Crowsnest Pass Herald

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PM# 40011867

- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • noveMBer 7, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 45 -$1.00

Pumpkins light up Flumerfelt Park

Anna Kroupina photo

After Pumpkins in the Park being cancelled last year due to weather, the community was out in full this November 1, 2018 to make up for a missed year of glowing pumpkin art. By 8 p.m., only an hour into the event, 300 cups of free hot chocolate were already given out! Families, kids and adults all came out to view the bewitching spectacle of 300 carved pumpkins lit up and glowing in Coleman’s Flumerfelt Park, put on by the Coleman Community Society. “The weather was perfect, there were lots of fantastic jack-olanterns lining the path and a great crowd came out to enjoy them. We appreciate the help of the Air Cadets for first arranging the pumpkins and then keeping the candles lit for all the viewers to marvel at the creativity and effort that was put into the carvings this year,” says Jane Ann Reimer, president of the Coleman Community Society. “It is all abou the community coming out to visit with their neighbours, friends and family in a fun atmosphere. Flumerfelt Park was set aside in 1910 for the residents of the Pass to enjoy time together and so, 108 years later, it is still happening. I am so thankful to have a great group of volunteers to help put the event on.” Not to miss is the Society’s next event, Christmas in the Park on December 2 from 5 to 7 p.m.

Candidates Pages 4, 5 & 12

RemembRanCe Pages 8-11

looking baCk Page 11

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