Plan 365 is a technical guide aimed at helping shareholders learn about best practice and the latest advancements in rural technology.
Keeping a watchful eye on precious water supply East Coast farmer Charlie Johnson sleeps a lot easier knowing his farm’s water storage is in good shape. He and wife Debbie run a sheep, beef, cropping and grape growing operation on 400ha at Waipaoa, near Gisborne. In January this year they bought a Gallagher Wireless Water Monitoring System to monitor water storage on a neighbouring 180ha block acquired in 2013.
25,000 litre tanks located on the highest
can fix it quickly.”
peaks of the new block. Water is then
Charlie says the Gallagher Wireless
gravity fed to 30 new troughs.
Water Monitoring System is excellent
During summer the two tanks are
value for money.
automatically topped up overnight. In
“Considering what it does and how
winter, when water demand is lower, the
good it is, Debbie and I were very
tanks are topped up when required.
surprised at how little it cost. We
The Gallagher Wireless Water
reckon it’s paid for itself already. It’s
Monitoring System was set up to
great for peace of mind, because
monitor the higher of the two tanks.
you can see straight away that your
Water level information from a sensor
livestock have plenty of water and
Charlie says while the new hill country
inside the tank is transmitted via a solar
know that your water storage system is
block was well subdivided, it relied
powered wireless communication unit
working properly. I would recommend
heavily on dam water and lacked a
on top of the tank, to a display unit
this system to any farmer.”
decent reticulation system.
mounted in the pump shed, which is
The Gallagher Wireless Water
“Summer here can get very dry and if
more than 3km away.
Monitoring System is easy to set up
you don’t have a good trough system
Charlie rides past the pump shed
and operate.
you have to open up gates to let stock
every day.
“It worked straight away and we had no
get to water. This makes it hard to
“I don’t even have to get off my bike
teething problems at all.”
achieve good pasture management.”
to check the display. It lets me know
If the Johnsons need any product
With the help of local engineer Scott
exactly how much water is in the tank
advice, they call on their local Gallagher
Harvey, the Johnsons installed a water
without me having to go all the way up
Territory Manager Ian Moorcock.
system that provides ample capacity
there. So it saves a lot of time
for increased stock numbers. Water
and travel.”
“Ian’s always there if we need him and
from a bore on the home farm is now
Up to nine tanks can be monitored by
pumped via a 50mm mainline to two
He’s also helped us set up a powerful
one display unit. The display features
Gallagher Energizer on the new block
a large colour touchscreen and can
and that’s doing a great job of keeping
store water level information, to give the
bulls under control. We like Gallagher
farmer a clear picture of historical tank
gear because it’s good and reliable.”
levels across a 30 day period.
For more information please to talk
The system highlights any potential
to the friendly team at your local
water issues before they become a
Farmlands store.
major problem.
Article supplied by Gallagher.
he knows what he’s talking about.
“It’s awesome. If the display shows that the water level is falling faster than would be expected, you know straight away that you have a problem and you
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
Time for a water system stocktake With potentially many long, dry summer months just around the corner, the demands on your water system can be extreme. To maintain your water system's reliability, it’s that time of the year when consideration needs to be given to maintenance. It is also a good opportunity to assess the suitability of your water system, to see if it is meeting the needs of your current farming operation.
there are trough valves designed
As a general rule, the three key
per head per day (consumed over a 6
elements in the design of a water
hour period). These are NZ averages
system are height, distance and how
and suggested by sources including
much water is required. With regards
DairyNZ and Lincoln University.
to ‘how much’, this may be the ideal
Consideration should also be given to
time to service, repair or replace your
future proofing your water reticulation
existing trough valves. Where it is
system, to take into account potential
necessary to replace existing trough
changes to your farming operation.
valves, replacing like with like may be a
These changes could increase demand
perfectly sensible approach. However,
at the trough a great deal.
it is also an opportunity to see if your
Selecting a trough valve purely on the
existing trough valve is actually fit
available to shareholders and can
basis of having the highest flow rate
for purpose - or is there a better
arrange a consultant to contact you.
(when this may well be in excess of the
option available?
maximum required flow rate) may lead
For more information, visit
The days of the brass ballcock or
to unintended consequences if the
trough valve being the only option
pipe has not been sized accordingly.
are long gone. Farmlands offers
As so much water is going to one
an extensive range of Apex trough
demand point on a farm, it can be at
valves to suit your needs. Along
the expense of another demand point
with traditional brass trough valves,
and so may create negative pressure
there are plastic options, high flow,
in a pipeline. In a worst case scenario,
medium and low flow valves, armless
this vacuum can cause pipe collapse
valves, diaphragm, plunger and piston
to occur.
designs. There are trough valves that
A well-functioning water system can
are camlock compatible (for easy
deliver real benefits to the wellbeing
specifically for thin walled plastic tanks. With so much choice, selection can be difficult. The golden rule is the trough valve should provide flow that is equal to or slightly more than the maximum potential demand at the trough. Obviously farm type has a major bearing on this. For example, a lactating cow will consume 70 litres per head per day (over a 5 hour period), whereas a non-lactating cow only requires 45 litres
of your stock and any investment in improving your water system, if done correctly, can deliver tangible returns. If you need advice on best practice around water systems, or Apex trough valve selection then talk to a Farmlands Technical Field Officer or one of the in-store staff. For new water schemes, it is suggested you contract the services of a water system design service. Farmlands also has this service
the friendly team at your local Farmlands store. Article supplied by Hydroflow
connection to portable troughs) and
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
A stitch in time
As we come into peak water demand over the drier summer months, is the ideal time to give your stock water reticulation system a quick “once over”. Things that lessen reticulation efficiency or water quality lead to stock drinking less and have an adverse effect on production. The following is a brief check list of potential problems to look out for.
leaking threaded fittings and ballcocks replaced. Pipeline network – indications of problems are: Reduced or no water flow - this is usually associated with low-pressure gravity schemes and can be caused by the system inlet sucking in air or the water velocity being too slow, creating airlocks.
can accumulate dust, silt and rotten organic matter, making the water good practice to regularly check tanks and troughs for signs of such contamination. To remove contaminated water, tanks and troughs
Reservoir integrity – following cleaning is an excellent time to check concrete tanks and troughs for cracks, which could become potential leaks. Epoxy fillers, such as Humebond, are used to repair cracks. For best results these types of products should be applied to the internal surface, while the tank or trough is empty. Valve performance – this is also a great time to check the tank and trough valves or ballcocks for any operating issues. Bent ballcock arms can be straightened, new washers installed, thread tape reapplied to
welding of PVC fittings, etc.
pressure pipe used to withstand
Excessive pump cycling — pressure
scheme pressure.
cylinder water logging may cause this,
• Pipes not being buried —
less palatable to stock. It is
sanitised and refilled with fresh water.
threaded fittings, poor solvent
• Pressure – the incorrect grade of
on-farm, such as tanks and troughs,
The internal surfaces can then be
of pipe fittings, e.g. leaks from
Leakage – the major causes are:
Water quality – water reservoirs
can be emptied with a suction pump.
