PM# 40011867
- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • deceMBer 12, 2018 ~ vol. 88 no. 51 - $1.00
Mountain Spirit Festival
Anna Kroupina photo Anna Kroupina photo
Jayden, 5 years old, holds up a mountain sculpture he made at school for the Mountain Spirit Festival art contest. The exhibit, hosted at the Crowsnest Community Library, shows artwork created by over 200 students in Crowsnest Pass with the theme “Mountains Matter” to celebrate the United Nations’ International Mountain Day. Jayden’s love for the mountains lies in hiking. In fact, he had just finished a hike with his mom before coming down to the library to see the display. Natalie, a student in grade 4 whose artwork won a prize in the contest, painted an alpine lodge and sled dogs because she loves skiing and sledding. The exhibit is ongoing until December 15 at the library. See page 5 for another photo from the art contest.
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Christmas magic comes to life at
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13219-20th Ave., Main Street Blairmore • 403.562.8113