Competition fierce at Teck’s Mine Rescue Fording River wins the coveted title Nick AlleN Pass Herald Reporter Teck’s mine rescue teams participated in mine rescue competitions in Elkford on September 24. The Mine Rescue Zones Competition was held during Mine Rescue Appreciation Day and featured a bouncy castle, free ice skating, family swim and a barbeque. Throughout the area were interactive vendor booths as well. According to Teck’s website, mine rescue competitions are important events that provide an opportunity to test emergency response and rescue skills and share best practices. Members of these teams are commended for their hard work, safety leadership and commitment to helping ensure everyone is going home safe and healthy every day. When a mine collapses, every second counts. Each movement can mean the difference between lives saved and lives lost. For this reason, mine rescue teams train intensely to keep their skills current while seeking ways to reduce team times and still remain safe. The competition featured teams from four different Teck facilities. There were representatives from the Greenhills, Line Creek, Fording River and Elkview operations present for the event. The winners for each event varied, but Fording River took home the most wins and was crowned the overall winner. Josiah Sypulski won ‘Best Written’ for the Greenhills team and Harley Marshall won ‘Best Captain’ for Line Creek. Fording River was able to pull out wins in the ‘Fire Task’ and ‘Bench Task’ with Elkview taking the ‘Rope Task’ during the competition. Elkview came in second place overall. There was also a three-person, first aid challenge held. The winners for this event were the Fording River team, with Brenna Beaulieu winning both ‘Best Captain’ and ‘Best Written’ in the event. The event was organized and hosted by Teck and the East Kootenay Industrial Mine Safety Association (EKIMSA). For more information about Teck’s operations, go to or visit their Facebook page
Photos courtesy of Brian Bissett
Teck, in conjunction with the East Kootenay Industrial Mine Safety Association hosted the Mine Rescue Zones Competition on Saturday, September 24 in Elkford.