• Incorrect installation and assembly
or a pump not properly matched to the
mechanical damage (tractors,
pipe system.
thistle hoes, etc.) or pressure de-
Reduction or cessation in pump’s
rating. Exposure to direct sunlight
output — a prolonged dry spell may
heats the pipe, softening the pipe
cause the water source level to drop,
wall, reducing the pipe's ability to
leading to excessive suction lift.
withstand internal pressure.
Pipe blockage — can be caused by:
• Frost – water expands when frozen,
organic materials in the water source,
which can rupture the pipe wall
physical obstructions or chemical
and associated valves and pipe
deposits, such as iron. Chemical
deposits can reduce the effective
• Water-hammer — a shock
pipe bore size over the entire pipeline,
transmitted down the pipeline
thereby reducing flow rates. The other
related to sudden valve opening
materials will tend to settle out in lower
and closure, which can cause
velocity areas or in the pipeline's low
failure in pipeline components.
points. Flushing taps in these low
Be careful when long pipelines
areas will help reduce this problem.
are associated with quick turn-
For more information or assistance
off valves (e.g. ball-valves) - shut
in regard to your stock water
valves slowly.
system, see the knowledgeable
• Chemical — pipes carrying liquids or additives that are outside the
team at your local Farmlands store. Article supplied by Iplex.
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
Solcor Fence Defender The Solcor Fence Defender is a fortuitous mix of Loring Industries' design expertise and on-farm irrigation needs.
in existing fences. The mechanism is
A 400ha lamb and beef finishing unit
cord. This absorbs the stretch and
near Aylesbury in the Selwyn District is using large scale irrigation with four pivots and 300 crossovers. As with most pivots, where the tower crosses the fence there is immense pressure applied to the wire strands, especially where the tower crosses on an angle. After having ongoing issues with the fence wire breaking they began trialling the Solcor Fence Defender system, performing the trial on fences where the problems were the worst. Experience now shows the Solcor product to be much superior to their previous setup. Installation is easy and is performed without having to dismantle or cut strands
designed to fit the three diameters of wire available and incorporates a clamping device, to attach to both the fence wire and the high specification Solcor shock retraction from the wire as the tower wheel passes over each strand.
SOLCOR FENCE DEFENDER • 2 years on-farm testing. • Can be used on existing fences - no wire cutting. • Proven efficient at angle crossings. • Easy to install. • High specification UV resistant cord and nylon fittings. • Successfully sold into the market for 2 years. • Competitively priced.
With 2 years of trials and improvements, the market response and feedback has been most encouraging, proving the Solcor Fence Defender to be a complete and effective solution. The Solcor Fence Defender System is available through your local Farmlands store. For more information please to talk to the friendly team at your local Farmlands store. Article supplied by Solcor.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
Preventing flystrike this summer The length of protection from flystrike following dipping is dependent on many factors. Follow these guidelines to help you get the best protection. Saturate the wool to skin level in at-risk areas (see Figure 1). Adequate saturation is crucial to get the optimum protection from dip products and this can be checked with an indelible pencil or paper.
Apply clean dipwash to clean sheep.
Don’t forget lice treatment on short
Contaminants in the fleece or dipwash,
wool is best. You should plan your lice
including skin and wool infections,
treatment to coincide with shearing – no
dirt, faeces and dags, will bind and
matter what time of year. It is better to
inactivate dipwash chemicals.
treat for lice in short wool and then re-
Make sheep less attractive to
treat for flies in longer wool as required.
blowflies. Odours are the main
If you do not use a pour-on off-shears
attractant for blowflies. Important fly
for lice, such as MAGNUM® then make
attractants include dags, wounds,
sure your summer fly dipping chemical
fleece and skin infections, fleece
also controls lice. This will prevent a
moisture, skin folds, pizzle or foot
build-up of numbers causing outbreaks
rot. Dags are the most important
in the winter, when the wool is long and
Flystrike risk factors (see Figure 2).
more difficult to treat effectively.
During warm months, flystrike incidence depends For mostly on the presence ofplease talk more information, Practice Integrated Pest susceptible sheep, not on the density of sheep blowflies in the area. As few as 7–10 to the friendly team at your blowfl ies per hectare are enough to cause extensive flystrike if susceptible sheeplocal Management. In conjunction with are present. A number of factors act to make a sheep more attractive Farmlands store. to flies and dipping, other management tools susceptible to flystrike: should be utilised to decrease the risk Article supplied by Coopers.
Soiling around the crutch (dags)
of flystrike. These include shearing,
Faecal and urine staining occurs around the crutchReferences: area, especially in lambs. This reducing dags (crutching, feed changes predisposes the animals to breech strike (Figure 1). Larvae hatching from eggs laid 1. Australian Wool Innovation, CSIRO & DAFWA. onto dags will feed in the dags before moving the skin to feed. Urine staining and parasite control), avoiding higharound the pizzle of rams and wethers can also be attractive to blowflies. ACVM No. A7704 ®Registered trademark. risk paddocks and disposing of dead Schering-Plough Animal Health Ltd.
| Figure 1: Risk of flystrike by area.
animals quickly.
Figure 1: Australian Dag Scoring System showing relative risk of flystrike in lambs associated with dag score3.
Dip 3-5 weeks after shearing. Aim to dip with no longer than 8 weeks (fine breeds) to 12 weeks (coarse breeds) wool growth. The longer and finer the wool, the more difficult it is to wet to the skin and the more dipwash required. Two litres of dipwash per animal should be used when jetting. Use the right equipment, correctly. Automatic jetting races can achieve good results for fly control. As they do not saturate the entire body, use saturation (plunge or shower) dipping if combined lice control is required. If using a jetting race, use a lice pour-on off-shears to ensure lice are controlled.
A lamb with dag score 2 is twice as likely to be struck as a dag score 1 lamb.
A lamb with dag score 5 is 15 times as likely to be struck as a dag score 1 lamb.
| Figure 2: Relative risk of flystrike and dag score.1
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
New generation fly and lice treatments deliver on safety and quality Marketing 11,000 lambs through the entire season, either for processing or sale as heavy stores, requires a consistent level of stock quality for Doug and Jo McKenzie’s Patitapu Station operation near Eketahuna.
