Latitudes & Attitudes #38 Spring 2022 25th Anniversary Issue

Page 48

Be the

fter si ho rs on a s efore steppin o into the s or hin entra meri an noon heat wa ed for what seemed i e a es a ross a rid e and down a tin dirt path whi h ed to the stoms e at the order of osta i a and anama. t onsisted of fo r wa s a ement floor a ta e not a des and one hair ehind it sat the stoms o er. he as ed to oo at m passport informed me that anama no on er har es an entran e fee whi h sed to e and instr ted me to pro eed to mmi ration. 48 Latitudes & Attitudes

pg 48-54 Be The Captain - MKC.indd 2

W W W .L AT S A T T S . C O M

1/28/22 4:44 PM

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