The Crow's Nest Volume 46 Issue 17

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A handy primer to making your money stretch downtown.

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Page 4


tuesday, jan. 17, 2012

USFSP to offer new language courses


Fees to increase next academic year

By MEGHAN HOODHOOD Contributing Writer

Foreign language requirements may seem like a chore for students who feel the university has few programs to offer, but this semester, additions to the newly named Department of Society, Culture and Language may bring some relief. The only language courses that USF St. Petersburg has offered to students have been Spanish, French and American Sign Language. Students can also add Arabic to their options and eventually consider Chinese in the fall. “Language courses and minors complement any degree, and prepare students for the global world they are inheriting,” said College of Arts and Sciences Dean Frank Biafora. More options for satisfying foreign language requirements increase the potential for new minors, clubs and majors. As a result, the department is developing a new bachelor’s degree program for USFSP students called Foreign Language and Culture. Under the program, students will select a language and study a broader area of topics revolving around culture and literature. “We recognized that many universities have narrowly focused language degrees and we were looking for a program that would be attractive for students and yet still distinctive enough to hold their interest,” Biafora said. New programs are built around student demand, community needs and their relevance to contemporary global issues. “Arabic and Mandarin connect with people in the two most important emergent regions of our planet,” said department Chair Jay Sokolovsky. Fulbright, a state department sponsored program, provides funding for foreign language teaching assistants to work in universities like USFSP, which is facing budget cuts and other financial set backs. “An opportunity with Fulbright knocked on our door and since see LANGUAGE, page 6

Daniel Mutter | The Crow’s Nest

USFSP Student Government and Senate met for their first meeting of the Spring 2012 semester.

By CHRISTOPHER GUINN News Editor Pre-credit fees will go up again in the fall with the majority of this increase being used to fund the new student health clinic in the Campus Activities Center. The university can choose to increase the "combined fee" by

5 percent per year as long as the total cost of the fees stays under 40 percent of base tuition, currently $41.32. This group of fees is comprised of activities and service, athletics and health fees, which costs students $30.27 per credit hour. Now the USFSP campus board, the governing body of the univer-

sity, will decide how the additional $1.51 will be spent. To assist in the decision, the board turned to the Student Fee Committee, which is made up of students, faculty members and administrators. The committee agreed unanimously to recommend an allotment of $1.26 to the health fee, 25 cents to the A&S fee and no

increase to athletics. Student Government passed a non-binding resolution in support of the allocation with a near unanimous vote, with only one abstaining member. As the debate during the Jan. 11 General Assembly meeting heated up, Student Life Director Matt Morrin reminded the senators that their vote was not about whether or not to establish the clinic, but rather to fund it. “We’re way into the game, already,” he said. However, he added, “Your support means a lot. Our board takes your voice seriously.” He asked the Senate to decide based on the question: “Would the average student be willing to pay $15 per semester to see a nurse?” The decision to build a health clinic goes back a decade, said Student Achievement Director Diane McKinstry. “We came close 10 years ago,” she said, but “it just didn’t happen.” The issue “percolated” again over the last three to four years, she said, as the university has provided on-campus housing. Parents looking to send their kids to USFSP ask “Where’s my kid going to go when he has a raging fever,” McKinstry said. Despite an abundance of local hospitals, “it’s not the same,” she said. About 30 percent of students had no health insurance as of a few years ago, she said. The federal see FEE, page 2

Classes try new online system this semester By JANE MCINNIS Contributing Writer Last week, 600 USF students were notified their online courses wouldn’t be taught through Blackboard. Ten courses across three USF campuses will integrate Canvas, a new learning management system. USFSP students made up 200 of those, with the remaining from the Polytechnic campus in Lakeland and the university hub in Tampa. Canvas, created by the educational software company Instructure, came on the scene 18 months ago. For USF, Canvas debuted in fall 2011 when the university used

a free sandbox version of the system with 70 students and four faculty members. This semester begins a full-year pilot, which the St. Petersburg journalism department bought for $7,500. This is a long time coming for Associate Professor Mark Walters, who helped research and extend the subscription to the rest of the USF system. There’s a beautiful difference between Canvas and Blackboard, Walters said. “For every 20 clicks on Blackboard you have one click on Canvas.” He compared Canvas to Blackboard as “writing with a ballpoint pen versus coal.” see CANVAS, page 3

Students trying Canvas this semester will find a new interface to use for their classes.

