Crowsnest Pass Herald

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PM# 40011867

- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • noveMBer 14, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 46 - $1.00

Remembrance Day 2018

Anna Kroupina photo

The 100th anniversary of Armistice Day was marked with a commemorative Anniversary Gala on November 10 and Remembrance Day ceremonies on November 11. Pictured above is the Hillcrest Honour Guard as they perform the three-volley salute by the cenotaph at the Coleman Legion during the branch service. To their left is Mr. Walter Gail, who trumpeted “The Last Post” and “The Reveille” during the ceremonies and to his left are members who served or are serving in our local RCMP detachment. The 100th Anniversary Gala was very well attended, including the esteemed special presence of two of the three remaining WWII veterans from Crowsnest Pass, Mr. Frank Zeller and Mr. Larry Linklater. The third veteran, Mr. Jack Dudley, was unable to attend, but was represented by his daughter. See page 5 for more Remembrance Day photos and see page 8 for a story on the gala performances and contributions by Crowsnest Consolidated High School students.

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