2 minute read
America Needs Fatima ® Progress Report
From the Desk of Robert Ritchie
Dear Soldier of Our Lady,
The war on Christmas has lately grown more intense. Some simply leave Christ out of Christmas. Others attack Him in ugly and blasphemous ways and even rent billboards with such blasphemous messages as, “Keep the merry, dump the myth,” and, “Make Christmas great again—skip church.”
To counter these attacks, let’s respond with our own message of love for the Holy Family. We are doing something very special this Christmas: a Christmas-centered rosary rally on any weekend in December leading up to the 25th in a public place to honor the Infant Jesus.
All you need to do to hold a rosary rally is gather a group of friends and pray the rosary in a public place. To help you have a successful rally, we will send you a banner, special manuals, and other materials.
It’s easy to sign up. Just e-mail RosaryRally@ANF.org, call (866) 584-6012, or sign up at this link: https://americaneedsfatima.org/december-rally-captain-sign-up.
Restoring Christmas to America will help lead our nation back to God. I hope you will join hundreds of others and say, “Yes, I will do a public rosary rally this Advent and help keep Christ in Christmas!”
May the Christ Child smile upon you as you spread the glad tidings of Christmas cheer to your community.
In Jesus and Mary,
Robert E. Ritchie, Executive Director