Sailing Wackadoo The Bahamas
By Adam Deem
e made it! Crystal clear waters, warm air, blue skies, pristine beaches, and ample peace and quiet; now this is why we started sailing in the first place. Learning to sail, buying a suitable sailboat, refitting and outfitting the boat for cruising, and undertaking our first real cruise has all led up to this. We’re tired, but we finally made it here. After four hard weeks of nearly nonstop travel down the ICW, crossing to the Bahamas, and transiting across the Northeast Bahamas, we’re finally in the Exumas — and it is glorious to be sitting here in the cockpit, sipping rum as the sun begins to set over a beautiful anchorage. This is what we’ve been waiting for. To say the trip has been a bit more effort than we had anticipated is a bit of an understatement; but so far there have been no major calamities and just one near miss (see “A Bad Day Off Georgia” in Issue 33). Most of our equipment is in good working order and we are here, anchored off gorgeous Norman’s Cay with only a few other boats. We have sun and sand, warm water with small reefs, and an airplane wreck to snorkel.
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pg 45-51 Sailing Wackadoo In The Bahamas - MKC.indd 1
Latitudes & Attitudes 45 1/26/21 11:14 AM