as a home or an investment. Parking at rear. Ski hill, swimming pool and other amenities within walking distance. $99,000 CALL JOHN MLS

End unit, semi-detached luxury bungalow. Superior quality materials and detailed craftmanship throughout. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Vaulted ceilings with spacious and open living areas. Two gas fireplaces. Nice southfacing deck off the kitchen. Large, attached double car garage and plenty of parking. $385,000 CALL JOHN MLS

Great weekender or revenue property. This permitted nonconforming duplex and double garage is close to shopping, walking and biking trails and the golf course. Walking distance to medical services. A great revenue stream or keep half for your needs and rent the remainder. $155,000 CALL JOHN MLS

LOTs & LANd * BLAIRMORE 2250-132 St. 11311 – 19 Avenue

$59,900 $105,000

* BELLEVUE Timberline Ridge Lots 3.01 Acres – Passburg 2211 Passburg Terrace – 3 acres 4.57 Acres – Passburg 5.88 Acres – Passburg

Starting at $68,000 $134,900 $169,000 $189,500 $219,500

* HWY  507 5.04 acres near Lee Lake


* COLEMAN Kananaskis Wilds starting at 8309 - 27 Avenue 2321 – 86 Street 2812 - 90 Street - 3.76 acres #27 Riverview Village

$ 85,000 $ 79,000 $ 89,000 $259,000 $69,900

* FRANK AND VALLEY RIDGE 14902-21 Avenue, Frank


COMMEriCAL * COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS 7720 17 Avenue, Coleman 13047 – 20 Avenue, Blairmore 12955 – 20 Avenue, Blairmore

12.68 acre hobby ranch south from Pincher Creek. Out buildings include a barn and a shop. There are corrals and a dugout. Good pasture and hay and an old farm house. Very good property for horses. To be sold “As Is”. $285,000 CALL JOHN MLS

COLEMAN Well maintained 3+2 bedroom raised bungalow with south facing walkout basement. Recent windows, newer high efficiency furnace, metal roof and nice deck. Main floor laundry with sink. Mature landscaped back yard. Large corner lot with plenty of parking and ample room to build a big garage. $295,000 CALL JOHN MLS

TiMbErLiNE ridgE

bLAirMOrE dupLEx

MDM Community Centre

3.5 ACrEs ON highwAy 3


B Benga enga M Mining ining L Limited imited O Operating perating aass R Riversdale iversdale R Resources esources

January 26, 2019


60 irONsTONE driVE

Ausstral Au stral traliiiaa Day


$ 139,000 $ 349,000 $ 377,900

Prime building lots available at affordable prices, starting at $68,000 and up. Large and fully serviced with all underground utilities. Very sunny location with great view of the valley. If you are thinking about building, now or in the future, Timberline Ridge may be the place. CALL JOHN

COLEMAN Beautiful historic home with all the original elements. Nice proportions. Full concrete basement. Mature Landscape. Huge lot has two titles allowing potential for future development. Attached garage and access off the back lane. $234,000 CALL JOHN MLS

39 irONsTONE driVE Brand-new luxury home, just finished. Open, spacious floor plan. Deluxe kitchen cabinets. Quartz counters and GE Profile appliances. Vaulted ceiling. Solid fir trim. Deck. Large, attached, double garage. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms up plus 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom down. Fantastic media/entertainment room. $399,000 + GST CALL JOHN MLS

bLAirMOrE Spacious family home in central Blairmore location. Close to shopping, medical services, swimming pool. Four bedrooms, large and bright family room. Big Backyard with room for large garage. Perfect for family to grow and enjoy. $234,000. CALL JOHN MLS

LOTs & ACrEAgEs FOr MOduLAr hOMEs CALL JOHN for details

8 – CRowsnest Pass HeRaLD – Wednesday, october 31, 2018

NovembeR 11 100 th Anniversary Gala th

IN SuPPoRt of ouR veteRaNS

Saturday, November 10th, 2018 Cocktails - 6 PM • Prime Rib Dinner - 7 PM MDM Community Centre $50/ticket Corporate tables available - $400 for 8 tickets Veterans & spouses to be reimbursed in full at the door.

tickets available until November 3rd, 2018 at Coleman Legion - 403-563-5480 • bellevue Legion - 403-564-4644 Copy magic - 403-562-8113

Live baNd - miNNeSota road Dance at 9:30 PM • Open to the public

Sponsored by : Crowsnest/Pincher Creek Landfill Association Servus Credit Union - Crowsnest Pass Branch Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Community Initiative Program Chris’ Restaurant • Teck

Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad

2018 Raffle Winners 2018 Polaris RZR 900 50” White Lightening w Poly Sport Roof - won by Niels Jensen. (ticket # 02650) 2018 Kawasaki ATV - won by G. Motycka. (ticket#00170) Paddock Inn Package - won by May NcKiggan. (ticket#03306) Lost Lemon Campground Package - won Henry Thiessen. (ticket#00438) 1 set of LED Lights, 1 Camo ATV Cover, 1 Battery Tender Charger - won by J Marquardt. (ticket#06531) 1 set of LED Lights, 1 Camo ATV Cover, 1 Battery Tender Charger - won by Eric Konyneabelt. (ticket#00122) 1 set of LED Lights and 1-Castrol 60l Garbage Pail - won by Grant Beaver. (ticket#05545) 1 set of LED Lights and 1-Castrol 60l Garbage Pail - won by Levi Sekelk. (ticket#11480) Thank you to all members and businesses that helped support us by selling raffle tickets. The Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad would also like to thank everyone who supported us by purchasing raffle ticket. And a special thank you to Lisa Sygutek, owner of the Pass Herald, for coming out and pulling the winning tickets.


