Page 1.qxp_Layout 1 2022-10-04 1:06 PM Page 1
Miner’s Path bridge in Coleman gets a makeover Pedestrian bridge allows back country users a safe place to cross JOHN KINNEAR Feature Writer On Friday, September 30, the finishing touches were put on a tricky new second pedestrian bridge installation up the Miner’s Path in Coleman. The whole process required the closing of the trail for a couple of weeks as the Trotz Bros. Holdings Ltd. crew dismantled the old bridge, installed a temporary quad bridge for transporting material alongside the first bridge and prepared the concrete bases to accept the prefabbed steel bridge built by R. Rinaldi Welding. In three passes, the helicopter insertion of the bridge pieces went flawlessly in less than 20 minutes and at all times the crew ensured safety protocols were in place and enforced. A final crushed limestone pathway enhancement that led up to the bridge’s entrance and left the entire scene looking like a well thought out, municipally funded, finished product. Joe Trotz, contractor would like to acknowledge the crew: Kelly Kaytor, Henry Veldmam, Bill Lant and Bruce Trotz. John Kinnear photos