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Christmas tree and gazebo lighting in Blairmore Community gathers for the lighting of the gazebo and tree in Blairmore Gazebo Park NICK ALLEN Pass Herald Reporter
The Municipality of Crowsnest Pass lit up the gazebo and tree in Blairmore Gazebo Park. The event took place on December 4 from 6 to 8 p.m. with Mayor Blair Painter leading with opening remarks before going into a countdown to turn on the lights. The Gazebo was decorated by the Crowsnest Pass Chamber of Commerce and the Muncipality of Crowsnest Pass. Snacks and drinks were served by the Blairmore Lions, featuring cookies and hot chocolate with popcorn provided by Real Estate Centre Crowsnest Pass. Residents could warm up near the bonfire, where there was a significant stack of logs provided for the evening. There were Christmas carols that started shortly after the gazebo lit up the area. Pictures with Santa were also available for children, with the gazebo being set up for photos. Photos were free and sent to participants after the event. Donations for the photos went towards the fundraising for the Crowsnest Pass Volleyball club. It was a packed weekend full of activities throughout the community. It featured a pottery sale by the Pass Pottery Club, a Christmas Market at MDM, the Million Lights Festival in downtown Bellevue and the Bellevue Legion Christmas Party. See more photos on page 2 and 19 of this week’s edition.
Johann Maritz photo