Please be advised that the following CNP Quad Squad Raffle ticket books have been lost and therefore, will not form part of the draw and will not be eligible for the prizes: #3 ticket numbers: 13,561-13,590 (These are yellow tickets 1 for $10) #311 ticket numbers: 9,301-9,330 (These are blue tickets 3 for $20) Anyone holding the above numbered tickets should contact the CNP Quad Squad office at (403)562-8686 for a refund. The draw went as scheduled on October 26th, 2018. Licence No. 487503

Remembrance Day 2018 Commemorating 100 years since the end of the First World War AnnA KroupinA Pass Herald Reporter

This year, November 11 marks an important commemorative milestone in world history, marking 100 years since the signing of the armistice that ended the First World War in 1918. In tribute, a special 100th Anniversary Gala will be held on November 10. “We’re asking the community to join us and our veterans over a nice evening dinner,” says Debby Greenwood, secretary treasurer at the Coleman Legion. “This event is not about a legion, it’s about our veterans, and we all want to get together and thank them, celebrate our good fortune for living in a great country like Canada and celebrate a significant date in world history. The 100th anniversary is a great time to celebrate and give thanks together.” A slideshow played during cocktail hour will feature photos of

Crowsnest Pass men and women who have or are currently serving with the Canadian Armed Forces or the RCMP. The public display project serves as a reminder of local residents whose service, through the bustle of daily life, we may have forgotten or not known to begin with. “Even I'm seeing people and saying, wow, I didn't realize that they had a military background. And everyone's coming in with stories because we’re all connected, everybody has a story of war, unfortunately,” says Greenwood. The evening will include a prime rib dinner catered by Chris’ Restaurant and be filled with live entertainment by the Minnesota Road band and Crowsnest Consolidated High School (CCHS) students. CCHS students will be performing piano, visual art and dance, as well as a rather tasty project where one student prepared hors d’oeuvres themed by

country. “They’re participating quite a bit in our program and we’re really happy to have them on board. They’ve been quite creative with the way they’re going to participate,” says Greenwood. Several guest speakers will deliver remarks, including MP John Barlow and Master Warrant Officer Charles Gresl. Doors open for cocktails at 6 p.m. and dinner begins at 7 p.m. at the MDM Community Centre in Bellevue. Tickets, $50, are available until November 3 at the Coleman and Bellevue Legions or at Copy Magic in Blairmore. Veterans and their spouses will be reimbursed at the door. On Sunday, November 11, the legions will also be holding the annual community service at CCHS at 10:30 a.m., the Coleman branch cenotaph services at 12:30 p.m. and the Bellevue branch cenotaph services at 2 p.m.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - CRowsnest pAss HeRALD - 9

AltaLink unveils route proposals for Chapel Rock

Anna Kroupina photo

Looking westwards just west of Burmis along Highway 3, this visual rendering shows what the proposed H-frame transmission structure would look like.

AnnA KrOupinA Pass Herald Reporter

At open houses last week, AltaLink unveiled the proposed routes and substation locations for the Chapel Rock to Pincher Creek Area Transmission Development. AltaLink is proposing between 35 and 60 km of new power lines to be constructed. Between 35 to 47 km will be a single-circuit 240kV transmission line connecting a new substation – to be called the Chapel Rock Substation - to one of two existing substations north of the Town of Pincher Creek, Goose Lake or Castle Rock Ridge. Altalink is considering steel H-frame and steel monopole structures for this line, which means it can go within road allowances and thereby opens up many more siting options. Depending on the location of the substation, up to 13 km of additional new line would need to be built connecting the new substation to the existing 500 kV line (the 1201L Alberta/BC intertie) that is located west of Highway 22 and runs partially north of Crowsnest Pass. Although Crowsnest Pass is part of the study area for the Chapel Rock to Pincher Creek Area Transmission Development, all proposed routes are within the MD of Pincher Creek at this time. Another aspect of the project is to perform mandatory upgrades and an expansion on the existing Goose Lake Substation. Upgrades to the Castle Rock Substation would be required only if the new line connects to it. The purpose of the entire transmission development is to connect renewable energy generated in the Pincher Creek area to the 1201L line, the main intertie with BC and centres in other parts of Alberta. To inform residents and property owners and receive feedback, AltaLink and AESO held three open houses, one in Pincher Creek, Lundbreck and Cowley. The open houses showed posters and maps of the many route options for the power lines and identified seven possible locations for the new substation. Visual renderings

depicted what the H-frame and monopole power lines would look like in different zones along the proposed routes. According to AltaLink, 23 people attended the open house in Pincher Creek, 32 in Cowley and 61 in Lundbreck. The digital maps, visual renderings and more information on the project can be found on In speaking with residents, both in the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass and the MD of Pincher Creek, who attended the open houses, concerns for the environment and landscape rang strong with many. Robert Anderson, a wildlife biologist, attended the open house in Pincher Creek as a concerned Crowsnest Pass resident. From the standpoint of a Crowsnest Pass resident, Anderson’s concerns are more far-reaching than just the environmental impacts. “We have Highway 3 and Highway 2, which are corridors that bring tourists to Crowsnest Pass. It's an amazing awe-inspiring trip when you come from the prairies into the mountains,” says Anderson. “We don’t want to see anything that negatively impacts that and, therefore, potentially impacts our tourists that we’re trying to build for that tourism industry in Crowsnest Pass." Although he sees social, environmental and economic implications that result from any and all of the proposed transmission routes, Anderson says it's important to move forward in a way that is going to minimize those impacts. “This is one of those tradeoffs with developing wind energy in this area. There's been a big push to create wind energy in this part of the province and this is one of those sides of that industry that’s just a reality. We've made our bed and now we have to lie in it,” says Anderson. “I think the most important question is not whether it should be going ahead at this point, it’s how it goes ahead and how they do it in a way that’s going to minimize the environmental impact but also take into consideration the social, safety and economic fac-

