Cross-Canada Workshops Our Canada: Exploring Canadian Values through Culture, Faith and Identity
The Our Canada Project This short presentation provides an overview of the Our Canada Project and Cross-Canada Workshops initiative. We hope that it will spark your interest. Contact information is included at the end of the presentation.
About the Project
The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) has developed Our Canada: Exploring Canadian Values through Culture, Faith and Identity to engage people throughout Canada in discussions and activities that recognize diversity as a national asset and promote Canadian values and civic engagement as everyone’s contribution to building a stronger country. "Most Canadians agree that multiculturalism contributes to social cohesion, has a positive impact on ethnic and religious minorities, and makes it easier for newcomers to adapt to, and adopt shared Canadian values. Yet, when it comes to religious expression in the public sphere, there is still a question of how far Canadians are willing to accede to meet multiculturalism's promise of integration and inclusion.” – Anita Bromberg, Executive Director, CRRF
Cross-Canada Workshops January 2015 to March 2016
The Workshops
The CRRF is rolling out 24 full-day CrossCanada Workshops for senior executives, human resources professionals, and trainers and facilitators who work primarily within multicultural settings. Ten of the Workshops will be held before March 31, 2015. Regional Workshops are an opportunity to have an open and productive conversation about faith and faith-based issues and to discuss new situations that have emerged with the growth of Canadian multiculturalism. The Workshops introduce a professional development module and toolkit that can be added to existing diversity training initiatives.
2015 Cross-Canada Workshop Schedule
Workshop Features
January to March 31, 2015
Brampton Calgary Halifax Ottawa Regina Richmond Toronto Truro Vancouver Winnipeg Stay tuned for new locations April 2015 to March 2016
• Small group format (12 to 20 people per session) • Delivered regionally • Facilitated by professionals • Discussion with regional faith leaders • Orientation to a professional development module that can be added to existing diversity and inclusion programs • Toolkit and resources to share • Convenient access to networks and resources as well as the CRRF’s CrossCanada LinkedIn group
The Rationale
The CRRF recently released our Report on Canadian Values based on a national survey of 2,005 Canadians, interviews with experts, and an extensive review of related research and reports. While Canadian workplaces and communities are rich in diversity, and Canada is viewed as an international model for multiculturalism, there are significant challenges ahead as we navigate new aspects of diversity and inclusion. "There is still work to be done in fostering a better understanding and respect for the full expression of multiculturalism in Canada. The Report on Canadian Values helps us to further understand issues that threaten to divide us, while providing essential keys to strengthening our shared core values.� – Albert Lo, Chairperson, CRRF
Examples of “Incompatible Practices” • 28% identified the wearing of religious garb in public or security settings, as well as the wearing of turbans and hijabs by members of the police and RCMP. • 10% listed religious practices in general. • 8% cited observance of religious holidays as incompatible.* * CRRF, Our Canada Report on Canadian Values, 2014
What We Learned 9% of Canadians, i.e.: over 3 million people belong to a faith other than Christianity.* The CRRF Survey found that: • Respect for human rights and freedoms is at the top of the list of “Canadian values.” • 64 percent of respondents feel that Canada’s multicultural ideals “allow for the pursuit of cultural practices that are incompatible with Canadian laws and norms.” * Statistics Canada, National Household Survey, 2011
Why This Matters
Canadian demographics have changed and multiculturalism in Canada today centres on questions of religious accommodation. Business and community leaders need to be ready, and they need the tools to address related issues. That’s why the CRRF is going Cross-Country with a professional development initiative that is directed toward senior management level professionals who are leading diversity and inclusion initiatives. “Because many Canadians have ceased to think about religion at all, they do not recognize the persistence of religious intolerance.… However, religious intolerance and discrimination continue to present significant barriers.” – David Seljak, “Protecting Religious Freedom in a Multicultural Canada.” Canadian Diversity: Volume 9.3 (Summer 2012)
Cross-Canada Goals
Is this for You?
You are:
• in a leadership role in an organization/ community
Support diversity and inclusion leadership.
• a human resources professional
Build knowledge about faith in Canada.
Increase the ability of facilitators to manage situations arising out of conflicting religious practices and cultural values in Canadian workplaces and communities.
Introduce a professional development module that can be can be added to existing diversity training initiatives.
• a teacher, facilitator or professional trainer • involved in law enforcement • a representative of a community of interest
Get Involved
This one-day workshop can help you change the future of diversity and inclusion in Canada. Our Canada will provide the forum and resources to accelerate your work. The CRRF is looking for 250 diversity and inclusion leaders who will spark the discussion about faith in Canadian workplaces and communities. Please connect with the CRRF and/or our Regional Facilitators to register for the oneday Cross-Canada Workshop.
Contact Us
Timelines January to March 2016 Workshop Registration
We want to hear from you! For more information contact: Suren Nathan Project Director Our Canada (416) 441-2774
1. Confirm your interest in this initiative by emailing Judy Csillag ! ! ! !
Online registration Resources and Toolkit Private LinkedIn group No cost
We acknowledge the financial support of the Inter-Action, the Multiculturalism Grants and Contributions Program of Citizenship and Immigration Canada, in the delivery of this project.