Crowsnest Pass Herald

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PM# 40011867

- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • JanuarY 16, 2019 ~ vol. 89 no. 3 -

Eye on the prize


David Selles photo Anna Kroupina photo

Lethbridge Tier 1 Hurricanes bantam goalie Ricky Petrone, formerly a Crowsnest Pass Hockey player, seals the post during a tournament game at the Crowsnest Sports Complex last weekend. The Hurricanes held a joint tournament with Airdrie over the January 12 weekend. Tournament organizer Chad Petrone gave all the 50/50 proceeds to Crowsnest Pass Minor Hockey while local hockey parents spent the weekend selling. The Hurricanes won the tournament in a final game against Cochrane 6-3.

New RepoRteR


page 2

page 4

MiNoR Hockey pages 8-11


We support minor hockey!

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