2| | Jan. 17, 2012

thecrow’snest editor-in-chief keeley sheehan managing editor aimee alexander creative director tara mccarty news editor christopher guinn arts editor ren laforme life editor lenay ruhl photo editor daniel mutter online editor jessica thomas advertising manager colin o'hara distribution manager frank kurtz Deb Wolfe serves as the adviser for The Crow’s Nest. Contact her at Volume 46, Issue 17 A student newspaper at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg. Mission Statement: The Crow’s Nest is committed to providing its readers with news relevant to the University of South Florida St. Petersburg and its surrounding community. The Crow’s Nest abides by the highest ethical standards and focuses on stories that help readers make informed decisions on current issues. We take seriously the public’s trust in our news reporting and strive to uphold the highest standards of reporting as defined by the Society of Professional Journalists. The views expressed—both written and graphic—in the opinion section of The Crow’s Nest do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board. Submit letters to the editor to The Crow’s Nest reserves the right to edit these pieces for style and length. If a letter is not meant for publication, please mark it as such. All submissions must include the author’s name, daytime phone number, and email address. The Crow’s Nest is provided free by the Activities & Services Fee, and advertising. The Crow’s Nest neither endorses nor takes responsibility for any claims made by our advertisers. Limit five issues per student. For additional copies, contact the editor-in-chief.

Goal is resident nurse on campus, says SG prez FEE, continued from front page health care law passed in March 2010 has helped that, as students can stay on their parents’ healthcare plan until they turn 26, but even then it can be difficult for students to transfer their information and records to a local care provider, McKinstry said. Despite two years of increased funding for the health fee, the health center will begin operations with limited services. The funding dilemma, McKinstry said, is that fees increases are capped by the state legislature, and once fees are put into place, they can’t be easily shifted. When building the health center was approved, the health fee was at 60 cents per credit hour, McKinstry said. Increases last year in combination with the planned increase this year will raise that figure to $3.90 per credit hour. The university estimates that it will take about $500,000 per year to fully fund the operation of an independent health clinic.

The $1.26 increase “gets us much closer to the ballpark,” McKinstry said. In the meantime, the university plans to contract out the staffing of the clinic and will issue a request for procurement at the end of the month. Until the request starts getting interest, it’s not clear what kind of staffing and services the clinic will be able to provide at its launch. “We’re working on the bare minimum,” SG President Courtney Parish told the general assembly. The goal is to have a resident nurse on campus, she said. The health fee fund currently has a balance of a little over $300,000, a result of years of lowfee trickle, which will be used to furnish the new clinic. At full operation, the center hopes to provide comprehensive medical care including acute care for illness and minor injuries; sexual health care and education; immunization; physical exams; and some on-site lab services, in addition to

a developed referral network and an after-hours hotline. The clinic won’t “just be handing out aspirin,” said SG Chief Financial Officer Alex Moser, referring to a complaint by Senator Michael Jernigan at the SG meeting. “Having a free clinic for students … is a big improvement to our campus,” Moser said. As for diverting fee increases to the health center: “It’d be silly to facilitate the room, build it and then have no one to work there,” he said. After the allotment of this year’s fee increases, Moser doesn’t believe that it will take any more dramatic shifts to keep the clinic on schedule for staffing. In the future, the distribution will be much more equal, he said. The building of the student union building, known now as the Multipurpose Student Center, was paid for by a one-time fee increase of $13 approved in 2010.

“Campuses like ours … are less developed than the main campuses,” McKinstry said. As the regional campuses have increased autonomy, scope and services, they’ve had to play catch-up, she said. At full operation, the clinic hopes to employ a physician, nurse practitioner, registered nurse or licensed practical nurse, receptionist and a health educator. Reaching this goal will depend on usage, possible contracts with local practices and continued support for the center, McKinstry said. The health center will open once the renovation of the CAC is completed, which is scheduled for July 1.

Work continues over winter break on new student center

Press run: 1,000 The Crow’s Nest office is located at: Coquina Hall 101, University of South Florida St. Petersburg 140 Seventh Ave. S., St. Petersburg, FL 33701 (727) 873-4113 Copyright 2012 St. Petersburg, FL. The Crow’s Nest is printed by: Newspaper Printing Co., 5210 South Lois Ave., Tampa, FL 33611 Join us at our next staff meeting! Mondays at 5 p.m. in PRW lobby.

Find us on Facebook: The Crow’s Nest at USF St. Petersburg

Photos by Daniel Mutter | The Crow’s Nest

Follow us on Twitter: @USFcrowsnest

The Multipurpose Student Center has come a long way in just a few a months. Its construction began at the start of the fall 2011 semester (left), and work continued during winter break, and into the spring semester (right). The new building will offer dorms, a food services area and a campus ballroom to be rented out for various events. Plans for completion are set for fall 2012.

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The Jan. 12 Crow’s Nest article “USFSP plans MLK parade march” incorrectly stated that USFSP has participated in the parade for the last seven years of the parade’s 27-year history. USFSP has actually participated for over 20 years. The Crow’s Nest regrets the error.