tors to come up with the best option.” From a property owner’s perspective, the environmental risks are compounded with concerns for the fate of their property. Notification packages were sent to property owners within 800 metres of the potential substation sites and routes. According to AltaLink, they sent out approximately 925 packages. Anderson's parents have property west of Cowley, within 800 m of a proposed route, which they have enhanced to encourage wildlife to use and, now, regularly see ferruginous hawks and many other species attracted to their property. They are concerned that any disturbance will significantly impact wildlife and increase their risk of colliding with the lines and dying. A property owner on Chapel Rock Road, along which one of the proposed routes runs directly, says she is “sick to her stomach” in thinking about how the power lines will affect their property value, their quality of life and the surrounding wildlife. She and her husband were preparing to build an artist retreat this coming summer but, now, with their property targeted as a route, she says they don’t know what to do. “We’re rethinking it because of the fact that if this line goes on our property, there are not only environmental and health concerns, but the value on our property is zero and our 30-year dream is now down the toilet. So we are in a place that if that line goes through, we have a piece of property that is virtually useless and has no value to it,” said the property owner, who did not wish to be identified. She also has fears about the noise emitted from the power lines. AltaLink acknowledges that powerlines do emit a noise – describing it as “a crackle and a lower frequency buzz” - that can be more noticeable in rainy or foggy weather. The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), the energy regulator, sets and enforces requirements regarding noise associated with utility infrastructure. AltaLink says

the company engineers their lines to AUC standards. Amanda Sadleir with AltaLink says that they are striving to balance the impacts on the environment and wildlife while still maintaining the system and meeting the needs set out by the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO). “We strive to balance our operations while maintaining the safety and reliability of our electric system and we will be completing an environmental evaluation for this project. An environmental evaluation identifies environmental features in the project area through existing data and field surveys,” she says. “Additional information is gathered from consultation with provincial and federal regulators, landowners and the public. This information is used to assist in route development. Potential effects from project impacts are identified so that mitigations can be developed to minimize or eliminate these effects.” The next open house, presenting refined route options, substation locations and structure types, is expected to take place in the spring, and the consultation phase will continue through the summer. AltaLink hopes to file a facilities application in fall 2019 and, if approved, begin construction in fall 2020. Construction is expected to take two to three years to complete. The AUC is the

body responsible for making the final decision on route selection. Consulting firm Jacob’s will be conducting an independent environmental assessment on the proposed lines that be submitted as part of the facilities application to the AUC. At the request of Crowsnest Pass Mayor Blair Painter, open houses will be held in Blairmore at

the Kanata Inn on November 6 and 7, 11-7 p.m. Representatives from AltaLink and AESO will be available and residents can stop in to provide feedback and ask questions. Anyone who was unable to attend one of the public events can contact AltaLink at 1-877-269-5903 to provide feedback or book a one-on-one consultation.

MUNICIPALITY OF CROWSNEST PASS NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT PERMIT LAND USE BYLAW No. 868-2013 The Development Authority of the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass recently approved the following development application(s): 1. DP2018-076: Lots 1 & 2, Block 19, Plan 3387AE; 1337 – 84 Street, Coleman Discretionary Use: Ready-to Move Home, Front Yard Setback Variance 2. DP2018-088: Lot 4, Block 1, Plan 303LK; 12714 – 23 Avenue, Blairmore Discretionary Use: Mobile Home; Front and Rear Yard Setback Variance 3. DP2018-090: Lot 6, Block 32, Plan 51508; 22734 – 6 Avenue, Hillcrest Mines Discretionary Use: Front-yard and Side-yard Decks and Wheel Chair Ramps Any persons claiming to be adversely affected by the above development may file an appeal in writing by November 14, 2018, to the MUNICIPALITY OF CROWSNEST PASS, SUBDIVISION AND DEVELOPMENT APPEAL BOARD, BOX 600, CROWSNEST PASS, ALBERTA T0K 0E0. A fee of $400.00 must be included with the appeal. Lisa Kinnear Development Officer 403-563-2218

10 – CrowsnEst PAss HErALD – Wednesday, october 31, 2018

~ Council updates ~

Cannabis, Energy Futures, Coleman ice AnnA KroupinA Pass Herald Reporter

Cannabis Council passed second and third reading to re-designate a lot in Blairmore to a “Cannabis Retail Commerical (C-4)”, permitting a retail space that would be selling cannabis products. A public hearing was held prior to Council’s vote. In total, one person spoke against the bylaw and three spoke for. The resident who spoke against the bylaw said that she moved to the community for its healthy lifestyle and does not believe that permitting a cannabis store promotes that. She added that she does not want to catch the scent of cannabis from her backyard. "I don’t want this store in Blairmore. I just think it's the wrong message that we're sending to our children, it’s a strain on municipal finances, and of course there are all the health issues,” she said.

A resident who spoke for the bylaw said that she would rather people purchase cannabis products from a governmentregulated dispensary than off the street and questioned how the retail store would put a strain on municipal finances. The owner of the retail property noted that their security system would be “exceeding” the provincial and federal requirements. Another application appeared on Council’s agenda for a cannabis retail store at 2706 227 Street in Bellevue, utilizing a vacant structure which used to be used as a gas station. Council passed first reading to redesignate the lot to a Cannabis Retail Commercial (C-4) District. Council also discussed public consumption of cannabis and passed a motion directing Administration to contact legal counsel and look at the possibility of instating a bylaw that prohibits smoking cannabis in pub-

lic places. Energy Futures Roadshow Council passed a motion to include The Natural Step as a stakeholder in Council’s strategic planning session in the environment section. Three councillors attended the two-day Energy Futures Roadshow workshop on October 18 and 19. Councillor Dean Ward, who was one of the attendees, called The Natural Step, one of the organizations that facilitated the workshop, “an extremely professional group.” “From what I saw from those two days, I think that these guys would be excellent to involve in that process. I’m not a big fan of ‘green’, you guys know that, but this is not just about my opinions, it’s about everybody’s opinions, and these guys are doing some good stuff,” he said. Five students from Crowsnest Consolidated

High School also attended the workshop. “What was really impressive about this group is that they had people involved in every walk of life, from 16 to 80. It was a good mix of people and a good mix of different opinions,” said Councillor Ward. To learn more about The Energy Futures Roadshow, see the September 26 issue of The Pass Herald. Coleman Sport Complex The rink on the hockey/skating side of the Coleman Sports Complex is officially open, with the season’s first skaters hitting the ice on Monday afternoon. The municipality says they are now working “diligently” on the curling rink. By yesterday afternoon, they had 10 spray coats and three hose floods completed on the curling rink. Overall, it takes approximately 20 floods and two weeks to prepare the ice.

