America Needs Fatima ®
November/December 2023
hie From the Desk of Robert Ritc Dear Soldier of Our Lady,
ve Christ out of re intense. Some simply lea mo wn gro ely lat s ha as billboards with The war on Christm emous ways and even rent sph bla d an ly ug in Him ake Christmas Christmas. Others attack , dump the myth,” and, “M rry me the ep “Ke as, ges such blasphemous messa great again—skip church.” the Holy Family. our own message of love for h wit nd po res ’s let s, ack rosary rally on To counter these att tmas: a Christmas-centered ris Ch s thi l cia spe y ver r the Infant Jesus. We are doing something h in a public place to hono 25t the to up g din lea ber any weekend in Decem pray the rosary in her a group of friends and gat is ly ral ary ros a ld ho special manuals, All you need to do to we will send you a banner, ly, ral l sfu ces suc a e hav a public place. To help you and other materials. 12, or sign up at, call (866) 584-60 y@ all yR sar Ro ail e-m t Jus It’s easy to sign up. lly-captain-sign-up. an ric me //a ps: htt k: lin s thi I hope you will d our nation back to God. lea lp he l wil ca eri Am to t and help keep Restoring Christmas public rosary rally this Adven a do l wil I s, “Ye , say d an join hundreds of others Christ in Christmas!” Christmas cheer spread the glad tidings of you as you on up ile sm May the Christ Child r community. you to
Sincerely, In Jesus and Mary,
Robert E. Ritchie, Executive Director
C r u s a d e
N o v e m b e r / D e c e m b e r
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