Jan. 17, 2012 |

Local writers to attend lit night Canvas cheaper, fixing problems could take longer By JANE MCINNIS Contributing Writer

CANVAS, continued from front page He’s quick to explain what features make Canvas work so well: it ties into existing tools of the web, such as Google Docs, while Blackboard tries to duplicate them. This seamlessness makes Canvas easy to navigate, he said. System Administrator Glen Parker echoed the support for Canvas. “There’s no having to hunt for stuff,” Parker said, referencing a common problem with Blackboard. Canvas tells you what’s due up front with clean navigation, he said. Professors don’t have to post four different versions of a video for students to watch on their different devices. On Canvas, videos automatically format to your device—whether it’s an Android or an iPhone. Parker, who has worked with Blackboard on the USF system for 12 years, said the university has mostly piloted updated versions of Blackboard in the past. But because big names have signed on with Canvas, the company has proven its sustainability. This could make Canvas a contender. Unlike Blackboard, Canvas has no local control or hardware. This ultimately means Canvas would be less expensive to run than Blackboard. While it’s cheaper, that can be a downside—problems might take longer to fix. Parker says while fewer problems are expected with Canvas, the hardware isn’t at hand to maintain. In the last year, several universities across the nation have adopted Canvas. Auburn University announced its replacement of Blackboard in fall 2011, and by spring 2013, Canvas will be the sole learning management system. Brown University, New Mexico University and others are following suit. The university has annual contracts with Blackboard that are renewed every August. Prices lock in for three-year intervals. If there is a switch, Blackboard and Canvas will run parallel for a year while content is migrated, said Parker, explaining there would be a lot to transfer. Blackboard has been a part of USF since 1998. On Canvas’s website it advertises, “You don’t want technology from 1998.”

With a hodgepodge of beach blankets, crock-pots and Bay area writers, the Literary Salon will make its debut this week in Harbor Hall. The event celebrates the launch of the university’s new creative writing certificate program and is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 17 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the community room of Harbor Hall. “This isn’t going to be a stuffy literary event,” said Tom Hallock, associate professor of literature and coordinator for the gathering. Originally named the “Broke A$$ Literary Salon,” the “Literary Salon” will feature five-minute readings from local poets, playwrights and authors. The time limit will ensure people are reading their best work, Hallock said. In an effort to blend the literary community, Hallock wanted the event to be geared toward students engaging with local working writers. Budgeting thousands of dollars to fly in a semi-famous writer is unnecessary in this community, he said.

“There are plenty of writers who are willing to come in for a bowl of chili.” And chili there will be. Along with the event, Hallock will be coordinating provisions that are positively vegetarian. The community room will be cleared for the salon, making way for the lawn chairs and blankets guests are urged to bring. Donations will be accepted to cover refreshment costs. Writers scheduled on the list include Ian Vasquez, author of three crime novels; playwright Dewey Davis-Thompson; Gina Vivinetto, former St. Petersburg Times pop critic and children’s comic book author; and others. Hallock hopes the salon will take place annually, and is knocking around a future idea to include student showcases and a night for songwriters. The creative writing certificate is a 15 credit hour program offered to students working toward their bachelor’s degree and non-degree seeking students with a bachelor’s degree.

news brief

USF St. Petersburg accreditation reaffirmed

USF St. Petersburg officially received a reaffirmation of its accreditation in December 2011. The Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools gives the accreditation. SACS is a regionally recognized accrediting commission for educational institutions in the 11 southern U.S. states. SACS sent a team to USF St. Petersburg in February 2011 to evaluate the university based on its devotion to 89 accreditation standards that were set for it during its first accreditation, which took place in 2006 by the commission. The accreditation process was developed over a 100

years ago, according to the SACS website, and develops a set of standards for certain higher universities to adhere by. By receiving official accreditation, USFSP is acknowledged as offering a high quality of education as an institution as a whole—including its programs, cultural context, community stakeholders and how well all of these different parts work together. In a press release, Margaret Sullivan, regional chancellor of USFSP said, “The faculty, staff and students of the University of South Florida St. Petersburg should be congratulated for their outstanding work.”

