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LAST WORDS from the Editors
Amelia and Robert Green
As the new co-editors of Voyages, we began our tenure just as COVID-19 restrictions were re-instated and Omicron introduced itself. A level of uncertainty left many sailors with difficult decisions. The sense of wanderlust, dampened by PCR tests, proof of vaccinations, and entry into foreign ports questionable, forced many to remain in local waters.
Our expectations to explore the inner workings of Voyages with the outgoing editors, Zdenka and Jack Griswold, were dampened as COVID-19 took away our ability to have inperson meetings. Instead, we used the virtual door of Zoom to exchange information and begin to settle into the job. Like the Griswolds, neither of us had been involved in magazine publishing, but we soon discovered the excitement associated with turning words and images into a published article. The experience was magical.
We discovered COVID-19 didn’t limit the imagination. Our inbox began to fill. Stories of adventure in distant and local waters, as well as yarns from the past, were worthy of retelling. Jack Griswold’s “An Unexpected Maine Cruise” and John Bullard’s “In Praise of The Familiar” reminded us that there’s beauty to be found close to home. There were travel narratives from Ellen Massey Leonard, Ginger and Peter Niemann, Baird Tewksbury, and first-time contributor Brendan Huffman, who took us to Hawaii on board Siren for the singlehanded Transpac Race. Bill Strassberg sent an important article about the “Culture of Safety,” and Mindy Gunther interviewed boat designer Mark Ellis. The range of submissions was capped with a unique article, a watercolor essay by Gretchen Dieck Biemesderfer. Her paintings of an ocean sunrise or a Maine lighthouse suggest a “pleasant symmetry” between sailing and watercolor painting. Her stunning work will stay with you.
Turning the written word turn into a published piece happens with a team, and CCA is fortunate to have four professionals who excel at their job. Virginia M. Wright of Camden, Maine, a tireless proofreader and editor, was often the first person we turned to. Her sharp eyes, command of the written word, and humor put our relationship on good footing.
Claire MacMaster of Barefoot Art Graphic Design is our head designer, who not only designs articles but is responsible for making the magazine print-ready. Her attentiveness to detail and vast experience gives Voyages its reputation as the National Geographic of sailing.
Hillary Steinau of Camden Design Group 2 and artist Tara Law ✧ bring their unique styles to the articles. Each designer uses a specific symbol that allows the reader to know who was responsible for the design. Professional, creative, confident. What a combination!
Often, a second pair of eyes helped identify something we may have missed. Many thanks to club members Amy Jordan, Lynnie Bruce, Max Fletcher, and David Pratt who stepped in when asked to help.
The responsibility for Final Voyages took on a personal meaning when Maggie Salter offered to stay during our first year. Now it is time to say thank you to Maggie, thank you for tracking down the obituaries of station mates, which provide closure for friends. You know how much this job means to our members.
Voyages is all about you, CCA members who take the time to write and share stunning stories. We invite you to contribute to the 2023 edition of Voyages. You will enjoy being part of the magic!