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Santa in the Park Flumerfelt Park that is!
Santa visits, fire pits, tobogganing, hot dogs and hot chocolate were the order of the night at this annual event. JOHN KINNEAR Community Reporter
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The annual Christmas in the Park event sponsored by the Coleman Community Society was a grand success on Sunday, December 11. The event featured propane fire pits, hot dogs, hot chocolate and a delightful wagon ride downtown in almost picture perfect weather. The playground nearby has become a great tobogganing run and it was fun to watch kids flying down the hill and into and through the waterpark. Some near misses suggest that maybe the park's prominent posts could use some kind of sled deflecting bumpers. On one of the tours downtown a boisterous Santa appeared out of nowhere and caught a ride with the delighted kids and parents back to the park where he was set up on a specially lit bench to do group photos. Volunteer Duane Reimer said the event is always well attended and it was obvious from his glowing smile that he and wife Jane Ann thoroughly enjoy the laughing, singing and camaraderie that this community event brings. The Society works hard every year on special events for Coleman and recently has been engaging high school students as volunteer support. Musician Siegbert Gail was on hand, bravely seated by a propane heater, singing Christmas carols for the large crowd. Crowds were plentiful, the weather tolerable and fun was had by all!
John Kinnear photo
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