Crowsnest Pass Herald

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PM# 40011867

- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • noveMBer 21, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 47 - $1.00

A rather fashionable tea party

Anna Kroupina photo

Pristine white decorations, immaculate elegance and glitter and sparkle all contributed to the angelic atmosphere of this year’s “Angels, a heavenly touch” theme for the 6th annual Tea and Fashion Show on Sunday, November 18 at the Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church Hall. The fashion show featured items from Nygård International and were presented by independent stylist Robin Reiter from Iron Springs, Alberta, who has a home-based business with Nygård fashions. Local ladies did a fabulous job modeling the clothing line. Pictured above is Tracey Linderman showing off a cardigan. The event, now in its sixth year, was catered by Country Encounters with additional delicacies provided by Crowsnest Coffee and IGA. All proceeds from the event will help fund future hall improvements, enhancing the venue for functions for both the parish and the community. “It is always a good day to showcase our beautiful hall and although it is a great deal of work to pull off, it is always worth it. I think ladies enjoy an afternoon out with friends and family. It is also a great way to get people in the mood for Christmas when you have beautiful decorations and good food to enjoy. We are very grateful to all who attended,” says event organizer Pat Rypien.

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Christmas magic comes to life at

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13219-20th Ave., Main Street Blairmore • 403.562.8113

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