Lead Week in the works By DANNY MCDONALD Contributing Writer Every semester, Charlie Justice, the assistant director of Leadership Development, coordinates with his team of assistants to bring speakers to campus, organize student retreats, promote leadership, assist clubs and organizations, and recognize and encourage students to join Omicron Delta Kappa, a national leadership honor society. Justice and his team are preparing several events for students, like the monthly Leaderspeak, in which a leader figure will come to campus and talk to students. The department will also host an Omicron Delta Kappa information session on Jan. 24 at 5 p.m. in the Williams House. In February there are two events being planned by the department. The first is Lead Week, a whole week dedicated to events promoting leadership. The events will be held Feb. 20 to Feb. 24, and will kick off with a celebration of leadership on campus. “It will be kind of like a pep-rally meeting and Get on Board Day,”

said Allison Nall, a senior environmental science major. Nall has assisted the department for two and a half years, and is currently working on Lead Week. Other events will include a leadership themed film and a corporate leadership retreat. Ralph Reid has been the graduate assistant in the department for the last year and a half. Reid is working on finalizing details for a trip to Tallahassee in the month of February. “I enjoy the opportunity to interact with a diverse amount of students and share leadership qualities with,” Reid said. Sign ups for the student leadership retreat will begin toward the end of the semester. Every event provided by the department is free to students. Clubs and organizations can work closely with the leadership department to get started, assist with issues and help communicate with other organizations. Visit or the department’s office in the PRW Florida Center for Teachers for more information.




AND BE IN THE KNOW? The Crow’s Nest is looking for student writers/reporters and photographers to contribute to its weekly spring 2012 issues. If you’re interested in getting involved, come to the weekly staff meetings on Mondays at 5 p.m. in PRW, right outside room 108. Can’t make the meetings but want to get involved? Email Editor-in-Chief Keeley Sheehan at No experience necessary. All students from all majors welcome.



arts & life | Jan. 17, 2012


By The Crow's Nest Staff

Think of this map as a handy beginner’s guide to doing college life on the cheap in St. Pete. The Crow’s Nest’ers compiled lists of our favorite places to snag good deals and student discounts—but we couldn’t fit everything. Check it out, and then hop on our Facebook page to let USFSP in on any great deals you think we missed, or tweet it with #SPsweetdeals.


Chihuly Collection 400 Beach Dr. NE (727) 822-7872 $10.95 with student ID $12.95 for St. Petersburg Arts Experience pack


Florida Holocaust Museum 55 Fifth St. S (727) 820-0100 Free with student I.D.


Mahaffey Theater 400 First St. S (727) 892-5767 $10 Florida Orchestra tickets for students, faculty and staff


Museum of Fine Arts 255 Beach Dr. NE (727) 896-2667 50% off admission with student I.D.


Muvico Baywalk 20 151 Second Ave. N

(727) 502-0965 $8.75 with student I.D.


Salvador Dali Museum 1 Dali Blvd. (727) 823-3767 Free with student I.D.



Bar Milo 300 Central Ave. (727) 822-7273 College Night on Thursdays


Bayboro Café and Catering 1110 Third St. S (727) 388-5881 10% off every day


Bishop Tavern/Lounge 260 First Ave. N (727) 564-3628 Drink free with college ID Tuesdays 11p.m. - 1 Ladies drink free until midnight on Thursdays $1 drafts on Wednesdays $10 all you can drink every First Friday


Burrito Boarder 17 Third St. N (727) 209-0202 10% off every day Dollar Taco Tuesdays after 2 p.m.


Café 100 100 Second Ave. S (727) 898-8686 Daily lunch special includes entrée with two sides for $6.54 (no drink included)




Café Alma 260 First Ave. S #100 (727) 502-5002 Poetry Night every Wednesday 10 p.m. to midnight 25% off food for poets and fans 2-for-1 daily drink specials

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Courigan’s Irish Pub 1 Beach Drive SE (727) 551-9019 Ladies drink free Thursdays 8 - 10 p.m.


Crowley’s Downtown Grill & Bar 269 Central Ave. (727) 821-1111 10% off food on Thursdays



Durty Nelly’s Irish Pub 149 First Ave. N (727) 823-3878 $2 pitchers on Wednesdays


“#1 Favorite place to get waxed in NYC” – BEAUTY HIGH

Emerald Bar 550 Central Ave. (727) 898-6054 Happy Hour Mon. - Thurs. 6 to midnight $2 well drinks and tallboys

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Five Bucks Drinkery 247 Central Ave. (727) 896-5118 Happy Hour


Fortunato’s Italian Pizzeria 259 Central Ave. (727) 898-4888 10% off every day Mon. - Fri. 2 to 7 p.m. $5 Burger n Beer combo


The Hooker Tea Company 300 Beach Dr. Suite 124 (727) 894-4832 10% off if you reuse your cup


Kahwa Coffee 204 Second Ave. S (727) 821-1942 20% off every day


MacDinton’s Irish Pub 242 First Ave. N (727) 565-0544 $2 2uesdays Drink specials from 7 p.m. - 3 a.m. Mac’Wednesday Open Bar - $10 from 9 - 11 p.m. Crazy Happy Hour Every Friday from 6 - 8 p.m. $10 open bar


Half-off draft



Franky 248 First Ave (727) 821-6 Willing to ne know you're


Great C 300 Third St (727) 824-5 $2 off haircu


Safari C 540 First St. (813) 384-8 Located at T Helicopter to person for a

My Yogurt Café 234 Beach Dr. NE (727) 822-4842 10 percent student discount


Pelican Pub 18 Second St. S (727) 896-6329 Happy Hour 2-for-1 every night until 7

Academ USFSP Terra (727) 553-4 Free tutoring Walk-ins wel



Push Ultra Lounge 128 Third St. S Suite 102 (727) 871-7874 $10 all you can drink Friday 6 - 9 p.m.