Friends and Neighbours by Jocelyn Thomas Jocelyn Thomas is an artist and writer who lives in Blairmore

Rick Belliveau He was born in North Vancouver, to an electrical-mechanical engineer (his dad) and a writer (his mom), who wrote short dramas for the CBC as well as articles for Maclean's and the Star Weekly. Rick Belliveau grew up with two brothers and a sister. Dad was his greatest role model who, sadly, died fairly young. Rick wanted to be an engineer just like him, thus pursuing an engineering degree from the U of Calgary. The family was a camping family and they covered most of the North American continent in that fashion. Holidays were sometimes spent in Europe. The Belliveaus believed that travel was the ultimate key, the full development of young person's personality and potential. The family lived for a spell in Toronto and in Montreal, but as he tired of being transferred, Belliveau senior finally quit working for Shell Oil after too many moves. Rick’s parents were competitive dancers and were actually once interviewed on TV for finals in Calgary. They also danced in a number of small towns to which the family had moved. The biggest culture shock of this mobile life for Rick was in Port Alice in the early 1960s, a tiny town at the north end of Vancouver Island isolated with only 1,200 people. Always outdoorsy, as a teen, Rick loved to climb mountains in places like Hinton. He also loved fishing – both bait and fly. To this day, he still engages in flyfishing. It is basically just being outdoors that renews Rick’s spirit, making him feel most alive. Rick married wife, Candace, in 1977, but the two are now divorced. They have a girl, now 36, and a son, now 38, while living in Redcliff just outside of Medicine Hat. Workwise Rick has worked in the sour gas processing business, owned his own contracting company to build roads into gas wells, as well as lease roads and lease sites for drilling, doing contract operating of wells and stations. When the kids arrived, Rick took his parental responsibility seriously, and sold his business to be able to stay at home. He then went into growing greenhouse tomatoes.

Alberta Health Care Aide Day October 18, 2018 marked Alberta Health Care Aide Day and to honour their work, the York Creek Lodge served cake, refreshments, and each Health Care Aide (HCA) was presented with a rose as a small token of their appreciation. “It was a nice afternoon to honour the hard work of those who provide such important care to our residents,” says Resident Care Manager Crystal Poty. “Health Care Aides are an integral part of any health care team, though the recognition they receive does not always reflect the work they do. Health Care Aides are the front-line staff providing hands on, day-to-day care in a multitude of settings. They often recognize concerns with those they are caring for long before other members of the health care team. They develop relationships comparable to those you would expect from family. They listen to concerns, provide a shoulder to cry on, and embrace the joyful moments. Crowsnest Pass Senior Housing is extremely blessed to have patient, thoughtful, and compassionate individuals caring for the seniors living within York Creek Lodge. For this reason, the board and management would like to thank the Health Care Aides of York Creek Lodge, as well as those providing care within the different organizations throughout our community. Health Care Aides should never underestimate the impact they have on the lives of others or their importance to the health care team.” Herald Contributor photo

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Overall Above all, Rick feels both optimistic, blessed, and fortunate, estimating his life to be of better quality than 99.9 percent of the rest of the world And his kids are his biggest blessing, especially in how well they turned out : hardworking, honest, responsible, respectful and caring, like their dad. Rick's closest friends would also add “honourable.” Always thinking of helping others, his favourite lifetime role model and person with whom he would most have liked to have dinner would be Gandhi. Down the Road In the future, he would love to see New Zealand, Australia and Indonesia – not only because he adores experiencing other cultures, but because he wants to learn about versions of the simple life all over the world. Welltravelled, in his newsletter he speaks about Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia and Ecuador. He happens to have trained two young men to wire their small town that previously had no eletricity, even though they were on the grid. What's more, he even paid for the wiring, the breakers, and everything else. In other words, he turned his electrical engineering training into a true act of altruism and humanity.

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Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - crowsnest pass HeraLD - 11

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12 – CROWSNEST PaSS hERald – Wednesday, October 31, 2018

RhPAP is here. Improving the lives of rural Albertans. From Rural Alberta, for Rural Alberta Rural Health Professions Action Plan (RhPAP) works alongside rural Albertans to build strategies and support homegrown efforts to attract and retain a broad range of health professionals. Introducing Future Health Professionals to Rural Practice RhPAP offers opportunities for communities to invite future health professionals to visit and experience 18104DD1 rural life. Skills Events encourage high school and post-secondary students to consider practice in rural communities, while highlighting what these communities have to offer. Tell us your thoughts on rural health, email or visit us online at


New wildlife corridor in Pass honours Jim Prentice AnnA KrOupinA Pass Herald Reporter

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has unveiled a project to establish a new wildlife corridor west of Crowsnest Pass, named the Jim Prentice Wildlife Corridor honouring the late Premier of Alberta. The corridor spans an area of approximately 5 km east to west between Crowsnest Lake and Coleman. It will connect Crown lands in the north to the Castle Provincial Park and Wildland Provincial Park, as well as to Waterton Lakes National Park and Glacier National Park to the south. The Crowsnest Pass area is a natural corridor for animal movement

Anna Kroupina photo

Karen Prentice, pictured above, the widow of Jim Prentice, speaks at the news release announcing the creation of a new wildlife corridor in Crowsnest Pass honouring Alberta’s former Premier.

