PM# 40011867
- Your onlY locallY owned newspaper • serving the cnp since 1930 • FeBruarY 6, 2019 ~ vol. 89 no. 6 -
End of an Era for Alberta Stella Arena
Herald Archives photo Anna Kroupina photo
A group of councillors and community minded individuals who salvaged material from the old Blairmore Arena for use in the erection of a brand new (Albert Stella Arena) curling rink and arena that was opened in 1955. Back row, left to right; Guido Martini, John Gibos, ?, William Jallep, Mr. Bannan, Bill Gray, Max Brown and George Brown. Front row, left to right, Joe Gibos, Ken Reese, Mr. McAndrew, ?, ?, Arthur Decoux. See full story on page 2.
new year
new LIFe
Page 4
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weDDInGs Pages 8-11