Scene Premium Night Club 211 Third St. S (727) 258-4813 $20 Sink or Swim Tuesday nights


Starbucks Hilton St. Petersburg 333 First St. S (727) 894-5000 15% off


Suite Six Bar & Lounge 265 Central Ave. (813) 902-9038 Ladies drink free on Tuesdays for College Night


Vintage Ultra Lounge 16 Second St. N (727) 898-2222 $1 drinks Tuesdays 2-for-1 drinks Fridays

W Vue 19

200 Central Ave. (727) 821-4600 Happy Hour Mon. - Fri. 5 to 6 p.m. $4 Calls, $3 House wines, $2 Draft beers Late night Sun. - Thurs. after 10 p.m. Fri. - Sat. after 11 p.m. 50% off Specialty Rolls Daily promotions Monday - $1 Sushi Tuesday - $3 Sake Bombs Wednesday - 25% off Wine Bottles Thursday - Ladies Night with a complimentary glass of champagne and half off martinis



Fitness Next to CAC (727) 873-4 Mon. - Thurs Friday 7 a.m Saturday 9 a Sunday 1 – 5 Free use of e fitness class Personal tra rates for stud


The Hea Bayboro Hall (727) 873-4 Monday, We p.m. Counseling, health resou


Univers USFSP FPF 1 (727) 873-41 24-hour polic


The Wa USFSP Coqu (727) 873-4 Sailing 11 a. Free service staff A certified sa Kayaking 9 a Free lessons Pool 11 a.m. Swim school SCUBA cours Available to r three hours


++All st free web spa own URL, wh nity to build


World of Beer 100 Fourth St. S (727) 823-2337 Ladies’ Night on Wednesdays Half-price drafts and wine College Night on Thursdays


arts & life | 5

Jan. 17, 2012 |


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Albert Whitted Airport

6| | Jan. 17, 2012

Anticipation and acclamation: The best of the best in 2012 By REN LAFORME Arts Editor Last year was an explosive one for entertainment. Behemoths like “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” and Justin Bieber’s “My Life 2.0” were propped up by more worthy productions, like Terrence Malick’s “Tree of Life” and Adele’s “21”. In 2011, eight of the top 10 highest grossing films were sequels, and 2012 will likely continue that trend in the box office. But 2012 will also go out with a bang, in one way or another, due do a deluge of original content. Anticipation is already high for sequels and prequels like Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises” and Peter Jackson’s “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.” Batman’s last romp through Gotham and Bilbo Baggins’ first encounter with the Ring are likely to live up to their hype, but is the same true for Will Smith’s return to hunting aliens in “Men in Black III?” The second movie, released a decade ago, ceased to dazzle like the first one. A quirky time travel replacement of Tommy Lee Jones with Josh Brolin (“True Grit,” “Jonah Hex”) might be enough to save this film from the flashand-forget red ray thing. On the subject of aliens, specifically the 1979 film starring Sigourney Weaver, “Prometheus” is worth noticing. Ridley Scott, director of the original “Alien” film, returns to the universe where Ripley first uncovered the acid-spitting beasts to explore the origins of humanity. Or not—Scott has been notoriously mum about whether “Prometheus” is actually a predecessor to the film. Either way, the combination of Michael Fassbender (“Haywire,” “Shame”) and Noomi Rapace (“Sherlock Homes: A Game of Shadows,” the Swedish “Millennium series” films) should ensure the film is at least well acted. Harry Potter fans looking to fill their hearts with something less craptastic than Stephanie Meyer’s melodramatic take on traditional bloodthirsty demons have turned to a series that will make its debut this spring. “The Hunger Games,” adapted from Suzanne Collins’ dystopian trilogy for teens and starring Jennifer Lawrence (“X-Men: First Class,” “The Beaver”) as Katniss and Josh Hutcherson (“The Kids are Alright,” “Journey to the Center of the Earth”) as Peeta, should leave fans satisfied before the start of the real-life dystopia in December. Other book-to-film post-apocalyptic flicks continue this year by throwing zombies into the mix. Brad Pitt travels the world to investigate the survivors of the zombie apocalypse in “World War Z,” while Nicholas Hoult (“X-Men: First Class,” “About a Boy”) is just a zombie who shambles across love while hunting for brains. Writer and director Terrence Malick is finally getting this whole movie release thing down. After a 20-year lull between “Days of Heaven” and “The Thin Red Line,” it’s only taken