“We have to get smarter about the
With that volume of stock moving
Doug appreciates the rapid three-way
chemicals we use - it’s a health and safety thing too and I would not expect staff to use anything I would not use myself.” Cyrex delivers results action Cyrex delivers at the start of
through the farm, Doug aims to keep
summer, killing off any maggots present,
the operation as simple and repeatable
knocking back lice populations and
as possible. “We are not the largest in terms of scale - but the sheep income accounts for 80 percent of what we do and I aim to have a policy that prevention is better than cure in every aspect of stock health and quality.” He is also reliant upon four staff and maintains a simple policy will be more easily transferred between different staff members, without any misinterpretation or loss of consistency.
providing fly protection for up to 3 months. “It’s important for me that it works well. I make a point of sending all the staff away over Christmas and running the place on my own over that risky time
of mind that the ongoing issue of lice is under control. “In the past we may have used products that only targeted lice, or flystrike. This is delivering the
for flies, the last thing I need is to try
whole package.”
and round up 10,000 sheep on my own
For more information, please talk
because of flystrike problems.”
to the friendly team at your local
Fly problems over summer are now a
Farmlands store.
thing of the past and he also has peace
Article supplied by Elanco.
A key area included in that policy for
Doug and Jo is around lice and fly control. As with all policies on the farm,
• Proven efficacy from two different chemical classes. • Up to 12 weeks fly prevention. • Fast knockdown maggot kill. • Improved wound healing and evacuation from wounds. • Kills lice within hours. • 7 day meat withholding period. • Excellent safety profile for operator and animals.
effective management of the problem is dependent upon having a clear routine for control. That requires effective products, good infrastructure, time for management to ensure it’s working and staff who understand the importance of doing the job right. In the past 2 years, an integral part of ensuring consistency in this area has come through switching from traditional lice and fly control products to a new generation of treatments that are safer to use and highly effective.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
Declaring war on facial eczema Facial eczema occurs in warm, moist conditions, when the fungus Pithomyces chartarum rapidly multiplies throughout the pasture. The fungal spores contain a toxin called sporidesmin. The production of sporidesmin causes considerable stress to young stock and dairy cows once ingested. Cows in particular become very sensitive to light, skin becomes inflamed and milk production drops dramatically. It’s time to act now!
hit 20,000 per gram of pasture, spray
water, as the product is very bitter. To
your pastures immediately.
ensure cows maintain their water intake,
Dosatron inline dispensers
add Caramillo Masking and Flavouring
Dosatron inline dispensers provide the
Agent to disguise the taste of zinc and
mechanism to dose stock drinking water
keep your animals drinking.
with the required amount of zinc sulphate
Dose 20ml Caramillo to every kilogram of
(heptahydrate). Every litre of water has
zinc sulphate dosed.
the desired amount of zinc treatment
The risk of facial eczema is on the
to help protect the liver from the toxins.
rise, so it’s time to develop your plan
Dosatrons are simple to install and very
of attack. Farmlands has a range of
easy to use and cuts out the need to
options and strategies to combat this
drench when set up properly. Cows
terrible disease.
Pasture spraying (X-spore or Topsin)
consume a significant amount of water
IntenSE Trifecta Chelated
If you farm in an area with frequency or
during the summer, so this is an effective method to address the needs of the
This product can be dosed in conjunction
prior history of facial eczema then the best approach should be to apply an
approved pasture spray, to kill the spores
Start dosing zinc sulphate at low rates
cows can be lost with high rates of zinc,
before they start breeding. Pasture
before the onset of facial eczema and
so combine IntenSE Trifecta Chelated
fungicides’ active ingredient is either
increase as the spores rise. Having
with zinc, with confidence.
carbendazim (X-spore) or thiophanate-
zinc in the diet, coupled with pasture
methyl (Topsin), which when applied at
spraying, provides a two prong approach
4ml dose contains:
label rates stops the growth of the fungus
to fight this disease.
that causes facial eczema. Timing of
Caramillo Masking and Flavouring Agent
application is important and product
Animals may take time to adapt to the
should be applied prior to the danger period. As soon as pasture spore levels
taste of the zinc sulphate present in their
with zinc sulphate, as the ingredients are chemically stable. Copper status in dairy
5mg selenium 150mg copper 4mg cobalt Article supplied by Bell-Booth.
• Disguises the bitter taste of zinc in stock drinking water and drenches. • Encourages animals to maintain water intake. • Cost effective - only use 20-40ml per kilogram of active ingredient.
• Labour savings device. • Provides option to start zinc treatment before the onset of facial eczema. • Eliminates drenching time in the shed. • All water troughs receive proportional dose every day.
• Studies show that priming the dairy cow pre-calving with the three essential key trace elements assists the cow to build reserves, with the net effect of bringing a positive impact on calving, milk production and reproduction.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
Facial eczema - a preventable disease Facial eczema (FE) significantly impacts on the health and productivity of cattle (Towers and Smith 1978). Every year, December through to May brings the inevitable facial eczema risk that presents significant welfare concerns to most farm animals. Left unprotected, the disease causes unnecessary suffering amongst most ruminants. FE is caused by sporidesmin, a mycotoxin produced by the microscopic fungus Pithomyces chartarum, which grows in the base of dead or dying pasture litter. It is this toxin that when ingested severely
mating and later at calving. At calving
• Monitor on-farm spore counts to
there is the added risk of increased
know when the risk period begins.
metabolic disease, due to a damaged
District counts may be useful but
liver unable to produce adequate
must be used as indicative only.
glucose. Most if not all of these
• Identify the highest risk areas and
issues are preventable.
avoid animals grazing them unless
What to look for:
they are protected with zinc.
• Cows and heifers seeking shade.
2. Animal management
• Frequent kicking, licking at flanks.
Supplementation of the dairy cows'
• Restlessness in the cow shed,
diet or dosing with zinc over the risk
kicking cups off.
periods will reduce the toxic effects
• Sudden drop in milk production.
of FE.
• Any redness and peeling of
• Zinc oxide (80 percent elemental
unpigmented skin.
zinc) daily in feed or by oral drench.
• Sudden or unexplained metabolic
• Zinc oxide via a controlled release
disease, especially at calving.
bolus. Offers a consistent daily
damages the bile ducts of the liver,
Not all animals affected with FE show
dose of zinc for up to 5 weeks in
meaning the animal is unable to rid
physical symptoms, even though
cattle and 6 weeks for sheep.
the body of wastes, including being
liver damage has occurred. It is
unable to break down chlorophyll
estimated that for every 1 percent
effective than a Dosatron at
from pasture.
of cows exhibiting clinical signs of
elevating serum zinc above the
However, FE is a disease that can be
FE, 20 percent of the herd will be
minimum protective level
prevented with sound management
experiencing sub-clinical effects!
Preventing facial eczema
The real cost of facial eczema
Timing is critical to maximise the
Often the first sign of FE in dairy cows
effect of any preventive technique.
is behavioural changes - the farmer
1. Pasture management
sees a sudden drop in milk production
• Clean (graze) paddocks out to
that occurs soon after the intake of toxic spores. Unprotected growing heifers will have reduced liveweight gain, resulting in undergrown heifers at
• The Time Capsule® bolus is more
reduce the amounts of rank, dead pasture material.
