May 2023 Battlelines Newsletter

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May 2023

Speaking Out in California Against Blasphemous Movie Rally Captain Philip Calder held two Rosary Rallies of Reparation in San Jose and San Francisco, California, to take a stand against the blasphemous film, The Devil Conspiracy. Many TFP-ANF friends and supporters attended the rally and handed out fliers to people entering the movie theaters to encourage others to peacefully and legally protest this sacriligious movie. In San Jose, the participants remained steadfast in prayer despite a continual rainstorm. Philip shared a wonderful story from the San Francisco rally: “A very good reaction came at the

America Needs Fatima P.O. Box 341, Hanover, PA 17331

beginning from a young lady who was sitting in her car right in front of our protest. She watched us calmly for a while. When we spoke with her, she became progressively interested in what we were doing, and in maintaining the institution of the family, as she had a young family of her own. She was very willing to be contacted in the future,” he said.

Sign up to host your own legal, peaceful protest rosary rally by calling 844-830-3570 or mailing (844) 830-3570

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