him a year to release a follow-up to his last movie. The yet untitled movie is about a man who finds love with a woman from his hometown after a marriage to a European woman falls apart. The cast is incredible—Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Rachel Weisz, Javier Bardem, Amanda Peet, Michael Sheen—making this a likely contender for movie of the year on many people’s lists. The same goes for “Lincoln,” starring Daniel Day-Lewis (“Nine,” “There Will Be Blood”) as Honest Abe himself, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (“50/50,” “Inception”) as his son, Robert, and Jared Harris (“Fringe,” “Mad Men”) as Ulysses S. Grant. The film focuses on Lincoln’s life from the signing of the Thirteenth Amendment to his fatal encounter with John Wilkes-Booth. In the too-weird-to-be-bad category, “The Great Gatsby” and “Magic Mike” deserve crowns. Fans of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s original book about the exuberant life of Jay Gatsby were delighted to hear that Leonardo DiCaprio (“J. Edgar,” “Inception”) would play the titular role with Carey Mulligan (“Shame,” “Drive”) as his love interest, but then director Baz Luhrmann announced the film would be shot in 3D. That was the weirdest film news of the year, at least until Steven Soderbergh announced he would direct a film loosely based on Channing Tatum’s (“The Vow,” “Haywire”) former stripping career right here in Tampa starring Tatum himself. Breakups, lulls and solo careers aside, the music world is buzzing with comebacks in 2012. Morrissey, No Doubt, Black Sabbath, The Shins, Pearl Jam and Queens of the Stone Age all have new albums set to release. MGMT will look to live up to their 2007 debut album, “Oracular Spectacular,” after dropping the ball with “Congratulations” in 2010. A Fine Frenzy, fronted by the incendiary Alison Sudol, will look to make a big splash this spring with a yet untitled album. Despite being featured in major motion pictures and television shows, the band is still hunting for wide commercial success. After numerous mixtapes, singles, guest appearances and writing credits, it’s almost hard to believe that Frank Ocean has yet to release a debut album. The R&B singer will look to change that with a commercial release on Def Jam this spring. Much of the same can be said for the Weeknd. The Canadian artist announced on Twitter in December that he would package his three mixtapes as “The Trilogy” for a commercial release in the U.S. sometime this year. A follow-up to Jay-Z and Kanye West’s “Watch the Throne” is the willit-or-won’t-it album of 2012. Jay-Z hinted that the duo would team up for a sequel sometime soon, saying that they were in the right place creatively, but he could not confirm whether it would happen this year. Let’s hope it does.

The “power to the people” playlist It’s been almost 45 years since Martin Luther King Jr. last shared his message of equality and peace with the world. No one person has been able to fill his mighty shoes, but countless musicians have tried to further his message. In honor of King’s birthday, here are some inspirational, progressive and wellmeaning tunes.

worry about life, and not what comes after, on this seminal complaint against spiritual slavery.

“World Wide Suicide” – Pearl Jam

If King had lived to the Bush era, he would have undoubtedly been an outspoken critic of war in Iraq. Eddie Vedder and crew get political in this 2006 comeback song.

“Diamonds from Sierra Leone” – Kanye West

“Up Up & Away” – Kid Cudi

“Get Up, Stand Up” – The Wailers

“Boom!” – System of a Down

West drops his usual chants about strippers and gold digging women and channels King’s social conscience to tackle the issue of conflict diamonds. The ice that many rappers wear around their necks is tainted with blood.

King once declared doubts about Jesus’ resurrection in Sunday school. From there, he said, “doubts began to spring forth unrelentingly.” Bob Marley reminds listeners that they should

King wanted to create a better society, and worked toward that goal despite criticism and investigations from the U.S. government. Cudi follows a similar theme about self-improvement and not giving a darn about what others think about that. To imagine Martin Luther King Jr. listening to System of a Down is to imagine the absurd. A activist for African-American civil rights from Atlanta, Ga. and a couple of Armenian dudes who

grew up in Los Angeles should have nothing in common, but System of a Down is probably the most popular political band of the aughts, and this song rallies against militarism like no other.

“The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll” – Bob Dylan

Dylan dispenses with all metaphors and takes on a real-life case of civil rights-era racism. Hattie Carroll was a black woman living in the segregated South when a drunken white man killed her with a cane. When he was sentenced to only six months in jail (ironically, on the same day King delivered his “I Have A Dream” speech), Dylan read about the case and wrote a song about it.