(Cuttance, VetEnt 2013). • Zinc sulphate (40 percent elemental zinc) in water. This can put cows off drinking water, so it needs to be introduced over a few days or weeks or in combination with flavouring.
• Avoid topping paddocks in summer/autumn.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
NB: Research has shown that cow daily water intakes (and therefore zinc) are variable, so cows may not be completely protected against FE at all times.
• Farmers could consider the use
you know all of your animals remain
of fungicides to mitigate the
protected against the silent killer we
reproduction of toxic spores.
know as facial eczema.
Fungicides (active is carbendazim)
Supplied by Andrew Oakley, Technical
do not kill all spores, they only
Manager, Agritrade.
reduce a percent, so the PSC must be low (<20,000) and sprayed
on green growing pasture to be
Towers N.R., Smith B.L. The protective effect of zinc sulphate in experimental sporidesmin intoxication of lactating dairy cows. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 26, 199-202, 1978.
effective. Whatever preventative option you choose, make sure all staff are aware of the plan and how to implement it but also put checks in place to make
Cuttance E. The effectiveness of The Time Capsule® and Dosatron trough treatment for the prevention of facial eczema in dairy heifers, VetEnt 2013.
sure the method is working - then
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
Product is more valuable wrapped with service Many hygiene and teat care brands offer dairy farmers high quality effective products that are designed specifically for their farming needs.
As summer approaches and higher
What farmers need to start questioning
help head off any issues before they
temperatures also elevate the risk of hygiene problems, it is important to have a service provider that can also
is who will support their products with
start to cause grading headaches.
knowledgeable useful on farm service?
With holidays coming and staff routines
To deliver this service effectively the
shifting to accommodate everyone’s
network of service providers needs to be nationwide and available 24/7. In the FIL service team their experience and coverage has been augmented this season with the farm service managers being equipped with a flexible exploratory camera capable of being inserted into milk lines to help detect hygiene problems. FIL National Sales Manager Colin May says the team are equipped to identify difficult to detect hygiene issues making this a far simpler task than it has ever been before. “With 40 aside-plus herringbone, or 60-plus rotary dairies the biggest challenge is trying to see right down the milk line and detect what it is that is causing a hygiene problem. Often with rotary dairies the only option may be to split the milk line up, and that involves
time off, a hygiene briefing from your | FIL Area Manager Greg Duncan showing
Farmlands TFO Stuart the benefits on the new milk line camera.
hygiene service provider alongside with your local Farmlands Technical Field Officer can be an invaluable way to
The camera inspection also enables
ensure routines and practices are all up
milk seals to be examined as part of
to scratch, with good practice helping
the seasonal maintenance programme,
offset the inevitable risk that elevated
identifying any that are perished or
temperatures bring to this time of year.
It is important to not only look at the
Over ANZAC weekend this year FIL’s
product you buy, but ask about the
North Waikato farm service manager
service you get with the chemical.
Mark Mohring was able to help out a
Farmers should feel they can call their
client with a grading problem using the
local service provider to discuss any
camera. There had been no resolution
risks they have, and how they can work
to the problem, until Mark was able to
together to help maintain the high levels
use the camera technology.
of hygiene they expect.
Inserting the camera down the rotary
For more information, please talk
dairy’s milk line, he identified protein
to the friendly team at your local
build up that was otherwise invisible,
Farmlands store.
and unable to be detected using conventional brushing.
Article supplied by FIL.
a couple of hours’ worth of work to achieve, and is increasingly difficult.” Equipped with LED lighting around the lens, the cameras deliver a clear image to a screen, ensuring a centimetre by centimetre examination of the line is possible, and achieved in well under an hour.
QUANTUM POWDER • Low foaming chlorinated alkaline detergent sanitiser. • Prevents and removes protein, fat and stubborn milk solid deposits. • Compatible with a range of water types.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
Nuisance fly season It’s warming up – and the warmer weather will kick off the nuisance fly season.
nuisance fly is prevention.
season. This will ensure that the
Starting fly control early when the new
impact of nuisance flies is reduced and
season’s flies appear is key – before
importantly will help to minimise the fly
Nuisance flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) are
the population grows to uncontrollable
population growing on your farm.
an aggressive biting fly that suck blood
numbers. Follow these points to
and cause a sharp, painful bite to cows
minimise nuisance fly on your farm:
For more information, please talk
and people. They are found on dairy
• Start fly control as soon as flies are
farms in the warmer regions of New
noticed in the shed – use COOPERS®
Zealand (mainly the North Island).
12°C, flies that over-wintered (in the
• Minimise breeding areas around the
soil as pupae) start to emerge. Warmer
shed (such as effluent, milk spills, calf
weather leads to rapid breeding, with
Article supplied by Coopers. References: 1. 1958 Journal of Econ. Entomology. 51: 269 -274 2. 1980 Veterinary Record. 106: 6, 121-123 3. 1993 Journal of Econ. Entomology. 86: 4, 1144-1150
bedding and rotting vegetation)
millions of these flies emerging from the
• Practice good hygiene with regular,
soil, looking for a food source that must
thorough washing of all surfaces and
include blood.
machinery to remove all traces of milk
Flies reproduce rapidly, so this is the
and manure
time to act – before the fly population
COOPERS BLAZE is the only SP pour-
explodes on your farm!
on that repels nuisance flies and kills on
Everyone has experienced the irritation
of nuisance flies in the shed:
BLAZE pour-on contains deltamethrin,
• Flies biting and landing on you as
a synthetic pyrethroid in a water-based
you’re working
solution. Once applied along the
• Cows irritated, restless and kicking
backline, it spreads around the body
• More cups kicked off
to rapidly cover the entire animal with a
• More defaecation, so greater risk of
protective ‘shield’, moving through the
faecal contamination in the milk
oils on the skin. BLAZE has a nil milk
Remember that flies will annoy cows
withholding period, so is fine to use
in the paddock too. Fly irritation can
during lactation.
cause grazing cows to expend time and
Deltamethrin kills flies through its action
energy reacting to flies and less time
on the insect’s nervous system. It also
eating. Overseas studies
acts as a deterrent to flies landing
show that
nuisance flies can account for a 9 percent
on cows, which is very important in
reduction in milk yield and decrease
reducing nuisance fly irritation.
growth rates of growing stock.
In summary, treatment with BLAZE
The key to avoiding the production
should coincide with the appearance of
losses and annoyance caused by
nuisance flies, early in the fly breeding
Farmlands store.