north and south between the Yukon and the United States. Along Highway 3, vehicle-wildlife collisions have steadily increased over the years, says the NCC, resulting in significant human and animal suffering and costs. The wildlife corridor will facilitate safer passage for both humans and wildlife species that live in the foothills and mountain regions of Alberta. The completion of this project will also set the stage for future wildlife crossing options, such as overpasses and fencing that will guide animals away from traffic and allow them to safely cross Highway 3. Barry Worbets, chairman of the Alberta region with the NCC, touted the project as having “international significance” in its role of conserving wildlife and facilitating wildlife movement in a safe manner. The total cost to conserve the Jim Prentice Wildlife Corridor is $15.2 million. To date, the NCC has raised more than $10 million worth of charitable donations and land value on either side of the highway. They are looking to secure another $5 million to acquire the remaining private and Crown land needed to establish the corridor. The Government of Alberta has committed $1 million to help leverage further fundraising for the campaign. Members of the Prentice family were in attendance for the announcement on Friday, October 26 at the Crowsnest Museum, including Jim Prentice's sister Lori and his widow, Karen. Karen spoke about

Jim’s love of nature and the southern Alberta area, deeming it in line with his values and other conservation projects attached to the former Tory Premier’s legacy. “We are strongly behind this legacy project and cannot think of a better fit with what was important to Jim in his lifetime. It not only aligns with his past contributions to conservation initiatives but it will have long-lasting future impacts,” she said. Prentice was an active supporter of conservation, including NCC’s work, both during his time as Premier of Alberta and as Minister of the Environment with the Government of Canada. Karan Spoelder, who attended the announcement, owns a piece of land with her mother and her siblings that was acquired by the NCC. “I'm really glad to see that it’s happening,” she says. “I was brought up to believe that it’s our job to conserve the area and from the time that I could sit up and look through a spotting scope, I was taught to look for wildlife on the hills and to appreciate the beauty of the area. I think that the animals are an important part of what makes Canada Canada, is the beautiful wildlife and scenery and if we start ripping it all up, it’s not going to be there for future generations to appreciate.” Donations can be made by visiting More information about the project and maps showing future conservation lands, visit under the tab “News Releases.”

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - CROWSNEST PASS HERALD - 13

Looking Back By John Kinnear

Into the world of Psittacines It might surprise you, the reader, to know that at one time, my wife Lorraine and I were wrapped up in the psittacine family big time. Psittacine meaning tropical parrots. We are not talking small birds here like cockatiels or budgies. We’re talking big birds like two macaws, an African grey and a blue-fronted Amazon. For the better part of 17 years, these amazing creatures were an integral part of our lives. There is so much that goes into owning and caring for parrots of this size, it blows the mind. I will admit, I was a relative greenhorn when I first stepped into their world back in 1990. Lorraine, on the other hand, had owned a scarlet macaw (Ara Macao) back in the 1970s named Koko that she eventually was forced to leave in Germany when she returned to Canada. It all started for us by acquiring a blue and gold macaw (Ara ararauna) that we named Jonah, and it seemed to quickly grow into a wacky family of talking, whistling, singing, hollering birds that consumed a great deal of our time. As we became more adept at feeding and caring for these varied avian family, we discovered a world that not many choose to step into. In the process, we also came to realize that we were dealing with levels of intelligence and intuitiveness well beyond what most people realize they are capable of. I think the thing we found most offensive after spending years with them was that the general public and Hollywood continued to portray them as those annoying “Polly wanna cracker” squawking birds. Nothing could be further from the truth. I will share with you some pretty profound instances of just how far off that stereotype is. Case in point: Our Congo African Grey (Psittacus erithacus) was named Hawkeye. Most of you may be aware of a famous African Grey named Alex that was part of a 31-year experiment with Doctor Irene Pepperberg. The name Alex is a backronym for “avian learning experiment” and Alex, in the end, could identify 50 different objects and recognize quantities up to six. He could distinguish seven colors and five shapes, and understand the concepts of "bigger", "smaller", "same", and "different." Very smart bird. So my little African Hawkeye did not disappoint in his perceptive abilities as he expanded his vocabulary and took in the world we chose to keep him in. Hawkeye came to us along with Liddy, the blue-fronted Amazon (Amazona aestiva) from a couple in Red Deer who were moving to the States and could not take them with them. In Hawkeye’s Red Deer home was a tiny Pomeranian named Dolly whose sharp little bark and growl he could duplicate perfectly, ad infinitum. But in his new environment he soon tired of this, especially without Dolly there, and moved on to more challenging expressions. Some sounds were easy. Like microwave beeps and door knocks, or an exact duplicate of Lorraine’s voice laughing on the phone! Piece of cake for him. It was intriguing to watch him absorb what was going on around him, grasp somewhat what it meant or what it was about, and then use his considerable vocal skills and, dare I say, intellect to build his vocabulary. You could see when he tilted his head and leaned in a bit that his tape recorder was on. In short order, he came to comprehend what certain actions meant. If I turned on the sink tap and he was thirsty he would say, “Wanna drink?” The inflection of asking a question was there. It wasn’t that he didn’t have his own fresh water. It was just that he associated that tap with a source of same. He even said. “Mmmmm!”, suggesting that it would taste good. If what we were eating looked interesting he would ask, “Want some?” Probably the most remarkable connection he made with me had to do with my leaving each morning to head for work at the mine. I must have said one time as I left, “Daddy gotta go to work.” So forever after, if I picked up my briefcase, he would say exactly that, but only if I picked up my briefcase and appeared to be leaving. If Lorraine was heading downstairs in our house to groom yet another dog, something she did for a living for years, Hawkeye would say, “Gotta go to work.” But he did not use the term “Daddy.” That in itself suggests a level of cognition. Her action was different. I made a critical mistake with Hawkeye. In testing his phenomenal whistling skills, I thought I would teach him a song. A fairly complicated one. Not sure why I chose La Cucaracha, a traditional Spanish song about a cockroach who could not walk, but I did. And I made one small mistake as I whistled it to him. My whistle broke on the last note and it came out way off key. You guessed it. For ever after, he nailed that song every time perfectly, except for that last note which used to make me cringe. It is no small feat for parrots to whistle. Remember, they have no lips. Incidentally, there was no food reward offered for his successes. That is what made his offerings so rewarding. He said it because he wanted to. Little Liddy, the Amazon, had her own special vocabulary moments also. Her favourite was to say, “Awww, how are you”, in exactly Lorraine’s voice. She also matched Lorraine’s, “Come in”, holler used for people knocking at the door or ringing the doorbell. It wasn’t unusual for people to walk in while Lorraine was downstairs after being invited in by Liddy. It fooled everyone. The “come in” had a distinct sound to it as in when hollering from a distance or downstairs. And, boy, could she sing high opera. With soaring gusto. There was a goofy little game Liddy and I played. I would say, “Hey Liddy, bombs away.” And she would then make the whistling sound of a bomb plummeting to the ground whereupon I would make the explosion sound. It was usually repeated several times before one of us got bored with the game. The macaws were a different story. They are not known to develop extensive vocabularies but when they do get a hold of a word, they really use it... a lot! They called out to Lorraine by name regularly in a beckoning tone that intimated “come here, please.” Jonah the blue and gold liked the word “hello” and I can tell you, he experimented with it intonation-wise until he had over 15 different hello pronunciations he could do. Try it some time. See how many different variations on hello you can come up with. It’s fun. A varied diet of fruit, nuts and vegetables was always there for them. Macaws have 700 psi crushing power in their big beaks so walnuts, filberts and pecans are quickly dispensed. One day I found a quarter-inch bolt on the floor that they had unscrewed from their cage and it was slightly bent. Yes, bent. A bit intimidating to get that close to that much crunch power but once they bond with you, there is no issue, no need to worry. Except if someone else approaches that they don’t know. Then you can get lightly nipped as a warning to keep that person away. Parrots do something called “eye pinning.” That is to say their pupils expand and contract quickly and repetitively when they are excited, angry or scared. A kind of flash of the eye pupil. It can be a warning and is amazing to watch them telescope their pupils like that. When Haida, our spectacular Scarlet Macaw, would lean in close to my face and pin, it would make me laugh. I knew he was just being goofy. Parrots also preen a lot. Every day led to a collection of discarded feathers and bits of waxy sheath that they peeled off their newly emerging feathers to let them unfurl. Moulted macaw tail feathers are long enough and big enough in diameter at the end that you can cut the tip off and insert a pen refill inside and voila you have a quill pen (sort of). The gang was always lightly clipped along their wings’ edges, just enough to prevent a serious escape attempt, but leaving enough that they could fly down to the floor or ground without injuring themselves. They also loved a bath, which was accomplished with a fine spray on their stands outside in the summer. In the winter, on occasion, we would take the macaws into the bathroom shower, one at a time. I do not have the vocabulary to appropriately describe what it was like to stand in that shower with a macaw perched (gripping) onto my hand and flapping his four-foot wing span as he gloried in that spray. Suffice to say I took a bit of a beating. It was an amazing time for us, those 17 years. They were an integral part of our family, were bonded to us and we loved them all dearly. But in the end we realized that what they truly needed was to be parrots in a parrot environment with more of their kind. So in 2007, we packed them all up in our Expedition with travel cages and drove straight through to Vancouver Island to a rescue facility in Coombs. It was a long, heartbreaking journey. As we walked out the back door of that amazing facility, so as to not attract their attention, All photos top to bottom by John Kinnear; last photo by Lawrence Chrismas: both macaws spotted us, raised their wings in the Hawkeye had the mental and emotional abilities of a five year old; Hawkeye, Liddy, Haida and Jonah , the gang; Macaws air as we had taught them to do, and hollered glorying in a summer's day shower; meal time could be interesting, especially if there was pizza; Lorraine with the boys Haida and Jonah. “goodbye.” Goodbye.