“Made in America” – Jay-Z and Kanye West, featuring Frank Ocean

“Sweet King Martin, sweet Queen Coretta, sweet Brother Malcolm, sweet Queen Betty, sweet Mother Mary, sweet Father Joseph, sweet Jesus.”

Fulbright essential in language classes LANGUAGE, continued from front page we’ve noticed a range of increased interest in Middle Eastern culture and language, we were happy to jump on board,” Biafora said. Fulbright covers the costs for teaching the language for one school year, which allows the university to scale potential student interest, but after that, the university has to sustain the program itself to keep it in place long-term. The program offers educators and scholars from nearly 50 countries the opportunity to develop their professional skills and gain first-hand knowledge of the United

States, its culture and its people as a way to aid in developing a greater understanding and knowledge of people among different nations. “This global world is very competitive and students need to be focused more broadly on various cultures,” Biafora said. “We are trying to build a framework to launch students into different career opportunities that will provide them with unique learning experiences to distinguish them from the pack.” Knowing more than one language is essential today. Martine Fernandes, coordinator of the world

languages program and professor of French, speaks French, Portuguese, English and Spanish, and still wants to learn Arabic and Chinese. “I would like to ask [the university to offer] Portuguese next because Brazil is an important economic partner for Florida and is a growing global economy right now,” Fernandes said. Fernandes also said Florida’s Brazilian population is growing and has an influx of Brazilian tourists visiting Florida—especially Orlando and Tampa.


Game of Thrones: Will the Starks avenge their fallen patriarch, or will the family find itself fragmented even further? Find out in the second season of HBO’s adaptation of George R.R. Martin’s fantasy saga. Comic Book Men: Kevin Smith retreats from the silver screen to direct a reality series about guys in a comic book store. Let’s hope it’s more “Clerks” and less “Cop Out.” Veep: Admit it, there’s a little part of your brain that wishes John McCain would have won the 2008 election so you could watch Sarah Palin implode as VP. Now you can watch Julia LouisDreyfus do it on HBO. Girls: What if Judd Apatow had directed “Sex in the City?” You’d get “Girls,” a new HBO series that follows a small group of friends in their 20s in NYC. House of Lies: Don Cheadle doing comedy. Kristen Bell in her skivvies. Jean-Ralphio from “Parks and Recreation.” Need we say more? The River: Bear with us for a second. What if “The Blair Witch Project” was an hour-long TV show? No? You might not like this new ABC series then. Life’s Too Short: It stars Warwick Davis, the dwarf who’s played almost every significant

short character in every movie since Star Wars. Also, Ricky Gervais.

Video Games:

Twisted Metal: It’s a return to the series roots as Calypso’s tournament. Sweet Tooth turns into a giant robot a la Transformers. An HD version of “Twisted Metal Black” is included for free. This game drips with awesome. Mass Effect III: Bioware is set to complete Commander Shepard’s trilogy. A four-player co-op mode and an enhanced cover system will help him beat the Reapers once and for all, and deal with the traitorous Cerberus. Halo 4: And you thought Master Chief was lost in space. Shooting elements take a back seat to mystery, discovery and exploration in the first of a new trilogy for the Xbox 360. Diablo III: The day fans have waited 12 long years for is almost here. Diablo’s minions are once again threatening Sanctuary, and it’s up to you, unnamed warrior, to send him back to hell. Grand Theft Auto V: The most controversial game of all time returns with a recreated version of Los Angeles, renamed Los Santos. Rockstar says that this is its most vast game yet. GTAV is sure to delight fans and anger children’s advocate groups all over the U.S.

opinion | 7

Jan. 17, 2012 |



A premium degree

Job training is secondary

Idea to charge more for STEM degrees might have unintended effect State university officials in Florida have been discussing the idea of charging students more for getting degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, though universities don’t have total power to set differentiated tuition rates depending on the programs. Gov. Rick Scott is pushing for more students in the state to graduate with these so-called STEM degrees, without increasing state money to universities. Part of the logic behind increasing tuition specifically for STEM degrees is that these students are probably going to make more money after graduation than their fellow students majoring in English, art history and the like, that they can afford to pay more up front for their education. Rep. Bill Proctor, R-St. Augustine, said he does not think this will discourage students from seeking STEM degrees, while