BLAZE® every 4 weeks while flies are
Once soil temperatures reach about
to the friendly team at your local
Registered pursuant of the ACVM Act 1997, No. A8214.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
Zinc and facial eczema Widely used to galvanise metals such as iron to protect against corrosion, zinc can also be used to protect animals against a host of ailments.
be deadly or necessitate early culling.
as soon as possible â&#x20AC;&#x201C; in cattle and
Sheep may become restless and rub
sheep the recommended maximum
their heads against posts and gates
continuous zinc supplementation
with reddened ears and swollen eyes.
period is 100 days.
Zinc is an essential component in
The effects of the toxin on the liver are
Managing zinc supplementation
cumulative. By the time symptoms are
at these higher levels requires
seen, the liver damage that causes
co-operation between the farmer,
the most economic losses has already
advisor/veterinarian and the feed
occurred. There is no specific treatment
company to minimise the risks.
for the liver damage, so the timing of
Local knowledge about the degree
treatment to prevent damage is critical.
of threat each season is invaluable
There are a number of preventative
and shareholders are urged to talk
options available to help manage
to their local Farmlands team.
facial eczema, including high doses
Article supplied by Dr. Rob Derrick, Farmlands Nutritionist.
more than 300 enzymes throughout the body and has a key role in both the immune system and reproduction. Zinc deficiency is associated with a loss of appetite, reduced growth rates, poor hair and wool texture and retarded sexual development in both sexes. Zinc supplementation is not just about eliminating a deficiency. Zinc has been linked to improved immune function, skin integrity and improved hoof health and is commonly used at elevated levels to help protect against facial eczema. Facial eczema is caused by a common fungus, Pithomyces chartarum, which only produces spores containing a toxin called sporidesmin during special humid weather conditions typically following a dry spell. If consumed, the spores release sporidesmin into the digestive tract, from where they are absorbed into the bloodstream and become concentrated in the bile ducts, causing severe damage to the liver. Initial signs include diarrhoea and sudden milk production drop, followed 10-14 days later by restless behaviour as cows seek shade and reduced appetite. Skin damage occurs because photosensitive toxins build up under the skin, complications from which can
of inorganic zinc, to substantially reduce the incidence and severity of liver damage suffered in an outbreak of facial eczema, if delivered prior to or during outbreaks. When feeding zinc oxide in-feed or oral drenches, or zinc sulphate via water troughs, at far above normal therapeutic levels, a product registered with ACVM and proven to be effective against facial eczema should be selected. Zinc consumed at high levels inhibits the production of superoxide radicals by the sporidesmin, which damages the tissue. Unfortunately, although zinc is relatively non-toxic to ruminants, the amount of zinc required to prevent facial eczema is close to the level likely to cause toxic effects, which include anorexia and reduced milk production. Care must also be taken if feeding supplementary copper, as copper seems to activate the toxin in the liver. Zinc dosing should be discontinued
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | Š December 2014. All rights reserved.
Relevance of compound feeds in low pay-out seasons The falling pay-out has many farmers questioning the profitability of in-shed feeding and the benefits of compound feeds over low starch straights or simple blends. Experience suggests farmers who have invested wisely in in-shed feeding systems should be cautious about over belt-tightening.
increased production to reduce the
determines milk volume. In mid to late
impact on profitability.
lactation, starchy supplements can help
Herds stocked to make maximum use of
to maintain both milk production and
pasture growth in the spring are unlikely
pasture intake. Lower cost, higher fibre
to have surplus grass in the summer.
by-products are useful, to help fill a larger
Cows that have peaked in response
feed deficit and maintain dry matter
to receiving feed in addition to what
intakes, manage residuals and cow
pasture will support are unlikely to be
condition if the summer is too hot or dry.
fully fed during the summer, unless stock
DairyNZ figures suggest a 500kg cow
Fonterra has suggested that the lower
numbers are reduced. Cows underfed
needs to be fed an additional 1.5t DM at
pay-out will encourage farmers to return
during the summer, or dried off, are not
11MJ ME/kg DM to produce 500kg MS,
to low cost, pasture-only production.
going to be less able to respond to any
compared to 300kg MS, i.e. each 1kg
However, according to the DairyNZ
lift in pasture quality and quantity in
DM supports 133g MS. The response
Economic Survey, even in the sub $5.00/
the autumn.
increases 14 percent with every MJ ME
kg MS pay-out years of 2005-6 ($4.18
Feed commodities find their value on
above 11.0 MJ ME/kg DM. The break-
the world market and by-and-large
even price for a 12 MJ/kg ME feed would
feed prices reflect the income they will
be about $660/t – assuming 6 percent
generate and risk profile. Grains have a
wastage, which is unlikely when feeding
lower fibre level and lower substitution
in the shed. The vast majority of custom
rate than fermented by-products
produced compound feeds contain
and PKE. They support milk protein
Bovatec® or Rumensin®. The average
production, which is more valuable than
response from feeding Rumensin® across
milk fat and lactose production, which
17 independent trials in New Zealand and
payment) and 2006-7 ($4.13 payment), producers surveyed who identified as System 3 or 4 and 5 (results combined) made more operating profit per hectare than lower input System 1 and 2 producers. Historically, when pay-out drops New Zealand dairy farmers have run counter to the global trend and
Australia is 1 litre of milk volume, 0.04kg of protein and no change in milk fat. At a $5.00 pay-out, the extra protein will be worth about 25 cents/cow/day, which further increases the rewards and peace of mind of in-shed feeding. Continuing to feed a grain based compound feed containing essential minerals and a rumen modifier is most likely to be profitable, even when the pay-out is low, whilst helping cow condition and health. Article supplied by Dr. Rob Derrick, Farmlands Nutritionist.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
Balanced nutrients for young stock Ensuring young stock fulfil their potential is critical to the future success of your farm business. However, sometimes results fall short of expectations. For example, researchers at LIC analysed dairy heifer data and discovered that the majority of young stock were failing to meet industry liveweight targets. In fact, at 22 months they were on average 11 percent below target. This will affect their chances of getting in-calf and their milk production.
What can Crystalyx Forage
A Ballance trial looking at the effect
Plus provide?
of using Crystalyx Forage Plus to
Crystalyx Forage Plus is a dehydrated
supplement Friesian Cross steers
molasses block that provides stock
grazing pasture found that the
with energy (12 MJ ME/kg DM) and
supplemented group had a significantly
protein, along with minerals - including
higher weight gain than those that went
calcium, phosphorus, selenium,
without and they also had higher blood
magnesium, zinc, copper and iodine
levels of selenium and vitamin B12.
- and vitamins, such as vitamins A,
Another trial, conducted by
D3 and E. It is not intended to replace
AgResearch, tested the effectiveness
other forages but rather to stimulate
of Crystalyx Forage Plus when used
rumen processes, so that the maximum
on R2 heifers. The results showed a 5
benefit is gained from feed. It also helps
percent difference in conception rate
to ensure animals have adequate
between the supplemented animals
levels of minerals and vitamins.