14 – Crowsnest pass HeraLD – wednesday, October 31, 2018

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS Estate of ALExANDER BuIST wELLS, who died on October 8th, 2018. If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by: December 7th, 2018. and provide details of your claim.

For Rent

For Sale

To inquire about the availability of an apartment for rent in Blairmore call 403-562-8144. 11 TFN/NC

ent on number of pieces purchased (all can be seen in Bellevue). Phone 403-632-5245.

Older small 2 bedroom home for rent in Hillcrest. Phone 403-5637467. 44-2C Beautiful newer town home for rent in Coleman AB. Features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths and an attached double car garage fully finished basement 2 gas fireplaces etc. . Asking $1500 + utilities. No smoking please. 42-2P Beautiful newer town home for rent in Coleman AB. Features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths and an attached double car garage fully finished basement 2 gas fireplaces etc. . Asking $1500 + utilities. No smoking please. 44-TFN

For Sale White Truck Topper, for small to medium size truck - $100.00. 42-2P Metal Siding, new. Suitable for siding shed or garage. Price depend


Valerie L. Saje North & Company LLP 12537 - 21 Avenue Box 810 Blairmore, Alberta TOK OEO


Vehicle For Sale 2013 Chev. Cruz for sale. Blue, 6 speed manula. 41,000 km. $10,500. Phone 403-563-5620.

If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.



LOOKING Looking for someone to take care of your home over winter? We are an Australian couple in our early 30’s with a 4 year old daughter. We are moving to the Pass for work and are looking for a place to call home anywhere between Bellevue and Fernie. References provided. Please phone Penny on 4036602659. 44-1C 2 disabled seniors looking to rent a 2 bedroom house with a garage in Crowsnest Pass or outside of town. Wishing to move prior to March 2019 (pet friendly). Call Ray or Denna at 403-753-3336 or Box 765, Blairmore, AB, TOK OEO. 44-TFN

Estate of VIOLET kRyCzkA who died on August 4, 2018. If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by December 15, 2018 with at

Valerie J. Danielson c/o Danielson Law Box 1620 Blairmore, Alberta T0k 0E0 and provide details of your claim. If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.