Florida State University President Eric Barron said, “I would charge STEM students more and deliver something better,” according to a recent report from the Tampa Bay Times. But Florida universities will have to clearly define this “something better,” and insure that it truly is better, before they should broach the idea of making students pay more for a vague ideal. The state should not expect students to pay higher tuition—in-state tuition, especially—for a Florida school with an unknown or unproven STEM program, when schools like Georgia Tech or MIT have better-proven track records at possibly comparable costs. Assuming a student majoring in STEM will make more upon gradation and can therefore afford higher tuition and more debt is a risky gamble—one that law schools have been taking flack for. Law schools have been criticized

for accepting too many students, including ones that critics argue they know are unlikely to be able to pay off their loans or find gainful employment post-graduation. The issue prompted two Yale law professors to propose that students “with less than a 50 percent chance of passing the bar within three years of graduation should be required to sign a special waiver that he has been informed about the riskiness of his education investment,” according to a November 2011 Slate article. While reports keep appearing that there are more law schools and law school graduates than necessary in the U.S., but the need for STEM graduates is expected to continue growing, the law school dilemma does serve as a cross-disciplinary cautionary tale against preemptively charging students for the lavish careers the state hopes they will have as a result of meeting politi-

cal demand for more science and engineering majors. While no bills are pending and no formal action has been taken on this proposal, the talk alone contributes to the often mixed message of higher education. Some laud higher education as a time to explore passions, whether mainstream or out-of-the-box, in the hopes that this passion will prompt hard work that will eventually pay off. This proposal presents higher education as a means to an end—students’ means for politicians’ ends. Before suggesting students pay more for the governor’s agenda, the university system should sort out its messages and decide what it wants for and expects of not just the economy, but the students they’re burdening it with.

College Life By KEN JACKSON

quotesandnotes Quote of the week

“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” –Martin Luther King Jr.


On Jan. 15, 2009, two years ago, 57-year-old Capt. Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger landed US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River after the plane struck a formation of birds. All passengers and crew survived. On the same day in 2001, Wikipedia went online. The user-generated encyclopedia now has almost 3.9 million articles in English.

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By CHRISTOPHER GUINN News Editor As out-of-work recessioneers headed back to college looking for a leg up in the competitive job market, politicians, too, looked toward higher education for economic answers. The pillars of the Florida economy have traditionally been tourism, agriculture, construction and aerospace, three of which have been bludgeoned by the global economic collapse. The future of Florida relies on creating an economy fit for the future, state politicians say, and they are looking to the university system to build it. A focus on STEM—science, technology, engineering and math— is heralded as the silver bullet necessary to turn Bone Valley (the state’s major phosphate mining region) into an eastern version of Silicon Valley. To get there, state and university leaders are going have to balance the aspirational goals of higher education with the practical goals of industry. The university system seeks to create thinkers, the government, workers. These goals can and have coexisted in relative peace, look toward the number of business and health professional degrees awarded, but as the state seeks to cut costs, politicians are losing interest in supporting programs they only tolerated in the past. Cue Gov. Rick Scott’s famous dismissal of anthropology, a field in which his daughter has a degree, and Sen. Don Gaetz, the next Senate president, disparaging his own degree in political science. Cue the drama over creating a polytechnic university free from all that theoretical nonsense, because the S in STEM stands for science, you know, that stuff with beakers, electrical arcs and rockets, not the social sciences and nothing that involves digging through ancient midden heaps. Is treating full-spectrum, four-year universities as certificate programs the best solution for the universities or for future workers? A bachelor’s degree, the “modern high school diploma,” takes four years of time and a mountain of debt for many to achieve. That can be quite a gamble, especially considering how many times top-down solutions to economic problems have been flat-out wrong—public institutions aren’t immune to fads. Maybe the trick to creating workers of the future isn’t in the universities, but in industry. Globalization has largely eroded the domestic entry level, and with it, the on-the-job learning that acts as a springboard to real expertise. Perhaps the solution is to reincentivize private investment in developing human capital. Germany’s state-subsidized apprenticeship programs provide a real-world example. Either way, the university is going to have to make a case for its existence as more than a jobtraining center, but as an institution of critical thinking, basic research and a creator of optimism and aspiration for the future.

8| | Jan. 17, 2012

HAB and 'Bad Teacher' start off Spring 2012

HAB members Sarah Henry (L) and Jeremy Johnson (R) help serve food to students before the movie.

Photos by Daniel Mutter | The Crow’s Nest

Meghan Porter (L) and Solange Gorleku (R) help students sign in at the HAB table.

Harborside Activities Board held its first event of the fall semester with a movie on the Harbor Lawn. HAB went old school with bag lunches and juice boxes for students to enjoy while watching the movie "Bad Teacher" on the big screen. This was just the first of many events that HAB plans to offer for the spring semester.

The Florida Orchestra Upcoming Concerts Raymond James Pops

Music for Lovers Celebrate a romantic night out with sizzling torch songs, beautiful ballads, luscious love themes and more by Richard Rodgers, Barry White, Cole Porter, Dolly Parton, Henry Mancini, Barry Manilow, Barry Gordy and others. Featuring vocalists Mike Eldred and Betsy Wolfe, Steven Reineke conducts.

Jan 20 - 22

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