(100 percent conception rate) and those
Crystalyx Forage Plus blocks are
that were not supplemented (95 percent
conveniently packaged in tubs and are
conception rate). The supplemented
weather resistant. This means you can
heifers in this trial also had higher blood
leave the tubs out in paddocks for stock
levels of selenium and magnesium.
to help themselves, which will reduce
If you would like to know more about
your work load. Crystalyx Forage Plus
Crystalyx Forage Plus and how it will
is palatable, which encourages stock
benefit your young stock contact your
to eat it but it’s also hard, so they don’t
local Farmlands representative.
Supplying adequate amounts of good-
over-indulge. The result is stock will
Article supplied by SealesWinslow
quality forage can be problematic at
feed from the tubs little and often.
certain times of the year but ensuring
Typical intakes for young stock are
rumen microflora is functioning at
around 75-150g/day.
its peak will help your stock to make the most of available supplies. A well-functioning rumen is particularly important when young stock make the transition to pasture. So what do the micro-organisms in the rumen require to thrive? They need a supply of cellulose (a component of feed dry matter), rumen degradable protein, a source of energy, vitamins
CRYSTALYX FORAGE PLUS BLOCK 22.5KG • Improves pasture and forage digestibility. • Helps feed conversion. • Enhances rumen fermentation. • Improves reproductive performance of heifers. • Aids animal health and immune system.
and minerals.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
Colour-It reflective cloth increases fruit colour and value Extensive studies have measured a number of benefits when using Colour-It as a reflective cloth preharvest ground cover. In independently conducted, replicated trials on a number of apple varieties in New Zealand, Colour-It:
2014 Trials
• Significantly increased the
intervals. Fruit colouration measured at the
Replicated orchard trials to measure apple fruit colouration and maturity responses to reflective cloth were carried out in commercial Hawke’s Bay orchards during the 2014 season. Colour-It reflective cloth was compared with an untreated control for varying
percentage fruit colour coverage • Did not affect fruit internal
start of harvest was significantly increased | Colour-It cloth in standard Fuji.
maturity characteristics.
in all varieties. The proportion of the crop below 40 percent colouration was
the harvest interval and with better
This means that Colour-It
significantly reduced and the proportion
storage ability
reflective cloth:
above 70 percent was significantly
• Improves overall quality, because
• Increases marketable yield, by
increased by the cloth treatments. Fruit
more fruit is picked in better
increasing the proportion of the
internal quality was unaffected by the
crop meeting packhouse colour specifications • Increases the proportion of the crop achieving higher fruit colour grades, which means higher fruit value and higher packouts
reflective cloth treatment. Note that
Colour-It reflective cloth is made from
additional colour development after the
durable fabric. During manufacture, it
start of harvest was not measured.
is impregnated with an ultra violet light protectant to increase its longevity.
Article supplied by Proline Products NZ Ltd.
An improved fastening system has been developed to speed up installation, shifting
• Reduces the harvest interval, so
and removal and to be secure when the
that more fruit is harvested early in
wind blows.
Treatment details and responses from the 2014 trial work were: Change in % of crop in the following colour bands with Colour-It
Treatment Duration
Colour Increase
All standard clones
Number of days cloth was under trees before assessment and start of harvest
Treatment means
Treatment means
Average difference in apple % colour coverage assessed before harvest
Less than 40%
70% or more
Royal Gala
Pink Lady
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
Introducing WETCIT - the next generation adjuvant WETCIT is an adjuvant that will enhance the effectiveness of agrichemicals. It improves the spreading and coverage of spray droplets on all plant surfaces and enhances penetration of the product into the leaf. These abilities differentiate WETCIT from other adjuvants, hence why the formulation is patented in multiple countries.
adhere to waxy substances. When
The product is degraded naturally
they are used in combination with
in the environment. It is safe for
wetting agents at relatively low rates,
beneficial insects such as bees and
they play a supporting role to assist
ladybirds. Collectively, these properties
with the wetting of waxy surfaces. This
have enabled WETCIT to become
mode of action enables highly effective
established in more than 60 countries.
spreading and penetrating properties.
In many of these countries it is now the
Across a multitude of crops,
leading adjuvant.
independent trials have proven
Words of caution:
WETCIT contains a blend of naturally
herbicides can be optimised through
derived plant extracts – the main
the use of WETCIT. More importantly,
source of these extracts being orange
the data showed that WETCIT assists
oil. Plant-derived oils have lipophilic
with coverage of spray material into
(fat-loving) properties and are well
difficult-to-reach areas. Improved
known for their ability to penetrate and
penetration into dense canopies
that the efficacy of commonly used insecticides, miticides, fungicides and
1. Do not mix with copper, as it may cause phytotoxicity. 2. When using WETCIT for the first time, mix a little in the tank and spray to waste. WETCIT will loosen up residues in the tank, which could result in unwanted product being incorporated into the tank mix.
affords better control of target pests
and diseases. In citrus, WETCIT will
Seeing is believing with this product
enhance wetting of branches where
and already our clients are delighted
scale insects reside. For avocados,
with what WETCIT is doing for them
the superior penetration affords better
– you will be too!
control of mites. The same applies to grapes, where you want complete coverage of the canopy and bunches. Optimised efficacy of herbicides has also been demonstrated. More uniform and effective weed control is observed where difficult-to-control weeds occur.
For more information on this exciting and innovative product, please contact your local Farmlands Horticulture Technical Advisor. Article supplied by Luke Hansen, National Manager, Farmlands Horticulture.
WETCIT has a secondary effect, to cause desiccation of plant cells that have been damaged by insect activity or fungal infection. This reduces the risk of secondary infection. Using WETCIT poses very little risk to the environment or the spray operator.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
What our users think of WETCIT so far... CITRUS “We have tried this product and are extremely pleased with the performance. We will be using it more widely from here on out.” Glen Ingoe Ingoe Farming
VITICULTURE “This is our first season using WETCIT and I have been very happy with the results. It is giving us excellent coverage with our early season sulphur sprays. WETCIT is easy to use, mixes well and is very cost effective. We will use Wetcit with all our spraying this season and onwards.” Jeremy Walsh Jeremy Walsh Contracting Ltd
GREENHOUSE “In trials with glasshouse tomatoes and cucumbers, Wetcit was used at 250ml/100L of water with Oberon. We observed 30-40 percent kill rate of adult whitefly, which was impressive as Oberon will generally only work on the eggs and nymphs, not adults. “In another trial where spraying oils were used on tomatoes, we observed better penetration of the canopy with Wetcit and more importantly, we did not have the sticky layer on the leaf that comes with oils and any of the subsequent burning or ‘hardened’ dark green look to the crop.” Simon Morley-John Greenhouse Technical Advisor, Pukekohe
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
RainGard NON-IONIC STICKER-SPREADER What makes RainGard different?
