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Digital Edition
CrossStar Vol. 1, Issue #1 - July 2016. Digital Edition. Published by Crucidel Productions. Copyright Š 2010 Crucidel Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. All characters, events, and institutions depicted herein are fictional. Any similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, events, and/or institutions in this publication to actual names, characters, and persons, whether living or dead, events, and/or institutions is unintended and coincidental. For the latest CrossStar information, visit the Crucidel Productions website www.Crucidel.com or the Crucidel Facebook Fan Page at www.facebook.com/Crucidel.
olumes 1-3 Volumes oF the the Knightingail nightingail oF Saga aga Now ow Available vailable from Creator reator from Wayne ayne Gardiner ardiner & & rucidel Productions roductions Crucidel
It’s simple really. The British don’t belong here. They are a plague. We’re the cure. We will purify this British plague by blade, arrow, and blazing guns. That’s why we call ourselves ...
The PuriFires
From Comic Creator,
Wayne Gardiner
After a cripPling beating by thugs requiring 2 years of physical therapy to recover, Basil BurRoughs, a former BroOklyn police detective, IS persuaded by his wife to take a desk job in a smalL New Jersey suburb. he only has a few years of service left before he can retire and live hapPily ever after with his wife. unfortunately, fate has a difFerent plan for him. On his first day at his new police station, a caped crusader atTacks the ofFicers leaving alL but basil wounded and unconscious. he then escapes with clasSified data files retrieved from the police computers. Who is this mysterious crusader with super human fighting abilities? Join Detective Basil BurRoughs as he searches for the truth behind CrosSStar!
Check out alL of our Comic BoOk series at wWw.Crucidel.com