June 2023 Battlelines Newsletter

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June 2023

Preserving Traditional Catholicism Many TFP-ANF supporters held a Rosary Rally of Reparation against the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (REC) and its progressive agenda. The REC is known for welcoming dissident speakers and hosting progressive liturgical events and prayer services. TFP-ANF supporters Michael Whitcraft and Thomas Villalobos felt compelled to speak out because they knew REC was going to “contain enough problematic speakers to ensure that confusion and error will reign once again, leaving many attendees bewildered concerning the time-honored truths and practices America Needs Fatima P.O. Box 341, Hanover, PA 17331 Protest@TFP.org

of the Faith. The tragedy this represents should not be underestimated considering the devastated condition of the Church in America.” They added, “The REC represents a scandal that must be resisted. It is an offense to God and a danger to souls redeemed by His infinitely precious Blood. If traditional Catholicism was set at liberty with full Church support, its expansion would shock the world and renew the face of the earth. ”

Sign up to host your own legal, peaceful protest rosary rally by calling 844-830-3570 or mailing Protest@TFP.org

www.ANF.org (844) 830-3570

Nationwide Rosary Rallies Are Contributing to Paranormal Cirque Cancellations The power of prayer works! TFP-ANF supporters across the country have held Rosary Rallies of Reparation against the diabolical Paranormal Cirque and have seen many of these evil shows canceled as a result of the peaceful protests. One successful protest was held at Saucon Valley Middle School in Hellertown, Pennsylvania. In San Jose, California, a Rosary Rally group prayed at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds after three shows were canceled there. During the rally, they held a banner that read, “We are one nation under God where Satanism has no place!” Rally Captain Philip said, “We immediately interpreted this as a victory against the evil which was forced to step back because of all the protests of the [rosary] groups around the country! The protest concluded with much enthusiasm in our participants, who were

grateful to offer reparation to Our Lord and Our Lady.” You can speak out against these shows, too! Contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570 or email him at Protest@TFP.org and he will help you organize a Rosary Rally.

“The most deadly poison of our times is indifference. And this happens, although the praise of God should know no limits. Let us strive, therefore, to praise Him to the greatest extent of our powers.” – ST. MAXIMILIAN KOLBE


“Speak to Him often of your business, your plans, your troubles, your fears – of everything that concerns you.” – SAINT ALPHONSUS LIGUORI


Stopping Satan in Our Schools With God and Our Lady behind us, we continue to thwart Satan and stop After School Satan Clubs. Many peaceful and legal Rosary Rallies of Reparation have already taken place this year outside schools across the country, including in Ohio, California and Illinois. Rally Captain Steve has hosted more than a dozen rallies this year against the After School Satan Club at B.M. Williams High School in Chesapeake, Virginia. Our voices are being heard! At Saucon Valley Middle School

outside Hellertown, Pennsylvania, the first After School Satan Club meeting was canceled. Last year, TFP-ANF supporters held two rallies in the Northern York School District in York, Pennsylvania, and saw the school board vote 8 to 1 to deny Satanists their proposed club - thanks to outspoken, prayerful opposition. This is powerful evidence that Rosary Rallies work! Contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570 or email him at Protest@ TFP.org and he will help you organize your own rally.

Protests Against Drag Queen Story Hour Make a Difference The voices of dedicated Rosary Rally Captains are being heard as they host peaceful protest rallies against Drag Queen Story Hour and other Drag Queen events. Each rally is making a difference because the participants are answering Our Lady’s call for public prayer and helping to stop these sinful events. Last fall, Drag Queen events in Illinois, Idaho, Texas and Washington were canceled due to the power of prayer and public outcry. Recently, Rally Captain Noemi held two Rosary Rallies in Maryland to protest DQSH events, including one at a library. She said, “God and our Lady of Fatima protected us from any harm that could happen to us. Thank you for the opportunity to intercede for those poor helpless children!” 3

Rally Captain Jacqueline also held a successful rally against a DQSH in Cedar Park, Texas. You can answer Our Lady’s call and host your own peaceful, legal Rosary Rally! Contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570 or email him at Protest@TFP.org and he will help you organize it.

Supporters Hold Monthly Rosary Rally in Orlando, Florida Dozens of TFP-ANF supporters gathered for a monthly Rosary Rally in downtown Orlando, Florida, to pray for the preservation of Traditional Marriage. The rally was organized by Rally Captain Patrick and regular attendees Norman and Ron were among those present. Norman said many passers-by showed support for the rally. He was pleased to see such a large crowd had gathered to pray in opposition to the LGBTQ’s sinful, unholy concept of marriage being made acceptable in society. “As they say, ‘There is strength in numbers,’ which

explains the enthusiasm of the participants after the event was over. There were many TFP friends who came up to speak and the conversation lasted for some time,” he said. “We cannot always attend because of schedule conflicts but it is worth mentioning that Ron has commented in the past how the members who are dressed in suits and ties add a dignity and professionalism to the event.” It’s easy to host your own legal, peaceful rally! Contact Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570 or email him at Protest@TFP.org and he will help you organize it.

From the desk of

by these sinful events. But I find hope in Jesus’ words from Matthew’s Gospel (11:28): “Come to me, all you that labor, and are burdened, and I will refresh you.”

Robert E. Ritchie

The Heart of Jesus – and our devotion to His Body and Blood – are at the center of our Catholic Faith. That’s why it’s imperative that we speak up and say that June belongs to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, not homosexual pride! We celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 16 to give honor and glory for the absolute love, compassion and long-suffering the Heart of Christ offers for humanity. But, for too long, June has been taken over by those with an LGBTQ agenda. They are using this most holy and sacred month to host Pride Masses – including many at Catholic churches – pride events and other LGBTQ-themed activities like Drag Queen Story Hours. My heart is heavy at the thought of Jesus being overshadowed

I know you share my faith in Jesus Christ and the power of prayer. Sign up today to become a Rally Captain and host a peaceful Rosary Rally of Reparation. Gather your family and friends and pray a Rosary in public on any weekend in June to show your devotion to His Most Sacred Heart! It’s simple: Fill out the Confirmation Receipt enclosed with this issue, go to https://americaneedsfatima.org/june-rally-captainsign-up?pkg=WEBRC2306B and use the code WEBRC2306B or email Protest@TFP.org. Please join me in honoring the heart of Jesus as a symbol of God’s boundless and passionate love for mankind. Sincerely, In Jesus and Mary, Robert E. Ritchie Executive Director


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