How do Pinolene based
work with calcium foliar fertilisers in
RainGard is an organic Pinolene based
stickers function?
apples has shown increased calcium
formulation and because of its similarity
They form a soft, pliable film that
levels in those fruit where foliar calcium
to plant waxes, melds with the waxy
melds with the waxy surface of plant
has been applied with the RainGard
leaf and stem surface of plants. This
material. This soft film forms a bridge
active, as opposed to calcium being
similarity gives RainGard its excellent
from where the chemicals can either
sprayed purely on its own.
sticking ability.
be re-distributed back onto the leaf
What rate should RainGard be
What about re-wetting after application? Once it has set, the active ingredient Pinolene does not re-wet like other non-ionic surfactants. Rain, dew and irrigation have almost no effect on the duration of activity and so RainGard is extremely effective at keeping the pesticide applied, in place. What causes RainGard to degrade?
surface or move into the plant tissue. Only the outer layer that is directly
At 200ml/ha RainGard will provide
in contact with the atmosphere ever
pesticide protection for 5-7 days. At
hardens. This layer acts as a skin
300ml/ha RainGard offers protection
that is slowly degraded through
from 7-10 days. The rate of RainGard
depolymerisation over an
used is not affected by either water
extended period.
rate, or the number of pesticides in
Does RainGard harden on the
the spray tank.
leaf surface?
For more information, please talk
No. It is a soft film adjuvant and therefore retains its elasticity. Leaves
Ultraviolet light and oxygen are the
will bend and grow while the film will
two main factors that result in the
expand enough to maintain its integrity.
degradation of RainGard. Other factors such as rain and wind play an insignificant role in this degradation process.
used at?
to the friendly team at your local Farmlands store. Article supplied by Key Industries
Can RainGard be used with systemic
pesticides or foliar fertilisers?
Better spray deposition.
Yes. Every year thousands of litres
Less pesticide loss due to
of RainGard is used in the USA with
environmental factors.
non-selective systemic herbicides (not for use with selective herbicides) such as RoundUp, Tordon, 2-4-D
RAINGARD Compatible with all commercially used insecticides, fungicides,
and Grazon for spraying Industrial
herbicides and foliar fertilisers.
Right of Ways controlling trees,
Dries in 1 hour to provide
shrubs and unwanted vegetation.
wash-off protection from heavy
Trial work in NZ and overseas with
rain and irrigation.
systemic fungicides such as Amistar
and Foli-R-Fos has shown that the 2
Pinolene active in RainGard can actually improve those fungicides’ performance when it comes to disease control. New Zealand based research3
1. Mandops, United Kingdom 1998, PlantWise Services, Lincoln, New Zealand 2004. 2. U.I.M Agrochemicals, Queensland, Australia. 3. J.A.R Geelen Research Ltd., Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand 1998.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
At the forefront of weed control Roundup ULTRA®MAX is a 570 grams active glyphosate formulation, delivering great weed control with fewer drums required.
rapid uptake by the weed, delivering faster translocation to the roots, leading to faster brown-out. This is supported by a 20 minute commercial rainfast offer when used with an approved penetrant*. Sprayed paddocks can be grazed, cultivated or drilled just 24 hours after spraying for annual weeds and 3 days for perennial weeds.
Featuring a high load, low viscosity and low foam formulation, you spend less time filling up and get your spraying done faster. Roundup ULTRA MAX has a vast range of tank mix options and compatibilities, providing the flexibility to control a broad spectrum of weeds in one pass. The highest loading and unique surfactant system combine to make Roundup ULTRA MAX the most powerful liquid knockdown.
• Fully loaded. Trusted to work. • Flexible paddock management. • Commercial 20 minute rainfast offer.* For more information, please talk to the friendly team at your local Farmlands store.
The unique surfactant system ensures
Article supplied by Sinochem.
*Roundup ULTRA®MAX, when used in tank mixtures with an approved penetrant, should deliver commercially acceptable weed control even if moderate rain occurs just 20 daylight minutes after spraying. Sinochem Australia will replace up to 100 percent of your initial use amount of Roundup ULTRA MAX for re-treatment if a commercially acceptable weed control result is not achieved. For enquiries, visit This offer is in addition to other rights available to the consumer under the law. The product label should be consulted before use of Roundup ULTRA MAX and where required seek professional advice. Roundup and Roundup ULTRA are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC used under licence by Sinochem Australia. © 2014 Sinochem Australia.
New insecticide helps integrated pest management Farmlands Technical Field Representatives were able to implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach in fodder brassica crops this past season, thanks to the introduction of new insecticide chemistry. DuPont™ Exirel® insecticide had its first year of commercial release last season for the control of key caterpillar pests such as diamondback moth, cabbage white butterfly and soybean looper, plus European leaf miner. It also offers suppression of grey cabbage aphids.
“It did a great job,” he says. “It controlled the key pests, right down into the plants’ crown area. It stopped the pest loading on the crop, which was fantastic.” He says the insecticide had the added advantage of leaving beneficial insects in the crop, to continue to work against the target pests.
Exirel® impressed with its performance and its ability to leave beneficial insects in the crop.
Scott McIlroy, from Farmlands Darfield, says Exirel® insecticide was used extensively in the local area last season.
“With the good bugs that are left cleaning up the pest bugs, you are not going in with another spray. It is highly beneficial to the clients.”
