www.crowsnestpassherald.ca • 403-562-2248 •passherald@shaw.ca
February 23, 2022 ~ Vol. 92 • No. 8 $1.00
Crowsnest Pass
Herald Serving the CnP SinCe 1930
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HAS students participated in a Hike-A-Thon on Friday, February 18th. The hike-a-thon fundraiser is an annual event the school does to help raise funds for different school projects. This year, money raised from the hike-a-thon are going towards continued work outside the school. HAS plans to use the money raised to continue planting native trees for shelter, plants and shrubs for the school’s pollinator garden. The school also plans to either do an archaeological dig site or two more garden beds, which would allow each grade to have one of their own to plan, plant, care for and harvest.