Crowsnest Pass Herald w/ Christmas Greeter

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Queens Platinum Jubilee medals awarded Independant Newspapers in southern Alberta recognized for their contribution to their communities and the province LISA SYGUTEK Publisher On Saturday, December 17, several independent newspaper owners in southern Alberta were awarded the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal by MLA Roger Reid in Claresholm. Seven thousand medals were awarded throughout Alberta. Bottom left, Jane Ann Reimer receives her medal. In his statement remark MLA Reid commented, “Jane Ann demonstrates leadership abilities through spearheading initiatives that have enhanced the vibrancy of the Municipality of the Crowsnest Pass. She has contributed much to the overall wellbeing of the “Pass.” Her ingenuity and volunteer efforts provide opportunities for residents to gather and celebrate together while building community”. Bottom right: Lisa Sygutek receives her certificate. Sygutek was nominated by three individuals so the medal will be awarded at a different ceremony. Top photo from left to right: Rob Vogt and Amanda Zimmer from the Claresholm Local Press, Lisa Sygutek from the Crowsnest Pass Herald, Shannon Peace from Pincher Creek’s Shootin’ the Breeze and and Fort Macleod Gazette owners Emily and Frank McTighe from the Fort Macleod Gazette. In a statement from MLA Reid, “For generations our weekly rural papers have been a reliable and trustworthy source for local, national, and international news. They have provided a local voice and opinions that reflect the realities and values of our rural communities. The have shared reflections on how the events of the world affect each of us back here at home. Cont’d on page 2

Frank McTighe photos

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