Stuart Evans of Farmlands Invercargill says the retention of beneficial insects in the crop has been an interesting development with the use of DuPont™ Exirel® insecticide. “A lot more guys are focusing on more sustainable farming and anything they can do for the environment, they are quite keen to do,” he says. “These guys aren’t touchy, feely, greenie people – but they still like to be doing something that is seen to be of benefit to the environment. Exirel® is an important tool we can use early with confidence and let Mother Nature help us achieve clean crops.” Article supplied by DuPont New Zealand Limited.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
A calculated approach to brassica nitrogen A good supply of nitrogen is essential for brassica crops to yield well but the amount you need to supply as fertiliser can vary widely. Getting it right is important for your business and for the environment. Too much nitrogen can promote the formation of antinutritional compounds and if these are ingested by stock, they can cause health issues. To reduce the chance of this happening, take the time to determine exactly what you need and when you need it. If in doubt, ask for advice from a fertiliser expert. Soil testing is the first step to understanding your nitrogen requirements. This will give you a measure of current soil nitrogen levels, which you can use alongside an estimation of yield to determine the amount of nitrogen you need to supply as fertiliser. The previous uses of your paddock will have a large impact on the soil nitrogen reservoir. Paddocks coming out of long-term pasture can release substantial amounts of nitrogen as the organic matter in the soil breaks down. Nitrogen reserves will be a lot lower in paddocks coming out of crops. Once you have your soil test results to hand, you can ask your Ballance Field
Consultant to use the Ballance Brassica Calculator to help determine the rates and timing of your applications. It will allow you to try out different scenarios so you can see what will result in the optimal outcome for your crop, both in terms of yield and financial return. The timing of your applications will depend on the crop you are growing. Typically, some nitrogen will have been included in the starter fertiliser. Postemergence nitrogen is normally applied at canopy closure, around 4 to 6 weeks after sowing. For longer maturing crops, like swedes, you may follow this up with a second application around 8 to 12 weeks after sowing. Two applications (split applications) are also good practice when you are applying higher rates of nitrogen. If you are growing a crop that will be grazed multiple times, a post-grazing application will help your
crop to recover. In most cases, SustaiN will be the best product to use. This is particularly true when broadcasting fertiliser. Recent Ballance research has shown that if at least 5-10mm of rain is not guaranteed within 8 hours of an application then you risk losing significant amounts of nitrogen through ammonia volatilisation. Using SustaiN will reduce this loss by almost 50 percent, on average. Rather than being lost to the atmosphere, this nitrogen will stay in the soil, where it can be used by your crop. For more help in determining the rate and timing of nitrogen applications to best support your brassica crop, talk to your local Farmlands representative. Article supplied by Ballance Agri-Nutrients.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | Š December 2014. All rights reserved.
At the forefront of weed control Roundup ULTRA®MAX is a 570 grams active glyphosate formulation, delivering great weed control with fewer drums required.
rapid uptake by the weed, delivering faster translocation to the roots, leading to faster brown-out. This is supported by a 20 minute commercial rainfast offer when used with an approved penetrant*. Sprayed paddocks can be grazed, cultivated or drilled just 24 hours after spraying for annual weeds and 3 days for perennial weeds.
Featuring a high load, low viscosity and low foam formulation, you spend less time filling up and get your spraying done faster. Roundup ULTRA MAX has a vast range of tank mix options and compatibilities, providing the flexibility to control a broad spectrum of weeds in one pass. The highest loading and unique surfactant system combine to make Roundup ULTRA MAX the most powerful liquid knockdown.
• Fully loaded. Trusted to work. • Flexible paddock management. • Commercial 20 minute rainfast offer.* For more information, please talk to the friendly team at your local Farmlands store.
The unique surfactant system ensures
Article supplied by Sinochem.
*Roundup ULTRA®MAX, when used in tank mixtures with an approved penetrant, should deliver commercially acceptable weed control even if moderate rain occurs just 20 daylight minutes after spraying. Sinochem Australia will replace up to 100 percent of your initial use amount of Roundup ULTRA MAX for re-treatment if a commercially acceptable weed control result is not achieved. For enquiries, visit This offer is in addition to other rights available to the consumer under the law. The product label should be consulted before use of Roundup ULTRA MAX and where required seek professional advice. Roundup and Roundup ULTRA are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC used under licence by Sinochem Australia. © 2014 Sinochem Australia.
New insecticide helps integrated pest management Farmlands Technical Field Representatives were able to implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach in fodder brassica crops this past season, thanks to the introduction of new insecticide chemistry. DuPont™ Exirel® insecticide had its first year of commercial release last season for the control of key caterpillar pests such as diamondback moth, cabbage white butterfly and soybean looper, plus European leaf miner. It also offers suppression of grey cabbage aphids.
“It did a great job,” he says. “It controlled the key pests, right down into the plants’ crown area. It stopped the pest loading on the crop, which was fantastic.” He says the insecticide had the added advantage of leaving beneficial insects in the crop, to continue to work against the target pests.
Exirel® impressed with its performance and its ability to leave beneficial insects in the crop.
Scott McIlroy, from Farmlands Darfield, says Exirel® insecticide was used extensively in the local area last season.
“With the good bugs that are left cleaning up the pest bugs, you are not going in with another spray. It is highly beneficial to the clients.”
Stuart Evans of Farmlands Invercargill says the retention of beneficial insects in the crop has been an interesting development with the use of DuPont™ Exirel® insecticide. “A lot more guys are focusing on more sustainable farming and anything they can do for the environment, they are quite keen to do,” he says. “These guys aren’t touchy, feely, greenie people – but they still like to be doing something that is seen to be of benefit to the environment. Exirel® is an important tool we can use early with confidence and let Mother Nature help us achieve clean crops.” Article supplied by DuPont New Zealand Limited.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | © December 2014. All rights reserved.
A calculated approach to brassica nitrogen A good supply of nitrogen is essential for brassica crops to yield well but the amount you need to supply as fertiliser can vary widely. Getting it right is important for your business and for the environment. Too much nitrogen can promote the formation of antinutritional compounds and if these are ingested by stock, they can cause health issues. To reduce the chance of this happening, take the time to determine exactly what you need and when you need it. If in doubt, ask for advice from a fertiliser expert. Soil testing is the first step to understanding your nitrogen requirements. This will give you a measure of current soil nitrogen levels, which you can use alongside an estimation of yield to determine the amount of nitrogen you need to supply as fertiliser. The previous uses of your paddock will have a large impact on the soil nitrogen reservoir. Paddocks coming out of long-term pasture can release substantial amounts of nitrogen as the organic matter in the soil breaks down. Nitrogen reserves will be a lot lower in paddocks coming out of crops. Once you have your soil test results to hand, you can ask your Ballance Field
Consultant to use the Ballance Brassica Calculator to help determine the rates and timing of your applications. It will allow you to try out different scenarios so you can see what will result in the optimal outcome for your crop, both in terms of yield and financial return. The timing of your applications will depend on the crop you are growing. Typically, some nitrogen will have been included in the starter fertiliser. Postemergence nitrogen is normally applied at canopy closure, around 4 to 6 weeks after sowing. For longer maturing crops, like swedes, you may follow this up with a second application around 8 to 12 weeks after sowing. Two applications (split applications) are also good practice when you are applying higher rates of nitrogen. If you are growing a crop that will be grazed multiple times, a post-grazing application will help your
crop to recover. In most cases, SustaiN will be the best product to use. This is particularly true when broadcasting fertiliser. Recent Ballance research has shown that if at least 5-10mm of rain is not guaranteed within 8 hours of an application then you risk losing significant amounts of nitrogen through ammonia volatilisation. Using SustaiN will reduce this loss by almost 50 percent, on average. Rather than being lost to the atmosphere, this nitrogen will stay in the soil, where it can be used by your crop. For more help in determining the rate and timing of nitrogen applications to best support your brassica crop, talk to your local Farmlands representative. Article supplied by Ballance Agri-Nutrients.
Farmlands Co-operative Society Limited | Š December 2014. All rights reserved.