Issue #0 Con Exclusive
Presented by PRODUCTIONS
Wayne Gardiner Artist Ron Adrian Colorist Katrina Mae Hao Lettering Wayne Gardiner Assistant Editor
Cara Nicole
The PuriFires: Introduction Issue 0: You Don’t Belong
Welcome to the premiere issue of The PuriFires comic book. What you hold in your hands is a work of historical fiction. In essence that means that to the highest extent possible, the events, locations, persons, and objects in this comic are historically accurate to time of the American Revolution. The main characters themselves and their interaction in this historical world is entirely fictional. They are, however, based on real nationalities and portray realistic sentiments of those persons if they were involved in the events they find themselves. Though fictional, their clothes, accessories, and capabilities are consistent with what was feasible in the 18th century. And YES, their awesome weapons are based on advanced prototype technology availble in that time period. History is cool! Cover A: Ron Adrian & Katrina Mae
Covers B-E: Livia Pastore & Ula Mos THE PURIFIRES Vol. 1, Issue 0 - February 2016. Published by Crucidel Productions. Copyright © 2014 Crucidel Productions, LLC. All rights reserved. THE PURIFIRES (including all prominent characters featured herein), it’s logo, and all character likenesses are copyright and trademarks of Crucidel Productions unless otherwise noted. Printed in the United States. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means (except for short excerpts for review purposes) without the express written permission of Crucidel Productions. Some names, characters, events, and locales in this publication are based on United States history. The main characters are purefuly fictional. For the latest information on THE PURIFIRES comic book, visit the Crucidel Facebook Fan Page or the CrucidelProductions website at
December 1775. British occupied fort near Boston.
Captain Benjamin Bailey.
He may be British, but his blood boils against the occupying British forces with the passion of an Iroquois warrior.
He knows the mission … He’s one I don’t have to worry about.
… he knows what needs to be done …
… and he knows how to execute. Since he’s a former decorated captain in the British army, I would expect no less.
But even the best laid plan by General Gage himself is nothing more than a guideline once an operation starts.
Come on, Bailey. Turn around. It is too early to take a shot.
Whew, got him. And now after the third body is stashed, he is safe inside the warehouse. He should be able to handle himself until the real fun begins.
So now Eagle and I can relax for a minute.Eagle is the right name for her. I cannot believe Mr. Franklin wanted to call my special rifle - turkey. He sure has some strange fixation with turkeys. I told him I was not going to name her after some bird I can eat.
Her design evolved over many trials we conducted over years. He brought the science, and I brought the weapon. The spyglass lenses on the barrel were all Franklin’s idea. He’s very gifted at inventions, even creating the steam brace for my leg that lets me walk normally with my injury. We riffled the barrel, gave the shots a point to make them fly farther and straighter. The firing mechanism was modified to support faster shots and reloading.
I never thought I would need to use Eagle in a war, though.
Wake up Clemense. It’s time for the main actress to enter the scene.
Filthy British. I insist you let me speak to the fort commander. On second thought, I demand to see General Gage.
Anastasia Aurora.
Now that dear lady is definitely the wild horse in this mission. I must protest again.
I didn’t grant your last hundred protests, and I won’t grant this one.
General Gage has a war to command and is not interested in your protests. Please come down.
Your ale wiLL squelch my men’s thirst for the entire winter. It remains here.
You have no right to confiscate my property.
Soldier, there are rules of engagement that must be followed. Decorum.
Fine. I’m a business pay me a Woman. fair price, unload my wagon, and I’ll be on my way.
Unhand me!
You wiLL leave this fort now and walk home. Be glad that we don’t lock you up. Or have you forgoTTen that we British don’t like you French?
Maybe we should just kEEp her for some adult entertainment during the winter. You would NOT dare!
You disgust me.
MiSS, leave now, or I wiLL let them have you.
No, I will not let you do this!
Hey, who are you? Where did you come from?
Just what do yah think yah doing? That was mah perfect ale fuse. Lit it from all the way outside the fort, I did.
Like I said, she’s a wild horse. To make matters worse, here comes the horse trainer.
And now a German? Did I miSS an invitation to a European cotiLLion?
That fuse would have blown up my wagon.
It would have killed my horses. Killing my horses was not part of the plan.
Yes, it was!
ALL right, I have heard enough. Both oF you are going to be detained and thrown in the stockade.
Yes, and? That WAS the plan.
No, it wasn’t. Yes, it was!! They’re just horses. You – or maybe that other you – were there when we Discussed blowing up the wagon.
Uh Oh, Should notah done that.
Stop her!
My precious stallions, you are coming with me, Hiyah!
Here, hold thEsE for me.
What is this?
HuRRy, there was some kind of explosion at the warehouse.
Close the gates so she can’t escape, and shoot her!
That was shot from up on that cliFF. Riflemen, line up. Take aim. And our last cast members have now entered the play.
ARGH! Up There!
These aRRows must be coming from a rogue Indian.
There’s only one. KiLL her!
Where’d she go.
Oh, boys!
Hey! How’d you get Behind us?
I love confusing soldiers like that, sister.
Ijit invaders. How the likes of these murdered our tribe, I'll never know.
Now let’s join the fun in the courtyard.
No challenge here. I’m not even breaking a sweat with you Redcoats.
Not very honorable. sucker punch from behind.
no honor is deserved for a turncoat HeSSian like you.
He's no HeSSian. He was born in this land. Go, Volday! You're the invaders. Get that wagon back in here! I’LL take care of this one.
ALL right. I deserved that. Let's forget the tricks and fight man to man.
By the King's might.
Fine. But where are you going to find a real man.
Heh Heh.
Red warriors, you terrible. Don’t they train you in hand to hand combat where you come from?
We prefer more advanced fighting methods.
Want to sEE what a buLLet can do?
Great shot, Clemense! Nice to know we have someone watching out for us.
Too bad it's not Aurora!
Move over, dumpling. Driving out of control wagons is man's work.
Why do you have to make everything so difficult?
It’s the way of the French.
Keep them off of us. I’m heading for the warehouse.
I’m not letting you blow up my horses!
I’ll make a sharp left before the doors. Just cut us loose when 'ay tell ya. That’s just crazy!
I love crazy.
Jump for it!
Now! Slash the beam!
Traitor, You’re already defeated, Like everyone else in your country. SuRRender!
The only way to defeat us wiLL be to kiLL every last one of us. And that’s not gonna’ happen.
I don’t understand. We’re just a supply depot. Why aTTack us?
Gawd, NooO!
It is simple really
The British don’t belong here.
We will purify this British plague by our blades, arrows, and blazing guns. That’s why we call ourselves ...
They are a plague upon this land. We are the cure.
The PuriFires
It’s simple really. The British don’t belong here. They are a plague. We’re the cure. We will purify this British plague by blade, arrow, and blazing guns. That’s why we call ourselves ...
The PuriFires
From Comic Creator,
Wayne Gardiner