Employment Opportunities

UNRESERVED DISPERSAL AUCTION: Sodbusters Homestead, Saturday, November 3rd, Hardisty, Alberta 10 AM. Modular Camp/Washroom, Tractors, Food Trucks, Cabin, Trailers, Stalls, Panels, Saddlery, more! Scribner Auction 780-842-5666;

NELSON BROS OILFIELD SERVICES (1997) Ltd. requires Heavy Duty Mechanic due to continual growth. We offer: competitive wages, competitive compensation package, scheduled days off, quality equipment. Successful applicants will require: journeyman ticket; dependability; independent work ethic; likes a challenge; great attitude. 3rd or 4th year apprentice will be considered. Submit resume to: Nelson Bros Shop. Fax 780621-1676. Box 6487, Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1R9. Drop off: 6302-28 Avenue. Email

Business Opportunities TROUBLE WALKING? Hip or knee replacement, or conditions causing restrictions in daily activities? $2,500 tax credit. $40,000 refund cheque/rebates. Disability Tax Credit. 1-844-4535372.

Coming Events FIREARMS WANTED for December 8th, 2018 Live and Online Auction. Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns, Militaria. Auction or Purchase: Collections, Estates, individual items. Contact Paul, Switzer's Auction: Toll-Free 1800-694-2609; or

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Marketing and more. Alberta's weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume online. Free. Visit: .

Feed and Seed DEALERS WANTED. Hannas Seeds, A long time leader in Forage, Pasture, Native & Reclamation grasses is seeking knowledgeable candidates to become Alberta Seed Dealers. Contact Lance Walker 1-800661-1529. Email: . HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. "On Farm Pickup" Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-2505252.

For Sale SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $4,397. Make Money and Save Money with your own bandmill Cut lumber any dimension. In


In Loving Memory of my dear niece

Marie (Berlin) Cervo

who passed away November 18th, 2009 We once had something special that money couldn’t buy. We had a special person, but we had to say goodbye. If we were asked one question, why we thought the world of you, we could give a million answers and they all would be true. The heartache and the sadness may not always show. People say it lessens, but little do they know. Meet us in our dreams and talk to us once more and ease this everlasting pain that makes our hearts so sore. The road without you is so long, a tear for every mile. But we know one day when we reach the end, you will be waiting with a smile

~ Aunty Angie

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Joe Andrew Taron ~ Dec. 28, 1937 - Oct. 19, 2018 (Age 80)~

it is with sadness that we announce the passing of Joe Tarcon of Winfield, British Columbia on october 19, 2018 at the ethel Hospice House in Kelowna, BC. He was 80 years of age. Joe was a devoted, loving husband to his wife Joy for over 62 years. They resided in Coleman, aB for most of their lives where they raised a wonderful family. The majority of Joe’s work career involved driving truck which included coal hauling, lime stone hauling, and operating his own gravel truck. He also drove school bus just prior to retiring. Shortly after retiring they relocated to Winfield, BC. a proud achievement for Joe was to hand build a beautiful log home, and develop a wonderful acreage west of Coleman on allison Creek, where family and friends enjoyed many gatherings and celebrations. Joe loved traveling with Joy, visiting europe as well as extensive travel in Mexico and the United States, eventually settling in their “winter” home in arizona, traveling back and forth for many years. Joe loved the outdoors, camping and fishing whenever possible and loved getting together “on the river” with family and friends. Joe leaves behind his beloved wife, Joy Tarcon of Winfield, BC; his three children, Brent (Mary) Tarcon of red Deer, aB, Kim (Bruce) Bay of Fairmont, BC, and Dawn (ian Wilkinson) Tarcon of vernon, BC; his four grandchildren, Jason (Melinda) Tarcon, Jessica (Bryant) larson, Derek (Danielle) Bay, and Christine (Mike Hansen) Bay; his eight great grandchildren, nickolas Tarcon, Jacob Tarcon, alysa Tarcon, Makenna Bay, Cayman Bay, lilly Kolochuk Bay, emersyn larson, and ellie larson; his brother John (vera) Tarcon of Bellevue, aB; and extended family and many friends. Joe was predeceased by his parents, Myrtle and andrew Tarcon; and his brother Steve Tarcon, all of Coleman, aB. a Celebration of life will be held at a later date. Memorial donations can be made to Canadian Wildlife Federation at or: By Phone: 1.800.563.9453; By Mail: Canadian Wildlife Federation (ottawa - Head office); c/o Customer Service 350 Michael Cowpland Drive Kanata, ontario K2M 2W1

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 - crowsnest PAss HerALD - 15


Ernest Dwayne Houze

Ernie (Albert) was born in Hillcrest, Alberta to Ann and Armand Houze on December 6, 1958. He grew up there and his Mom wrote in his “baby book” that at the age of 2.5 years “he lives outside and only comes in to eat and sleep”. Ernie’s love of the outdoors carried on throughout his life. He loved to talk of his bike and hike fishing trips with his best buddy Tim. Ernie loved his “tunes” and sharing meals with friends, especially Jambalaya Tuesdays! Ernie had a quick smile and a very approachable attitude. He made friends easily and was a true friend as can be attested by the lifelong friendships he had with his childhood buddies. That in itself says a lot about his character. Ernie grew up in a busy house with 1 sister (Frances) and 5 brothers (George, Ken, Tim, Mark and Keith). Ernie started working at a young age at the Coal Mines in Sparwood, B.C. In 1995 he moved to High River and found employment as a truck driver at various companies until finding a home with Thuro Inc. as a flush truck operator in 1997. He loved working there and considered it like family. He remained there until his passing. In his battle with cancer he showed great character and had a very upbeat attitude. Words like TERRIFIC and FANTASTIC is how he would describe his visits with people who would stop by. He said even if they just come for 20 minutes “that’s fantastic, it makes my day”. He will be missed and always remembered. A Celebration of Ernie’s life will be held on Friday, November 9, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at the Hillcrest Miners’ Club, 22733 7 Ave Hillcrest Mines, Alberta, T0M 1C0. To email condolences please visit

SNODGRASS FUNERAL HOMES (High River) entrusted with arrangements 403-652-2222


Elenore Bubniak ~ 1942- 2018~

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Eleanor Bubniak of the Crowsnest Pass who was called to be with the Lord on October 28, 2018 at the Crowsnest Pass Continuing Care Centre. She lived 75 years of an amazing and meaningful life. Eleanor was born on December 13, 1942 in Coleman, Alberta to proud parents, Henry & Candida Raymond. She was raised with a strong respect for her community, faith and family. Her determined work ethic and positive attitude served her well and she gained employment in the administrative field as a skilled receptionist. Eleanor blossomed into a beautiful and graceful young lady who captured the heart and unconditional love of an earnest young man, Thomas “Sparky” Bubniak. They pledged their love in holy matrimony on August 24, 1963 and were further blessed with two beautiful daughters. Eleanor was grateful for the wonderful gifts in life and she was an inspiration to all those who knew her. When she developed Multiple Sclerosis while still in her thirties, her courage and fortitude proved her golden heart. She never gave up on her passions for swimming, camping, curling, bowling, dancing, traveling, cheering on her grandkids at their sporting and other extracurricular activities and, of course, watching baseball. Eleanor lived life to the fullest as best as she could and although her physical prowess declined, her compassion and character grew. She cherished her family, found the fun in every day, and accepted what she could not change while appreciating all that she had. Eleanor was a wonderful wife, a devoted mother, grandmother and friend, but most of all she was the most loving and genuine woman we have ever known. She is survived by her husband, Thomas “Sparky” Bubniak of the Crowsnest Pass, AB; her daughters, Rae (Billy-Jo) Kubik and Tracy (Dean) Stella of the Crowsnest Pass, AB; her grandchildren, Conor and Korben Kubik, and Sidney, Karlie and Justice Stella; her sister, Joy Tarcon of Kelowna, BC; as well as her extended family and many friends. She was predeceased by her parents, Henry & Candida Raymond and her many treasured in-laws. Her family wishes to express their immense gratitude for the homecare ladies who aided both Eleanor and Sparky over the years – your dedication and kindness are truly treasured. The Memorial Service celebrating Eleanor’s life was held on Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at 2:00 pm at Fantin's Funeral Chapel (13461-20th Ave, Blairmore) with Rev. Renso Castellarin presiding. The reception was generously hosted at the Coleman Legion, and donations in memory of Eleanor may be directed towards the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada ( Condolences may be registered at (

Fantin’s Funeral Chapel assisting the family. (403) 562-8555


Ily “Irma” Kostyniuk

Ily “Irma” Kostyniuk (Barbero), beloved wife of John Kostyniuk (deceased) passed away on October 21, 2018 in Pincher Creek, Alberta at the age of 90 years. Irma was born on April 22, 1928 in Bellevue, AB to Battiste and Cecilia Barbero. Irma’s kind heart and sweet and loving personality endeared everyone around her. John and Irma were married on June 21, 1947 and enjoyed a blissful 63 years of marriage together. Lovingly known to everyone as Granny, Granny spent her childhood on her family farm in North Burmis riding her favorite horse Flicka. She would ride Flicka three miles to Lee school during the week and helped her dad in the fields whenever she was home. In 1947 at the age of 19, she married the love of her life. Granny and Papa (John) built a small uninsulated shack in a lumber camp they owned in the Beaver Lake area. Granny became the cook, bookkeeper and truck driver. With little experience, she willingly excelled at the tasks given to her. She later became the first woman in the Pass to obtain her chauffer`s license. Granny and Papa soon welcomed two daughters into their lives, Sheila and Linda. Her children gave her life fulfillment. Gran’s love for her family lit up her face. Granny worked hard for her family baking fresh bread and buns every week, cooking delicious meals and desserts, sewing clothes and cleaning. If that wasn`t enough, she stood by her husband and assisted him to build their own home, pouring all the concrete by hand. She helped get firewood and really helped with anything else that was on the go. There wasn’t a task Granny wouldn’t take on. She was a talented lady and the perfect match for Papa. After her husband retired, Granny learned how to play guitar to accompany Papa on the violin. During their retirement years, they would provide entertainment for those around them by volunteering countless hours of playing ‘old-time music’ for the residents of the York Creek Lodge and Long Term Care in Blairmore and Vista Village in Pincher Creek. Left to celebrate her life is her daughters Sheila (Craig) Lowen of Calgary and Linda Pawluk of Lethbridge: her grandchildren: Aaron (Marlo) Lowen of Calgary; Angel Lowen of Calgary; Adam (Nicole) Lowen of Calgary; AJ Lowen of Calgary; Jarret (Mindy) Pawluk of Blairmore; and Crystal (Dave) Ferguson of Lethbridge; her great grandchildren: Jordan, Mason and Marshall Lowen; Carson, Celeste and Elise Lowen; Jostyn Pawluk; Nolan and Ripken Ferguson; her great great grandchild Kailani Lowen; and her numerous nieces and nephews and extended family. Granny touched the lives of all whom met her which could be seen by all the friends she made throughout the years. Granny had it tough at times, especially during her childhood but she never let that break her spirit. She was determined. She was tough. She worked hard at everything she did. Granny built a legacy with her love along with Papa. She spread it to all those who knew her especially her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She would do anything for them. Some of the happiest years of her life were spent taking care of Jarret and Crystal during the week while their parents went to work. Her love for children was a part of her soul and even in her last weeks with us, her great grandchildren made her smile with a happiness that glowed on her face. Granny`s life was full of wonderful moments and memories that we will always cherish and remember. She will be forever in our hearts. At Granny’s request, no funeral service will be held at this time. Memorial contributions for the late Irma Kostyniuk may be made to the Good Samaritan Vista Village (Box 1510, Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0).

SNODGRASS FUNERAL HOMES (Pincher Creek) entrusted with arrangements (403) 627-4864

16 – Crowsnest PAss HerALD – Wednesday, October 31, 2018

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